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Balor life drain - no message? #787

Open Uagr opened 4 years ago

Uagr commented 4 years ago

"Nice" proc indead, I assume its from the sword passing through me, but shouldn't their be a status or something on score to show the negative effect? halfing hp sux, but funny

< 821h/1013H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: small wounds E: balor EC: few scratches P: std > An onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt barely wounds a fiery balor with its powerful pierce. A fiery balor partially deflects an onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt's lunge at him. An onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt barely wounds a fiery balor with its strong pierce. A fiery balor deflects an onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt's blow, and strikes back at an onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt! An onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt is smashed out of the air ignominiously! Your blood freezes as you hear the rattling death cry of an onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt. A fiery balor deflects Nalagori's blow, and strikes back at Nalagori! A fiery balor misses Nalagori with his slash. Nalagori barely wounds a fiery balor with her awesome slash. Rokhal barely wounds a fiery balor with his awesome pierce. A fiery balor misses you with his slash. A fiery balor misses you with his slash. A fiery balor misses you with his slash. A fiery balor misses you with his slash. a fiery balor strikes out wildly about the area in a mighty burst of power! A fiery balor misses Nalagori with his slash. A fiery balor's sword surges with electrical energy as it approaches you, and as the mighty weapon passes through your body, you begin to weaken and shudder. A fiery balor's sword surges with electrical energy as it approaches you, and as the mighty weapon passes through your body, you begin to weaken and shudder. OUCH! That really did HURT! A fiery balor partially deflects your lunge at him. Your average slash barely wounds a fiery balor. Your strong slash barely wounds a fiery balor.

< 625h/1013H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: few wounds E: balor EC: few scratches P: std > Nalagori's weapon unleashes a torrent of dark power as she strikes a fiery balor.

< 626h/513H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: excellent E: balor EC: small wounds P: std > A harmonious combination of notes from Rokhal soothes your wounds.

< 626h/513H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: excellent E: balor EC: small wounds P: std > You feel a wave of vigor flooding through you as you stand fast against your foes.

< 763h/763H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: excellent E: balor EC: small wounds P: std > Cronin flies south.

< 763h/763H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: excellent E: balor EC: small wounds P: std > A fiery balor deflects Uggrax's blow, and strikes back at Uggrax! A fiery balor misses Uggrax with his slash.

< 762h/763H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: few scratches E: balor EC: small wounds P: std > Rokhal stops using a rune inscribed glaive.

< 762h/763H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: few scratches E: balor EC: small wounds P: std > Rokhal wields an onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt.

< 763h/763H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: excellent E: balor EC: small wounds P: std > In a Warded Prison Cell Exits: - South Corpse of an onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt is lying here. A pool of blood covers the ground. Nalagori Shadow Pouncer - Pride of the Sabertooth (Duergar) stands here, fighting a fiery balor. Rokhal (Orc) stands here, fighting a fiery balor. Uggrax Chomp Neck (Troll) stands here, fighting a fiery balor. A fiery balor stands in mid-air here, fighting YOU!

< 763h/763H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: excellent E: balor EC: small wounds P: std > Uggrax barely wounds a fiery balor with his powerful bludgeon. Uggrax's attack only grazes a fiery balor as he dodges aside! Uggrax barely wounds a fiery balor with his average bludgeon. Uggrax's attack only grazes a fiery balor as he dodges aside! Uggrax barely wounds a fiery balor with his average bludgeon. Nalagori misses a fiery balor with her slash. A fiery balor parries Nalagori's lunge at him. Rokhal barely wounds a fiery balor with his powerful pierce. Rokhal misses a fiery balor with his pierce. A fiery balor misses you with his slash. A fiery balor misses you with his slash. A fiery balor misses you with his slash. A fiery balor misses you with his slash. Your attack only grazes a fiery balor as he dodges aside! Your average slash barely wounds a fiery balor. Your strong slash barely wounds a fiery balor.

< 763h/763H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: excellent E: balor EC: small wounds P: std >

< 763h/763H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: excellent E: balor EC: small wounds P: std > Nalagori lashes out at a fiery balor with a wicked strike, landing a glancing blow. You become a whirling cyclone of terror as you spin your weapon about and charge your enemies. You land a resounding glancing blow on a fiery balor.

< 763h/763H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: excellent E: balor EC: small wounds P: std > You channel your indomitable will into an impenetrable active defense.

< 763h/763H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: excellent E: balor EC: small wounds P: std > Uggrax barely wounds a fiery balor with his massive bludgeon. A fiery balor partially deflects Uggrax's lunge at him. Uggrax barely wounds a fiery balor with his strong bludgeon. A fiery balor deflects Uggrax's blow, and strikes back at Uggrax! A fiery balor misses Uggrax with his slash. Nalagori barely wounds a fiery balor with her awesome slash. A fiery balor dodges Nalagori's attack. A fiery balor dodges Rokhal's attack. A fiery balor misses you with his slash. A fiery balor misses you with his slash. A fiery balor misses you with his slash. A fiery balor misses you with his slash. A fiery balor dodges your futile attack. Your average slash barely wounds a fiery balor.

< 763h/763H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: excellent E: balor EC: small wounds P: std >

< 763h/763H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: excellent E: balor EC: small wounds P: std > Cronin flies in from the south.

