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Collection of capitalization/period issues, and a few typos #1051

Open byzanthia opened 1 month ago

byzanthia commented 1 month ago

This is a long one. Sorry. But I am OCD about these things and would love to see them fixed so the mud looks as good as possible:

  1. Capitalizations.

There are probably more than the ones below. Maybe the best way to check would be a blanket find/replace for all print commands in the code, and add in a conversion to upper case for the first character?

A) For the warrior sod skill, the knockdown message needs a capitalization:

You press the attack against a cult priest, striking repeatedly in a frenzy of blood!
a cult priest staggers and is knocked to the ground under your brutal assault!

B) Dispel invis:

Lilabipple casts the spell 'Dispel Invisible'.
the tower key fades into visibility.

C) Death message:

You deflect a duergar thief's blow, and strike back at a duergar thief!
You beautifully slash a duergar thief into two parts - both dead.
a duergar thief is dead! R.I.P.

D) Temple of Baphomet entrance:

Satac slowly fades into existence.
the temple doors shatters and the pieces disappear in smoke.

E) Corpses should be capitalized when trying to loot:

< 907h/907H 180v/180V P: std >
< |ss +|sk +|ua 1|ros +|sod +|cv +|cc +|wu +|nop +|ub +|ut +|hd +|dsd +|iw 12|vip +| >     
get all 3.corpse
corpse of the fire giant warrior pupil appears to be empty.

F) Hidden red shapes using gsay need capitalization:

a red shape group-says '2 orcs in sewer'

G) Auctions, when claim the results:"proceeds" is spelled wrong:

Also, that sentence needs to start with a capital letter.

< 907h/907H 180v/180V P: std >
< |ss +|sk +|ua +|ros +|sod +|cv +|cc +|wu +|nop +|ub +|ut +|hd +|dsd +|iw +|vip +| >     
auction claim 20
An auctioneer says '94893 platinum has been deposited in your account.'
an auctioneer says 'The rest of the procedes, 4995 platinum, pay for your fees.'

H) Blackguard power target not capitalized

Kinon's weapon unleashes a torrent of dark power as he strikes a human necromancer.
a human necromancer is knocked to the ground!

I) Some Hexblade spell? Needs capitalization at the start

a temple guardian slowly suffocates on the clinging Fey mists surrounding him.

J) Bodyslam miss message needs capitalization: Note that it should also not say shield bash, as I was using bodyslam, but I already mentioned that in a previous issue.

a Taladan minotaur nimbly avoids your powerful shield bash!

K) Cinderfang proc needs to capitalize the mobs:

Teyamrin's weapon erupts in a raging column of flame as it strikes an obsidian statue.
The dancing column of flame sweeps through the area, burning all those within its fiery core.
an obsidian statue is burned by the searing winds!
a minotaur from Nightwood is burned by the searing winds!
a Suzail minotaur is burned by the searing winds!
a Suzail minotaur is burned by the searing winds!
a Suzail minotaur is burned by the searing winds!

L) Some ranger spell, needs capilization:

Turilenil casts the spell 'Hunters Mark'.
an adult brass dragon is marked with a faint blue glow.

M) Elemental earth embodiment, when glancing at someone needs capitalization:

glanc Cabuzuzop
Cabuzuzop has a few scratches. (Medium)
he is consumed with elemental earth!

< |ss +|sk +|ua +|ros +|sod +|cv +|cc +|wu +|nop +|ub +|ut 9|hd +|dsd 8|iw 2|vip +| >     
status Cabuzuzop

Status of Cabuzuzop

death pact                detect invisible          elemental earth           
haste                     no summon                 sense life                

Vitality                  (  1:20)   Armor                     (  4:26)   
Bless                     (  7:10)   elemental embodiment main (  9:00)   
elemental earth embodimen (  9:00)   Greater Realm Of Protecti ( 21:28)   
death pact                (176:00)   

N) Portals are not capitalized when someone enters.

E.g. the UM2 portal:

< |ss +|sk +|ua +|ros +|sod +|cv +|cc +|wu +|nop +|ub +|ut +|hd +|dsd +|iw +|vip +| >     
A Circle of Stones
Exits: - West 
Corpse of a guardian per called Talugen is lying here. 
A humming portal of blue mist is centered on the floor. 
A humming portal of violet mist swirls in the center of the room. 

a humming portal of violet mist suddenly glows brightly!
Jazzizzle slowly fades out of existence.

