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Some thoughts on starting out as a new (returning) player - newbie improvements #1025

Open byzanthia opened 4 months ago

byzanthia commented 4 months ago

Coming back to the mud after 20+ years, some observations after 2-3 weeks of playing.

1 Powers and prompt options for powers took me days to figure out or even learn they existed. Even when making a new character, the prompt set to the classic layout. Maybe make prompt classic-powerbar with "prompt powers auto" the default? Also, more clarity when starting about what powers are and how to use them would be VERY useful. E.g. in the newbie book (more on this below), or in-game 3-4 line messages that pop on your screen every few minuts (similar to what Duris has now) which talk about key topics, until you hit level 5 or so.

  1. A "where" command would be nice, to show who's in what zone.

  2. The MUD starting zone should not be !teleport. I've often wanted to help newbies who are in Scardale but have no way to get there. I think helpers can, but why not make a beacon there so anyone can go and help? With a small player base it's critical we retain as many newbies as we can. When they can't figure things out they are likely to leave. Also, nothing motivates like a higher level char appearing with awesome gear and helping them for a bit of time!

  3. The newbie book that appears in the inventory could be redone, focusing on ONLY key things (how do I drink /eat /why can't I see in the dark etc). Not a "dry" list of commands.

  4. For higher level players, a "gdam" or "gstat" command would be nice? To show the damage and heals done by the group overall, by player, damage incurred, etc. This is a big thing in e.g. World of Warcraft where players LOVE addons that show damage and healing stats.

  5. Scardale isn't very friendly as a level 1. Maybe add more level 1-4 mobs? I found it a bit difficult to get around, and hard to find things to kill, especially as a total newbie with zero gear.

  6. Then on the topic of gear - add more of it to Scardale! More shops, More VERY simple quests, maybe some of it just laying around in racks around town. Who cares if we give newbies a bit more gear? Another 10-20 AC won't matter but it sure makes the game a bit more fun and welcoming.