< 763h/763H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: excellent E: balor EC: small wounds P: std >

< 763h/763H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: excellent E: balor EC: small wounds P: std > Nalagori's weapon begins to pulse with a sinister glow as her soul fills with vengeance. Nalagori's weapon flares with purifying dark flames as she strikes a fiery balor.

< 763h/763H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: excellent E: balor EC: small wounds P: std > Cronin starts casting a spell called 'Group Heal'

< 763h/763H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: excellent E: balor EC: small wounds P: std > A momentary brilliant glow originating from Rokhal's circlet begins a rapid change in his appearance. Countless serpents begin to uncoil, slithering and sliding their way down and around Rokhal's arms, neck, and torso, granting him a reptilian quickstrike ability! As his eyes gleam a vivid yellow the brief enchantment begins to fade. Quickly as they descended, the serpents twist and twine their way back to the magic within their circlet. Rokhal barely wounds a fiery balor with his powerful pierce. Rokhal barely wounds a fiery balor with his mighty pierce. Rokhal misses a fiery balor with his pierce. Rokhal barely wounds a fiery balor with his powerful pierce. A fiery balor dodges Rokhal's attack. Rokhal barely wounds a fiery balor with his mighty pierce. Uggrax barely wounds a fiery balor with his powerful bludgeon. A fiery balor partially deflects Uggrax's lunge at him. Uggrax barely wounds a fiery balor with his average bludgeon. A fiery balor dodges Uggrax's attack. A fiery balor dodges Nalagori's attack. Nalagori's Unholy Avenger glows jet black, and plunges itself into a fiery balor's body, causing it to writhe in pain. A fiery balor deflects Nalagori's blow, and strikes back at Nalagori! A fiery balor misses Nalagori with his slash. Rokhal misses a fiery balor with his pierce. A fiery balor partially deflects Rokhal's lunge at him. Rokhal barely wounds a fiery balor with his average pierce. A fiery balor misses you with his slash. A fiery balor misses you with his slash. A fiery balor misses you with his slash. A fiery balor misses you with his slash. A fiery balor parries your futile lunge at him. Your average slash barely wounds a fiery balor.

< 763h/763H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: excellent E: balor EC: small wounds P: std > In a Warded Prison Cell Exits: - South Corpse of an onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt is lying here. A pool of blood covers the ground. Cronin (Barbarian) stands in mid-air here. Nalagori Shadow Pouncer - Pride of the Sabertooth (Duergar) stands here, fighting a fiery balor. Rokhal (Orc) stands here, fighting a fiery balor. Uggrax Chomp Neck (Troll) stands here, fighting a fiery balor. A fiery balor stands in mid-air here, fighting YOU! Rokhal stops singing abruptly.

< 763h/763H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: excellent E: balor EC: small wounds P: std > Rokhal stops using a boneshell balalaika strung with elven hair.

< 763h/763H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: excellent E: balor EC: small wounds P: std > Rokhal gets a small oaken drum wrapped with dragonhide from his Detrez's storage cube.

< 763h/763H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: excellent E: balor EC: small wounds P: std > Rokhal grabs a small oaken drum wrapped with dragonhide.

< 763h/763H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: excellent E: balor EC: small wounds P: std > You feel vulnerable again as your wave of vigor starts to subside. Azora OOC: 'scan'

< 763h/763H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: excellent E: balor EC: small wounds P: std > Uggrax lunges forward and cracks a fiery balor a brutal blow upside the head with his weapon.

< 763h/763H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: excellent E: balor EC: small wounds P: std > You high five Uggrax. Yeah!

< 763h/763H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: excellent E: balor EC: small wounds P: std > Cronin completes his spell... Cronin summons a healing light that surround the entire group.

< 763h/763H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: excellent E: balor EC: small wounds P: std > Nalagori's weapon unleashes a torrent of dark power as she strikes a fiery balor.

< 763h/763H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: excellent E: balor EC: small wounds P: std > Uggrax barely wounds a fiery balor with his awesome bludgeon. Uggrax misses a fiery balor with his bludgeon. A fiery balor parries Uggrax's lunge at him. A fiery balor parries Nalagori's lunge at him. A fiery balor partially deflects Nalagori's lunge at him. Nalagori barely wounds a fiery balor with her strong slash. An onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt floats out of the hands of Rokhal and begins to attack a fiery balor on its own. An onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt misses a fiery balor with its pierce. A fiery balor dodges Rokhal's attack. A fiery balor misses you with his slash. A fiery balor misses you with his slash. A fiery balor misses you with his slash. A fiery balor's sword explodes into an electrical storm, zapping everyone with bolts of negative energy. The negative energy damages an onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt's very life energy. The negative energy damages Cronin's very life energy. The negative energy damages Nalagori's very life energy. The negative energy damages your very life energy. OUCH! That really did HURT! The negative energy damages Rokhal's very life energy. The negative energy damages Uggrax's very life energy. You dodge a fiery balor's vicious attack. You miss a fiery balor with your slash. A fiery balor parries your futile lunge at him.

< 645h/763H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: small wounds E: balor EC: small wounds P: std > Rokhal wields a rune inscribed glaive.

