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Dragonhunter mace switching between maxwis and sfheal #838

Open mrizzalazzrazzi opened 3 years ago

mrizzalazzrazzi commented 3 years ago

Propose the triggering of switching the bonus between max_wis and sf_heal should be trigger as follows;

start of max_wis/end of sf_heal - you start to pray end of max_wis/start of sf_heal - you completed pray

instead of

start of max_wis/end of sf_heal - end of combat end of max_wis/start of sf_heal - start of combat

Why it should be like that? This is because it is kinda lame if my vit/heal a person during out of combat, the vit/heal wont get the sf_heal boost.

Hope my proposal to be considered.

GeneralGormal commented 3 years ago

Your pray times are determined by your Wis score before you pray. If the mace switched to Wis after praying, you'd always have to stop and pray twice. You do have a small window before the change registers (can force with save command) so bits that land immediately after combat should still be boosted. No, it won't help your spellups out of combat, but wasn't meant to.

vitaladsr commented 3 years ago

Seems like a clever idea but I could be improved for sure. Why not just have a called proc so the owner can switch it at will.