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Blinded mobs watching the struggle and evaluating your battle tactics #1047

Open byzanthia opened 2 months ago

byzanthia commented 2 months ago

Some mobs are flagged to not assist with fights, and they just watch a fight in progress with emotes or social actions like:

watches the battle in amusement. evaluates the struggle, watching your battle tactics. However, when mobs that would otherwise assist get blinded, they start to do those same things, which looks silly because A) they can't watch the fight anymore, and B) it implies they don't assist. Maybe make it so we have a separate set of actions for mobs who would otherwise assist but cannot due to being blind? E.g. " curses in frustration, unable to assist their companion" or something similar? In this example you can see the second guard assisting, but after I blind the first guard, flee, and return to the room, that first guard starts issuing those emotes . ``` < 922h/922H 180v/180V P: std > < |ss +|sk +|ua 4|ros +|sod 6|cv +|cc +|wu +|nop +|ub +|ut +|hd +|dsd 6|iw +|vip +| > bds guard You emit a fierce battle cry, and charge towards a royal guard! a royal guard nimbly avoids your powerful shield bash! A royal guard misses you with his slash. < 922h/922H 180v/180V [Tank: Cherzra 100%] [Target: guard 100%] EP: std P: std > < |ss +|sk +|ua 3|ros +|sod 5|cv +|cc +|wu +|nop +|ub +|ut +|hd +|dsd 5|iw +|vip +| > [No longer moving. Spellcasting has resumed] Your crimson-edged obsidian blade pulses crimson in a torrent of unholy might! An inky black miasma writhes forth from your blade coating a royal guard in Stygian darkness! A royal guard seems to be blinded! A royal guard partially deflects your lunge at him. Your mighty flaming slash barely wounds a royal guard. A royal guard parries your futile lunge at him. Your massive flaming slash barely wounds a royal guard. A royal guard misses you with his slash. A royal guard misses you with his slash. A royal guard misses you with his slash. < 922h/922H 180v/180V [Tank: Cherzra 100%] [Target: guard 97%] EP: std P: std > < |ss +|sk +|ua 3|ros +|sod 5|cv +|cc +|wu +|nop +|ub +|ut +|hd +|dsd 5|iw +|vip +| > "My comrade is in trouble!", the a royal guard yells. A royal guard misses you with his slash. < 922h/922H 180v/180V [Tank: Cherzra 100%] [Target: guard 97%] EP: std P: std > < |ss +|sk +|ua 3|ros +|sod 5|cv +|cc +|wu +|nop +|ub +|ut +|hd +|dsd 5|iw +|vip +| > < 922h/922H 180v/180V [Tank: Cherzra 100%] [Target: guard 97%] EP: std P: std > < |ss +|sk +|ua 2|ros +|sod 4|cv +|cc +|wu +|nop +|ub +|ut +|hd +|dsd 4|iw +|vip +| > A royal guard misses you with his slash. A royal guard misses you with his slash. You partially deflect a royal guard's lunge at you. A royal guard barely wounds you with his strong slash. Your massive vampiric flaming slash barely wounds a royal guard. Your massive vampiric flaming slash barely wounds a royal guard. Your massive vampiric flaming slash barely wounds a royal guard. A royal guard misses you with his slash. A royal guard misses you with his slash. A royal guard misses you with his slash. < 917h/922H 180v/180V [Tank: Cherzra 99%] [Target: guard 92%] EP: std P: std > < |ss +|sk +|ua 2|ros +|sod 4|cv +|cc +|wu +|nop +|ub +|ut +|hd +|dsd 4|iw +|vip +| > flee Below a Stone Balcony The balcony of the Gloomhaven king hangs overhead here, and a polished staircase tunnels up through the stone to his chambers. A broad finger of stone juts out to the north, marking the gathering square of the community. The Merchant's Ring continues to the east and west, and the entrance to the Gloomhaven prison is visible directly to the east. Exits: - North - East - West - Up [2] Corpse of a duergar guard is lying here. Splattered droplets of blood cover the area. A message board that says, 'Personal Story Board' hangs here. You flee downward! < 918h/922H 179v/180V P: std > < |ss +|sk +|ua 2|ros +|sod 4|cv +|cc +|wu +|nop +|ub +|ut +|hd +|dsd 4|iw +|vip +| > u;;bds 2.guard Before the Cave of the King Rising from the Merchant's Ring below, the tunneling staircase exits here at a small