< 645h/763H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: small wounds E: balor EC: small wounds P: std > In a Warded Prison Cell Exits: - South Corpse of an onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt is lying here. A pool of blood covers the ground. An onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt stands, inches above the surface here, fighting a fiery balor. Cronin (Barbarian) stands in mid-air here, fighting a fiery balor. Nalagori Shadow Pouncer - Pride of the Sabertooth (Duergar) stands here, fighting a fiery balor. Rokhal (Orc) stands here, fighting a fiery balor. Uggrax Chomp Neck (Troll) stands here, fighting a fiery balor. A fiery balor stands in mid-air here, fighting YOU!

< 646h/763H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: small wounds E: balor EC: small wounds P: std > Rokhal begins singing.

< 647h/763H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: small wounds E: balor EC: small wounds P: std > Uggrax drops into a defensive posture and raises his shield as he lands a strike on a fiery balor.

< 647h/763H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: small wounds E: balor EC: small wounds P: std > You drop your guard slightly under the fatigue of maintaining superior defenses.

< 649h/763H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: small wounds E: balor EC: small wounds P: std > Cronin starts casting an offensive spell called 'Faerie Fire'

< 650h/763H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: small wounds E: balor EC: small wounds P: std > An onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt barely wounds a fiery balor with its mighty pierce. A fiery balor parries an onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt's lunge at him. An onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt misses a fiery balor with its pierce. Uggrax barely wounds a fiery balor with his powerful bludgeon. A fiery balor partially deflects Uggrax's lunge at him. Uggrax barely wounds a fiery balor with his strong bludgeon. A fiery balor partially deflects Uggrax's lunge at him. Uggrax barely wounds a fiery balor with his average bludgeon. A fiery balor deflects Nalagori's blow, and strikes back at Nalagori! A fiery balor misses Nalagori with his slash. Nalagori misses a fiery balor with her slash. With a flick of the wrist Rokhal sends his glaive deep into a fiery balor! A fiery balor parries Rokhal's lunge at him. Rokhal barely wounds a fiery balor with his powerful pierce. A fiery balor misses you with his slash. A fiery balor misses you with his slash. A fiery balor misses you with his slash. A fiery balor misses you with his slash. Your average slash barely wounds a fiery balor. Your average slash barely wounds a fiery balor. You take a step back and move to block an opening in your defenses.

< 651h/763H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: small wounds E: balor EC: few wounds P: std > Nalagori raises her weapon menacingly as it fades out, becoming smoky and grey. Nalagori's grim strike cuts through the air next to a fiery balor, who shivers in pain.

< 652h/763H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: small wounds E: balor EC: few wounds P: std > A momentary brilliant glow originating from Rokhal's circlet begins a rapid change in his appearance. Countless serpents begin to uncoil, slithering and sliding their way down and around Rokhal's arms, neck, and torso, granting him a reptilian quickstrike ability! As his eyes gleam a vivid yellow the brief enchantment begins to fade. Quickly as they descended, the serpents twist and twine their way back to the magic within their circlet. Rokhal barely wounds a fiery balor with his powerful pierce. Rokhal barely wounds a fiery balor with his powerful pierce. Rokhal barely wounds a fiery balor with his powerful pierce. Rokhal barely wounds a fiery balor with his powerful pierce. Rokhal barely wounds a fiery balor with his powerful pierce. A fiery balor parries Rokhal's lunge at him. Rokhal's quickening chant fills his cohort with awesome determination. Rokhal's song dramatically increases the movements of his companions! Pardon?

< 654h/763H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: small wounds E: balor EC: few wounds P: std > Cronin completes his spell... A fiery balor is surrounded by a dancing outline of purple flames!

< 655h/763H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: small wounds E: balor EC: few wounds P: std > You adjust your defensive stance and steel yourself for incoming attacks.

< 656h/763H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: small wounds E: balor EC: few wounds P: std > Uggrax looks invigorated as he lands a powerful strike upon a fiery balor.

< 657h/763H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: small wounds E: balor EC: few wounds P: std > Cronin misses a fiery balor with his sonic bludgeon. A fiery balor parries Cronin's lunge at him. An onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt misses a fiery balor with its pierce. A fiery balor partially deflects an onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt's lunge at him. An onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt barely wounds a fiery balor with its strong pierce. A fiery balor parries an onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt's lunge at him. A fiery balor partially deflects Uggrax's lunge at him. Uggrax barely wounds a fiery balor with his powerful bludgeon. Uggrax misses a fiery balor with his bludgeon. Uggrax barely wounds a fiery balor with his massive bludgeon. Nalagori barely wounds a fiery balor with her awesome slash. Nalagori barely wounds a fiery balor with her massive slash. Nalagori barely wounds a fiery balor with her massive slash. A fiery balor deflects Rokhal's blow, and strikes back at Rokhal! A fiery balor misses Rokhal with his slash. Rokhal's attack only grazes a fiery balor as he dodges aside! Rokhal barely wounds a fiery balor with his strong pierce. A fiery balor misses you with his slash. A fiery balor misses you with his slash. A fiery balor misses you with his slash. A fiery balor misses you with his slash. You miss a fiery balor with your slash. Your strong slash barely wounds a fiery balor. Your strong slash barely wounds a fiery balor.

< 657h/763H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: small wounds E: balor EC: few wounds P: std > But nobody is fighting him?

< 658h/763H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: small wounds E: balor EC: few wounds P: std > Nalagori starts casting a spell called 'Shroud of Shadow'

< 658h/763H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: small wounds E: balor EC: few wounds P: std > Cronin starts casting a spell called 'Group Heal'

< 658h/763H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: small wounds E: balor EC: few wounds P: std > Nalagori completes her spell... A misty cloud of gloom swirls about Nalagori.

