torikushiii / hoyolab-auto

Auto check-in and others for any Hoyoverse games
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
75 stars 17 forks source link

Running this on mac #15

Closed the-jason-json closed 2 months ago

the-jason-json commented 2 months ago

I managed to install Git and Node.js, but running npm install gives me:

jason@Jasons-MacBook ~ % npm install
npm error code EEXIST
npm error syscall mkdir
npm error path /Users/jason/.npm/_cacache/content-v2/sha512/a6/58
npm error errno EEXIST
npm error Invalid response body while trying to fetch EACCES: permission denied, mkdir '/Users/jason/.npm/_cacache/content-v2/sha512/a6/58'
npm error File exists: /Users/jason/.npm/_cacache/content-v2/sha512/a6/58
npm error Remove the existing file and try again, or run npm
npm error with --force to overwrite files recklessly.
npm error A complete log of this run can be found in: /Users/jason/.npm/_logs/2024-07-07T09_55_11_511Z-debug-0.log

this is after I copied the 'package.json' file over to User>jason, since the previous error was

jason@Jasons-MacBook ~ % npm install
npm error code ENOENT
npm error syscall open
npm error path /Users/jason/package.json
npm error errno -2
npm error enoent Could not read package.json: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/jason/package.json'
npm error enoent This is related to npm not being able to find a file.
npm error enoent
npm error A complete log of this run can be found in: /Users/jason/.npm/_logs/2024-07-07T09_47_54_261Z-debug-0.log

I tried doing some of the solutions online, but none of them fixed anything (Sorry, this is kinda my first time cloning a repository and doing these stuff, so I apologize if this is a stupid question and there's a stupidly easy solution)

Oh yeah running node index.js gives this error:

jason@Jasons-MacBook ~ % node index.js
  throw err;

Error: Cannot find module '/Users/jason/index.js'
    at Module._resolveFilename (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1145:15)
    at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:986:27)
    at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (node:internal/modules/run_main:174:12)
    at node:internal/main/run_main_module:28:49 {
  requireStack: []

Node.js v20.15.0

Ty if you see this (idk how github works)

torikushiii commented 2 months ago

it seems your errors are related to directory issue, are you sure you're running the commands at the hoyolab-auto folder? Because currently you're running the commands outside the hoyolab-auto folder

the-jason-json commented 2 months ago

Oh that does get past some stuff, but now there's this:

jason@Jasons-MacBook hoyolab-auto % npm start

> start
> node index.js

  throw err;

Error: Cannot find module 'keyv'
Require stack:
- /Users/jason/hoyolab-auto/singleton/cache.js
- /Users/jason/hoyolab-auto/index.js
    at Module._resolveFilename (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1145:15)
    at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:986:27)
    at Module.require (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1233:19)
    at require (node:internal/modules/helpers:179:18)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/jason/hoyolab-auto/singleton/cache.js:1:14)
    at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1358:14)
    at Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1416:10)
    at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1208:32)
    at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1024:12)
    at Module.require (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1233:19) {
  requireStack: [

Node.js v20.15.0
torikushiii commented 2 months ago

now try running npm install and it should be good to go

the-jason-json commented 2 months ago

Uh, I'm not sure how to read this all, but I tried install keyv, and tried npm install again:

jason@Jasons-MacBook hoyolab-auto % npm install
npm error code EACCES
npm error syscall open
npm error path /Users/jason/.npm/_cacache/index-v5/fd/0c/a4b3accc4f18b725fff2647e76f009d3f015e7ad7584ee188e4cb0526cca
npm error errno EACCES
npm error
npm error Your cache folder contains root-owned files, due to a bug in
npm error previous versions of npm which has since been addressed.
npm error
npm error To permanently fix this problem, please run:
npm error   sudo chown -R 501:20 "/Users/jason/.npm"

npm error A complete log of this run can be found in: /Users/jason/.npm/_logs/2024-07-07T11_27_34_401Z-debug-0.log
jason@Jasons-MacBook hoyolab-auto % sudo chown -R 501:20 "/Users/jason/.npm"
jason@Jasons-MacBook hoyolab-auto % npm install
npm warn deprecated inflight@1.0.6: This module is not supported, and leaks memory. Do not use it. Check out lru-cache if you want a good and tested way to coalesce async requests by a key value, which is much more comprehensive and powerful.
npm warn deprecated @humanwhocodes/config-array@0.11.14: Use @eslint/config-array instead
npm warn deprecated rimraf@3.0.2: Rimraf versions prior to v4 are no longer supported
npm warn deprecated glob@7.2.3: Glob versions prior to v9 are no longer supported
npm warn deprecated @humanwhocodes/object-schema@2.0.3: Use @eslint/object-schema instead

added 312 packages, and audited 313 packages in 2s

71 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

3 vulnerabilities (1 low, 2 high)

To address all issues, run:
  npm audit fix --force

Run `npm audit` for details.
jason@Jasons-MacBook hoyolab-auto % npm start

> start
> node index.js

        throw new Error({ message: "No default or custom configuration found." });

Error: No default or custom configuration found.
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/jason/hoyolab-auto/index.js:23:9)
    at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1358:14)
    at Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1416:10)
    at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1208:32)
    at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1024:12)
    at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (node:internal/modules/run_main:174:12)
    at node:internal/main/run_main_module:28:49 {
  [cause]: undefined

Node.js v20.15.0

Idk if i messed up something by install a ton of random stuff ;-;

torikushiii commented 2 months ago

You're doing just fine! npm install means it's installing the required packages to run this script, and you've successfully installed all the necessary packages.