landing before a massive set of double doors. Names of all of the past kings of Gloomhaven are carved into the stone around the doors, and warnings against trespassing are painted on the floor in the middle of the landing. Visitors rarely come here unless at the specific request (or order) of the king. Exits: - South# - Down A royal Trilk guard stands here, protecting the King's dwelling. A royal Trilk guard stands here, protecting the King's dwelling. < 922h/922H 179v/180V P: std > < |ss +|sk +|ua 1|ros +|sod 3|cv +|cc +|wu +|nop +|ub +|ut +|hd +|dsd 3|iw +|vip +| > That power hasn't recharged yet! < 922h/922H 179v/180V P: std > < |ss +|sk +|ua 1|ros +|sod 3|cv +|cc +|wu +|nop +|ub +|ut +|hd +|dsd 3|iw +|vip +| > - Bodyslam in 2 pulses < 922h/922H 179v/180V P: std > < |ss +|sk +|ua 1|ros +|sod 3|cv +|cc +|wu +|nop +|ub +|ut +|hd +|dsd 3|iw +|vip +| > You parry a royal guard's lunge at you. < 922h/922H 179v/180V [Tank: Cherzra 100%] [Target: guard 100%] EP: std P: std > < |ss +|sk +|ua 1|ros +|sod 3|cv +|cc +|wu +|nop +|ub +|ut +|hd +|dsd 3|iw +|vip +| > [No longer moving. Spellcasting has resumed] < 922h/922H 179v/180V [Tank: Cherzra 100%] [Target: guard 100%] EP: std P: std > < |ss +|sk +|ua 1|ros +|sod 3|cv +|cc +|wu +|nop +|ub +|ut +|hd +|dsd 3|iw +|vip +| > ss [MELEE: Spinning Sweep] SS You spin beneath a royal guard's guard and strike out with a precise attack. A royal guard loses his balance and topples to the ground. < 922h/922H 180v/180V [Tank: Cherzra 100%] [Target: guard 91% rcl] EP: rcl P: std > < |ss 3|sk +|ua +|ros +|sod 1|cv +|cc +|wu +|nop +|ub +|ut +|hd +|dsd 1|iw +|vip +| > Your massive flaming slash barely wounds a royal guard. Your massive flaming slash barely wounds a royal guard. Your massive flaming slash barely wounds a royal guard. A royal guard's attack only grazes you as you dodge aside! A royal guard barely wounds you with his average slash. You partially deflect a royal guard's lunge at you. A royal guard barely wounds you with his strong slash. A royal guard slightly wounds you with his mighty slash. < 835h/922H 180v/180V [Tank: Cherzra 90%] [Target: guard 85% rcl] EP: rcl P: std > < |ss 3|sk +|ua +|ros +|sod 1|cv +|cc +|wu +|nop +|ub +|ut +|hd +|dsd 1|iw +|vip +| > A royal guard watches the battle in amusement. < 836h/922H 180v/180V [Tank: Cherzra 90%] [Target: guard 85% rcl] EP: rcl P: std > < |ss 3|sk +|ua +|ros +|sod 1|cv +|cc +|wu +|nop +|ub +|ut +|hd +|dsd 1|iw +|vip +| > You miss a royal guard with your flaming slash. Your a crimson-edged obsidian blade explodes in a burst of searing flames! Your a crimson-edged obsidian blade detonates in a shimmering blast of lawful might! A royal guard partially deflects your lunge at him. You score a CRITICAL HIT! Your massive vampiric flaming slash barely wounds a royal guard. You miss a royal guard with your flaming slash. A royal guard misses you with his slash. You deflect a royal guard's blow, and strike back at a royal guard! A royal guard dodges your futile attack. A royal guard misses you with his slash. < 849h/922H 180v/180V [Tank: Cherzra 92%] [Target: guard 75% rcl] EP: rcl P: std > < |ss 2|sk +|ua +|ros +|sod 1|cv +|cc +|wu +|nop +|ub +|ut +|hd +|dsd 1|iw +|vip +| > l Before the Cave of the King Exits: - South# - Down Blood splotches cover everything in the area. A royal Trilk guard stands here, protecting the King's dwelling. A royal guard is lying here, fighting YOU! < 851h/922H 180v/180V [Tank: Cherzra 92%] [Target: guard 75% rcl] EP: rcl P: std > < |ss 2|sk +|ua +|ros +|sod 1|cv +|cc +|wu +|nop +|ub +|ut +|hd +|dsd 1|iw +|vip +| > Your massive vampiric flaming slash barely wounds a royal guard. A royal guard dodges your futile attack. Your massive vampiric flaming slash barely wounds a royal guard. A royal guard misses you with his slash. A royal guard misses you with his slash. A royal guard misses you with his slash. < 868h/922H 180v/180V [Tank: Cherzra 94%] [Target: guard 71% rcl] EP: rcl P: std > < |ss 1|sk +|ua +|ros +|sod +|cv +|cc +|wu +|nop +|ub +|ut +|hd +|dsd +|iw +|vip +| > A royal guard evaluates the struggle, watching your battle tactics. ```