< 659h/763H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: small wounds E: balor EC: few wounds P: std >

< 659h/763H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: small wounds E: balor EC: few wounds P: std >

< 659h/763H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: small wounds E: balor EC: few wounds P: std > Nalagori's weapon begins to pulse with a sinister glow as her soul fills with vengeance. Nalagori's weapon flares with purifying dark flames as she strikes a fiery balor.

< 662h/763H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: small wounds E: balor EC: few wounds P: std > Cronin completes his spell... Cronin summons a healing light that surround the entire group. Your body warms as your wounds are healed. Cronin misses a fiery balor with his sonic bludgeon. Cronin misses a fiery balor with his sonic bludgeon. A fiery balor parries an onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt's lunge at him. An onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt's attack only grazes a fiery balor as he dodges aside! An onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt barely wounds a fiery balor with its strong pierce. An onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt barely wounds a fiery balor with its mighty pierce. Uggrax barely wounds a fiery balor with his mighty bludgeon. Uggrax's attack only grazes a fiery balor as he dodges aside! Uggrax barely wounds a fiery balor with his strong bludgeon. A fiery balor partially deflects Uggrax's lunge at him. Uggrax barely wounds a fiery balor with his strong bludgeon. Nalagori barely wounds a fiery balor with her mighty slash. Nalagori misses a fiery balor with her slash. Nalagori barely wounds a fiery balor with her awesome slash. Rokhal barely wounds a fiery balor with his mighty pierce. Rokhal's attack only grazes a fiery balor as he dodges aside! Rokhal barely wounds a fiery balor with his strong pierce. Rokhal barely wounds a fiery balor with his mighty pierce. You parry a fiery balor's lunge at you. As a fiery balor's whip lashes out, it grapples you, and he reels you into his bodily flames, where you are bathed in a column of unholy fire! You lie on the ground, suffering from bleeding wounds. You parry a fiery balor's lunge at you. You block a fiery balor's attack with your shield! You miss a fiery balor with your slash. A fiery balor deflects your blow, and strikes back at YOU! A fiery balor's attack only grazes you as you dodge aside! A fiery balor slightly wounds you with his powerful slash. Your strong slash barely wounds a fiery balor.

< 693h/763H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: few scratches E: balor EC: few wounds P: std > In a Warded Prison Cell Exits: - South Corpse of an onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt is lying here. A pool of blood covers the ground. An onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt stands, inches above the surface here, fighting a fiery balor. Cronin (Barbarian) stands in mid-air here, fighting a fiery balor. Nalagori Shadow Pouncer - Pride of the Sabertooth (Duergar) stands here, fighting a fiery balor. Rokhal (Orc) stands here, fighting a fiery balor. Uggrax Chomp Neck (Troll) stands here, fighting a fiery balor. A fiery balor stands in mid-air here, fighting YOU!

< 694h/763H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: few scratches E: balor EC: few wounds P: std > A momentary brilliant glow originating from Rokhal's circlet begins a rapid change in his appearance. Countless serpents begin to uncoil, slithering and sliding their way down and around Rokhal's arms, neck, and torso, granting him a reptilian quickstrike ability! As his eyes gleam a vivid yellow the brief enchantment begins to fade. Quickly as they descended, the serpents twist and twine their way back to the magic within their circlet. Rokhal misses a fiery balor with his pierce. A fiery balor partially deflects Rokhal's lunge at him. Rokhal barely wounds a fiery balor with his strong pierce. Rokhal misses a fiery balor with his pierce. Rokhal barely wounds a fiery balor with his mighty pierce.

< 698h/763H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: few scratches E: balor EC: few wounds P: std > In a Warded Prison Cell Exits: - South Corpse of an onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt is lying here. A pool of blood covers the ground. An onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt stands, inches above the surface here, fighting a fiery balor. Cronin (Barbarian) stands in mid-air here, fighting a fiery balor. Nalagori Shadow Pouncer - Pride of the Sabertooth (Duergar) stands here, fighting a fiery balor. Rokhal (Orc) stands here, fighting a fiery balor. Uggrax Chomp Neck (Troll) stands here, fighting a fiery balor. A fiery balor stands in mid-air here, fighting YOU!

< 698h/763H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: few scratches E: balor EC: few wounds P: std > You feel drained as the wave of vigor passes.

