torilmud / issues

Bug reports for TorilMUD
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Scorching Blast blindness NEVER fails, even though the power says save versus spell to avoid. #1003

Open Lilithelle opened 1 year ago

Lilithelle commented 1 year ago

I never see this spell fail, I've leveled a draconic sorcerer easily from 1 to 48 using nothing but eq I could solo as a mage because it's an instacast no fail blind. I just time when it falls and reblind the mobs as needed, early on I was attacking mobs almost 20 levels above me and winning.

Inames commented 1 year ago

It does seem to land pretty consistently, but i've seen it fail, you can see my timer trigger setting my blind tracker to 0 here, and then my scorching blast failing to blind shortly afterward. could have been a fluke where the debuff just didn't fade from the mob when it was supposed to though, i know sometimes powers don't get cleared from status properly. image

Lilithelle commented 1 year ago

Considering it always has landed the first time, timing issues are likely the cause of the failure, as the blind was still up. I use 31 seconds instead of 30 just in case and once it failed to reblind, I have seen timing issues before.