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Westgate Areas fixes (grammar, typos, format errors) #995

Open Inames opened 11 months ago

Inames commented 11 months ago

Been exploring westgate, noticing a few typos and grammar issues, this will serve as a central location for all found issues to keep things grouped together and organized

Inames commented 11 months ago

Manes should be Manses image

Inames commented 11 months ago

Blank line at end of room description, shouldn't be there, also breaks zmud/cmud mapping. image

Inames commented 11 months ago

Note to self, there was a use of the word passed in a place where it should have said past, forgot the exact spot will have to go find it again when i have a chance... could have been a mob or room description in the north or west portions of the zone.

Inames commented 11 months ago

Kid says "it would obey me any everything!" should be "and everything!" ??


Inames commented 11 months ago

Missing the A at the beginning of sentence, weird ' out of place there as well


Inames commented 11 months ago

Start of social message error


Inames commented 11 months ago

Social message error at the start of line


Lilithelle commented 11 months ago

The A's at the start of social messages turning into ' is most likely a code problem, not a Westgate problem. I don't see it when I see the echo, probably to do with color settings, I just use 16 colors.

Inames commented 11 months ago

I was on 16 too, checked 256, same thing

Lilithelle commented 11 months ago

Hrm, I might be misremembering, but it was definitely not happening on toril test, I checked after it being reported to me by some players. A Lady of Fury says 'Life without death is stagnation, destruction brings change.' Just checked now, works fine for me, on main mud.