Regarding the last error that says No default or custom configuration found, do you see any file named default.config.js or did you create a file named config.js?

the-jason-json commented 2 months ago

Thank you for being so patient with me btw

image image

I did rename the original default.config.js file to config.js

torikushiii commented 2 months ago

Interesting... can you go to the index.js file which is this one


and find then find this line if you're comfortable with it

then edit/paste this code to the mentioned line above

 let config; 
 try { 
    config = require("./config.js"); 
 catch { 
    try { 
        config = require("./default.config.js"); 
    catch (e) {
        throw new Error({ message: "No default or custom configuration found.", args: { e } });
the-jason-json commented 2 months ago

Alright done, I edited /Users/jason/hoyolab-auto/index.js to change the error message to the new one

let config;
try {
    config = require("./config.js");
catch {
    try {
        config = require("./default.config.js");
    catch {
        throw new Error({ message: "No default or custom configuration found.", args: { e } });
torikushiii commented 2 months ago

uh, you're missing (e) at the catch it should like this catch (e)

or you can just select all, remove everything from that file, then paste this one and try running it again.

const Command = require("./classes/command.js");
const Config = require("./classes/config.js");
const Got = require("./classes/got.js");

const Cache = require("./singleton/cache.js");
const Logger = require("./singleton/logger.js");
const Utils = require("./singleton/utils.js");

const HoyoLab = require("./hoyolab-modules/template.js");
const Platform = require("./platforms/template.js");

const Error = require("./object/error.js");

let config;
try {
    config = require("./config.js");
catch {
    try {
        config = require("./default.config.js");
    catch (e) {
        throw new Error({ message: "No default or custom configuration found.", args: { e } });

(async () => {
    const start = process.hrtime.bigint();

    const platformsConfig = config.platforms;
    if (!platformsConfig || platformsConfig.length === 0) {
        console.warn("No platforms configured! Exiting.");
    } = {


        Got: await Got.initialize(),
        Cache: new Cache(),
        Logger: new Logger(config.loglevel),
        Utils: new Utils()
    };"Client", "Loading configuration data");
    Config.load(config);"Client", `Loaded ${} configuration entries`);

    const platforms = new Set();
    for (const definition of platformsConfig) {
        if (! {
            app.Logger.warn("Client", `Skipping ${definition.type} platform (inactive)`);

        platforms.add(Platform.create(definition.type, definition));

    const { loadCommands } = require("./commands/index.js");
    const commands = await loadCommands();
    await Command.importData(commands.definitions);

    const { initCrons } = require("./crons/index.js");

    const accountsConfig = config.accounts;
    if (!accountsConfig || accountsConfig.length === 0) {
        app.Logger.warn("Client", "No accounts configured! Exiting.");

    const accounts = new Set();
    for (const definition of accountsConfig) {
        if (! {
            app.Logger.warn("Client", `Skipping ${definition.type} account (inactive)`);

        accounts.add(HoyoLab.create(definition.type, definition));

    const definitions = require("./gots/index.js");
    await app.Got.importData(definitions); = {,

    const promises = [];
    for (const platform of platforms) {

    const hoyoPromises = [];
    for (const account of accounts) {

    await Promise.all(promises);
    await Promise.all(hoyoPromises);

    const end = process.hrtime.bigint();"Client", `Initialize completed (${Number(end - start) / 1e6}ms)`);

    process.on("unhandledRejection", (reason) => {
        if (!(reason instanceof Error)) {

        app.Logger.log("Client", {
            message: "Unhandled promise rejection",
            args: { reason }
the-jason-json commented 2 months ago

Ah I didn't see that, mb

let config;
try {
    config = require("./config.js");
catch {
    try {
        config = require("./default.config.js");
    catch (e) {
        throw new Error({ message: "No default or custom configuration found.", args: { e } });
torikushiii commented 2 months ago

now can you try running it again and see what error does it says?

the-jason-json commented 2 months ago
jason@Jasons-MacBook hoyolab-auto % npm start

> start
> node index.js

        throw new Error({ message: "No default or custom configuration found.", args: { e } });

Error: No default or custom configuration found.
- args: {"e":{"code":"MODULE_NOT_FOUND","requireStack":["/Users/jason/hoyolab-auto/index.js"]}}
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/jason/hoyolab-auto/index.js:23:9)
    at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1358:14)
    at Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1416:10)
    at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1208:32)
    at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1024:12)
    at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (node:internal/modules/run_main:174:12)
    at node:internal/main/run_main_module:28:49 {
  [cause]: undefined

Node.js v20.15.0
torikushiii commented 2 months ago

it seems that node doesn't detect the config file correctly for some reason. How about this, can you try creating default.config.js but keep your config.js file then paste your values from config.js file to default.config.js file

the-jason-json commented 2 months ago

I made a copy of config.js, and then renamed it default.config.js (both files are in /Users/jason/hoyolab-auto) That should be fine right? Also I ran it again and got this:

jason@Jasons-MacBook hoyolab-auto % npm start

> start
> node index.js

        throw new Error({ message: "No default or custom configuration found.", args: { e } });

Error: No default or custom configuration found.
- args: {"e":{}}
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/jason/hoyolab-auto/index.js:23:9)
    at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1358:14)
    at Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1416:10)
    at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1208:32)
    at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1024:12)
    at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (node:internal/modules/run_main:174:12)
    at node:internal/main/run_main_module:28:49 {
  [cause]: undefined

