tork-a / rtmros_nextage

ROS-OpenRTM-based opensource robot controller software for dual-armed robot Nextage from Kawada Industries
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Is the simulation working? #181

Closed emijah closed 8 years ago

emijah commented 8 years ago

I'm using a recently updated Ubuntu 12.04 with the latest ros-hydro packages and I seem to have lost the ability to run the simulation with

prompt> roslaunch nextage_ros_bridge nextage_ros_bridge_simulation.launch

Has this command changed? Please tell me what I'm doing wrong. The list of packages I have installed are as follows.

ii python-rosdep 0.11.2-1 rosdep package manager abstrction tool for ROS ii python-rosdistro 0.4.2-1 A tool to work with rosdistro files ii ros-hydro-actionlib 1.10.3-0precise-20150329-2021-+0000 The actionlib stack provides a standardized interface for interfacing with preemptable tasks. Examples of this include moving the base to a target location, performing a laser scan and returning the resulting point cloud, detecting the handle of a door, etc. ii ros-hydro-actionlib-msgs 1.10.6-0precise-20150327-1850-+0000 actionlib_msgs defines the common messages to interact with an action server and an action client. For full documentation of the actionlib API see the actionlib package. ii ros-hydro-actionlib-tutorials 0.1.7-0precise-20150329-2025-+0000 The actionlib_tutorials package ii ros-hydro-amcl 1.11.16-0precise-20150501-0906-+0000 amcl is a probabilistic localization system for a robot moving in 2D. It implements the adaptive (or KLD-sampling) Monte Carlo localization approach (as described by Dieter Fox), which uses a particle filter to track the pose of a robot against a known map. This node is derived, with thanks, from Andrew Howard's excellent 'amcl' Player driver. ii ros-hydro-angles 1.9.9-0precise-20141231-2216-+0000 This package provides a set of simple math utilities to work with angles. The utilities cover simple things like normalizing an angle and conversion between degrees and radians. But even if you're trying to calculate things like the shortest angular distance between two joinst space positions of your robot, but the joint motion is constrained by joint limits, this package is what you need. The code in this packge is stable and well tested. There are no plans for major changes in the near future. ii ros-hydro-base-local-planner 1.11.16-0precise-20150501-0923-+0000 This package provides implementations of the Trajectory Rollout and Dynamic Window approaches to local robot navigation on a plane. Given a plan to follow and a costmap, the controller produces velocity commands to send to a mobile base. This package supports both holonomic and non-holonomic robots, any robot footprint that can be represented as a convex polygon or circle, and exposes its configuration as ROS parameters that can be set in a launch file. This package's ROS wrapper adheres to the BaseLocalPlanner interface specified in the nav_core package. ii ros-hydro-bfl 0.7.0-3precise-20141231-2216-+0000 This package contains a recent version of the Bayesian Filtering Library (BFL), distributed by the Orocos Project. For stability reasons, this package is currently locked to revision 31655 (April 19, 2010), but this revision will be updated on a regular basis to the latest available BFL trunk. This ROS package does not modify BFL in any way, it simply provides a convenient way to download and compile the library, because BFL is not available from an OS package manager. This ROS package compiles BFL with the Boost library for matrix operations and random number generation. ii ros-hydro-bond 1.7.16-0precise-20150327-1852-+0000 A bond allows two processes, A and B, to know when the other has terminated, either cleanly or by crashing. The bond remains connected until it is either broken explicitly or until a heartbeat times out. ii ros-hydro-bond-core 1.7.16-0precise-20150327-1902-+0000 A bond allows two processes, A and B, to know when the other has terminated, either cleanly or by crashing. The bond remains connected until it is either broken explicitly or until a heartbeat times out. ii ros-hydro-bondcpp 1.7.16-0precise-20150327-1858-+0000 C++ implementation of bond, a mechanism for checking when another process has terminated. ii ros-hydro-bondpy 1.7.16-0precise-20150327-1859-+0000 Python implementation of bond, a mechanism for checking when another process has terminated. ii ros-hydro-calibration-estimation 0.10.13-0precise-20150331-0024-+0000 Runs an optimization to estimate the a robot's kinematic parameters. This package is a generic rewrite of pr2_calibration_estimation. ii ros-hydro-calibration-launch 0.10.13-0precise-20150518-1128-+0000 This package contains a collection of launch files that can be helpful in configuring the calibration stack to run on your robot. ii ros-hydro-calibration-msgs 0.10.13-0precise-20150327-1938-+0000 This package defines messages for storing calibration samples to be used in full robot calibration procedures. This package is still unstable. Expect the messages to change. ii ros-hydro-camera-calibration 1.11.11-0precise-20150517-0844-+0000 camera_calibration allows easy calibration of monocular or stereo cameras using a checkerboard calibration target. ii ros-hydro-camera-calibration-parsers 1.11.5-0precise-20150514-1628-+0000 camera_calibration_parsers contains routines for reading and writing camera calibration parameters. ii ros-hydro-camera-info-manager 1.11.5-0precise-20150514-1646-+0000 This package provides a C++ interface for camera calibration information. It provides CameraInfo, and handles SetCameraInfo service requests, saving and restoring the camera calibration data. ii ros-hydro-carrot-planner 1.11.16-0precise-20150501-0930-+0000 This planner attempts to find a legal place to put a carrot for the robot to follow. It does this by moving back along the vector between the robot and the goal point. ii ros-hydro-catkin 0.5.90-0precise-20141231-1837-+0000 Low-level build system macros and infrastructure for ROS. ii ros-hydro-class-loader 0.2.5-0precise-20141231-2224-+0000 The class_loader package is a ROS-independent package for loading plugins during runtime and the foundation of the higher level ROS "pluginlib" library. class_loader utilizes the host operating system's runtime loader to open runtime libraries (e.g. .so/.dll files), introspect the library for exported plugin classes, and allows users to instantiate objects of said exported classes without the explicit declaration (i.e. header file) for those classes. ii ros-hydro-clear-costmap-recovery 1.11.16-0precise-20150501-0923-+0000 This package provides a recovery behavior for the navigation stack that attempts to clear space by reverting the costmaps used by the navigation stack to the static map outside of a given area. ii ros-hydro-cmake-modules 0.3.3-0precise-20141231-2220-+0000 A common repository for CMake Modules which are not distributed with CMake but are commonly used by ROS packages. ii ros-hydro-collada-parser 1.10.21-0precise-20150328-0822-+0000 This package contains a C++ parser for the Collada robot description format. The parser reads a Collada XML robot description, and creates a C++ URDF model. Although it is possible to directly use this parser when working with Collada robot descriptions, the preferred user API is found in the urdf package. ii ros-hydro-collada-urdf 1.10.21-0precise-20150501-0842-+0000 This package contains a tool to convert Unified Robot Description Format (URDF) documents into COLLAborative Design Activity (COLLADA) documents. Implements robot-specific COLLADA extensions as defined by ii ros-hydro-common-msgs 1.10.6-0precise-20150327-1947-+0000 common_msgs contains messages that are widely used by other ROS packages. These includes messages for actions (actionlib_msgs), diagnostics (diagnostic_msgs), geometric primitives (geometry_msgs), robot navigation (nav_msgs), and common sensors (sensor_msgs), such as laser range finders, cameras, point clouds. ii ros-hydro-common-tutorials 0.1.7-0precise-20150329-2050-+0000 Metapackage that contains common tutorials ii ros-hydro-compressed-depth-image-transport 1.8.21-0precise-20150515-0356-+0000 Compressed_depth_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending depth images (raw, floating-point) using PNG compression. ii ros-hydro-compressed-image-transport 1.8.21-0precise-20150515-0401-+0000 Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG or PNG. ii ros-hydro-console-bridge 0.2.4-1precise-20141231-2221-+0000 Lightweight tool for forwarding output from libraries to other logging systems. ii ros-hydro-control-msgs 1.2.0-1precise-20150327-1924-+0000 control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories. ii ros-hydro-control-toolbox 1.10.4-2precise-20150330-2320-+0000 The control toolbox contains modules that are useful across all controllers. ii ros-hydro-controller-interface 0.7.3-0precise-20150328-0825-+0000 Interface base class for controllers ii ros-hydro-controller-manager 0.7.3-0precise-20150328-0831-+0000 The controller manager. ii ros-hydro-controller-manager-msgs 0.7.3-0precise-20150327-1905-+0000 Messages and services for the controller manager. ii ros-hydro-costmap-2d 1.11.16-0precise-20150501-0911-+0000 This package provides an implementation of a 2D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 2D or 3D occupancy grid of the data (depending on whether a voxel based implementation is used), and inflates costs in a 2D costmap based on the occupancy grid and a user specified inflation radius. This package also provides support for map_server based initialization of a costmap, rolling window based costmaps, and parameter based subscription to and configuration of sensor