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Psi cannibalize vs. canibalize #1060

Open byzanthia opened 1 month ago

byzanthia commented 1 month ago
< >     

Intelligence Based Skills:

meditate                  (average)       (55)

Wisdom Based Skills:

bandage                   (bad)           (15)

Strength Based Skills:

swimming                  (bad)           (16)
1h bludgeon               (bad)           (20)
1h slashing               (bad)           (15)
1h piercing               (bad)           (17)

Constitution Based Skills:

mount                     (bad)           (21)

Dexterity Based Skills:

[RETURN for more, q to quit]

unbind                    (neophyte)      (2)

Agility Based Skills:

dodge                     (bad)           (14)


combatmind                (poor)          (28)
mindblast                 (below average) (45)
aurasight                 (poor)          (28)
danger sense              (poor)          (30)


project force             (master)        (95)
detonate                  (poor)          (30)
telekineticthrust         (neophyte)      (3)


adrenalize                (poor)          (31)

[RETURN for more, q to quit]flesh armor               (poor)          (30)
body control              (poor)          (30)
catfall                   (poor)          (28)
reduction                 (poor)          (30)
expansion                 (poor)          (30)
deathfield                (neophyte)      (2)
sustain                   (poor)          (28)
equalibrium               (neophyte)      (3)


planar rift               (unlearned)     (0)
shift                     (neophyte)      (2)
wormhole                  (unlearned)     (0)


tower of iron will        (unlearned)     (0)
dominate                  (neophyte)      (2)
mass domination           (neophyte)      (2)
synaptic static           (neophyte)      (2)

[RETURN for more, q to quit]Metapsionics:

stasis field              (neophyte)      (2)
battle trance             (unlearned)     (0)
ultrablast                (unlearned)     (0)
canibalize                (unlearned)     (0)
globe of darkness         (unlearned)     (0)
charge                    (poor)          (28)

< >     
help canibalize
Psionic Ability.

Syntax:            canibalize <number of points>
Area of effect:    Self
Duration:          Instantaneous
Aggressive:        No
Class/Level:       Psionicist 40th
Type of Ability:   Metapsionics

Cannibalize channels the psionicist's energies and allows them to
convert movement points into psp's.  The conversion is not linear,
however, and the more movement converted yields less and less psionic
strength points.

I'm curious why it's "canibalize" in the syntax and in the skill list? Seems like a typo, as "cannibalize" is the correct spelling?