< 699h/513H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: excellent E: balor EC: few wounds P: std > As Cronin swings his heavy flail of meteoric iron its ball glows a malicious shade of red. a fiery balor cringes in terror as the unearthly light washes over him. A fiery balor briefly reveals a red aura! Cronin's a heavy flail of meteoric iron screams in a deafening sonic burst! A fiery balor is propelled backwards as Cronin's a heavy flail of meteoric iron erupts in a blast of force! A fiery balor is sent sprawling! Cronin's attack only grazes a fiery balor as he dodges aside! Cronin barely wounds a fiery balor with his strong sonic bludgeon. Cronin's attack only grazes a fiery balor as he dodges aside! Cronin barely wounds a fiery balor with his average sonic bludgeon. An onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt barely wounds a fiery balor with its massive pierce. A fiery balor deflects an onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt's blow, and strikes back at an onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt! An onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt is smashed out of the air ignominiously! Your blood freezes as you hear the rattling death cry of an onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt. A fiery balor dodges Uggrax's attack. Uggrax barely wounds a fiery balor with his massive bludgeon. Uggrax barely wounds a fiery balor with his massive bludgeon. Nalagori barely wounds a fiery balor with her massive slash. Nalagori barely wounds a fiery balor with her massive slash. Nalagori's attack only grazes a fiery balor as he dodges aside! Nalagori barely wounds a fiery balor with her powerful slash. Rokhal barely wounds a fiery balor with his awesome pierce. Rokhal slightly wounds a fiery balor with his massive pierce. You partially deflect a fiery balor's lunge at you. A fiery balor badly wounds you with his powerful slash. As a fiery balor's whip lashes out, it grapples you, and he reels you into his bodily flames, where you are bathed in a column of unholy fire! You lie on the ground, suffering from bleeding wounds. A fiery balor's attack only grazes you as you dodge aside! A fiery balor badly wounds you with his mighty slash. A fiery balor's attack only grazes you as you dodge aside! A fiery balor badly wounds you with his mighty slash. Your powerful slash barely wounds a fiery balor. Your mighty slash barely wounds a fiery balor. Your powerful slash barely wounds a fiery balor.

< 559h/513H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: excellent E: balor EC: nasty wounds P: std > Uggrax drops into a defensive posture and raises his shield as he lands a strike on a fiery balor.

< 559h/513H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: excellent E: balor EC: nasty wounds P: std > Strands of darkness shroud Nalagori's form as she lands a wicked strike upon a fiery balor. A fiery balor cowers in fear!

< 559h/513H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: excellent E: balor EC: nasty wounds P: std > In a Warded Prison Cell Exits: - South [2] Corpse of an onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt is lying here. A pool of blood covers the ground. Cronin (Barbarian) stands in mid-air here, fighting a fiery balor. Nalagori Shadow Pouncer - Pride of the Sabertooth (Duergar) stands here, fighting a fiery balor. Rokhal (Orc) stands here, fighting a fiery balor. Uggrax Chomp Neck (Troll) stands here, fighting a fiery balor. A fiery balor is lying in mid-air here, fighting YOU!

< 558h/513H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: excellent E: balor EC: nasty wounds P: std > Rokhal's quickening chant fills his cohort with awesome determination. Rokhal's song dramatically increases the movements of his companions!

< 558h/513H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: excellent E: balor EC: nasty wounds P: std > You relax your defensive stance and feel more vulnerable to incoming attacks.

< 558h/513H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: excellent E: balor EC: nasty wounds P: std > Cronin starts casting an offensive spell called 'Spirit Wrack'

< 558h/513H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: excellent E: balor EC: nasty wounds P: std > A fiery balor deflects Uggrax's blow, and strikes back at Uggrax! A fiery balor misses Uggrax with his slash. Uggrax barely wounds a fiery balor with his awesome bludgeon. A fiery balor parries Uggrax's lunge at him. A fiery balor parries Nalagori's lunge at him. Nalagori barely wounds a fiery balor with her massive slash. A fiery balor deflects Nalagori's blow, and strikes back at Nalagori! Nalagori dodges a fiery balor's attack. Rokhal barely wounds a fiery balor with his massive pierce. Rokhal barely wounds a fiery balor with his massive pierce. A fiery balor partially deflects Rokhal's lunge at him. Rokhal barely wounds a fiery balor with his strong pierce. A fiery balor misses you with his slash. As a fiery balor's whip lashes out, it grapples you, and he reels you into his bodily flames, where you are bathed in a column of unholy fire! You lie on the ground, suffering from bleeding wounds. You dodge a fiery balor's vicious attack. A fiery balor wounds you harshly with his massive slash. Your strong slash barely wounds a fiery balor. You miss a fiery balor with your slash. Your powerful slash barely wounds a fiery balor.

< 457h/513H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: small wounds E: balor EC: nasty wounds P: std >

< 457h/513H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: small wounds E: balor EC: nasty wounds P: std > You take a few steps back as you notice Uggrax's greaves explode in a shower of frost, only to reform about him as rotating blades of eternal ice. Even from a distance you can feel the deadly cold's touch sting your face as the jagged ice shards gyrate furiously. It would be foolish to move any closer to him. Uggrax is surrounded by an aura of deadly cold!

< 456h/513H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: small wounds E: balor EC: nasty wounds P: std > Nalagori's skin turns stark white and her eyes blacken as she lets loose a terrifying death shriek. A fiery balor is wreathed in dark scorching flames as Nalagori lashes out at him savagely!

< 457h/513H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: small wounds E: balor EC: nasty wounds P: std > Uggrax looks invigorated as he lands a powerful strike upon a fiery balor.

< 458h/513H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: small wounds E: balor EC: nasty wounds P: std > Cronin completes his spell... A fiery balor's body convulses with pain inflicted by Cronin.

