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Areas wiki - key object type mentions some kind of "lock-type"? #1070

Open byzanthia opened 6 days ago

byzanthia commented 6 days ago mentions:

18 KEY
Any item type can be a key, but using this type will allow you to include a chance for the key to break when used.

Value[0] The key-type. This value must match the lock-type of the door or container.
Value[1] Break Chance: % chance that the key will break (0 = no chance, 100 = always breaks)
Value[2] -
Value[3] -

What is "lock-type" and "key-type"? I don't think I've ever seen this before and I can't find another match if I search either.

I thought you simply set the key object vnum in the WLD or OBJ file and that matches the key to the door or locked object?