Node.js v20.15.0
torikushiii commented 2 months ago

does running node index.js instead npm start still give you the same issue? I'm starting to think this is a mac related issue and im currently trying to find a mac platform to debug it.

the-jason-json commented 2 months ago

I think so

jason@Jasons-MacBook hoyolab-auto % node index.js
        throw new Error({ message: "No default or custom configuration found.", args: { e } });

Error: No default or custom configuration found.
- args: {"e":{}}
    at Object.<anonymous> (/Users/jason/hoyolab-auto/index.js:23:9)
    at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1358:14)
    at Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1416:10)
    at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1208:32)
    at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1024:12)
    at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (node:internal/modules/run_main:174:12)
    at node:internal/main/run_main_module:28:49 {
  [cause]: undefined

Node.js v20.15.0
torikushiii commented 2 months ago

here's a quick work-around for the config file while i'm looking for solutions.

paste all of this code into index.js and fill your configs at the config object and let me know the result

const Command = require("./classes/command.js");
const Config = require("./classes/config.js");
const Got = require("./classes/got.js");

const Cache = require("./singleton/cache.js");
const Logger = require("./singleton/logger.js");
const Utils = require("./singleton/utils.js");

const HoyoLab = require("./hoyolab-modules/template.js");
const Platform = require("./platforms/template.js");

const Error = require("./object/error.js");

const config = {
    prefix: "-", // Command prefix, if you enable and have Discord bot
    loglevel: "info",
    userAgent: "Custom fork of HoyoLabAuto:",
    platforms: [
            id: 1,
            active: true,
            type: "discord", // This platform is optional, only use this if you have want to access commands via Discord bot
            botId: "123", // Your Discord bot ID
            token: "(YOUR_DISCORD_BOT_TOKEN)"
            id: 2,
            active: false, // Set to true if you want to enable Telegram bot
            type: "telegram",
            chatId: 123, // You can follow this guide to create a bot:
            token: "123456:ABC-DEF1234ghIkl-zyx57W2v1u123ew11",
            disableNotification: false // Set to true if you want to disable notification for Telegram bot (sounds, vibration, etc.)
            id: 3,
            active: true, // Set to true if you want to send notification to Discord webhook
            type: "webhook",
            url: "(YOUR_WEBHOOK_URL)" // You can follow this guide to create a webhook:
    accounts: [
            id: 1,
            active: false, // Set to true if you want to enable Honkai Impact 3rd
            type: "honkai",
            data: [
                    cookie: ""
            id: 2,
            active: true, // Set to true if you want to enable Genshin Impact
            type: "genshin",
            data: [
                    cookie: "",
                    // Enable this if you want to automatically redeem codes
                    // Please note that if you have multiple accounts in the different regions
                    // the code will be redeemed but you won't get the reward
                    // so please be careful when enabling this, and only enable it on the account that you want to redeem the code
                    redeemCode: false,
                    dailiesCheck: true, // Enable this if you want to get reminded to do your daily commissions
                    weekliesCheck: true, // Enable this if you want to get reminded to do your weeklies
                    realm: {
                        check: true,
                        persistent: false
                    stamina: {
                        check: false, // Enable this if you want to get notified when your stamina is above the threshold
                        threshold: 150, // Your stamina threshold, only fires notification when your stamina is above this value
                        persistent: false // Set to true if you want to get notified every time your stamina is above the threshold
                    expedition: {
                        check: false, // Enable this if you want to get notified when your expedition is done
                        persistent: false // Set to true if you want to get notified every time your expedition is done
            id: 3,
            active: true, // Set to true if you want to enable Honkai: Star Rail
            type: "starrail",
            data: [
                // If you have same account for both genshin and starrail
                // You can copy the cookie values from the genshin account
                // Same goes for any other game that will be supported in the future
                // Support multi-account for every type of game
                // Just add another object inside the data array
                // Account #1
                    cookie: "",
                    redeemCode: false,
                    dailiesCheck: true,
                    weekliesCheck: true,
                    stamina: {
                        check: true,
                        threshold: 230,
                        persistent: true
                    expedition: {
                        check: true,
                        persistent: false
                // Account #2
                // Delete this if you only have one account
                    cookie: "",
                    dailiesCheck: false,
                    weekliesCheck: false,
                    stamina: {
                        check: false,
                        threshold: 150,
                        persistent: false
                    expedition: {
                        check: false,
                        persistent: false
            id: 4,
            active: false,
            type: "zenless",
            data: [
                    cookie: "",
                    redeemCode: false,
                    shopStatus: false, // This will check if your shop has finished selling videos
                    dailiesCheck: true,
                    stamina: {
                        check: true,
                        threshold: 200,
                        persistent: false

(async () => {
    const start = process.hrtime.bigint();

    const platformsConfig = config.platforms;
    if (!platformsConfig || platformsConfig.length === 0) {
        console.warn("No platforms configured! Exiting.");
    } = {