Or the CoD Portal:

a field of blue energy suddenly glows brightly!
Lilabipple slowly fades out of existence.

Or a portal in Silverymoon:

a shattered portcullis suddenly glows brightly!
Jazzizzle slowly fades out of existence.

N) I'm not sure what skill or spell this is, but it needs a capital:

< |cs +|ds +|bs +|ra 1|sb +|sod +|cc +|wu +|nop +|ub 7|ut 7|hd +|dsd +|iw 19|vip +| >     

a clan soldier strikes out wildly about the area in a mighty burst of power!
A clan soldier misses Mazad with his smash.

O) Dread Smite message needs capitalization:

As the blackguard:

Shadows coalesce around your weapon as you strike a Blackheart Priestess in a burst of dark power.
a Blackheart Priestess reels in terror as the shadows suffocate the area with unholy power.

And as the observer:

Shadows coalesce around Kinon's weapon as he strikes an orc soldier in a burst of dark power.
An orc soldier cowers in fear!
an orc soldier reels in terror as the shadows suffocate the area with unholy power.
an orc soldier reels in terror as the shadows suffocate the area with unholy power.
a dire raider reels in terror as the shadows suffocate the area with unholy power.
a dire raider reels in terror as the shadows suffocate the area with unholy power.
a dire raider reels in terror as the shadows suffocate the area with unholy power.
a dire raider reels in terror as the shadows suffocate the area with unholy power.
an orc soldier reels in terror as the shadows suffocate the area with unholy power.
an orc soldier reels in terror as the shadows suffocate the area with unholy power.
an orc soldier reels in terror as the shadows suffocate the area with unholy power.
an orc soldier reels in terror as the shadows suffocate the area with unholy power.
an orc soldier reels in terror as the shadows suffocate the area with unholy power.
Kinon's Dread Smite hits eleven targets.

P) Disarm message needs capitalization:

Dhaerian successfully knocks an orc archer's weapon from his grips!
an orcish longbow lands on the floor.

Q) The "smear of blood" sentence needs a capitalization

Room 79195, I think? I guess this requires an OBJ file change, while the ones above probably require updates to the MUD's code.

A Sharp Curve in the River's Course (Water)
   The tunnel makes a sharp curve here to the south around a large promontory
of rock that seems to be marked by a faint smear of blood.  The waters of the
Gloom River start to calm again past this point, and the familiar tufts of
yellow glowing fungi again cover the tunnel's ceiling.  From this point
southwards the river is commonly referred to by the local denizens of the
Underdark as Veldrin Z'har.
Exits: - North - East  - South
a triangular smear of blood is visible on the rock wall to the west. 

P) UM1, some kind of proc or emote:

A mysterious man named Kevlar absent-mindedly pulls out a single glowing golden feather.
he softly rubs the feather and then continues fighting...
A mysterious man named Kevlar says 'someone, owes me a favor...'

Q) Smothering darkness needs capitalization:

Dhaerian hurls a sphere of swirling shadows at a cult sorcerer, engulfing him in darkness.
The smothering shadows pull a cult sorcerer to the ground.
a cult sorcerer writhes in agony as he is caught in the vile embrace of darkness!
a cult knight writhes in agony as he is caught in the vile embrace of darkness!
a cult knight writhes in agony as he is caught in the vile embrace of darkness!
Dhaerian's Smothering Darkness hits three targets.

R) Void Star needs capitalization:

The dying light of a dark star enshrouds Danikle's weapon as she strikes a skeletal warrior.
The dark light contracts and then suddenly expands into a nebulous sunburst!
a skeletal warrior is enveloped in the expanding void as her life force drains away.
a skeletal warrior is enveloped in the expanding void as her life force drains away.
the deathknight commander is enveloped in the expanding void as her life force drains away.
a skeletal warrior is enveloped in the expanding void as her life force drains away.
a shadowy wisp is enveloped in the expanding void as her life force drains away.
a skeletal archer is enveloped in the expanding void as her life force drains away.
a skeletal archer is enveloped in the expanding void as her life force drains away.