< 459h/513H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: small wounds E: balor EC: nasty wounds P: std > Cronin misses a fiery balor with his sonic bludgeon. Cronin misses a fiery balor with his sonic bludgeon. Uggrax barely wounds a fiery balor with his massive bludgeon. Uggrax misses a fiery balor with his bludgeon. Uggrax misses a fiery balor with his bludgeon. Nalagori's attack only grazes a fiery balor as he dodges aside! Nalagori barely wounds a fiery balor with her mighty slash. Nalagori barely wounds a fiery balor with her massive slash. Nalagori barely wounds a fiery balor with her massive slash. A fiery balor parries Rokhal's lunge at him. Rokhal barely wounds a fiery balor with his awesome pierce. A fiery balor's attack glances off your shield, but finds its mark! A fiery balor severely wounds you with his mighty slash. A fiery balor's attack glances off your shield, but finds its mark! A fiery balor brutally wounds you with his massive slash. A fiery balor misses you with his slash. A fiery balor misses you with his slash. Your powerful slash barely wounds a fiery balor. A fiery balor parries your futile lunge at him. A fiery balor deflects your blow, and strikes back at YOU! A fiery balor misses you with his slash.

< 339h/513H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: few wounds E: balor EC: pretty hurt P: std > In a Warded Prison Cell Exits: - South [2] Corpse of an onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt is lying here. A pool of blood covers the ground. Cronin (Barbarian) stands in mid-air here, fighting a fiery balor. Nalagori Shadow Pouncer - Pride of the Sabertooth (Duergar) stands here, fighting a fiery balor. Rokhal (Orc) stands here, fighting a fiery balor. Uggrax Chomp Neck (Troll) stands here, fighting a fiery balor. A fiery balor is lying in mid-air here, fighting YOU!

< 339h/513H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: few wounds E: balor EC: pretty hurt P: std > Rokhal stops using a rune inscribed glaive.

< 344h/513H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: few wounds E: balor EC: pretty hurt P: std > Rokhal wields an onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt.

< 344h/513H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: few wounds E: balor EC: pretty hurt P: std > Nalagori's weapon begins to pulse with a sinister glow as her soul fills with vengeance. Nalagori's weapon flares with purifying dark flames as she strikes a fiery balor. Cronin starts casting a spell called 'Heal'

< 344h/513H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: few wounds E: balor EC: pretty hurt P: std > A fiery balor parries Uggrax's lunge at him. A fiery balor dodges Uggrax's attack. A fiery balor dodges Uggrax's attack. Nalagori barely wounds a fiery balor with her massive slash. Nalagori barely wounds a fiery balor with her massive slash. Nalagori barely wounds a fiery balor with her awesome slash. Rokhal barely wounds a fiery balor with his massive pierce. A fiery balor parries Rokhal's lunge at him. Rokhal barely wounds a fiery balor with his massive pierce. A fiery balor's attack glances off your shield, but finds its mark! A fiery balor wounds you harshly with his mighty slash. A fiery balor misses you with his slash. A fiery balor misses you with his slash. A fiery balor misses you with his slash. A fiery balor dodges your futile attack. Your strong slash barely wounds a fiery balor. A fiery balor deflects your blow, and strikes back at YOU! A fiery balor misses you with his slash. In a Warded Prison Cell Exits: - South [2] Corpse of an onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt is lying here. A pool of blood covers the ground. Cronin (Barbarian) stands in mid-air here, fighting a fiery balor. Nalagori Shadow Pouncer - Pride of the Sabertooth (Duergar) stands here, fighting a fiery balor. Rokhal (Orc) stands here, fighting a fiery balor. Uggrax Chomp Neck (Troll) stands here, fighting a fiery balor. A fiery balor is lying in mid-air here, fighting YOU!

< 298h/513H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: few wounds E: balor EC: pretty hurt P: std >

< 299h/513H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: few wounds E: balor EC: pretty hurt P: std > Rokhal's quickening chant fills his cohort with awesome determination. Rokhal's song dramatically increases the movements of his companions! That power hasn't recharged yet!

< 300h/513H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: few wounds E: balor EC: pretty hurt P: std > Cronin completes his spell... Your body warms as some of your wounds are healed. You say 'I have 410 (513) hits, and 180 (180) movement points.'

< 410h/513H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: small wounds E: balor EC: pretty hurt P: std > Uggrax drops into a defensive posture and raises his shield as he lands a strike on a fiery balor.

< 411h/513H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: small wounds E: balor EC: pretty hurt P: std > Cronin misses a fiery balor with his sonic bludgeon. Cronin misses a fiery balor with his sonic bludgeon. Uggrax's attack only grazes a fiery balor as he dodges aside! Uggrax barely wounds a fiery balor with his powerful bludgeon. A fiery balor dodges Uggrax's attack. Uggrax slightly wounds a fiery balor with his massive bludgeon. Nalagori slightly wounds a fiery balor with her massive slash. A fiery balor partially deflects Nalagori's lunge at him. Nalagori barely wounds a fiery balor with her mighty slash. Nalagori slightly wounds a fiery balor with her massive slash. Rokhal badly wounds a fiery balor with his massive pierce. An onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt floats out of the hands of Rokhal and begins to attack a fiery balor on its own. An onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt misses a fiery balor with its pierce. Rokhal's attack only grazes a fiery balor as he dodges aside! Rokhal barely wounds a fiery balor with his mighty hit. You block a fiery balor's attack with your shield! As a fiery balor's whip lashes out, it grapples you, and he reels you into his bodily flames, where you are bathed in a column of unholy fire! You lie on the ground, suffering from bleeding wounds. You block a fiery balor's attack with your shield! You block a fiery balor's attack with your shield! Your powerful slash barely wounds a fiery balor. Your powerful slash barely wounds a fiery balor. Your powerful slash barely wounds a fiery balor.