        Got: await Got.initialize(),
        Cache: new Cache(),
        Logger: new Logger(config.loglevel),
        Utils: new Utils()
    };"Client", "Loading configuration data");
    Config.load(config);"Client", `Loaded ${} configuration entries`);

    const platforms = new Set();
    for (const definition of platformsConfig) {
        if (! {
            app.Logger.warn("Client", `Skipping ${definition.type} platform (inactive)`);

        platforms.add(Platform.create(definition.type, definition));

    const { loadCommands } = require("./commands/index.js");
    const commands = await loadCommands();
    await Command.importData(commands.definitions);

    const { initCrons } = require("./crons/index.js");

    const accountsConfig = config.accounts;
    if (!accountsConfig || accountsConfig.length === 0) {
        app.Logger.warn("Client", "No accounts configured! Exiting.");

    const accounts = new Set();
    for (const definition of accountsConfig) {
        if (! {
            app.Logger.warn("Client", `Skipping ${definition.type} account (inactive)`);

        accounts.add(HoyoLab.create(definition.type, definition));

    const definitions = require("./gots/index.js");
    await app.Got.importData(definitions); = {,

    const promises = [];
    for (const platform of platforms) {

    const hoyoPromises = [];
    for (const account of accounts) {

    await Promise.all(promises);
    await Promise.all(hoyoPromises);

    const end = process.hrtime.bigint();"Client", `Initialize completed (${Number(end - start) / 1e6}ms)`);

    process.on("unhandledRejection", (reason) => {
        if (!(reason instanceof Error)) {

        app.Logger.log("Client", {
            message: "Unhandled promise rejection",
            args: { reason }
the-jason-json commented 2 months ago

Alright, I added my cookies and settings to /Users/jason/hoyolab-auto/index.js, then ran npm start again

jason@Jasons-MacBook hoyolab-auto % npm start

> start
> node index.js

                    cookie: "

SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token
    at wrapSafe (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1281:20)
    at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1321:27)
    at Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1416:10)
    at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1208:32)
    at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1024:12)
    at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (node:internal/modules/run_main:174:12)
    at node:internal/main/run_main_module:28:49

Node.js v20.15.0

Node index also doesn't work

Node.js v20.15.0
jason@Jasons-MacBook hoyolab-auto % node index.js
                    cookie: "

SyntaxError: Invalid or unexpected token
    at wrapSafe (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1281:20)
    at Module._compile (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1321:27)
    at Module._extensions..js (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1416:10)
    at Module.load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1208:32)
    at Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:1024:12)
    at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (node:internal/modules/run_main:174:12)
    at node:internal/main/run_main_module:28:49

Node.js v20.15.0
torikushiii commented 2 months ago

that error mean that the account cookie that you provided is not pasted correctly, make sure it looks like this

cookie: "mi18nLang=xxxx; _MHYUUID=xxxx; HYV_LOGIN_PLATFORM_OPTIONAL_AGREEMENT=xxxx; e_nap_token=xxxx; cookie_token_v2=xxxx; account_mid_v2=xxxx; account_id_v2=xxxx; ltoken_v2=xxxx; ltmid_v2=xxxx; ltuid_v2=xxxx; HYV_LOGIN_PLATFORM_LOAD_TIMEOUT=xxxx; DEVICEFP_SEED_ID=xxxx; DEVICEFP_SEED_TIME=xxxx; DEVICEFP=xxxx; HYV_LOGIN_PLATFORM_TRACKING_MAP=xxxx; HYV_LOGIN_PLATFORM_LIFECYCLE_ID=xxxx"

not like this

cookie: "
mi18nLang=xxxx; _MHYUUID=xxxx; HYV_LOGIN_PLATFORM_OPTIONAL_AGREEMENT=xxxx; e_nap_token=xxxx; cookie_token_v2=xxxx; account_mid_v2=xxxx; account_id_v2=xxxx; ltoken_v2=xxxx; ltmid_v2=xxxx; ltuid_v2=xxxx; HYV_LOGIN_PLATFORM_LOAD_TIMEOUT=xxxx; DEVICEFP_SEED_ID=xxxx; DEVICEFP_SEED_TIME=xxxx; DEVICEFP=xxxx; HYV_LOGIN_PLATFORM_TRACKING_MAP=xxxx; HYV_LOGIN_PLATFORM_LIFECYCLE_ID=xxxx"
the-jason-json commented 2 months ago

Ah I see. There's this now though

jason@Jasons-MacBook hoyolab-auto % npm start

> start
> node index.js

2024-07-07 20:46:59 <INFO:System> Log level set to info
2024-07-07 20:46:59 <INFO:Client> Loading configuration data
2024-07-07 20:46:59 <INFO:Client> Loaded 5 configuration entries
2024-07-07 20:46:59 <WARN:Client> Skipping discord platform (inactive)
2024-07-07 20:46:59 <WARN:Client> Skipping telegram platform (inactive)
2024-07-07 20:46:59 <INFO:Cron> Initialized 8 cron jobs
2024-07-07 20:46:59 <WARN:Client> Skipping honkai account (inactive)
2024-07-07 20:46:59 <WARN:Client> Skipping genshin account (inactive)
Failed to create platform starrail.
Error: No ltoken_v2, ltuid_v2, or ltmid_v2 found in cookie.
- args: {"cookie":""}
    at #parseCookie (/Users/jason/hoyolab-auto/hoyolab-modules/template.js:305:10)
    at new HoyoLab (/Users/jason/hoyolab-auto/hoyolab-modules/template.js:244:42)
    at new StarRail (/Users/jason/hoyolab-auto/hoyolab-modules/starrail.js:26:3)
    at HoyoLab.create (/Users/jason/hoyolab-auto/hoyolab-modules/template.js:561:11)
    at /Users/jason/hoyolab-auto/index.js:202:24 {
  [cause]: undefined

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'login')
    at /Users/jason/hoyolab-auto/index.js:221:29

Node.js v20.15.0

The cookies seem correct however, as they have the ltoken_v2, ltuid_v2 and ltmid_v2 in it

torikushiii commented 2 months ago

are you using Star Rail account? If you don't set active to false, if you do, then you didn't add any cookie the the Star Rail config account.