topics. ii ros-hydro-cpp-common 0.4.4-0precise-20141231-2224-+0000 cpp_common contains C++ code for doing things that are not necessarily ROS related, but are useful for multiple packages. This includes things like the ROS_DEPRECATED and ROS_FORCE_INLINE macros, as well as code for getting backtraces. This package is a component of roscpp. ii ros-hydro-cv-bridge 1.10.18-0precise-20150327-1941-+0000 This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS Image messages and OpenCV images. ii ros-hydro-depth-image-proc 1.11.11-0precise-20150517-0838-+0000 Contains nodelets for processing depth images such as those produced by OpenNI camera. Functions include creating disparity images and point clouds, as well as registering (reprojecting) a depth image into another camera frame. ii ros-hydro-diagnostic-aggregator 1.8.7-0precise-20150328-1042-+0000 diagnostic_aggregator ii ros-hydro-diagnostic-analysis 1.8.7-0precise-20150328-1100-+0000 The diagnostic_analysis package can convert a log of diagnostics data into a series of CSV files. Robot logs are recorded with rosbag, and can be processed offline using the scripts in this package. ii ros-hydro-diagnostic-common-diagnostics 1.8.7-0precise-20150331-0127-+0000 diagnostic_common_diagnostics ii ros-hydro-diagnostic-msgs 1.10.6-0precise-20150327-1904-+0000 This package holds the diagnostic messages which provide the standardized interface for the diagnostic and runtime monitoring systems in ROS. These messages are currently used by the diagnostics Stack, which provides libraries for simple ways to set and access the messages, as well as automated ways to process the diagnostic data. These messages are used for long term logging and will not be changed unless there is a very important reason. ii ros-hydro-diagnostic-updater 1.8.7-0precise-20150328-1041-+0000 diagnostic_updater contains tools for easily updating diagnostics. it is commonly used in device drivers to keep track of the status of output topics, device status, etc. ii ros-hydro-diagnostics 1.8.7-0precise-20150331-0223-+0000 diagnostics ii ros-hydro-diff-drive-controller 0.7.3-0precise-20150331-0131-+0000 Controller for a differential drive mobile base. ii ros-hydro-driver-base 1.6.8-0precise-20150330-1650-+0000 A framework for writing drivers that helps with runtime reconfiguration, diagnostics and self-test. This package is deprecated. ii ros-hydro-driver-common 1.6.8-0precise-20150330-1656-+0000 The driver_common stack contains classes and tools that are useful throughout the driver stacks. It currently contains: driver_base: A base class for sensors to provide a consistent state machine (retries, error handling, etc.) and interface timestamp_tools: Classes to help timestamp hardware events ii ros-hydro-dwa-local-planner 1.11.16-0precise-20150501-0931-+0000 This package provides an implementation of the Dynamic Window Approach to local robot navigation on a plane. Given a global plan to follow and a costmap, the local planner produces velocity commands to send to a mobile base. This package supports any robot who's footprint can be represented as a convex polygon or cicrle, and exposes its configuration as ROS parameters that can be set in a launch file. The parameters for this planner are also dynamically reconfigurable. This package's ROS wrapper adheres to the BaseLocalPlanner interface specified in the nav_core package. ii ros-hydro-dynamic-reconfigure 1.5.37-0precise-20150330-1626-+0000 This unary stack contains the dynamic_reconfigure package which provides a means to change node parameters at any time without having to restart the node. ii ros-hydro-effort-controllers 0.7.3-0precise-20150331-0142-+0000 effort_controllers ii ros-hydro-eigen-conversions 1.10.8-1precise-20150327-1905-+0000 Conversion functions between: - Eigen and KDL - Eigen and geometry_msgs. ii ros-hydro-eigen-stl-containers 0.1.4-0precise-20141231-2209-+0000 This package provides a set of typedef's that allow using Eigen datatypes in STL containers ii ros-hydro-ethercat-trigger-controllers 1.10.8-0precise-20150329-0517-+0000 Controllers to operate the digital output of the motor controller boards and the projector board. This package has not been reviewed and should be considered unstable. ii ros-hydro-executive-smach 1.3.1-0precise-20150329-2044-+0000 This metapackage depends on the SMACH library and ROS SMACH integration packages. ii ros-hydro-fake-localization 1.11.16-0precise-20150501-0855-+0000 A ROS node that simply forwards odometry information. ii ros-hydro-fcl 0.2.9-1precise-20141231-2310-+0000 FCL is a collision checking library ii ros-hydro-filters 1.7.4-2precise-20150328-1053-+0000 This library provides a standardized interface for processing data as a sequence of filters. This package contains a base class upon which to build specific implementations as well as an interface which dynamically loads filters based on runtime parameters. ii ros-hydro-force-torque-sensor-controller 0.7.3-0precise-20150328-0832-+0000 Controller to publish state of force-torque sensors ii ros-hydro-forward-command-controller 0.7.3-0precise-20150328-0828-+0000 forward_command_controller ii ros-hydro-gazebo-msgs 2.3.8-0precise-20150327-1930-+0000 Message and service data structures for interacting with Gazebo from ROS. ii ros-hydro-gazebo-plugins 2.3.8-0precise-20150515-0341-+0000 Robot-independent Gazebo plugins for sensors, motors and dynamic reconfigurable components. ii ros-hydro-gazebo-ros 2.3.8-0precise-20150515-2038-+0000 Provides ROS plugins that offer message and service publishers for interfacing with Gazebo through ROS. Formally simulator_gazebo/gazebo ii ros-hydro-gazebo-ros-control 2.3.8-0precise-20150518-1137-+0000 gazebo_ros_control ii ros-hydro-gazebo-ros-pkgs 2.3.8-0precise-20150515-2054-+0000 Interface for using ROS with the Gazebo simulator. ii ros-hydro-gencpp 0.4.17-0precise-20141231-2217-+0000 C++ ROS message and service generators. ii ros-hydro-genlisp 0.4.15-0precise-20150326-1140-+0000 Common-Lisp ROS message and service generators. ii ros-hydro-genmsg 0.4.26-0precise-20141231-2213-+0000 Standalone Python library for generating ROS message and service data structures for various languages. ii ros-hydro-genpy 0.4.17-0precise-20141231-2216-+0000 Python ROS message and service generators. ii ros-hydro-geographic-msgs 0.3.1-1precise-20150326-2155-+0000 ROS messages for Geographic Information Systems. ii ros-hydro-geometric-shapes 0.3.9-0precise-20150501-0746-+0000 This package contains generic definitions of geometric shapes and bodies. ii ros-hydro-geometry 1.10.8-1precise-20150331-0139-+0000 Geometry Library ii ros-hydro-geometry-experimental 0.4.12-0precise-20150330-0705-+0000 The second generation Transform Library in ros. This metapackage is deprecated, but is kept for backwards compatability. ii ros-hydro-geometry-msgs 1.10.6-0precise-20150326-2112-+0000 geometry_msgs provides messages for common geometric primitives such as points, vectors, and poses. These primitives are designed to provide a common data type and facilitate interoperability throughout the system. ii ros-hydro-geometry-tutorials 0.2.1-0precise-20150331-0239-+0000 Metapackage of geometry tutorials ROS. ii ros-hydro-global-planner 1.11.16-0precise-20150501-0932-+0000 A path planner library and node. ii ros-hydro-gmapping 1.3.5-0precise-20150331-0109-+0000 This package contains a ROS wrapper for OpenSlam's Gmapping. The gmapping package provides laser-based SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping), as a ROS node called slam_gmapping. Using slam_gmapping, you can create a 2-D occupancy grid map (like a building floorplan) from laser and pose data collected by a mobile robot. ii ros-hydro-gripper-action-controller 0.7.3-0precise-20150331-0022-+0000 The gripper_action_controller package ii ros-hydro-hardware-interface 0.7.3-0precise-20150328-0822-+0000 Hardware Interface base class. ii ros-hydro-hector-gazebo-plugins 0.3.6-0precise-20150518-1141-+0000 hector_gazebo_plugins provides gazebo plugins from Team Hector. Currently it contains a 6wd differential drive plugin, an IMU sensor plugin, an earth magnetic field sensor plugin, a GPS sensor plugin and a sonar ranger plugin. ii ros-hydro-hector-pose-estimation 0.2.0-1precise-20150331-0006-+0000 hector_pose_estimation provides the hector_pose_estimation node and the hector_pose_estimation nodelet. ii ros-hydro-hector-pose-estimation-core 0.2.0-1precise-20150330-2358-+0000 hector_pose_estimation_core is the core package of the hector_localization stack. It contains the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) that estimates the 6DOF pose of the robot. hector_pose_estimation can be used either as a library, as a nodelet or as a standalone node. ii ros-hydro-hector-quadrotor 0.3.5-0precise-20150329-2128-+0000 hector_quadrotor contains packages related to modeling, control and simulation of quadrotor UAV systems ii ros-hydro-hector-quadrotor-controller 0.3.5-0precise-20150329-2123-+0000 hector_quadrotor_controller provides libraries and a node for quadrotor control using ros_control. ii ros-hydro-hector-quadrotor-controller-gazebo 0.3.5-0precise-20150519-0333-+0000 The hector_quadrotor_controller_gazebo package implements the ros_control RobotHWSim interface for the quadrotor controller in package hector_quadrotor_controller. ii ros-hydro-hector-quadrotor-description 0.3.5-0precise-20150329-2102-+0000 hector_quadrotor_description provides an URDF model of a quadrotor UAV. ii ros-hydro-hector-quadrotor-gazebo 0.3.5-0precise-20150519-0343-+0000 hector_quadrotor_gazebo provides a quadrotor model for the gazebo simulator. It can be commanded using geometry_msgs/Twist messages. ii ros-hydro-hector-quadrotor-gazebo-plugins 0.3.5-0precise-20150519-0337-+0000 