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Shaken/Fear conditions are not stacking properly/at all #929

Open GeneralGormal opened 1 year ago

GeneralGormal commented 1 year ago

There's something wrong with shaken/fear escalating. On a blackguard, you can use the +2 fear ability and interrupt something. 2 paladins cannot interrupt anything stacking their +1 aoe (Terrifying Smite). I don't know if this is a problem specific to TRS, but I think it affects the Lareth dagger and the cleric fear mechanics as well.

The arch-druid starts casting an offensive spell called 'dessicate'.

< 1218h/1181H 246v/255V |vs 2|ts +|brs +|trs +|wws +|ds +|dc +|tn +|lh +| |3|3|3|3|2| T: Rargas TC: excellent E: elf EC: small wounds EP: std P: std Tue Apr 4 01:14:38 2023 > A momentary brilliant glow originating from Tule's circlet begins a rapid change in her appearance. Countless serpents begin to uncoil, slithering and sliding their way down and around Tule's arms, neck, and torso, granting her a reptilian quickstrike ability! As her eyes gleam a vivid yellow the brief enchantment begins to fade. Quickly as they descended, the serpents twist and twine their way back to the magic within their circlet. Tule barely wounds the arch-druid with her mighty shocking slash. Tule barely wounds the arch-druid with her awesome shocking slash. Tule misses the arch-druid with her shocking slash.

< 1217h/1181H 248v/255V |vs 1|ts +|brs +|trs +|wws +|ds +|dc +|tn +|lh +| |3|3|3|3|2| T: Rargas TC: excellent E: elf EC: small wounds EP: std P: std Tue Apr 4 01:14:40 2023 > trs

Tule attacks the arch-druid, landing two hits. A golden light springs forth from your blade and envelops your body, you feel revitalized! Your massive shocking slash barely wounds the arch-druid. Your massive shocking slash barely wounds the arch-druid.

< 1277h/1181H 250v/255V |vs 1|ts +|brs +|trs +|wws +|ds +|dc +|tn +|lh +| |3|3|3|3|2| T: Rargas TC: excellent E: elf EC: small wounds EP: std P: std Tue Apr 4 01:14:42 2023 > Your eyes glow with a terrifying radiance as waves of divine dread wash over your enemies. You hound the arch-druid with a series of merciless attacks! The arch-druid is shaken with fear!

< 1277h/1181H 250v/255V |vs +|ts +|brs +|trs 6|wws +|ds +|dc +|tn +|lh +| |3|3|3|3|2| T: Rargas TC: excellent E: elf EC: small wounds EP: std P: std Tue Apr 4 01:14:42 2023 > Tule's eyes glow with a terrifying radiance as waves of divine dread wash over her enemies. Tule hounds the arch-druid with a series of merciless attacks! Tule's Terrifying Smite hits one target.

< 1277h/1181H 251v/255V |vs +|ts +|brs +|trs 6|wws +|ds +|dc +|tn +|lh +| |3|3|3|3|2| T: Rargas TC: excellent E: elf EC: small wounds EP: std P: std Tue Apr 4 01:14:43 2023 > A golden light springs forth from Tule's blade and envelops her, she looks revitalized! Tule attacks the arch-druid, landing a single hit. Your massive shocking slash barely wounds the arch-druid. The arch-druid dodges your futile attack. The arch-druid dodges your futile attack.

< 1275h/1181H 253v/255V |vs +|ts +|brs +|trs 6|wws +|ds +|dc +|tn +|lh +| |3|3|3|3|2| T: Rargas TC: excellent E: elf EC: small wounds EP: std P: std Tue Apr 4 01:14:46 2023 > The arch-druid completes his spell... The arch-druid utters the words, 'dessicate'. Waves of heat roll forth from the arch-druid's hands! Your exposed skin shrivels and cracks in the extreme heat. OUCH! That really did HURT! The arch-druid's dessicate hits two targets.