it should look like this:

    id: 3,
    active: true, // Set to true if you want to enable Honkai: Star Rail
    type: "starrail",
    data: [
            // Your whole cookie
            cookie: "mi18nLang=xxxx; _MHYUUID=xxxx; HYV_LOGIN_PLATFORM_OPTIONAL_AGREEMENT=xxxx; e_nap_token=xxxx; cookie_token_v2=xxxx; account_mid_v2=xxxx; account_id_v2=xxxx; ltoken_v2=xxxx; ltmid_v2=xxxx; ltuid_v2=xxxx; HYV_LOGIN_PLATFORM_LOAD_TIMEOUT=xxxx; DEVICEFP_SEED_ID=xxxx; DEVICEFP_SEED_TIME=xxxx; DEVICEFP=xxxx; HYV_LOGIN_PLATFORM_TRACKING_MAP=xxxx; HYV_LOGIN_PLATFORM_LIFECYCLE_ID=xxxx",
            redeemCode: false,
            dailiesCheck: true,
            weekliesCheck: true,
            stamina: {
                check: true,
                threshold: 230,
                persistent: true
            expedition: {
                check: true,
                persistent: false
the-jason-json commented 2 months ago

Yes, starrail is currently set to this

id: 3,
            active: true, // Set to true if you want to enable Honkai: Star Rail
            type: "starrail",
            data: [
                // If you have same account for both genshin and starrail
                // You can copy the cookie values from the genshin account
                // Same goes for any other game that will be supported in the future
                // Support multi-account for every type of game
                // Just add another object inside the data array
                // Account #1
                    cookie: "[I put my cookie here don't worry]",
                    redeemCode: true,
                    dailiesCheck: true,
                    weekliesCheck: true,
                    stamina: {
                        check: true,
                        threshold: 230,
                        persistent: true
                    expedition: {
                        check: true,
                        persistent: false
                // Account #2
                // Delete this if you only have one account
                    cookie: "",
                    dailiesCheck: false,
                    weekliesCheck: false,
                    stamina: {
                        check: false,
                        threshold: 150,
                        persistent: false
                    expedition: {
                        check: false,
                        persistent: false

For reference, the ZZZ one looks like this:

id: 4,
            active: true,
            type: "zenless",
            data: [
                    cookie: "[yeah the cookie's here]",
                    redeemCode: true,
                    shopStatus: true, // This will check if your shop has finished selling videos
                    dailiesCheck: true,
                    stamina: {
                        check: true,
                        threshold: 200,
                        persistent: false
torikushiii commented 2 months ago

Interesting, because what this error says is that there's no cookie being passed to the parser

Error: No ltoken_v2, ltuid_v2, or ltmid_v2 found in cookie.
- args: {"cookie":""} <- No cookie at all
    at #parseCookie (/Users/jason/hoyolab-auto/hoyolab-modules/template.js:305:10)
    at new HoyoLab (/Users/jason/hoyolab-auto/hoyolab-modules/template.js:244:42)
    at new StarRail (/Users/jason/hoyolab-auto/hoyolab-modules/starrail.js:26:3)
    at HoyoLab.create (/Users/jason/hoyolab-auto/hoyolab-modules/template.js:561:11)
    at /Users/jason/hoyolab-auto/index.js:202:24 {
  [cause]: undefined

that error should print out your current hsr cookie but it print out nothing instead

the-jason-json commented 2 months ago

Which file does it use to retrieve the cookie? I could double check it

torikushiii commented 2 months ago

can you got to hoyolab-modules/template.js and find this line and see if it prints out anything at all.

This function will print out your entire cookie if there's any but the values will be replaced with "xxx"

const replacedCookie = cookie.replace(/=([^;]+)/g, "=xxx");
#parseCookie (cookie) {
        const replacedCookie = cookie.replace(/=([^;]+)/g, "=xxx"); // Add this
        console.log(replacedCookie); // And this

        const cookies = cookie.split("; ");
        const cookieMap = Object.fromEntries(
   => {
                const [key, value] = c.split("=");
                return [key, value];

        const {
        } = cookieMap;

        if (!ltoken_v2 || !ltuid_v2 || !ltmid_v2) {
            throw new app.Error({
                message: "No ltoken_v2, ltuid_v2, or ltmid_v2 found in cookie.",
                args: { cookie }

        if (cookie_token_v2 && account_mid_v2 && account_id_v2) {
            return {
                cookie: this.#buildCookie(cookieMap, { token: true }),
                codeRedeem: true

        if ( !== "honkai") {
            app.Logger.warn("HoyoLab", `No cookie_token_v2 or account_mid_v2 found in cookie for ${}. This will disable "redeemCode" functionality.`);

        return {
            cookie: this.#buildCookie(cookieMap),
            codeRedeem: false
the-jason-json commented 2 months ago