hector_quadrotor_gazebo_plugins provides gazebo plugins for using quadrotors in gazebo. The hector_gazebo_ros_baro sensor plugin simulates an altimeter based on barometric pressure. hector_quadrotor_simple_controller is a simple controller allowing to command the quadrotor's velocity using a geometry_msgs/Twist message for teleoperation just by means of applying forces and torques to the model. ii ros-hydro-hector-quadrotor-model 0.3.5-0precise-20150329-2124-+0000 hector_quadrotor_model provides libraries that model several aspects of quadrotor dynamics. ii ros-hydro-hector-quadrotor-pose-estimation 0.3.5-0precise-20150331-0010-+0000 hector_quadrotor_pose_estimation provides a hector_pose_estimation node and nodelet specialized for hector_quadrotor. ii ros-hydro-hector-quadrotor-teleop 0.3.5-0precise-20150329-2118-+0000 hector_quadrotor_teleop enables quadrotor flying with a joystick by processing joy/Joy messages and translating them to geometry_msgs/Twist. ii ros-hydro-hector-sensors-description 0.3.2-0precise-20150329-0525-+0000 hector_sensors_description contains URDF xacro macros for sensors, so they are easily attachable to robot models and usable in gazebo. ii ros-hydro-hector-sensors-gazebo 0.3.6-0precise-20150519-0335-+0000 hector_sensors_gazebo depends on the necessary plugins for using the sensors from the hector_models repository. ii ros-hydro-hector-uav-msgs 0.3.5-0precise-20150329-2120-+0000 hector_uav_msgs is a message package that contains messages for UAV controller inputs and outputs and some sensor readings not covered by sensor_msgs. ii ros-hydro-hironx-calibration 1.0.31-0precise-20150519-0321-+0000 Launch and configuration files for calibrating hironx using the new generic 'calibration' stack. THIS FILE IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY: /home/k-okada/catkin_ws/ws_calibration/src/calibration/calibration_setup_helper/scripts/ /home/k-okada/ros/hydro/src/rtm-ros-robotics/rtmros_hironx/hironx_moveit_config/HiroNX.urdf --base-link CHEST_JOINT0_Link --arm-tip-link RARM_JOINT5_Link --head-tip-link HEAD_JOINT1_Link --arm-controller=rarm_controller/command --head-controller=head_controller/command --head-camera-frame camera_rgb_optical_frame --head-camera-joint head_to_kinect_joint ii ros-hydro-hironx-moveit-config 1.0.31-0precise-20150611-0142-+0000 An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the HiroNX with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework ii ros-hydro-hironx-ros-bridge 1.0.31-0precise-20150610-1245-+0000 ROS-OpenRTM interfacing package for the opensource version of Kawada's Hiro/NEXTAGE dual-arm robot. NOTE: This package is multi-license -- pay attention to file header in each file where license is declared. For Creative Commons nc 4.0 applied, see here. ii ros-hydro-hironx-tutorial 1.0.27-0precise-20150204-0535-+0000 Sample / demo / tutorial programs for Hiro and NEXTAGE OPEN (NXO) robot by Kawada Industries. All sample code that works on Hiro robot should work also on NEXTAGE OPEN. The opposite is, however, not always true (e.g. gripper operation is different in NXO). ii ros-hydro-household-objects-database-msgs 0.1.1-0precise-20150327-1927-+0000 The household_objects_database_msgs package ii ros-hydro-hrpsys 315.4.0-0precise-20150506-2301-+0000 An OpenRTM-aist-based robot controller. This package is the most tailored for humanoid (dual-arm and/or biped) robots for historical reason. hrpsys package does not only wraps but build and installs the code from its mainstream repository ( The package version number is synchronized to that of mainstream, based on this decision. Its semantics: MAJOR: Synchronized with OpenHRP3 MINOR: Indicate IDL compatibility (packages with different version numbers in this section are NOT compatible) PATCH: Packages with different version numbers in this section ARE compatible. API document is auto-generated on github. ii ros-hydro-hrpsys-ros-bridge 1.2.12-0precise-20150610-0426-+0000 hrpsys_ros_bridge package provides basic functionalities to bind hrpsys, a OpenRTM-based controller, and ROS. By using this package, you can write your ROS packages that communicate with your non-ROS robots that run on hrpsys. For communicating with the robots that run on OpenRTM without hrpsys, you can use openrtm_ros_bridge package. ii ros-hydro-hrpsys-tools 1.2.12-0precise-20150507-0215-+0000 The hrpsys_tools package ii ros-hydro-image-cb-detector 0.10.13-0precise-20150515-0331-+0000 Provide a node that extracts checkerboard corners from ROS images. This package is still experimental and unstable. Expect its APIs to change. ii ros-hydro-image-common 1.11.5-0precise-20150514-1701-+0000 Common code for working with images in ROS. ii ros-hydro-image-geometry 1.10.18-0precise-20150327-1942-+0000 image_geometry contains C++ and Python libraries for interpreting images geometrically. It interfaces the calibration parameters in sensor_msgs/CameraInfo messages with OpenCV functions such as image rectification, much as cv_bridge interfaces ROS sensor_msgs/Image with OpenCV data types. ii ros-hydro-image-pipeline 1.11.11-0precise-20150517-0915-+0000 image_pipeline fills the gap between getting raw images from a camera driver and higher-level vision processing. ii ros-hydro-image-proc 1.11.11-0precise-20150517-0856-+0000 Single image rectification and color processing. ii ros-hydro-image-rotate 1.11.11-0precise-20150517-0851-+0000 Contains a node that rotates an image stream in a way that minimizes the angle between a vector in some arbitrary frame and a vector in the camera frame. The frame of the outgoing image is published by the node. This node is intended to allow camera images to be visualized in an orientation that is more intuitive than the hardware-constrained orientation of the physical camera. This is particularly helpful, for example, to show images from the PR2's forearm cameras with a consistent up direction, despite the fact that the forearms need to rotate in arbitrary ways during manipulation. It is not recommended to use the output from this node for further computation, as it interpolates the source image, introduces black borders, and does not output a camera_info. ii ros-hydro-image-transport 1.11.5-0precise-20150514-1639-+0000 image_transport should always be used to subscribe to and publish images. It provides transparent support for transporting images in low-bandwidth compressed formats. Examples (provided by separate plugin packages) include JPEG/PNG compression and Theora streaming video. ii ros-hydro-image-transport-plugins 1.8.21-0precise-20150515-2040-+0000 A set of plugins for publishing and subscribing to sensor_msgs/Image topics in representations other than raw pixel data. For example, for viewing a stream of images off-robot, a video codec will give much lower bandwidth and latency. For low frame rate tranport of high-definition images, you might prefer sending them as JPEG or PNG-compressed form. ii ros-hydro-image-view 1.11.11-0precise-20150517-0906-+0000 A simple viewer for ROS image topics. Includes a specialized viewer for stereo + disparity images. ii ros-hydro-imu-sensor-controller 0.7.3-0precise-20150328-0831-+0000 Controller to publish state of IMU sensors ii ros-hydro-interactive-marker-tutorials 0.8.4-0precise-20150331-0033-+0000 The interactive_marker_tutorials package ii ros-hydro-interactive-markers 1.10.3-0precise-20150330-2342-+0000 3D interactive marker communication library for RViz and similar tools. ii ros-hydro-interval-intersection 0.10.13-0precise-20150329-2032-+0000 Tools for calculating the intersection of interval messages coming in on several topics. This package is experimental and unstable. Expect its APIs to change. ii ros-hydro-joint-state-controller 0.7.3-0precise-20150329-0246-+0000 Controller to publish joint state ii ros-hydro-joint-state-publisher 1.10.21-0precise-20150327-1936-+0000 This package contains a tool for setting and publishing joint state values for a given URDF. ii ros-hydro-joint-states-settler 0.10.13-0precise-20150329-2033-+0000 Provides a node that reports how long a subset of joints has been settled. That is, it calculates how long a set of joints has remained within a specified threshold. This package is experimental and unstable. Expect its APIs to change. ii ros-hydro-joint-trajectory-action 1.10.8-0precise-20150329-2044-+0000 The joint_trajectory_action is a node that exposes an action interface to a joint trajectory controller. ii ros-hydro-joy 1.9.10-0precise-20150328-1059-+0000 ROS driver for a generic Linux joystick. The joy package contains joy_node, a node that interfaces a generic Linux joystick to ROS. This node publishes a "Joy" message, which contains the current state of each one of the joystick's buttons and axes. ii ros-hydro-joystick-drivers 1.9.10-0precise-20150328-1144-+0000 This metapackage depends on packages for interfacing common joysticks and human input devices with ROS. ii ros-hydro-kdl-conversions 1.10.8-1precise-20150327-1915-+0000 Conversion functions between KDL and geometry_msgs types. ii ros-hydro-kdl-parser 1.10.21-0precise-20150328-1111-+0000 The Kinematics and Dynamics Library (KDL) defines a tree structure to represent the kinematic and dynamic parameters of a robot mechanism. kdl_parser provides tools to construct a KDL tree from an XML robot representation in URDF. ii ros-hydro-laser-assembler 1.7.3-0precise-20150425-1916-+0000 Provides nodes to assemble point clouds from either LaserScan or PointCloud messages ii ros-hydro-laser-cb-detector 0.10.13-0precise-20150515-2029-+0000 Extracts checkerboard corners from a dense laser snapshot. This package is experimental and unstable. Expect its APIs to change. ii ros-hydro-laser-filters 1.6.14-0precise-20150331-0036-+0000 Assorted