torilmud / issues

Bug reports for TorilMUD
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Sorc spells start casting while not standing #1004

Open Inames opened 11 months ago

Inames commented 11 months ago

Sorc spells with a cast time will start casting even if you aren't standing, then fail to complete obviously. There needs to be a check BEFORE the casting can start or else when this happens you then can't attempt to stand or flee or do anything until the spell fails or you abort. this majorly disrupts the flow of gameplay.


Inames commented 11 months ago

Update: After testing, it seems that the only spell that doesn't do this with an activation time is lightning breath. It has a Standing restriction. All of the others that have an activation time but DONT have standing restriction will cast and COMPLETE if sitting, but will cast and FAIL if kneeling/reclined. image

shevarash commented 10 months ago

There are several sorc spells that are intended to be able to cast from any position, so those spells aborting if you're not standing is a bug/