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Bug reports for TorilMUD
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Proposal: Remove Trophy Entirely #680

Open MikeyLikes opened 4 years ago

MikeyLikes commented 4 years ago

I think the aim of trophy is a good one - push folks to find diversity in leveling.

The problem is that the way trophy is designed, it doesn't do that at all. What it does is it pushes everyone to go do experience in areas with a diversity of mob id's. That is why SM and Ashstone are so popular.

Is doing exp in those locations really any better than doing wall runs on elite guards? From an earned exp point of view, the two strategies are wildly different.


  1. As designed, trophy hits people new to the mud very hard. Veterans have found ways to work around it.
  2. As designed, trophy is working against its own purpose and is in fact pushing exp to happen all in the same few places where exp mobs have different id's.

Bring back wall Exp! Let us all find new spots to do exp without worrying about which mobs what id's under the covers!

shevarash commented 4 years ago

I am leaning in this direction as well.