filters designed to operate on 2D planar laser scanners, which use the sensor_msgs/LaserScan type. ii ros-hydro-laser-geometry 1.5.16-0precise-20150331-0028-+0000 This package contains a class for converting from a 2D laser scan as defined by sensor_msgs/LaserScan into a point cloud as defined by sensor_msgs/PointCloud or sensor_msgs/PointCloud2. In particular, it contains functionality to acco unt for the skew resulting from moving robots or tilting laser scanners. ii ros-hydro-laser-pipeline 1.6.1-1precise-20150425-1927-+0000 Meta-package of libraries for processing laser data, including converting laser data into 3D representations. ii ros-hydro-leap-motion 0.0.8-0precise-20150514-1809-+0000 ROS driver for the Leap Motion gesture sensor ii ros-hydro-libccd 1.4.0-1precise-20130417-1832-+0000 libccd is library for collision detection between two convex shapes. ii ros-hydro-librviz-tutorial 0.8.4-0precise-20150515-2201-+0000 Tutorial showing how to compile your own C++ program with RViz displays and features. ii ros-hydro-manipulation-msgs 0.2.0-0precise-20150327-1930-+0000 The manipulation_msgs package ii ros-hydro-map-msgs 0.0.2-0precise-20150328-1144-+0000 This package defines messages commonly used in mapping packages. ii ros-hydro-map-server 1.11.16-0precise-20150501-0902-+0000 map_server provides the map_server ROS Node, which offers map data as a ROS Service. It also provides the map_saver command-line utility, which allows dynamically generated maps to be saved to file. ii ros-hydro-media-export 0.1.0-0precise-20141231-1908-+0000 Placeholder package enabling generic export of media paths. ii ros-hydro-message-filters 1.10.12-0precise-20150328-1055-+0000 A set of message filters which take in messages and may output those messages at a later time, based on the conditions that filter needs met. ii ros-hydro-message-generation 0.2.10-0precise-20150326-1445-+0000 Package modeling the build-time dependencies for generating language bindings of messages. ii ros-hydro-message-runtime 0.4.12-0precise-20141231-2234-+0000 Package modeling the run-time dependencies for language bindings of messages. ii ros-hydro-message-to-tf 0.2.0-1precise-20150330-2359-+0000 message_to_tf translates pose information from different kind of common_msgs message types to tf. Currently the node supports nav_msgs/Odometry, geometry_msgs/PoseStamped and sensor_msgs/Imu messages as input. The resulting transform is divided into three subtransforms with intermediate frames for the footprint and the stabilized base frame (without roll and pitch). ii ros-hydro-mk 1.10.11-0precise-20150327-1801-+0000 A collection of .mk include files for building ROS architectural elements. Most package authors should use cmake .mk, which calls CMake for the build of the package. The other files in this package are intended for use in exotic situations that mostly arise when importing 3rdparty code. ii ros-hydro-mobile 1.0.2-0precise-20150517-1805-+0000 A metapackage to aggregate several packages. ii ros-hydro-monocam-settler 0.10.13-0precise-20150329-2035-+0000 Listens on a ImageFeatures topic, and waits for the data to settle. This package is experimental and unstable. Expect its APIs to change. ii ros-hydro-move-base 1.11.16-0precise-20150501-0940-+0000 The move_base package provides an implementation of an action (see the actionlib package) that, given a goal in the world, will attempt to reach it with a mobile base. The move_base node links together a global and local planner to accomplish its global navigation task. It supports any global planner adhering to the nav_core::BaseGlobalPlanner interface specified in the nav_core package and any local planner adhering to the nav_core::BaseLocalPlanner interface specified in the nav_core package. The move_base node also maintains two costmaps, one for the global planner, and one for a local planner (see the costmap_2d package) that are used to accomplish navigation tasks. ii ros-hydro-move-base-msgs 1.11.16-0precise-20150501-0858-+0000 Holds the action description and relevant messages for the move_base package ii ros-hydro-move-slow-and-clear 1.11.16-0precise-20150501-0924-+0000 move_slow_and_clear ii ros-hydro-moveit-commander 0.5.7-0precise-20150519-0355-+0000 Python interfaces to MoveIt ii ros-hydro-moveit-core 0.5.11-0precise-20150501-0842-+0000 Core libraries used by MoveIt! ii ros-hydro-moveit-fake-controller-manager 0.5.5-0precise-20150501-1013-+0000 A fake controller manager plugin for MoveIt. ii ros-hydro-moveit-full 0.5.0-0precise-20150519-1054-+0000 All MoveIt components and plugins ii ros-hydro-moveit-ikfast 3.1.0-0precise-20141231-2240-+0000 Generates a IKFast kinematics plugin for MoveIt using OpenRave generated cpp files. ii ros-hydro-moveit-msgs 0.5.3-0precise-20150327-1927-+0000 Messages, services and actions used by MoveIt ii ros-hydro-moveit-planners 0.5.6-0precise-20150519-0338-+0000 Metapacakge that installs all available planners for MoveIt ii ros-hydro-moveit-planners-ompl 0.5.6-0precise-20150518-1153-+0000 MoveIt interface to OMPL ii ros-hydro-moveit-plugins 0.5.5-0precise-20150501-1319-+0000 Metapackage for moveit plugins. ii ros-hydro-moveit-pr2 0.5.6-0precise-20150519-1038-+0000 All PR2-specific packages for MoveIt ii ros-hydro-moveit-ros 0.5.20-0precise-20150519-0416-+0000 Components of MoveIt that use ROS ii ros-hydro-moveit-ros-benchmarks 0.5.20-0precise-20150519-0343-+0000 MoveIt tools for benchmarking ii ros-hydro-moveit-ros-benchmarks-gui 0.5.20-0precise-20150519-0411-+0000 MoveIt GUI tools for benchmarking ii ros-hydro-moveit-ros-manipulation 0.5.20-0precise-20150519-0341-+0000 Components of MoveIt used for manipulation ii ros-hydro-moveit-ros-move-group 0.5.20-0precise-20150518-1156-+0000 The move_group node for MoveIt ii ros-hydro-moveit-ros-perception 0.5.20-0precise-20150515-0427-+0000 Components of MoveIt connecting to perception ii ros-hydro-moveit-ros-planning 0.5.20-0precise-20150515-2109-+0000 Planning components of MoveIt that use ROS ii ros-hydro-moveit-ros-planning-interface 0.5.20-0precise-20150519-0348-+0000 Components of MoveIt that offer simpler interfaces to planning and execution ii ros-hydro-moveit-ros-robot-interaction 0.5.20-0precise-20150518-1157-+0000 Components of MoveIt that offer interaction via interactive markers ii ros-hydro-moveit-ros-visualization 0.5.20-0precise-20150519-0355-+0000 Components of MoveIt that offer visualization ii ros-hydro-moveit-ros-warehouse 0.5.20-0precise-20150518-1158-+0000 Components of MoveIt connecting to MongoDB ii ros-hydro-moveit-setup-assistant 0.5.8-0precise-20150519-1044-+0000 Generates a configuration package that makes it easy to use MoveIt! ii ros-hydro-moveit-simple-controller-manager 0.5.5-0precise-20150501-1006-+0000 A generic, simple controller manager plugin for MoveIt ii ros-hydro-nav-core 1.11.16-0precise-20150501-0918-+0000 This package provides common interfaces for navigation specific robot actions. Currently, this package provides the BaseGlobalPlanner, BaseLocalPlanner, and RecoveryBehavior interfaces, which can be used to build actions that can easily swap their planner, local controller, or recovery behavior for new versions adhering to the same interface. ii ros-hydro-nav-msgs 1.10.6-0precise-20150327-1855-+0000 nav_msgs defines the common messages used to interact with the navigation stack. ii ros-hydro-navfn 1.11.16-0precise-20150501-0925-+0000 navfn provides a fast interpolated navigation function that can be used to create plans for a mobile base. The planner assumes a circular robot and operates on a costmap to find a minimum cost plan from a start point to an end point in a grid. The navigation function is computed with Dijkstra's algorithm, but support for an A* heuristic may also be added in the near future. navfn also provides a ROS wrapper for the navfn planner that adheres to the nav_core::BaseGlobalPlanner interface specified in nav_core. ii ros-hydro-navigation 1.11.16-0precise-20150501-0944-+0000 A 2D navigation stack that takes in information from odometry, sensor streams, and a goal pose and outputs safe velocity commands that are sent to a mobile base. ii ros-hydro-nextage-description 0.6.2-0precise-20150512-1647-+0000 As a part of rtmros_nextage package that is a ROS interface for Nextage dual-armed robot from Kawada Robotics Inc, this package provides its 3D model that can be used in simulation and MoveIt!