torilmud / issues

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someone comes flying in when blind #1045

Open byzanthia opened 2 months ago

byzanthia commented 2 months ago

The message below should probably be reworded to "someone comes flying in from somewhere!" or something like that.

< 321h/1550H 160v/180V [Tank: someone  39%] [Target: someone  39%] EP: std P: rcl >
< |ss +|sk +|ua +|ros +|sod +|cv +|cc +|wu +|nop +|ub 1|ut 1|hd +|dsd +|iw 37|vip +| >     
Someone attacks someone, landing two hits.
Someone attacks someone, landing five hits.
Someone attacks someone, landing a single hit.
You are sent flying from the room!

You can't see a thing, you're blinded!
You are dazed and less able to defend yourself!

< 279h/1550H 160v/180V P: rcl >
< |ss +|sk +|ua +|ros +|sod +|cv +|cc +|wu +|nop +|ub 1|ut 1|hd +|dsd +|iw 37|vip +| >     

**Tibbappotile comes flying in from the 

< 285h/1550H 163v/180V P: rcl >
< |ss +|sk +|ua +|ros +|sod +|cv +|cc +|wu +|nop +|ub 1|ut 1|hd +|dsd +|iw 36|vip +| >     
You can't see a thing, you're blinded!
byzanthia commented 2 months ago

Apparently this also happens when you're not blind... see below. I was never blinded, but fled from the room, and still got the same weird message with no direction:

Nagan comes flying in from the !

< 687h/1622H 180v/180V [Tank: Cherzra  42%] [Target: bahamut  61%] EP: std P: std >
< |ss +|sk 2|ua 1|ros +|sod +|cv +|cc +|wu +|nop +|ub +|ut 11|hd +|dsd 12|iw +|vip +| >     
You come out of your stupor.
Vaddly attacks Bahamut, landing a single hit.
Neskeke attacks Bahamut, landing four hits.
Hanyk attacks Bahamut, landing three hits.
Elterras attacks Bahamut, landing four hits.
Arizan attacks Bahamut, landing four hits.
Turilenil attacks Bahamut, landing two hits.
Your a crimson-edged obsidian blade explodes in a burst of searing flames!
Your a crimson-edged obsidian blade pulses crimson in a torrent of unholy might!
You score a CRITICAL HIT!
Your massive vampiric flaming slash barely wounds Bahamut.
Your awesome vampiric flaming slash barely wounds Bahamut.
Your attack is partially absorbed by Bahamut's scales!
Your powerful vampiric flaming slash barely wounds Bahamut.
You deflect Bahamut's blow, and strike back at Bahamut!
Your attack glances harmlessly off of Bahamut's scales!
You deflect Bahamut's blow, and strike back at Bahamut!
Your attack is partially absorbed by Bahamut's scales!
Your strong vampiric flaming slash barely wounds Bahamut.
You parry Bahamut's lunge at you.
Bahamut misses you with his claw.
You parry Bahamut's lunge at you.
Sibilant speech spills from Bahamut's pursed lips. A torrent of words too fast for
any mortal mind to master their meaning. Twin balls of magic energy appear, one in
each of his clawed hands. With a mere gesture he sends both forth to manifest his

A massive thunder clap originating from Bahamut rocks the surroundings!
Nagan stops singing abruptly.
Nagan is stunned!
Neskeke is stunned!
Hanyk is stunned!
Arizan is stunned!
You shudder in agony as Bahamut's thunderblast jolts you!
OUCH!  That really did HURT!
Bahamut's thunderblast hits eight targets.
You are sent reeling by Bahamut's holy word.
OUCH!  That really did HURT!
Bahamut's holy word hits one target.
Bahamut launches into the air and streaks toward his foes!
Nagan screams in terror as he is crushed beneath you!
Nagan is knocked down on his knees!
Vaddly screams in terror as she is crushed beneath you!
Vaddly is knocked down on the ground!
Neskeke screams in terror as she is crushed beneath you!
Neskeke is knocked down on the ground!
Hanyk screams in terror as he is crushed beneath you!
Hanyk is knocked down on his knees!
Bahamut breathes a cone of fire!

Bahamut breathes a cone of fire!
YIKES!  Another hit like that, and you've had it!!