< 385h/513H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: small wounds E: balor EC: pretty hurt P: std > Nalagori raises her weapon menacingly as it fades out, becoming smoky and grey. Nalagori strikes a fiery balor, cutting through flesh and armor to the animating spirit within. Rokhal wields a rune inscribed glaive.

< 386h/513H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: small wounds E: balor EC: awful P: std >

< 387h/513H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: small wounds E: balor EC: awful P: std >

< 388h/513H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: small wounds E: balor EC: awful P: std > You feel exposed as your defenses falter.

< 389h/513H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: small wounds E: balor EC: awful P: std > An onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt misses a fiery balor with its pierce. An onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt misses a fiery balor with its pierce. An onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt slightly wounds a fiery balor with its awesome pierce. Cronin misses a fiery balor with his sonic bludgeon. Cronin's attack only grazes a fiery balor as he dodges aside! Cronin barely wounds a fiery balor with his average sonic bludgeon. A fiery balor parries Uggrax's lunge at him. A fiery balor partially deflects Uggrax's lunge at him. Uggrax barely wounds a fiery balor with his strong bludgeon. Uggrax slightly wounds a fiery balor with his awesome bludgeon. Nalagori slightly wounds a fiery balor with her massive slash. Nalagori's eyes glow blood red as power from her sword courses through her body. Bloody wounds close before your eyes as they are healed by her Unholy Avenger. Nalagori badly wounds a fiery balor with her massive slash. Nalagori badly wounds a fiery balor with her massive slash. A fiery balor parries Rokhal's lunge at him. A fiery balor partially deflects Rokhal's lunge at him. Rokhal barely wounds a fiery balor with his strong pierce. Rokhal badly wounds a fiery balor with his massive pierce. A fiery balor's sword surges with electrical energy as it approaches you, and as the mighty weapon passes through your body, you begin to weaken and shudder. OUCH! That really did HURT! As a fiery balor's whip lashes out, it grapples you, and he reels you into his bodily flames, where you are bathed in a column of unholy fire! You lie on the ground, suffering from bleeding wounds. You dodge a fiery balor's vicious attack. A fiery balor's attack glances off your shield, but finds its mark! A fiery balor wounds you harshly with his powerful slash. Your strong slash barely wounds a fiery balor. Your powerful slash slightly wounds a fiery balor. You score a CRITICAL HIT! Your massive slash badly wounds a fiery balor.

< 215h/513H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: nasty wounds E: balor EC: awful P: std > Uggrax looks invigorated as he lands a powerful strike upon a fiery balor.

< 216h/513H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: nasty wounds E: balor EC: awful P: std > Cronin starts casting a spell called 'Heal'

< 216h/513H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: nasty wounds E: balor EC: awful P: std > You group-say 'I have 217 (513) hits, and 180 (180) movement points.'

< 217h/513H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: nasty wounds E: balor EC: awful P: std > Score information for Uagr

Level: 50 Race: Troll Class: Warrior
Hit points: 219(513) Moves: 180(180) Experience Progress: 347 % Coins carried: 88 platinum 126 gold 19 silver 16 copper Coins in bank: 581 platinum 1218 gold 44716 silver 29717 copper Prestige: 6258 Acheron Kill Count: 0 Name status: Approved Citizen of: Ghore Outcast from: Griffon's Nest Playing time: 30 days / 15 hours / 7 minutes Title: Group Name: Prison Break Group Leader: Cronin Status: Standing, fighting a fiery balor. Detecting: Invisible Magic Heat Protected from: Evil Good Fire Cold Acid Enchantments: Haste No Charm

< 219h/513H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: nasty wounds E: balor EC: awful P: std > An onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt misses a fiery balor with its pierce. An onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt severely wounds a fiery balor with its massive pierce. An onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt misses a fiery balor with its pierce. Uggrax wounds a fiery balor harshly with his massive bludgeon. Uggrax's attack only grazes a fiery balor as he dodges aside! Uggrax badly wounds a fiery balor with his powerful bludgeon. Uggrax severely wounds a fiery balor with his massive bludgeon. A fiery balor partially deflects Nalagori's lunge at him. Nalagori badly wounds a fiery balor with her powerful slash. A fiery balor parries Nalagori's lunge at him. Nalagori's attack only grazes a fiery balor as he dodges aside! Nalagori badly wounds a fiery balor with her powerful slash. Rokhal wounds a fiery balor harshly with his awesome pierce. Rokhal brutally wounds a fiery balor with his massive pierce. You parry a fiery balor's lunge at you. As a fiery balor's whip lashes out, it grapples you, and he reels you into his bodily flames, where you are bathed in a column of unholy fire! You lie on the ground, suffering from bleeding wounds. You dodge a fiery balor's vicious attack. A fiery balor's sword surges with electrical energy as it approaches you, and as the mighty weapon passes through your body, you begin to weaken and shudder. YIKES! Another hit like that, and you've had it!! Your powerful slash wounds a fiery balor harshly. A fiery balor deflects your blow, and strikes back at YOU! A fiery balor misses you with his slash. A fiery balor partially deflects your lunge at him. You score a CRITICAL HIT! Your powerful slash wounds a fiery balor harshly. Uggrax lunges forward and cracks a fiery balor a brutal blow upside the head with his weapon.