-based motion planning tasks. ii ros-hydro-nextage-moveit-config 0.6.2-0precise-20150611-0547-+0000 An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the NextageOpen with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework. ii ros-hydro-nextage-ros-bridge 0.6.2-0precise-20150611-0143-+0000 The nextage_ros_bridge package is a main ROS interface for developers and users of Nextage dual-armed robot from Kawada Robotics Inc. Developers can build their own application that takes control over Nextage via this package. Interface for both ROS and OpenRTM is provided. ii ros-hydro-nodelet 1.8.6-0precise-20150329-0243-+0000 The nodelet package is designed to provide a way to run multiple algorithms in the same process with zero copy transport between algorithms. This package provides both the nodelet base class needed for implementing a nodelet, as well as the NodeletLoader class used for instantiating nodelets. ii ros-hydro-nodelet-core 1.8.6-0precise-20150330-1643-+0000 Nodelet Core Metapackage ii ros-hydro-nodelet-topic-tools 1.8.6-0precise-20150330-1639-+0000 This package contains common nodelet tools such as a mux, demux and throttle. ii ros-hydro-nodelet-tutorial-math 0.1.7-0precise-20150329-0250-+0000 Package for Nodelet tutorial. ii ros-hydro-object-recognition-msgs 0.4.1-0precise-20150327-1924-+0000 Object_recognition_msgs contains the ROS message and the actionlib definition used in object_recognition_core ii ros-hydro-octomap 1.6.8-0precise-20141231-2306-+0000 The OctoMap library implements a 3D occupancy grid mapping approach, providing data structures and mapping algorithms in C++. The map implementation is based on an octree. See for details. ii ros-hydro-octomap-msgs 0.3.1-2precise-20150327-1916-+0000 This package provides messages and serializations / conversion for the OctoMap library. ii ros-hydro-ompl 0.13.0002516-0precise-20130806-1107-+0000 OMPL is a free sampling-based motion planning library. ii ros-hydro-opencv2 2.4.9-2precise-20141231-1923-+0000 OpenCV ii ros-hydro-openhrp3 3.1.8-0precise-20150422-1213-+0000 This package does not only wrap OpenHRP3 but actually provides the built artifact from the code from its mainstream repository. Being ROS-agnostic by itself, you can also use this via ROS together with the packages in rtmros_common that bridge between two framework. OpenHRP3 (Open Architecture Human-centered Robotics Platform version 3) is an integrated software platform for robot simulations and software developments. It allows the users to inspect an original robot model and control program by dynamics simulation. In addition, OpenHRP3 provides various software components and calculation libraries that can be used for robotics related software developments (excerpts from here). The package version number is synchronized to that of mainstream, based on this decision. ii ros-hydro-openni2-camera 0.1.4-0precise-20150515-0513-+0000 Drivers for the Asus Xtion and Primesense Devices. For using a kinect with ROS, try the freenect stack ii ros-hydro-openni2-launch 0.1.4-0precise-20150517-1002-+0000 Launch files to start the openni2_camera drivers using rgbd_launch. ii ros-hydro-openrtm-aist 1.1.0-13precise-20150213-1339-+0000 This package represents OpenRTM-aist that's built within ROS eco system. Although being ROS-agnostic by itself, you can use this via ROS together with the packages in rtmros_common that bridge between two framework. OpenRTM-aist is an RT-Middleware-baseed, component-oriented software platform to robotics development that is made and maintained in AIST (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology) in Japan (excerpts from here) Its development is happening at The repository listed below is where the development of its ROS wrapper happening. ii ros-hydro-openrtm-aist-python 1.1.0-11precise-20150223-0443-+0000 Python binding of OpenRTM-AIST (see openrtm_aist for further information). OpenRTM-aist is an RT-Middleware-baseed, component-oriented software platform to robotics development that is made and maintained in AIST (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology) in Japan (excerpts from here) ii ros-hydro-openrtm-tools 1.2.12-0precise-20150427-0624-+0000 The openrtm_tools package ii ros-hydro-openslam-gmapping 0.1.0-2precise-20141231-2155-+0000 ROS-ified version of gmapping SLAM. Forked from ii ros-hydro-orocos-kdl 1.3.0-0precise-20141231-2306-+0000 This package contains a recent version of the Kinematics and Dynamics Library (KDL), distributed by the Orocos Project. ii ros-hydro-pcl-conversions 0.1.6-0precise-20150327-1947-+0000 Provides conversions from PCL data types and ROS message types ii ros-hydro-pcl-msgs 0.1.0-0precise-20150327-1942-+0000 Package containing PCL (Point Cloud Library)-related ROS messages. ii ros-hydro-pcl-ros 1.1.11-0precise-20150330-2344-+0000 PCL (Point Cloud Library) ROS interface stack. PCL-ROS is the preferred bridge for 3D applications involving n-D Point Clouds and 3D geometry processing in ROS. ii ros-hydro-perception 1.0.2-0precise-20150517-1527-+0000 A metapackage to aggregate several packages. ii ros-hydro-perception-pcl 1.1.11-0precise-20150517-1524-+0000 PCL (Point Cloud Library) ROS interface stack. PCL-ROS is the preferred bridge for 3D applications involving n-D Point Clouds and 3D geometry processing in ROS. ii ros-hydro-pluginlib 1.9.24-0precise-20150328-0810-+0000 The pluginlib package provides tools for writing and dynamically loading plugins using the ROS build infrastructure. To work, these tools require plugin providers to register their plugins in the package.xml of their package. ii ros-hydro-pluginlib-tutorials 0.1.7-0precise-20150328-0825-+0000 The pluginlib_tutorials package ii ros-hydro-pointcloud-to-laserscan 1.1.11-0precise-20150517-1202-+0000 Converts a 3D Point Cloud into a 2D laser scan. This is useful for making devices like the Kinect appear like a laser scanner for 2D-based algorithms (e.g. laser-based SLAM). ii ros-hydro-polled-camera 1.11.5-0precise-20150514-1657-+0000 polled_camera contains a service and C++ helper classes for implementing a polled camera driver node and requesting images from it. The package is currently for internal use as the API is still under development. ii ros-hydro-position-controllers 0.7.3-0precise-20150329-0245-+0000 position_controllers ii ros-hydro-pr2-calibration-controllers 1.10.8-0precise-20150331-0024-+0000 The pr2_calibration_controllers package contains the controllers used to bring all the joints in the PR2 to a calibrated state. ii ros-hydro-pr2-controller-interface 1.8.12-0precise-20150328-1122-+0000 This package specifies the interface to a realtime controller. A controller that implements this interface can be executed by the controller manager in the real time control loop. The package basically contains the C++ controller base class that all controllers need to inherit from. ii ros-hydro-pr2-controller-manager 1.8.12-0precise-20150329-1941-+0000 The controller manager (CM) package provides the infrastructure to run controllers in a hard realtime loop. ii ros-hydro-pr2-controllers 1.10.8-0precise-20150331-0142-+0000 Contains the controllers that run in realtime on the PR2 and supporting packages. ii ros-hydro-pr2-controllers-msgs 1.10.8-0precise-20150327-1925-+0000 Messages, services, and actions used in the pr2_controllers stack. ii ros-hydro-pr2-description 1.11.4-0precise-20150329-0527-+0000 This package contains the description (mechanical, kinematic, visual, etc.) of the PR2 robot. The files in this package are parsed and used by a variety of other components. Most users will not interact directly with this package. ii ros-hydro-pr2-gripper-action 1.10.8-0precise-20150331-0024-+0000 The pr2_gripper_action provides an action interface for using the gripper. Users can specify what position to move to (while limiting the force) and the action will report success when the position is reached or failure when the gripper cannot move any longer. ii ros-hydro-pr2-hardware-interface 1.8.12-0precise-20150327-1912-+0000 This package contains the C++ interfaces to the PR2 hardware components that are controlled over EtherCAT. This includes the motors and encoders needed to control the PR2 mechanism, as well as components like the pressure sensors in the fingertips, camera triggers, etc... All of the hardware components in this interface are directly available to the controllers inside the hard realtime control loop. ii ros-hydro-pr2-head-action 1.10.8-0precise-20150331-0016-+0000 The PR2 head action is a node that provides an action interface for pointing the head of the PR2. It passes trajectory goals to the controller, and reports success when they have finished executing. ii ros-hydro-pr2-mechanism-controllers 1.10.8-0precise-20150331-0019-+0000 The pr2_mechanism_controllers package contains realtime controllers that are meant for specific mechanisms of the PR2. ii ros-hydro-pr2-mechanism-diagnostics 1.8.12-0precise-20150328-1121-+0000 The pr2_mechanism_diagnostics node subscribes to mechanism_statistics and publishes diagnostics data for joints and controllers on /diagnostics. ii ros-hydro-pr2-mechanism-model 1.8.12-0precise-20150328-1116-+0000 This package contains the robot model that is used by the realtime controllers inside controller manager. This robot model focuses on controlling the robot mechanism in a realtime control loop, and therefore it only contains the components of a robot that are relevant in realtime: the robot joints (with encoders, transmisisons and actuators) and the kinematic/dynamic model of the robot. The pr2_mechanism_model package is well tested and is released with a stable API. ii ros-hydro-pr2-mechanism-msgs 1.8.0-0precise-20150327-1902-+0000 This package defines services that are used to communicate with the realtime control loop. It also defines messages that represent the state of the realtime controllers, the joints and the actuators. ii ros-hydro-pr2-moveit-config 0.5.6-0precise-20150519-0338-+0000 An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the pr2 with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework ii ros-hydro-pr2-moveit-plugins 0.5.6-0precise-20150501-1006-+0000 PR2 specific plugins for MoveIt ii ros-hydro-pr2-moveit-tutorials 0.5.6-0precise-20150519-1031-+0000 The pr2_moveit_tutorials package ii ros-hydro-pr2-msgs 1.11.4-0precise-20150327-1916-+0000 Messages for representing PR2 state, such as battery information and the PR2 fingertip sensors. ii ros-hydro-ps3joy 1.9.10-0precise-20150327-1926-+0000 Playstation 3 SIXAXIS or DUAL SHOCK 3 joystick driver. Driver for the Sony PlayStation 3 SIXAXIS or DUAL SHOCK 3 joysticks. In its current state, this driver is not compatible with the use of other Bluetooth HID devices. The driver listens for a connection on the HID ports, starts the joystick streaming data, and passes the data to the Linux uinput device so that it shows up as a normal joystick. ii ros-hydro-python-orocos-kdl 1.3.0-0precise-20141231-2310-+0000 This package contains the python bindings PyKDL for the Kinematics and Dynamics Library (KDL), distributed by the Orocos Project. ii