torilmud / issues

Bug reports for TorilMUD
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cant use potions/scrolls after flee what? #997

Open Inames opened 11 months ago

Inames commented 11 months ago

uhhhhh excuse me?


Inames commented 11 months ago

seems this is related to the action/bonus action economy of powers... still dumb, would be nice to see this revised. applies to all consumable powers items

shevarash commented 10 months ago

Just because you fled doesn't mean the round is over!

Seriously though, without being able to see the rest of the log I'm not sure if this is a bug or not. If you wimpy fled or otherwise left right in the middle of combat it might be valid. It does seem a little wonky though.

Inames commented 10 months ago

its definitely because i used a power, fled, then tried to use a scroll before the round was up, this occurred and I reported it before i learned of the new action economy system being applied to the use of consumable items. it's just such a huge change from when i was playing a year ago that it was jarring. I think the action economy stuff should only apply while in combat, and once out of combat/after fleeing the action economy stuff shouldn't apply to the use of consumables. it's just a nuisance at that point.