Closed RomanROBER closed 7 years ago
I don't use Ubuntu Mate, but I have encountered similar problem. Some binary in libraspberrypi-* conflict other system packages. In general, you can avoid this as:
$ apt download libraspberrypi-bin-nonfree
$ sudo dpkg -i --force-overwrite libraspberrypi-bin-nonfree.deb
I expect someone on upstream solves this problem eventually.
Hello again, I tried your solution but now I got another Problem:
Thank you very much for your help
Regards R
Please specify the file (libraspberry-pi-bin-nonfree_1.2brarabra.deb) you just downloaded.
You were right :)
I had some trouble with rtl8192cu driver and with the kernel so I installed everything separately
Then I ran the installer again and it prints that is installed then I did:
$ sudo apt upgrade
and reboot
So now when I try to run roomblock_bringup roomblock.launch it shows that is not installed or found.
Regards, R
The install script doesn't create workspace and get the source code. Please consult to create your own workspace, get the source code, and build it.
$ mkdir -p ~/catkin_ws/src
$ cd ~/catkin_ws/src
$ git clone
$ cd ~/catkin_ws
$ rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y
$ catkin_make
Many thanks for the help!
now I made the Workspace :
But when I try to run :
$ roslaunch roomblock_bringup roomblock.launch
I got :
Am I missing something else?
Regards, R
You need to source setup.bash to use the workspace.
cd ~catkin_ws source devel/setup.bash
And I strongly recommend to take a look on ROS wiki to get basic concept of workspace and packages.
Thank you for the fast answer and for the suggestion this is my first Project with ROS. I will read and practice more.
Now is working but can I use the roomblock with the Serial Port (ttyAMA0) instead of the USB cable? I have my Roomba connected to the Serial port.
Regards, R
I haven't tried it yet. I believe there is no difference between usb serial and on board serial. I'm grad if you try it.
Edit this file to change the port from /dev/roomba to /dev/ttyAMA0.
Or making a symlink from your device file to /dev/roomba may be easier.
I am new to ROS and Ubuntu. Thank you for the tutorial but Im having trouble installing the roomblock, when I run ./ I got this error :
Im running Ubuntu Mate 16.04 on a Raspberry 3 B+ and have ROS Kinetic. Is there any Troubleshooting for this issue?
Regards R