Ok I added those 2 lines

the error changed to this:

jason@Jasons-MacBook hoyolab-auto % npm start

> start
> node index.js

2024-07-07 21:28:08 <INFO:System> Log level set to info
2024-07-07 21:28:08 <INFO:Client> Loading configuration data
2024-07-07 21:28:08 <INFO:Client> Loaded 5 configuration entries
2024-07-07 21:28:08 <WARN:Client> Skipping discord platform (inactive)
2024-07-07 21:28:08 <WARN:Client> Skipping telegram platform (inactive)
2024-07-07 21:28:08 <INFO:Cron> Initialized 8 cron jobs
2024-07-07 21:28:08 <WARN:Client> Skipping honkai account (inactive)
2024-07-07 21:28:08 <WARN:Client> Skipping genshin account (inactive)
_MHYUUID=xxx; mi18nLang=xxx; DEVICEFP_SEED_ID=xxx; DEVICEFP_SEED_TIME=xxx; DEVICEFP=xxx; account_mid_v2=xxx; account_id_v2=xxx; ltmid_v2=xxx; ltuid_v2=xxx; cookie_token_v2=xxx; ltoken_v2=xxx; HYV_LOGIN_PLATFORM_OPTIONAL_AGREEMENT=xxx; HYV_LOGIN_PLATFORM_LOAD_TIMEOUT=xxx; HYV_LOGIN_PLATFORM_TRACKING_MAP=xxx; HYV_LOGIN_PLATFORM_LIFECYCLE_ID=xxx

Failed to create platform starrail.
Error: No ltoken_v2, ltuid_v2, or ltmid_v2 found in cookie.
- args: {"cookie":""}
    at #parseCookie (/Users/jason/hoyolab-auto/hoyolab-modules/template.js:308:10)
    at new HoyoLab (/Users/jason/hoyolab-auto/hoyolab-modules/template.js:244:42)
    at new StarRail (/Users/jason/hoyolab-auto/hoyolab-modules/starrail.js:26:3)
    at HoyoLab.create (/Users/jason/hoyolab-auto/hoyolab-modules/template.js:564:11)
    at /Users/jason/hoyolab-auto/index.js:202:24 {
  [cause]: undefined
_MHYUUID=xxx; mi18nLang=xxx; DEVICEFP_SEED_ID=xxx; DEVICEFP_SEED_TIME=xxx; DEVICEFP=xxx; account_mid_v2=xxx; account_id_v2=xxx; ltmid_v2=xxx; ltuid_v2=xxx; cookie_token_v2=xxx; ltoken_v2=xxx; HYV_LOGIN_PLATFORM_OPTIONAL_AGREEMENT=xxx; HYV_LOGIN_PLATFORM_LOAD_TIMEOUT=xxx; HYV_LOGIN_PLATFORM_TRACKING_MAP=xxx; HYV_LOGIN_PLATFORM_LIFECYCLE_ID=xxx

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'login')
    at /Users/jason/hoyolab-auto/index.js:221:29

Node.js v20.15.0
torikushiii commented 2 months ago

I forgot to add one more log point to the code, let me know what value being printed (cookieMap does not replace your actual cookie values unlike replacedCookie)

#parseCookie (cookie) {
        const replacedCookie = cookie.replace(/=([^;]+)/g, "=xxx"); // Add this
        console.log(replacedCookie); // And this

        const cookies = cookie.split("; ");
        const cookieMap = Object.fromEntries(
   => {
                const [key, value] = c.split("=");
                return [key, value];

        console.log({ cookieMap }) // <---- This one

        const {
        } = cookieMap;

        if (!ltoken_v2 || !ltuid_v2 || !ltmid_v2) {
            throw new app.Error({
                message: "No ltoken_v2, ltuid_v2, or ltmid_v2 found in cookie.",
                args: { cookie }

        if (cookie_token_v2 && account_mid_v2 && account_id_v2) {
            return {
                cookie: this.#buildCookie(cookieMap, { token: true }),
                codeRedeem: true

        if ( !== "honkai") {
            app.Logger.warn("HoyoLab", `No cookie_token_v2 or account_mid_v2 found in cookie for ${}. This will disable "redeemCode" functionality.`);

        return {
            cookie: this.#buildCookie(cookieMap),
            codeRedeem: false
the-jason-json commented 2 months ago

Wait send the entire error, including the actual cookie values from cookieMap?

torikushiii commented 2 months ago

No, just let me know if it prints anything, if it does it should look like this at your console

  cookieMap: {
    mi18nLang: 'xxx',
    _MHYUUID: '123123',
    cookie_token_v2: 'xxx',
    account_mid_v2: 'xxx',
    account_id_v2: 'xxx',
    ltoken_v2: 'xxx',
    ltmid_v2: 'xxx',
    ltuid_v2: 'xxx',
    DEVICEFP_SEED_ID: 'xxx',
    DEVICEFP: 'xxx',
the-jason-json commented 2 months ago

starting from cookie map it looks like this

cookieMap: {
    _MHYUUID: 'xxx',
    mi18nLang: 'en-us',
    DEVICEFP_SEED_ID: 'xxx',
    DEVICEFP: 'xxx',
    account_mid_v2: 'xxx',
    account_id_v2: 'xxx',
    ltmid_v2: 'xxx',
    ltuid_v2: 'xxx',
    cookie_token_v2: 'xxx',
    ltoken_v2: 'xxx',

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'login')
    at /Users/jason/hoyolab-auto/index.js:221:29

Node.js v20.15.0
torikushiii commented 2 months ago

I'm assuming this error still persist?

