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Kill from whispering strike doesn't spread feymist to the rest of the targets in room #1012

Open xanza-tey opened 9 months ago

xanza-tey commented 9 months ago

If you land a kill with Whispering Strike, feymist won't be spread to anything else in the room. This is a pretty big dps loss, since you lose dots on multiple targets and have to wait for ws to come off cooldown again before spreading.

In the Aisle Exits: -N -S [79365] [12] Corpse of a banedead is lying here. A banedead stands here, fighting YOU! A banedead stands here, fighting YOU! A banedead stands here, fighting YOU! A banedead stands here, fighting YOU! A banedead stands here, fighting YOU! A banedead stands here, fighting YOU! A banedead stands here, fighting YOU! A banedead stands here, fighting YOU!

< 886h/857H 255v/255V (5) [Tank: Teyashigo 103%] [Target: banedead 50%] EP: std P: std >

Your massive bludgeon badly wounds a banedead. Your massive holy slash badly wounds a banedead. You miss a banedead with your bludgeon. Your massive holy slash badly wounds a banedead. Your massive bludgeon severely wounds a banedead. A banedead misses you with its beat. A banedead misses you with its beat. A banedead misses you with its beat. A banedead misses you with its beat. A banedead misses you with its beat. A banedead misses you with its beat. A banedead misses you with its beat. A banedead misses you with its beat. A banedead misses you with its beat. A banedead misses you with its beat. A banedead misses you with its beat. A banedead misses you with its beat. A banedead misses you with its beat. A banedead misses you with its beat. A banedead misses you with its beat. A banedead misses you with its beat.

< 907h/857H 255v/255V (5) [Tank: Teyashigo 105%] [Target: banedead 34%] EP: std P: std >
ms Your mist-cloaked blades flash towards a banedead, leaving a chilling trace of the Feywild in their wake. Your attack strikes with deadly precision, landing a critical hit!

< 907h/857H 255v/255V (5) [Tank: Teyashigo 105%] [Target: banedead 25%] EP: std P: std >

You score a CRITICAL HIT! A banedead staggers from your massive bludgeon! Your attack only grazes a banedead as it dodges aside! Your powerful holy slash severely wounds a banedead. You score a CRITICAL HIT! You enshroud a banedead in a mist of blood with your massive bludgeon! You miss a banedead with your holy slash. You critically wound a banedead with a massive bludgeon! A banedead misses you with its beat. A banedead misses you with its beat. You dodge a bash from a banedead, who loses its balance and falls. A banedead misses you with its beat. A banedead misses you with its beat. A banedead misses you with its beat. A banedead misses you with its beat. A banedead misses you with its beat. A banedead misses you with its beat. A banedead misses you with its beat. A banedead misses you with its beat. A banedead misses you with its beat. A banedead misses you with its beat. A banedead misses you with its beat. A banedead misses you with its beat. A banedead misses you with its beat. A banedead misses you with its beat.

< 907h/857H 255v/255V (5) [Tank: Teyashigo 105%] [Target: banedead 6% knl] EP: knl P: std >
ws Fey whispers trail your blades, a secret curse in the wind that finds its home in a banedead. A banedead is dead! R.I.P. You receive 21,986 XP (0.09%) experience. get coins corpse Your blood freezes as you hear the rattling death cry of a banedead. A haunting echo of the fey curse spreads, weaving a cloak of feymist around a banedead. A shiver of fey magic courses through your veins, bestowing whispering echoes![=================== Whisper Proc - Free TG ==============]

< 907h/857H 255v/255V (5) [Tank: Teyashigo 105%] [Target: banedead 100%] EP: std P: std > The corpse of a banedead does not contain the coins.

< 906h/857H 255v/255V (5) [Tank: Teyashigo 105%] [Target: banedead 100%] EP: std P: std > tg The fey mists in the area darken, and begin to pulsate with a deathly chill. The dark mist coils tighter around a banedead, chilling it with its cold embrace.

< 906h/857H 255v/255V (5) [Tank: Teyashigo 105%] [Target: banedead 100%] EP: std P: std >

GeneralGormal commented 9 months ago

I think it also should refresh duration on the primary target