torilmud / issues

Bug reports for TorilMUD
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-Height Items #1015

Open GeneralGormal opened 8 months ago

GeneralGormal commented 8 months ago

Should maybe replace this now useless stat with something nice, especially on the hard to get items like faeriekind cloak. Making reduce potions a shop item would be nice too.

Name 'a cloak of faeriekind' Keyword 'cloak faeriekind material', Item type: ARMOR Item can be worn on: ABOUT Item will give you following abilities: NOCHARM NOSLEEP Item is: MAGIC NO-WARRIOR NO-THIEF ANTI-BARBARIAN ANTI-TROLL ANTI-OGRE Weight: 1, Value: 772730 AC-apply is 15 Can affect you as : Affects: HITPOINTS by 40 Affects: HEIGHT by -25 Called Effect : (invoked by 'say'ing) Command word: faeriekind Recharge: 8 minutes remaining