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Ideas for Ranger Archery #670

Open Lamnicaes opened 4 years ago

Lamnicaes commented 4 years ago

Ranger archery skill set seems to be a bit weak compared to their dual wield skill set. The advantage against shielded mobs is great, but that's the only real time you'd want to use archery over dual wield.

--Could you look at making the 'Archery' skill responsible for archery double attacks instead of the "Double Attack" skill? This would ensure that you could always get 3 hits per round with the bow.

--Could you look at increase bow class damage a bit, including the Crit Range? Maybe increase longbow class up to 5d6, or even 6d5, and increase the Crit Range to 4% with the 3x bonus? I'm not sure about damage ranges on other bow classes, but look at them as well. Longbow Class: Damage: 4D6 Crit Range: 3% Crit Bonus: 3x Endgame arrows do increase your damage, but collecting an entire quiver of them is quite difficult and you deserve to do the extra damage if you've managed to collect that many...

--Could you look at changing the crossbow from Tiamat into a bow so we can use it? Currently no class has crossbow skills. It uses archery for weapon skill. Name 'a steel crossbow studded with sapphires' Keyword 'crossbow double heavy sapphires', Item type: WEAPON Item can be worn on: WIELD Item will give you following abilities: NOBITS Item is: MAGIC FLOAT NOBURN NOLOCATE TWOHANDS NOBITS Weight: 5, Value: 1000000 Type: Heavy Crossbow Class: Simple Damage: 4D6 Crit Range: 6% Crit Bonus: 2x Can affect you as : Affects : HITROLL by 5 Affects : DAMROLL by 5 Special Effects : Sonic Bolt

--Could you look at increasing the damage of "Knockdown Shot" to 300% and increase the To-Hit Mods % from hit roll to 200%? This would match Sweeping Strike for dual wield skill set.

Name : Knockdown Shot [ks] Type : Melee
Attack Type : Armor
Target : Offense Recharge : 12 seconds Implements : Bow Restrictions : Standing, Can See To-Hit Mods : Size Diff -10, Level Diff +1, Dex 25%, Hit Roll 100%

Effects: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Target Effect : Strike with all weapons for 200% (Weapon, Bow)
Target Effect : Change position to Prone
Restrictions: Ground, Immaterial, Size 3, Target Legs, Unmounted Type Dragon immune Target Effect : --> Wait for 4 seconds
Miss Effect : Strike with all weapons for 100% (Weapon, Bow)

--Could you look at increasing the damage of Splinter Shot to 300%

Name : Splintering Shot [sp] Type : Melee
Attack Type : Armor
Target : Offense Stacks : Yes Recharge : 24 seconds Implements : Bow Restrictions : Standing, Can See To-Hit Mods : Level Diff +1, Dex 25%, Hit Roll 200%

Effects: -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=- Target Effect : Strike with all weapons for 200% (Weapon, Bow)
Target Effect : Add dazed condition for 12 seconds
Miss Effect : Strike with all weapons for 100% (Weapon, Bow)

I think these few minor tweaks could help make archery a bit more useful, so you might see someone using it when zoning, etc?

Thoughts anyone?

Lamnicaes commented 4 years ago

To note, another built in downfall to archery vs dual wield is that you cannot parry, which is your higher defensive skill as a ranger. You could look at perhaps adding a 2nd chance at dodging as part of your archery skill, similar to great weapon defense on paladin\blackguards, or simply use that as a reason to justify adding more damage to the archery skill set.

shevarash commented 4 years ago

Thanks for all the ideas. I'll keep this open pending future Archery updates.

A note on the second comment from @Lamnicaes: Great idea, and good news! It already exists. Check out Ranged Weapon Defense.