S) Cleave messaging is not capitalized:

the king under blood moon brings his weapon to bear and strikes out in a deadly arc.
the king under blood moon's mighty strike cleaves through you.
OUCH!  That really did HURT!
the king under blood moon's mighty strike cleaves through Tibbappotile.
the king under blood moon's mighty strike cleaves through Esalee.
The king under blood moon's Cleave hits three targets.
Your average vampiric flaming slash barely wounds the king under blood moon.

T) Dropping a transient object needs capitalization:

Lilabipple drops a vial of dark flecked liquid.
a vial of dark flecked liquid crumbles to dust and blows away.

U) Bahamut's proc (perhaps a proc for all dragons?)

Notice the lack of capitalization for "she" and "he" below.

Neskeke is dazed!
Elterras is dazed!
Orinil is sent flying from the room!

Teyamrin is sent flying from the room!

Utix is sent flying across the room. he lands in a crumpled heap.

Utix is dazed!

V) Item results when scrying should be capitalized:

You cast the spell 'Astral Scrying'. You cast your sight into the astral realms... the flaming holy flamberge of the efreeti in some sort of container. the flaming holy flamberge of the efreeti in some sort of container. the flaming holy flamberge of the efreeti in some sort of container. the flaming holy flamberge of the efreeti in some sort of container. the flaming holy flamberge of the efreeti in some sort of container. the flaming holy flamberge of the efreeti carried by someone.

W) Continual light on objects missing capitalization:

Xussur casts the spell 'Continual Light'.
a stout dragonhide pack glows brilliantly!

X) Rubbing a rod has no capitalization:

rub rod
a black adamantite rod in your hands suddenly glows brightly!

Y) Items you can't take should be capitalized:

< 620h/620H 160v/160V |bs +|cr +|tr +| P: std >     
get all coffin
You get a black bladed longsword from a warlord's coffin.
the warlord's corpse isn't takeable.

Z) I'm not sure what power or spell or proc this is, but it's from Baphomet, and needs a capital letter: a devout of Sargas lays her blessed hands upon Esalee.

  1. Typos:

A) Beholder fuscia ray:

A beholder with missing eyestalks turns an eyestalk towards Elterras and shoots a vivid fuscia ray straight at him. fuscia--> should be fuchsia, I assume?

B) If an object already starts with "the," don't precede with another "the"?

< |ss +|sk +|ua +|ros +|sod +|cv +|cc +|wu +|nop +|ub +|ut +|hd +|dsd +|iw +|vip +| >     
get gem eyes
The the gem eyes of the demon statue isn't a container

C) Looking at someone with barskinl "He" should be "His." I'm not sure if it's also wrong for females.

l mazad
You see nothing special about him.
Mazad is a medium-sized level 50 Drow Elf.
He is in excellent condition.
He skin has barklike texture.

D) Tailsweep, missing "a" before "mighty tail"? I'm not sure if this is somehow caused by ANSI or not:

< 175h/1235H 179v/180V P: std >
< |ss +|sk +|ua 5|ros +|sod +|cv +|cc +|wu +|nop +|ub +|ut 1|hd +|dsd +|iw 28|vip +| >     
An ancient shadow dragon attacks Lamizapple, landing a single hit.
An ancient shadow dragon lashes out with  mighty tail in a broad arc!
With a final blow, you feel yourself falling to the ground.
Your soul leaves your body in the cold sleep of death...

Example 2:

A spirit guardian misses you with its drain.
The spirit of a bronze dragon misses you with his claw.
The spirit of a bronze dragon misses you with his claw.
The spirit of a bronze dragon lashes out with  mighty tail in a broad arc!
Malled is knocked down on the ground!

But it seems okay for others, e.g.:

< 1239h/1485H 180v/180V [Target: dragonbone 0%] EP: std P: std > < |ss +|sk +|ua +|ros +|sod +|cv +|cc +|wu +|nop +|ub 13|ut 15|hd +|dsd 12|iw 42|vip +| >

A dragonbone golem lashes out with its mighty tail in a broad arc! You reel backwards in pain as the massive tail smashes into you! Malled staggers in pain as the massive tail smashes into him!

E) Incorrect gender for the cleric in the underdark settlement just east of Gloomhaven:

Her description says "she" but during combat actions it's a "he." The mob's gender should be updated.