ros-hydro-python-qt-binding 0.2.16-0precise-20150505-0547-+0000 This stack provides Python bindings for Qt. There are two providers: pyside and pyqt. PySide is released under the LGPL. PyQt is released under the GPL. Both the bindings and tools to build bindings are included from each available provider. For PySide, it is called "Shiboken". For PyQt, this is called "SIP". Also provided is adapter code to make the user's Python code independent of which binding provider was actually used which makes it very easy to switch between these. ii ros-hydro-qt-dotgraph 0.2.28-0precise-20150609-1938-+0000 qt_dotgraph provides helpers to work with dot graphs. ii ros-hydro-qt-gui 0.2.28-0precise-20150609-1927-+0000 qt_gui provides the infrastructure for an integrated graphical user interface based on Qt. It is extensible with Python- and C++-based plugins (implemented in separate packages) which can contribute arbitrary widgets. It requires either PyQt or PySide bindings. ii ros-hydro-qt-gui-app 0.2.28-0precise-20150609-1930-+0000 qt_gui_app provides the main to start an instance of the integrated graphical user interface provided by qt_gui. ii ros-hydro-qt-gui-core 0.2.28-0precise-20150609-2006-+0000 Integration of the ROS package system and ROS-specific plugins for a Qt-based GUI. ii ros-hydro-qt-gui-cpp 0.2.28-0precise-20150609-1949-+0000 qt_gui_cpp provides the foundation for C++-bindings for qt_gui and creates bindings for every generator available. At least one specific binding must be available in order to use C++-plugins. ii ros-hydro-qt-gui-py-common 0.2.28-0precise-20150609-2002-+0000 qt_gui_py_common provides common functionality for GUI plugins written in Python. ii ros-hydro-random-numbers 0.2.0-0precise-20141231-2149-+0000 This library contains wrappers for generating floating point values, integers, quaternions using boost libraries. The constructor of the wrapper is guaranteed to be thread safe and initialize its random number generator to a random seed. Seeds are obtained using a separate and different random number generator. ii ros-hydro-realtime-tools 1.8.3-1precise-20150328-0828-+0000 This package contains a set of tools that can be used from a hard realtime thread, without breaking the realtime behavior. The tools currently only provides the realtime publisher, which makes it possible to publish messages to a ROS topic from a realtime thread. We plan to add a basic implementation of a realtime buffer, to make it possible to get data from a (non-realtime) topic callback into the realtime loop. Once the lockfree buffer is created, the realtime publisher will start using it, which will result in major API changes for the realtime publisher (removal of all lock methods). ii ros-hydro-resource-retriever 1.10.21-0precise-20150329-0241-+0000 This package retrieves data from url-format files such as http://, ftp://, package:// file://, etc., and loads the data into memory. The package:// url for ros packages is translated into a local file:// url. The resourse retriever was initially designed to load mesh files into memory, but it can be used for any type of data. The resource retriever is based on the the libcurl library. ii ros-hydro-rgbd-launch 2.0.1-0precise-20150517-0959-+0000 Launch files to open an RGBD device and load all nodelets to convert raw depth/RGB/IR streams to depth images, disparity images, and (registered) point clouds. ii ros-hydro-robot 1.0.2-0precise-20150501-1315-+0000 A metapackage to aggregate several packages. ii ros-hydro-robot-mechanism-controllers 1.10.8-0precise-20150331-0014-+0000 Generic Mechanism Controller Library ii ros-hydro-robot-model 1.10.21-0precise-20150501-0954-+0000 robot_model contains packages for modeling various aspects of robot information, specified in the Xml Robot Description Format (URDF). The core package of this stack is urdf, which parses URDF files, and constructs an object model (C++) of the robot. ii ros-hydro-robot-pose-ekf 1.11.16-0precise-20150501-0905-+0000 The Robot Pose EKF package is used to estimate the 3D pose of a robot, based on (partial) pose measurements coming from different sources. It uses an extended Kalman filter with a 6D model (3D position and 3D orientation) to combine measurements from wheel odometry, IMU sensor and visual odometry. The basic idea is to offer loosely coupled integration with different sensors, where sensor signals are received as ROS messages. ii ros-hydro-robot-state-publisher 1.9.12-0precise-20150331-0032-+0000 This package allows you to publish the state of a robot to tf. Once the state gets published, it is available to all components in the system that also use tf. The package takes the joint angles of the robot as input and publishes the 3D poses of the robot links, using a kinematic tree model of the robot. The package can both be used as a library and as a ROS node. This package has been well tested and the code is stable. No major changes are planned in the near future ii ros-hydro-ros 1.10.11-0precise-20150327-1813-+0000 ROS packaging system ii ros-hydro-ros-base 1.0.2-0precise-20150424-1859-+0000 A metapackage to aggregate several packages. ii ros-hydro-ros-comm 1.10.12-0precise-20150424-1814-+0000 ROS communications-related packages, including core client libraries (roscpp, rospy) and graph introspection tools (rostopic, rosnode, rosservice, rosparam). ii ros-hydro-ros-tutorials 0.4.3-0precise-20150328-1055-+0000 ros_tutorials contains packages that demonstrate various features of ROS, as well as support packages which help demonstrate those features. ii ros-hydro-rosbag 1.10.12-0precise-20150328-1055-+0000 This is a set of tools for recording from and playing back to ROS topics. It is intended to be high performance and avoids deserialization and reserialization of the messages. ii ros-hydro-rosbag-migration-rule 1.0.0-0precise-20141231-2204-+0000 This empty package allows to export rosbag migration rule files without depending on rosbag. ii ros-hydro-rosbag-storage 1.10.12-0precise-20141231-2234-+0000 This is a set of tools for recording from and playing back ROS message without relying on the ROS client library. ii ros-hydro-rosbash 1.10.11-0precise-20141231-2316-+0000 Assorted shell commands for using ros with bash. ii ros-hydro-rosboost-cfg 1.10.11-0precise-20141231-2316-+0000 Contains scripts used by the rosboost-cfg tool for determining cflags/lflags/etc. of boost on your system ii ros-hydro-rosbuild 1.10.11-0precise-20150326-2050-+0000 rosbuild contains scripts for managing the CMake-based build system for ROS. ii ros-hydro-rosclean 1.10.11-0precise-20141231-2316-+0000 rosclean: cleanup filesystem resources (e.g. log files). ii ros-hydro-rosconsole 1.10.12-0precise-20150327-1802-+0000 ROS console output library. ii ros-hydro-rosconsole-bridge 0.3.4-0precise-20150328-0810-+0000 rosconsole_bridge is a package used in conjunction with console_bridge and rosconsole for connecting console_bridge-based logging to rosconsole-based logging. ii ros-hydro-roscpp 1.10.12-0precise-20150327-1811-+0000 roscpp is a C++ implementation of ROS. It provides a client library that enables C++ programmers to quickly interface with ROS Topics, Services, and Parameters. roscpp is the most widely used ROS client library and is designed to be the high-performance library for ROS. ii ros-hydro-roscpp-serialization 0.4.4-0precise-20141231-2232-+0000 roscpp_serialization contains the code for serialization as described in MessagesSerializationAndAdaptingTypes. This package is a component of roscpp. ii ros-hydro-roscpp-traits 0.4.4-0precise-20141231-2229-+0000 roscpp_traits contains the message traits code as described in MessagesTraits. This package is a component of roscpp. ii ros-hydro-roscpp-tutorials 0.4.3-0precise-20150328-0828-+0000 This package attempts to show the features of ROS step-by-step, including using messages, servers, parameters, etc. ii ros-hydro-roscreate 1.10.11-0precise-20141231-2203-+0000 roscreate contains a tool that assists in the creation of ROS filesystem resources. It provides: roscreate-pkg, which creates a new package directory, including the appropriate build and manifest files. ii ros-hydro-rosdoc-lite 0.2.5-0precise-20150228-2252-+0000 This ROS package wraps documentation tools like doxygen, sphinx, and epydoc, making it convenient to generate ROS package documentation. It also generates online documentation for the ROS wiki. ii ros-hydro-rosgraph 1.10.12-0precise-20141231-2211-+0000 rosgraph contains the rosgraph command-line tool, which prints information about the ROS Computation Graph. It also provides an internal library that can be used by graphical tools. ii ros-hydro-rosgraph-msgs 1.10.12-0precise-20150326-2133-+0000 Messages relating to the ROS Computation Graph. These are generally considered to be low-level messages that end users do not interact with. ii ros-hydro-roslang 1.10.11-0precise-20141231-2219-+0000 roslang is a common package that all ROS client libraries depend on. This is mainly used to find client libraries (via 'rospack depends-on1 roslang'). ii ros-hydro-roslaunch 1.10.12-0precise-20150327-1953-+0000 roslaunch is a tool for easily launching multiple ROS nodes locally and remotely via SSH, as well as setting parameters on the Parameter Server. It includes options to automatically respawn processes that have already died. roslaunch takes in one or more XML configuration files (with the .launch extension) that specify the parameters to set and nodes to launch, as well as the machines that they should be run on. ii ros-hydro-roslib 1.10.11-0precise-20141231-2215-+0000 Base dependencies and support libraries for ROS. roslib contains many of the common data structures and tools that are shared across ROS client library implementations. ii