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Hometown descriptions when creating a new character #1062

Open byzanthia opened 1 month ago

byzanthia commented 1 month ago

I am rolling a drow and noticed this:

Hometown Selection
Humans and half-elves are permitted to choose among several towns as their
hometown. Note that the other races have separate hometowns that are not
listed here.

1. Waterdeep - Largest city on the Faerunian continent and the primary home
   of humans. Waterdeep is located on northern west coast of the mainland.

2. Calimport - Southernmost city on the continent, surrounded by desert
   to the north and east, and ocean to the south and west.

3. Leuthilspar - Located on the island of Evermeet and the home of the grey
   elves. Evermeet is isolated from the main continent by a large ocean.

4. Baldur's Gate - Located near the the west coast, Baldur's is a hangout
   for disreputable beings and is frequented by cutthroats and thieves.

5. Silverymoon - Located northeast of Waterdeep, Silverymoon is the largest
   city in the northlands of Toril.  With its rich commercial and artistic
   communities it is truly the Gem of the North.

Please choose among:
17) Dobluth Kyor
19) Menzoberranzan

Your selection: 


  1. It says "Humans and half-elves are permitted to choose among several towns as their hometown." This should be updated to add drow.
  2. It would be a nice to either present only the towns applicable to the race selected, or to have a generic list for all races that have access to more than one town (i.e. update the list above with DK and Menzo).