< 86h/513H 180v/180V > < T: Uagr TC: pretty hurt E: balor EC: awful P: std > You are rescued by Nalagori!

< 86h/513H 180v/180V > < P: std > Cronin completes his spell... Your body warms as some of your wounds are healed.

< 195h/513H 180v/180V > < P: std > Rokhal's quickening chant fills his cohort with awesome determination. Rokhal's song dramatically increases the movements of his companions!

< 196h/513H 180v/180V > < P: std > In a Warded Prison Cell Exits: - South [2] Corpse of an onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt is lying here. A pool of blood covers the ground. An onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt stands, inches above the surface here, fighting a fiery balor. Cronin (Barbarian) stands in mid-air here, fighting a fiery balor. Nalagori Shadow Pouncer - Pride of the Sabertooth (Duergar) stands here, fighting a fiery balor. Rokhal (Orc) stands here, fighting a fiery balor. Uggrax Chomp Neck (Troll) stands here, fighting a fiery balor. A fiery balor is lying in mid-air here, fighting Nalagori.

< 198h/513H 180v/180V > < P: std > Cronin starts casting a spell called 'Vitality' Rokhal group-says 'ahahaa balor touch'

< 199h/513H 180v/180V > < P: std > A fiery balor misses Nalagori with his slash. A fiery balor misses Nalagori with his slash. A fiery balor misses Nalagori with his slash. A fiery balor misses Nalagori with his slash. An onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt misses a fiery balor with its pierce. An onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt misses a fiery balor with its pierce. An onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt misses a fiery balor with its pierce. Uggrax crushes a fiery balor's skull. a fiery balor instantly collapses. a fiery balor is dead! R.I.P. You receive 67,850 XP (0.23%) experience. wield ebony Your blood freezes as you hear the rattling death cry of a fiery balor. A balor's sword of lightning dissolves as a fiery balor perishes. A balor's vicious whip dissolves as a fiery balor perishes.

< 204h/513H 180v/180V > < P: std > Cronin completes his spell... You feel vitalized. Rokhal stops using a rune inscribed glaive.

< 422h/729H 180v/180V > < P: std > Cronin completes his spell... You feel your skin harden to stone.

< 430h/729H 180v/180V > < P: std > Rokhal's quickening chant fills his cohort with awesome determination. Rokhal's song dramatically increases the movements of his companions! In a Warded Prison Cell Exits: - South [3] Corpse of an onyx dagger with a pulsing ruby hilt is lying here. A pool of blood covers the ground. Cronin (Barbarian) stands in mid-air here. Nalagori Shadow Pouncer - Pride of the Sabertooth (Duergar) stands here. Rokhal (Orc) stands here. Uggrax Chomp Neck (Troll) stands here.

< 431h/729H 180v/180V > < P: std > Score information for Uagr

Level: 50 Race: Troll Class: Warrior
Hit points: 434(729) Moves: 180(180) Experience Progress: 347 % Coins carried: 88 platinum 126 gold 19 silver 16 copper Coins in bank: 581 platinum 1218 gold 44716 silver 29717 copper Prestige: 6258 Acheron Kill Count: 0 Name status: Approved Citizen of: Ghore Outcast from: Griffon's Nest Playing time: 30 days / 15 hours / 8 minutes Title: Group Name: Prison Break Group Leader: Cronin Status: Standing. Detecting: Invisible Magic Heat Protected from: Evil Good Fire Cold Acid Enchantments: Haste No Charm

Active Powers:

Stoneskin, Vitality

Cronin starts casting a spell called 'Group Heal'

< 434h/729H 180v/180V > < P: std > Status of Uagr


detect invisible detect magic infravision
no charm protection from evil protection from fire
protection from good stoneskin


Stoneskin ( 3:56) Vitality ( 6:19)

< 436h/729H 180v/180V > < P: std > Cronin completes his spell... Cronin summons a healing light that surround the entire group. Your body warms as your wounds are healed.

< 547h/729H 180v/180V > < P: std > You group-say 'no status....'

< 548h/729H 180v/180V > < P: std > Cronin takes out his holy symbol and begins praying intently.

< 551h/729H 180v/180V > < P: std > Rokhal's quickening chant fills his cohort with awesome determination. Rokhal's song dramatically increases the movements of his companions!

< 558h/729H 180v/180V > < P: std > You group-say 'nothing visible'

< 558h/729H 180v/180V > < P: std > Score information for Uagr

Level: 50 Race: Troll Class: Warrior
Hit points: 560(729) Moves: 180(180) Experience Progress: 347 % Coins carried: 88 platinum 126 gold 19 silver 16 copper Coins in bank: 581 platinum 1218 gold 44716 silver 29717 copper Prestige: 6258 Acheron Kill Count: 0 Name status: Approved Citizen of: Ghore Outcast from: Griffon's Nest Playing time: 30 days / 15 hours / 8 minutes Title: Group Name: Prison Break Group Leader: Cronin Status: Standing. Detecting: Invisible Magic Heat Protected from: Evil Good Fire Cold Acid Enchantments: Haste No Charm

Active Powers:

Stoneskin, Vitality

gruumsh commented 4 years ago

The balor sword cuts your constitution down, much like the whip cuts your strength down. Unfortunately due to the proc's limitations (and mine) i was unable to add a display status effect. Eventually it will be changed to a power, but until then you'll just have to duck.