ros-hydro-roslisp 1.9.18-0precise-20150424-1751-+0000 Lisp client library for ROS, the Robot Operating System. ii ros-hydro-rosmake 1.10.11-0precise-20141231-2214-+0000 rosmake is a ros dependency aware build tool which can be used to build all dependencies in the correct order. ii ros-hydro-rosmaster 1.10.12-0precise-20141231-2215-+0000 ROS Master implementation. ii ros-hydro-rosmsg 1.10.12-0precise-20150329-2056-+0000 rosmsg contains two command-line tools: rosmsg and rossrv. rosmsg is a command-line tool for displaying information about ROS Message types. rossrv is a command-line tool for displaying information about ROS Service types. ii ros-hydro-rosnode 1.10.12-0precise-20150329-0453-+0000 rosnode is a command-line tool for displaying debug information about ROS Nodes, including publications, subscriptions and connections. It also contains an experimental library for retrieving node information. This library is intended for internal use only. ii ros-hydro-rosout 1.10.12-0precise-20150327-1949-+0000 System-wide logging mechanism for messages sent to the /rosout topic. ii ros-hydro-rospack 2.1.25-0precise-20141231-2212-+0000 ROS Package Tool ii ros-hydro-rosparam 1.10.12-0precise-20141231-2213-+0000 rosparam contains the rosparam command-line tool for getting and setting ROS Parameters on the Parameter Server using YAML-encoded files. It also contains an experimental library for using YAML with the Parameter Server. This library is intended for internal use only. rosparam can be invoked within a roslaunch file. ii ros-hydro-rospy 1.10.12-0precise-20150327-1850-+0000 rospy is a pure Python client library for ROS. The rospy client API enables Python programmers to quickly interface with ROS Topics, Services, and Parameters. The design of rospy favors implementation speed (i.e. developer time) over runtime performance so that algorithms can be quickly prototyped and tested within ROS. It is also ideal for non-critical-path code, such as configuration and initialization code. Many of the ROS tools are written in rospy to take advantage of the type introspection capabilities. Many of the ROS tools, such as rostopic and rosservice, are built on top of rospy. ii ros-hydro-rospy-tutorials 0.4.3-0precise-20150328-1040-+0000 This package attempts to show the features of ROS python API step-by-step, including using messages, servers, parameters, etc. These tutorials are compatible with the nodes in roscpp_tutorial. ii ros-hydro-rosserial-arduino 0.5.6-0precise-20150330-2334-+0000 Libraries and examples for ROSserial usage on Arduino/AVR Platforms. ii ros-hydro-rosserial-client 0.5.6-0precise-20150330-2329-+0000 Generalized client side source for rosserial. ii ros-hydro-rosserial-leonardo-cmake 0.1.3-0precise-20150331-0841-+0000 CMake scripts for building Arduino Leonardo (atmega32u4) Firmwares ii ros-hydro-rosserial-msgs 0.5.6-0precise-20150326-2051-+0000 Messages for automatic topic configuration using rosserial. ii ros-hydro-rosservice 1.10.12-0precise-20150330-0703-+0000 rosservice contains the rosservice command-line tool for listing and querying ROS Services. It also contains a Python library for retrieving information about Services and dynamically invoking them. The Python library is experimental and is for internal-use only. ii ros-hydro-rostest 1.10.12-0precise-20150328-1035-+0000 Integration test suite based on roslaunch that is compatible with xUnit frameworks. ii ros-hydro-rostime 0.4.4-0precise-20141231-2227-+0000 Time and Duration implementations for C++ libraries, including roscpp. ii ros-hydro-rostopic 1.10.12-0precise-20150328-1115-+0000 rostopic contains the rostopic command-line tool for displaying debug information about ROS Topics, including publishers, subscribers, publishing rate, and ROS Messages. It also contains an experimental Python library for getting information about and interacting with topics dynamically. This library is for internal-use only as the code API may change, though it does provide examples of how to implement dynamic subscription and publication behaviors in ROS. ii ros-hydro-rosunit 1.10.11-0precise-20141231-2219-+0000 Unit-testing package for ROS. This is a lower-level library for rostest and handles unit tests, whereas rostest handles integration tests. ii ros-hydro-roswtf 1.10.12-0precise-20150330-1628-+0000 roswtf is a tool for diagnosing issues with a running ROS system. Think of it as a FAQ implemented in code. ii ros-hydro-rotate-recovery 1.11.16-0precise-20150501-0936-+0000 This package provides a recovery behavior for the navigation stack that attempts to clear space by performing a 360 degree rotation of the robot. ii ros-hydro-rqt-action 0.3.11-0precise-20150610-0426-+0000 rqt_action provides a feature to introspect all available ROS action (from actionlib) types. By utilizing rqt_msg, the output format is unified with it and rqt_srv. Note that the actions shown on this plugin is the ones that are stored on your machine, not on the ROS core your rqt instance connects to. ii ros-hydro-rqt-bag 0.3.11-0precise-20150610-0414-+0000 rqt_bag provides a GUI plugin for displaying and replaying ROS bag files. ii ros-hydro-rqt-console 0.3.11-0precise-20150610-0415-+0000 rqt_console provides a GUI plugin for displaying and filtering ROS messages. ii ros-hydro-rqt-dep 0.3.11-0precise-20150609-2213-+0000 rqt_dep provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS dependency graph. ii ros-hydro-rqt-graph 0.3.11-0precise-20150609-2209-+0000 rqt_graph provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS computation graph. Its components are made generic so that other packages where you want to achieve graph representation can depend upon this pkg (use rqt_dep to find out the pkgs that depend. rqt_dep itself depends on rqt_graph too). ii ros-hydro-rqt-gui 0.2.14-1precise-20150609-2057-+0000 rqt_gui provides the main to start an instance of the ROS integrated graphical user interface provided by qt_gui. ii ros-hydro-rqt-gui-cpp 0.2.14-1precise-20150609-2056-+0000 rqt_gui_cpp enables GUI plugins to use the C++ client library for ROS. ii ros-hydro-rqt-gui-py 0.2.14-1precise-20150609-2111-+0000 rqt_gui_py enables GUI plugins to use the Python client library for ROS. ii ros-hydro-rqt-image-view 0.3.11-0precise-20150610-0408-+0000 rqt_image_view provides a GUI plugin for displaying images using image_transport. ii ros-hydro-rqt-launch 0.3.11-0precise-20150610-0423-+0000 This rqt plugin ROS package provides easy view of .launch files. User can also start and end node by node that are defined in those files. ii ros-hydro-rqt-logger-level 0.3.11-0precise-20150610-0411-+0000 rqt_logger_level provides a GUI plugin for configuring the logger level of ROS nodes. rqt_logger_level takes over wx-based tool [[rxloggerlevel]]. ii ros-hydro-rqt-moveit 0.4.1-0precise-20150610-0417-+0000 An rqt-based tool that assists monitoring tasks for MoveIt! motion planner developers and users. Currently the following items are monitored if they are either running, existing or published: Node: /move_group Parameter: [/robot_description, /robot_description_semantic] Topic: Following types are monitored. Published "names" are ignored. [sensor_msgs/PointCloud, sensor_msgs/PointCloud2, sensor_msgs/Image, sensor_msgs/CameraInfo] Since this package is not made by the MoveIt! development team (although with assistance from the them), please post issue reports to the designated tracker (not MoveIt!'s main tracker). ii ros-hydro-rqt-msg 0.3.11-0precise-20150610-0422-+0000 A Python GUI plugin for introspecting available ROS message types. Note that the msgs available through this plugin is the ones that are stored on your machine, not on the ROS core your rqt instance connects to. ii ros-hydro-rqt-nav-view 0.4.1-0precise-20150609-2115-+0000 rqt_nav_view provides a gui for viewing navigation maps and paths. ii ros-hydro-rqt-pose-view 0.4.1-0precise-20150610-0402-+0000 rqt_pose_view provides a GUI plugin for visualizing 3D poses. ii ros-hydro-rqt-publisher 0.3.11-0precise-20150609-2259-+0000 rqt_publisher provides a GUI plugin for publishing arbitrary messages with fixed or computed field values. ii ros-hydro-rqt-py-common 0.3.11-0precise-20150609-2047-+0000 rqt_py_common provides common functionality for rqt plugins written in Python. Despite no plugin is provided, this package is part of the rqt_common_plugins repository to keep refactoring generic functionality from these common plugins into this package as easy as possible. Functionality included in this package should cover generic ROS concepts and should not introduce any special dependencies beside "ros_base". ii ros-hydro-rqt-py-console 0.3.11-0precise-20150609-2119-+0000 rqt_py_console is a Python GUI plugin providing an interactive Python console. ii ros-hydro-rqt-reconfigure 0.3.11-0precise-20150610-0422-+0000 This rqt plugin succeeds former dynamic_reconfigure's GUI (reconfigure_gui), and provides the way to view and edit the parameters that are accessible via dynamic_reconfigure. (12/27/2012) In the future, arbitrary parameters that are not associated with any nodes (which are not handled by dynamic_reconfigure) might become handled. However, currently as the name indicates, this pkg solely is dependent on dynamic_reconfigure that allows access to only those params latched to nodes. ii ros-hydro-rqt-robot-dashboard 0.4.1-0precise-20150610-0421-+0000 rqt_robot_dashboard provides an infrastructure for building robot dashboard plugins in rqt. ii ros-hydro-rqt-robot-monitor 0.4.1-0precise-20150610-0417-+0000 rqt_robot_monitor displays diagnostics_agg topics messages that are published by diagnostic_aggregator. rqt_robot_monitor is a direct port to rqt of robot_monitor. All diagnostics are fall into one of three tree panes depending on the status of diagnostics (normal, warning, error/stale). Status are shown in trees to represent their hierarchy. Worse status dominates the higher level status. Ex. 