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Ethereal Step doesn't work? #925

Closed torkur closed 1 year ago

torkur commented 1 year ago

I can't get it to dim door to Ynndchiarhlizz, even when I'm 1 square away. I also made sure to get sorcery points in case.

You scan south... Wayward House Inn (Shadowed) Exits: -N -U A gaping hole in the ground leads into darkness. (magic) A small pile of coins. [2] a jagged bone key lays discarded on the ground here. Bubbinople (Gnome) stands here. A dapper noble is here socializing. Zapzizel (AFK) (Gnome) stands here. Kayso (Half-Orc) stands here. A showy merchant sits here looking smug. A showy merchant sits here looking smug. A showy merchant sits here looking smug. A dapper noble is here socializing. A dapper noble is here socializing. Nyyrazzilyss (AFK) (Illithid) sits resting. Ynndchiarhlizz (Illithid) sits resting. Havorr Merendil stands behind the counter ready to serve.

You scan west... Ghostwalk Exits: -N -E -S -W A ruby-throated humming bird hovers here feeding.

< 595h/703H 147v/150V |ar +|ec +|cb +|eb +|ps +|top +| > < P: std > est ynndchiarhlizz Such paltry magics cannot hope to safely traverse such terrain!

< 597h/703H 150v/150V |ar +|ec +|cb +|eb +|ps +|top +| > < P: std >

GeneralGormal commented 1 year ago

You have to leave Silverymoon. This is part of Silverymoon's (limited) mythal. Lili made some concessions to gameplay because you shouldn't be allowed to portal at all without a ward token according to the lore.

Ghostwalk Exits: -N -E -S -W A chipmunk scampers along the ground here.

< 219h/219H 148v/150V P: std > You have successfully gained access to the Valkurian Blades association channel.

< 219h/219H 148v/150V P: std > cast 'dimension door' Ynndchiarhlizz You start chanting...

< 219h/219H 148v/150V P: std > Casting: Dimension Door **

< 219h/219H 149v/150V P: std > Casting: Dimension Door *

< 219h/219H 150v/150V P: std > You complete your spell... Such paltry magics cannot hope to safely traverse such terrain!