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Dying to fireshield still not clearing aggro #927

Open GeneralGormal opened 1 year ago

GeneralGormal commented 1 year ago

< 320h/1256H 270v/270V |ts 1|ss +|ap 4|ev +|bs +| |2|2|3|3|0| T: Kaelas TC: pretty hurt E: blacksmith EC: excellent EP: std P: std > ev You swing your weapons in lethal arcs, dousing the area with a blacksmith's blood. You are burned as you hit a blacksmith! YIKES! Another hit like that, and you've had it!! PHEW! Wasn't that hot experience - aura around a blacksmith fries you! With a final blow, you feel yourself falling to the ground. Your soul leaves your body in the cold sleep of death...

.... Left Fugue, ran back to zone...

150h/527H 13v/270V |ts +|ss +|ap +|ev +|bs +| |3|2|3|3|0| P: std > A blacksmith flies in from below. An apprentice blacksmith flies in from below. A blacksmith snaps into visibility. A blacksmith enshrouds you in a mist of blood with his massive slash! OUCH! That really did HURT!

< 81h/527H 13v/270V |ts +|ss +|ap +|ev +|bs +| |3|2|3|3|0| T: Kaelas TC: pretty hurt E: blacksmith EC: few scratches EP: std P: std > d

Your weak vampiric slash barely wounds a blacksmith. You are burned as you hit a blacksmith! A blacksmith parries your futile lunge at him. Your attack only grazes a blacksmith as he dodges aside! Your weak vampiric slash barely wounds a blacksmith. You are burned as you hit a blacksmith! A blacksmith parries your futile lunge at him. A blacksmith nearly slays you with the force of his awesome slash! YIKES! Another hit like that, and you've had it!! You wish that your wounds would stop BLEEDING so much!

A blacksmith misses you with his slash. You parry a blacksmith's lunge at you.

< 30h/527H 14v/270V |ts +|ss +|ap +|ev +|bs +| |3|2|3|3|0| T: Kaelas TC: awful E: blacksmith EC: few scratches EP: std P: std > l Sorry, you aren't allowed to do that in combat.

< 30h/527H 16v/270V |ts +|ss +|ap +|ev +|bs +| |3|2|3|3|0| T: Kaelas TC: awful E: blacksmith EC: few scratches EP: std P: std > In a Storage Room Exits: -W# -U -D An apprentice blacksmith is here learning his trade. A blacksmith stands in mid-air here, fighting YOU!

< 30h/527H 16v/270V |ts +|ss +|ap +|ev +|bs +| |3|2|3|3|0| T: Kaelas TC: awful E: blacksmith EC: few scratches EP: std P: std > Your attack only grazes a blacksmith as he dodges aside! You score a CRITICAL HIT! Your weak vampiric slash barely wounds a blacksmith. You are burned as you hit a blacksmith! A blacksmith parries your futile lunge at him. A blacksmith dodges your futile attack. A blacksmith dodges your futile attack. You parry a blacksmith's lunge at you. You deflect a blacksmith's blow, and strike back at a blacksmith! Your attack only grazes a blacksmith as he dodges aside! Your weak vampiric slash barely wounds a blacksmith. You are burned as you hit a blacksmith! Your vision spins into darkness as your head falls towards the ground. With a final blow, you feel yourself falling to the ground. Your soul leaves your body in the cold sleep of death...