Failed to create platform starrail.
Error: No ltoken_v2, ltuid_v2, or ltmid_v2 found in cookie.
- args: {"cookie":""}
    at #parseCookie (/Users/jason/hoyolab-auto/hoyolab-modules/template.js:308:10)
    at new HoyoLab (/Users/jason/hoyolab-auto/hoyolab-modules/template.js:244:42)
    at new StarRail (/Users/jason/hoyolab-auto/hoyolab-modules/starrail.js:26:3)
    at HoyoLab.create (/Users/jason/hoyolab-auto/hoyolab-modules/template.js:564:11)
    at /Users/jason/hoyolab-auto/index.js:202:24 {
  [cause]: undefined

which is weird because there's value being passed....

the-jason-json commented 2 months ago

Yes, that's still here

jason@Jasons-MacBook hoyolab-auto % npm start

> start
> node index.js

2024-07-07 21:45:05 <INFO:System> Log level set to info
2024-07-07 21:45:05 <INFO:Client> Loading configuration data
2024-07-07 21:45:05 <INFO:Client> Loaded 5 configuration entries
2024-07-07 21:45:05 <WARN:Client> Skipping discord platform (inactive)
2024-07-07 21:45:05 <WARN:Client> Skipping telegram platform (inactive)
2024-07-07 21:45:05 <INFO:Cron> Initialized 8 cron jobs
2024-07-07 21:45:05 <WARN:Client> Skipping honkai account (inactive)
2024-07-07 21:45:05 <WARN:Client> Skipping genshin account (inactive)
_MHYUUID=xxx; mi18nLang=xxx; DEVICEFP_SEED_ID=xxx; DEVICEFP_SEED_TIME=xxx; DEVICEFP=xxx; account_mid_v2=xxx; account_id_v2=xxx; ltmid_v2=xxx; ltuid_v2=xxx; cookie_token_v2=xxx; ltoken_v2=xxx; HYV_LOGIN_PLATFORM_OPTIONAL_AGREEMENT=xxx; HYV_LOGIN_PLATFORM_LOAD_TIMEOUT=xxx; HYV_LOGIN_PLATFORM_TRACKING_MAP=xxx; HYV_LOGIN_PLATFORM_LIFECYCLE_ID=xxx
  cookieMap: {
  [insert the cookie map stuff]

{ cookieMap: { '': undefined } }
Failed to create platform starrail.
Error: No ltoken_v2, ltuid_v2, or ltmid_v2 found in cookie.
- args: {"cookie":""}
    at #parseCookie (/Users/jason/hoyolab-auto/hoyolab-modules/template.js:310:10)
    at new HoyoLab (/Users/jason/hoyolab-auto/hoyolab-modules/template.js:244:42)
    at new StarRail (/Users/jason/hoyolab-auto/hoyolab-modules/starrail.js:26:3)
    at HoyoLab.create (/Users/jason/hoyolab-auto/hoyolab-modules/template.js:566:11)
    at /Users/jason/hoyolab-auto/index.js:202:24 {
  [cause]: undefined
_MHYUUID=xxx; mi18nLang=xxx; DEVICEFP_SEED_ID=xxx; DEVICEFP_SEED_TIME=xxx; DEVICEFP=xxx; account_mid_v2=xxx; account_id_v2=xxx; ltmid_v2=xxx; ltuid_v2=xxx; cookie_token_v2=xxx; ltoken_v2=xxx; HYV_LOGIN_PLATFORM_OPTIONAL_AGREEMENT=xxx; HYV_LOGIN_PLATFORM_LOAD_TIMEOUT=xxx; HYV_LOGIN_PLATFORM_TRACKING_MAP=xxx; HYV_LOGIN_PLATFORM_LIFECYCLE_ID=xxx
  cookieMap: {
[insert same cookiemap stuff]

TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'login')
    at /Users/jason/hoyolab-auto/index.js:221:29

Node.js v20.15.0
torikushiii commented 2 months ago

I see an undefined values there { cookieMap: { '': undefined } } after the first cookieMap, I think I know what it is, did you remove the second account object at Star Rail?

    id: 3,
    active: true,
    type: "starrail",
    data: [
        // Account #1
            cookie: "",
            redeemCode: false,
            dailiesCheck: true,
            weekliesCheck: true,
            stamina: {
                check: true,
                threshold: 230,
                persistent: true
            expedition: {
                check: true,
                persistent: false
        // Account #2
        // Remove this one
            cookie: "",
            dailiesCheck: false,
            weekliesCheck: false,
            stamina: {
                check: false,
                threshold: 150,
                persistent: false
            expedition: {
                check: false,
                persistent: false
the-jason-json commented 2 months ago

so after the first one, it goes directly to zzz?

                    redeemCode: true,
                    dailiesCheck: true,
                    weekliesCheck: true,
                    stamina: {
                        check: true,
                        threshold: 230,
                        persistent: true
                    expedition: {
                        check: true,
                        persistent: false
            id: 4,
            active: true,
            type: "zenless",
            data: [
torikushiii commented 2 months ago

yes, it should be go to ZZZ after checking the HSR account has a valid configurations, and if all goes good, the script should run just fine

the-jason-json commented 2 months ago

oh huh I think it's working now currently stopped here how do i know if it's done? and so after this, i can just close terminal, and it'll just auto claim daily every day? i don't have to keep anything open or something?

torikushiii commented 2 months ago

Yes, you've successfully run the script.

Regarding the previous one, unfortunately, you'll need to keep it running for it to function. However, if you only need it for daily check-ins, I have a guide for using Google Apps Script that's very simple to follow at

The one you're currently using is the full project that can check almost anything: stamina, expeditions, etc that needs to run indefinitely

the-jason-json commented 2 months ago

So basically, just keep the terminal tab open, and I can just relaunch it with npm if it closes right What happens if my laptop is asleep? Also is it possible to integrate webhooks with the Google Apps Script one?

torikushiii commented 2 months ago

So basically, just keep the terminal tab open, and I can just relaunch it with npm if it closes right What happens if my laptop is asleep?