F) Muspelheim, when making an ice bridge:

As the magical cold of your spell blankets the area
the molten lava solidifies into a small bridge.

Maybe combine this a single line, as it's super short? Or add a comma after "area."

G) Bahamut blade proc:

Issue 1: this has one space too many between the character's name and "blade." Issue 2: it would look better if this was all on one line. Plenty of other messages are longer than that. The newline/CR looks weird for just one remaining word.

A golden light springs forth from Tibbappotile's  blade and envelops him, he looks
Tibbappotile attacks a young blue dragon, landing a single hit.
Your crimson-edged obsidian blade pulses crimson in a torrent of unholy might!
An inky black miasma writhes forth from your blade coating an Advocate from Jalanthar
in Stygian darkness!
Nothing seems to happen.
Your massive flaming slash barely wounds an Advocate from Jalanthar.

H) Greater Realm of Protection should not have "of" capitalized:

It should be like Globe of Invulnerability.

This is not just in the status display, but also when someone casts it:

Active Powers:
Blur, Dragonscales, Vitality, Globe of Invulnerability, Greater Realm Of Protection

I) Some weapon proc, needs closing apostrophe:

Thallen wields a slender elven Moonblade.

< 1045h/1045H 155v/155V |3|3|2|3|2| P: std >
< |ss +|md +|sph +|uf +|vs +|drs +|sot +|fr +|bc +|sp +|ad +|sos +|cs +|ua +|dg +| >     

Thallen declares, 'In the name of Labelas Enoreth, I beseech the children of nature to keep and protect my brethren today.

T3. Missing periods:

A) Astral, dimensional warper long description:

You scan north...
The Astral Plane
Exits: -N -E -S -W -U -D
A dimensional warper wanders about here looking for knowledge

B) DK, drow butcher long description:

Exits: - North - East  - South - West                  [74785] 
A drow butcher stands here, covered in blood

C) Auction bidding, missing period in the last string:

aucbid 115 200
You are about to bid 200 platinum on item 115 robes of utter darkness.  
Please confirm you want to do so. (Y/N): [No]

Your maximum proxy bid has been deducted from your account.
The auctioneer says 'Your proxy bid of 50 out of 200 platinum on item 115 robes of utter darkness has been registered.'
Auction: Cherzra bid 50 platinum on item 115 robes of utter darkness

D) Some spells have a period behind them when cast, others don't:

Kinon starts casting a spell called 'Aspect of Domination'

Kinon casts the spell 'Aspect of Domination'.
Shadowy black wings sprout from Kinon's back as he starts emanating a wave of seething hatred.

Heroh starts casting a spell called 'Vitality' Xussur starts casting a spell called 'Vitality' Xussur starts casting a spell called 'Resurrect' Xussur starts casting a spell called 'Full Heal'

E) Will O'Wisp (missing period behind long name)

The Greycloak Hills The sweet scent of flowers wafts upon the chill misty air. Intermingled amongst the high grasses of the hills many colorful flowers bloom, adding a sense of cheer to this area of the hills. Hummingbirds can be seen flitting from flower to flower in search of nectar despite the somewhat chilly air. The misty clouds endemic to the hills cover the grasses and flowers in a layer of dew, one of the reasons that the flora is so abundant. The Greycloak hills continue to the north, east, and west. Exits: - North - East - West A glowing ball of yellow light hovers in the air nearby

F) When someone else speaks the scepter of valhalla keywords, that message needs a period:

< |cs +|ds +|bs +|ra +|sb +|sod +|cc +|wu +|nop +|ub +|ut +|hd +|dsd +|iw 21|vip +| >

Arizan mutters something to his the mighty scepter of valhalla

G) Some paladin power. Needs a period:

`Miranol lands a glancing blow as a young green dragon sidesteps his charge`

H) UM1, Demilich Malodin proc needs a period:

A Bend in the Passage Exits: - North - West The demilich Malodin rests upon a table within a quiet room.

< 866h/922H 135v/130V P: std > < |ss 1|sk 3|ua +|ros +|sod +|cv +|cc +|wu +|nop +|ub +|ut +|hd +|dsd +|iw +|vip +| >

A gem it uses for a tooth begins to glow, as a ray of light shoots forth toward Cherzra! Its anger sated, Malodin the demilich drops back down, and is lifeless again