tork-a / jog_control

Apache License 2.0
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Not installing on ROS Kinetic #17

Closed pulkit123tak closed 5 years ago

pulkit123tak commented 5 years ago


I am trying to install this package from source for my project. However while following the installation instructions given, it always shows an error like this, on entering wstool update command:

ERROR in config: Command requires a target workspace. Kindly refer to this issue fast.

Moirai commented 5 years ago

Hi, Please try this one.

wstool update -t src
pulkit123tak commented 5 years ago

Thanks the above command worked, but again one new error emerged on entering the command rosdep install -r --rosdistro kinetic --track kinetic:

rosdep: error: no such option: --track

It will be good if you provide an updated installation instruction file.

7675t commented 5 years ago

Thanks for reporting. Please try as follows:

$ source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.bash
$ mkdir -p ws/src
$ cd ws
$ wstool init src
$ wstool set -t src jog_control --git
$ wstool update -t src
$ rosdep install -r --from-path src
$ catkin build
$ source devel/setup.bash

I will fix the document later.