The South End of the Throne Room
   The mithril floor here spreads out like a tranquil lake, covering a
vast area with a perfectly mirrored surface.  The floor reflects the
stately arches of the vaulted mithril ceiling above.  The walls rise up
to join floor to ceiling, with no additional supports breaking the vast
openness found here.  Every square foot of the wall is embedded with
precious gems of such size as to be found nowhere else, each a miniature
window into the air around the palace.  A kind of holy light fills the
area, it plays off the gems creating a kaleidoscope in mid-air.  To the
north can be seen a large dais.
Exits: - North - Down #
Nilan - Treachery's Blade - Shadows of Imphras (RP) (Drow Elf) hulks here.
Malled  (Human) stands here.
Tonah  (Barbarian) stands here.
Rugrag  (Troll) hulks here.
Sotipople  (Gnome) stands here.
Venlarin  (RP) (Moon Elf) stands here.
Krikor  (Barbarian) stands here.
Lilabipple  (Gnome) sits resting.
A horrid looking gray slaad stand here.
Xussur  (Yuan-Ti) stands in mid-air here.
You flee southward!
Krikor covers his arms with the quickly pulsing bracers of time.
Xussur starts casting a spell called 'Full Heal'
You feel a wave of vigor flooding through you as you stand fast against your foes.
Sotipople leaves north.

< 501h/1872H 179v/180V P: std >
< |ss +|sk 1|ua 1|ros +|sod +|cv +|cc +|wu +|nop +|ub +|ut 11|hd +|dsd 12|iw 45|vip +| >     
Krikor starts casting a spell called 'Group Heal'
That power hasn't recharged yet!

< 502h/1872H 179v/180V P: std >
< |ss +|sk 1|ua 1|ros +|sod +|cv +|cc +|wu +|nop +|ub +|ut 11|hd +|dsd 12|iw 45|vip +| >     
Xussur casts the spell 'Full Heal'.
Xussur summons a holy light to surround Rugrag and close his wounds.

< 502h/1872H 179v/180V P: std >
< |ss +|sk 1|ua 1|ros +|sod +|cv +|cc +|wu +|nop +|ub +|ut 11|hd +|dsd 12|iw 45|vip +| >     
Krikor casts the spell 'Group Heal'.
Krikor summons a healing light that surround the entire group.
Your body warms as your wounds are healed.

[Diamond Shield Defense has expired on Cherzra.]

< 626h/1872H 179v/180V P: std >
< |ss +|sk 1|ua 1|ros +|sod +|cv +|cc +|wu +|nop +|ub +|ut 11|hd +|dsd 12|iw 45|vip +| >     

< 627h/1872H 180v/180V P: std >
< |ss +|sk 1|ua 1|ros +|sod +|cv +|cc +|wu +|nop +|ub +|ut 11|hd +|dsd 12|iw 45|vip +| >     

Lilabipple closes her book and smiles broadly.
You drop your guard slightly under the fatigue of maintaining superior defenses.

< 629h/1872H 180v/180V P: std >
< |ss +|sk 1|ua 1|ros +|sod +|cv +|cc +|wu +|nop +|ub +|ut 11|hd +|dsd 12|iw 45|vip +| >     

Krikor starts casting a spell called 'Group Heal'

< 630h/1872H 180v/180V P: std >
< |ss +|sk 1|ua 1|ros +|sod +|cv +|cc +|wu +|nop +|ub +|ut 11|hd +|dsd 12|iw 45|vip +| >     

Krikor casts the spell 'Group Heal'.
Krikor summons a healing light that surround the entire group.
Your body warms as your wounds are healed.

< 754h/1872H 180v/180V P: std >
< |ss +|sk 1|ua 1|ros +|sod +|cv +|cc +|wu +|nop +|ub +|ut 11|hd +|dsd 12|iw 45|vip +| >     

< 755h/1872H 180v/180V P: std >
< |ss +|sk 1|ua 1|ros +|sod +|cv +|cc +|wu +|nop +|ub +|ut 11|hd +|dsd 12|iw 45|vip +| >     

[Hex of Thorns has expired on Tonah.]

Nagan comes flying in from the 
Nagan is dazed!

< 756h/1872H 180v/180V P: std >
< |ss +|sk 1|ua 1|ros +|sod +|cv +|cc +|wu +|nop +|ub +|ut 11|hd +|dsd 12|iw 45|vip +| >     
You adjust your defensive stance and steel yourself for incoming attacks.

< 756h/1872H 180v/180V P: std >
< |ss +|sk 1|ua 1|ros +|sod +|cv +|cc +|wu +|nop +|ub 15|ut 10|hd +|dsd 11|iw 43|vip +| >     
That power hasn't recharged yet!
Rugrag lumbers north.