Unfortunately no, You'll need to keep your laptop awake for it. There's a program called Caffeine (GitHub) for Mac so your Mac does not go to sleep for your specified time or indefinitely

Also is it possible to integrate webhooks with the Google Apps Script one?

webhooks already integrated at the Google App Script as you can see right here

the-jason-json commented 2 months ago

Ah I couldn't find the app script, ty If it does fall asleep and I wake it up, it'll continue working as normal right? also, for

// "account_cookie_1",
            // "account_cookie_2",
            // ... more account cookies

I just replace that entire part with the copy pasted cookie blob right?

starrail: {
    data: [
      "xxx copied cookie yadda"

And I don't change anything if I don't need the login for that one? (genshin)

torikushiii commented 2 months ago

just paste your entire cookie just like what you did at config file, so like this

starrail: {
    data: [
        "mi18nLang=xxxx; _MHYUUID=xxxx; HYV_LOGIN_PLATFORM_OPTIONAL_AGREEMENT=xxxx; e_nap_token=xxxx; cookie_token_v2=xxxx; account_mid_v2=xxxx; account_id_v2=xxxx; ltoken_v2=xxxx; ltmid_v2=xxxx; ltuid_v2=xxxx; HYV_LOGIN_PLATFORM_LOAD_TIMEOUT=xxxx; DEVICEFP_SEED_ID=xxxx; DEVICEFP_SEED_TIME=xxxx; DEVICEFP=xxxx; HYV_LOGIN_PLATFORM_TRACKING_MAP=xxxx; HYV_LOGIN_PLATFORM_LIFECYCLE_ID=xxxx",
        // and so on

If it does fall asleep and I wake it up, it'll continue working as normal right?

I'm not sure how does Mac does this, but usually it should start working immediately after you turning on your laptop again unless there's no internet or there's an error occurred.

the-jason-json commented 2 months ago

ok, I did this

const config = {
    genshin: {
        data: [
            // "account_cookie_1",
            // "account_cookie_2",
            // ... more account cookies
    honkai: {
        data: [
            "// "account_cookie_1",
            // "account_cookie_2",
            // ... more account cookies"
    starrail: {
        data: [

This makes it so Genshin and HI3 aren't activated, and it only claims for hsr + zzz right? Also, I added an icon for the ZZZ webhook, and this should work hopefully (edit: nvm the icon doesn't work like that xd)

    zenless: {
        ACT_ID: "e202406031448091",
        successMessage: "En-nah! (There, I checked in for you, be grateful!)",
        signedMessage: "Nah-nu... (You have already checked in today Jason...)",
        game: "Zenless Zone Zero",
        assets: {
            author: "Sharkboo",
            game: "Zenless Zone Zero"
      icon: ""
        url: {

And the webhook url goes like this correct?

    genshin: {
torikushiii commented 2 months ago

Yep, you're absolutely correct, everything seems to check out!

I've tried your modified code and it work just fine


just don't forget the missing comma at the game value before icon

    zenless: {
        ACT_ID: "e202406031448091",
        successMessage: "En-nah! (There, I checked in for you, be grateful!)",
        signedMessage: "Nah-nu... (You have already checked in today Jason...)",
        game: "Zenless Zone Zero",
        assets: {
            author: "Sharkboo",
            game: "Zenless Zone Zero", // <- You missed comma there
      icon: ""
        url: {
the-jason-json commented 2 months ago

Ah yeah your right wow i didn't see that Ok i setup the rest of the stuff


Idk if i screwed up somewhere oh yeah btw, after this is setup I can just close the tab and ignore it? my laptop can be closed and everything and it'll still work? (as long as my google account isn't deleted xd)

torikushiii commented 2 months ago

that error is related to account cookies, try to follow the cookie guide again and see if its help

the-jason-json commented 2 months ago

oh yeah i think i didn't copy paste it correctly at first there's no webhook message though, is that normal? also, after running it once i can close the tab and ignore it right?

torikushiii commented 2 months ago

there will be no webhook message if you've already checked-in today, but if you want to see if it works or not, you can just comment this line as show below and run it again

async checkAndExecute () {
        const accounts =;
        if (accounts.length === 0) {
            console.warn(`No active accounts found for ${this.fullName}`);
            return [];

        const success = [];
        for (const cookie of accounts) {
            try {
                const info = await this.getSignInfo(cookie);
                if (!info.success) {

                const awardsData = await this.getAwardsData(cookie);
                if (!awardsData.success) {

                const awards =;
                const data = {

                // if (data.isSigned) {
                //`${this.fullName}:CheckIn`, "Already signed in today");
                //  continue;
                // }

                const totalSigned =;
                const awardObject = {
                    name: awards[totalSigned].name,
                    count: awards[totalSigned].cnt,
                    icon: awards[totalSigned].icon

                const sign = await this.sign(cookie);
                // if (!sign.success) {
                //  continue;
                // }

                    `Today's Reward: ${} x${awardObject.count}`

                    total: + 1,
                    result: this.config.successMessage,
                    assets: { ...this.config.assets },
                    award: awardObject
            catch (e) {
                console.error(`${this.fullName}:CheckIn`, e);

        return success;
the-jason-json commented 2 months ago
Screenshot 2024-07-07 at 11 37 38 PM

Not like this?

torikushiii commented 2 months ago

nope, you'll need to change it above, there's already function called checkAndExecute at this line

the-jason-json commented 2 months ago

Ok I think it works So now I can just close the tab and never have to interact with it again?