'Computer' category has 3 sub devices. 2 are green but 1 is error. Then 'Computer' becomes error. You can look at the detail of each status by double-clicking the tree nodes. Currently re-usable API to other pkgs are not explicitly provided. ii ros-hydro-rqt-robot-plugins 0.4.1-0precise-20150610-0602-+0000 Metapackage of rqt plugins that are particularly used with robots during its operation. To run any rqt plugins, just type in a single command "rqt", then select any plugins you want from the GUI that launches afterwards. rqt consists of three following metapackages: rqt - provides a container window where all rqt tools can be docked at. rqt plugin developers barely needs to pay attention. rqt_common_plugins - ROS backend tools suite that can be used on/off of robot runtime. rqt_robot_plugins (You're here!) ii ros-hydro-rqt-robot-steering 0.4.1-0precise-20150610-0411-+0000 rqt_robot_steering provides a GUI plugin for steering a robot using Twist messages. ii ros-hydro-rqt-runtime-monitor 0.4.1-0precise-20150609-2121-+0000 rqt_runtime_monitor provides a GUI plugin viewing DiagnosticsArray messages. ii ros-hydro-rqt-rviz 0.4.1-0precise-20150610-0403-+0000 rqt_rviz provides a GUI plugin embedding RViz. Note that this rqt plugin does NOT supersede RViz but depends on it. ii ros-hydro-rqt-service-caller 0.3.11-0precise-20150610-0352-+0000 rqt_service_caller provides a GUI plugin for calling arbitrary services. ii ros-hydro-rqt-shell 0.3.11-0precise-20150609-2121-+0000 rqt_shell is a Python GUI plugin providing an interactive shell. ii ros-hydro-rqt-srv 0.3.11-0precise-20150610-0431-+0000 A Python GUI plugin for introspecting available ROS message types. Note that the srvs available through this plugin is the ones that are stored on your machine, not on the ROS core your rqt instance connects to. ii ros-hydro-rqt-tf-tree 0.4.1-0precise-20150609-2215-+0000 rqt_tf_tree provides a GUI plugin for visualizing the ROS TF frame tree. ii ros-hydro-rqt-top 0.3.11-0precise-20150610-1508-+0000 RQT plugin for monitoring ROS processes. ii ros-hydro-rqt-topic 0.3.11-0precise-20150610-0414-+0000 rqt_topic provides a GUI plugin for displaying debug information about ROS topics including publishers, subscribers, publishing rate, and ROS Messages. ii ros-hydro-rqt-web 0.3.11-0precise-20150609-2121-+0000 rqt_web is a simple web content viewer for rqt. Users can show web content in Qt-based window by specifying its URL. ii ros-hydro-rtctree 3.0.3-2precise-20150304-0939-+0000 API for interacting with running RT-Components and managing RTM-based systems using OpenRTM-aist. ii ros-hydro-rtmbuild 1.2.12-0precise-20150427-0641-+0000 Build scripts for OpenRTM and OpenHRP ii ros-hydro-rtmros-hironx 1.0.31-0precise-20150611-0145-+0000 The rtmros_hironx package is an operating interface via ROS and OpenRTM, for Hiro and NEXTAGE OPEN dual-armed robots from Kawada Industries Inc. NOTE for Hiro users: Utilizing this opensource controller for Hiro requires installation both on Controller Box (QNX-based) and Vision PC (Ubuntu Linux), and the steps for it are not shared publicly in order to avoid any possible inconvenience that can easily be caused by slight mis-operation during installation. Please contact TORK for an advice. ii ros-hydro-rtmros-nextage 0.6.2-0precise-20150611-0601-+0000 The rtmros_nextage package is a ROS interface for Nextage dual-armed robot from Kawada Robotics Inc. ii ros-hydro-rtshell 3.0.3-4precise-20150304-0941-+0000 Shell commands for managing RT-Middleware running on OpenRTM-aist. ii ros-hydro-rtsprofile 3.0.3-2precise-20150304-0937-+0000 Library to read, manipulate and write RT system profiles using the RTSProfile XML schema. ii ros-hydro-rviz 1.10.19-0precise-20150515-0412-+0000 3D visualization tool for ROS. ii ros-hydro-rviz-plugin-tutorials 0.8.4-0precise-20150515-2217-+0000 Tutorials showing how to write plugins for RViz. ii ros-hydro-rviz-python-tutorial 0.8.4-0precise-20150515-2219-+0000 Tutorials showing how to call into rviz internals from python scripts. ii ros-hydro-self-test 1.8.7-0precise-20150328-1050-+0000 self_test ii ros-hydro-sensor-msgs 1.10.6-0precise-20150327-1917-+0000 This package defines messages for commonly used sensors, including cameras and scanning laser rangefinders. ii ros-hydro-settlerlib 0.10.13-0precise-20150328-1146-+0000 Defines helper functions and routines that greatly help when trying to create a settler for a specific sensor channel. This package is experimental and unstable. Expect its APIs to change. ii ros-hydro-shape-msgs 1.10.6-0precise-20150327-1920-+0000 This package contains messages for defining shapes, such as simple solid object primitives (cube, sphere, etc), planes, and meshes. ii ros-hydro-shape-tools 0.2.1-0precise-20150328-1144-+0000 Tools for operating on shape messages. ii ros-hydro-simulators 1.0.2-0precise-20150610-1538-+0000 A metapackage to aggregate several packages. ii ros-hydro-single-joint-position-action 1.10.8-0precise-20150329-2046-+0000 The single joint position action is a node that provides an action interface for commanding a trajectory to move a joint to a particular position. The action reports success when the joint reaches the desired position. ii ros-hydro-smach 1.3.1-0precise-20141231-2318-+0000 SMACH is a task-level architecture for rapidly creating complex robot behavior. At its core, SMACH is a ROS-independent Python library to build hierarchical state machines. SMACH is a new library that takes advantage of very old concepts in order to quickly create robust robot behavior with maintainable and modular code. ii ros-hydro-smach-msgs 1.3.1-0precise-20150326-2142-+0000 this package contains a set of messages that are used by the introspection interfaces for smach. ii ros-hydro-smach-ros 1.3.1-0precise-20150329-2035-+0000 The smach_ros package contains extensions for the SMACH library to integrate it tightly with ROS. For example, SMACH-ROS can call ROS services, listen to ROS topics, and integrate with actionlib both as a client, and a provider of action servers. SMACH is a new library that takes advantage of very old concepts in order to quickly create robust robot behavior with maintainable and modular code. ii ros-hydro-smclib 1.7.16-0precise-20141231-1911-+0000 The State Machine Compiler (SMC) from converts a language-independent description of a state machine into the source code to support that state machine. This package contains the libraries that a compiled state machine depends on, but it does not contain the compiler itself. ii ros-hydro-spacenav-node 1.9.10-0precise-20150327-1929-+0000 ROS interface to the 3Dconnexion SpaceNavigator 6DOF joystick. ii ros-hydro-srdfdom 0.2.6-0precise-20141231-2228-+0000 Parser for Semantic Robot Description Format (SRDF). ii ros-hydro-stage 4.1.1-6precise-20141231-2201-+0000 Mobile robot simulator ii ros-hydro-stage-ros 1.7.4-0precise-20150330-2347-+0000 This package provides ROS specific hooks for stage ii ros-hydro-std-msgs 0.5.8-0precise-20150326-2053-+0000 Standard ROS Messages including common message types representing primitive data types and other basic message constructs, such as multiarrays. For common, generic robot-specific message types, please see common_msgs. ii ros-hydro-std-srvs 1.10.12-0precise-20150326-2054-+0000 Common service definitions. Currently just the 'Empty' service. ii ros-hydro-stereo-image-proc 1.11.11-0precise-20150517-0911-+0000 Stereo and single image rectification and disparity processing. ii ros-hydro-stereo-msgs 1.10.6-0precise-20150327-1943-+0000 stereo_msgs contains messages specific to stereo processing, such as disparity images. ii ros-hydro-tf 1.10.8-1precise-20150330-2310-+0000 tf is a package that lets the user keep track of multiple coordinate frames over time. tf maintains the relationship between coordinate frames in a tree structure buffered in time, and lets the user transform points, vectors, etc between any two coordinate frames at any desired point in time. ii ros-hydro-tf-conversions 1.10.8-1precise-20150331-0010-+0000 This package contains a set of conversion functions to convert common tf datatypes (point, vector, pose, etc) into semantically identical datatypes used by other libraries. The conversion functions make it easier for users of the transform library (tf) to work with the datatype of their choice. Currently this package has support for the Kinematics and Dynamics Library (KDL) and the Eigen matrix library. This package is stable, and will get integrated into tf in the next major release cycle (see roadmap). ii ros-hydro-tf2 0.4.12-0precise-20150327-1914-+0000 tf2 is the second generation of the transform library, which lets the user keep track of multiple coordinate frames over time. tf2 maintains the relationship between coordinate frames in a tree structure buffered in time, and lets the user transform points, vectors, etc between any two coordinate frames at any desired point in time. ii ros-hydro-tf2-bullet 0.4.12-0precise-20150327-1919-+0000 tf2_bullet ii ros-hydro-tf2-geometry-msgs 0.4.12-0precise-20150330-0702-+0000 tf2_geometry_msgs ii ros-hydro-tf2-kdl 0.4.12-0precise-20150329-2049-+0000 KDL binding for tf2 ii ros-hydro-tf2-msgs 0.4.12-0precise-20150327-1855-+0000 tf2_msgs ii ros-hydro-tf2-py 0.4.12-0precise-20150328-1122-+0000 The tf2_py package ii ros-hydro-tf2-ros 0.4.12-0precise-20150329-2037-+0000 This package contains the ROS bindings for the tf2 lib rary, for both Python and C++. ii ros-hydro-tf2-tools 0.4.12-0precise-20150329-2048-+0000 tf2_tools ii ros-hydro-theora-image-transport 1.8.21-0precise-20150515-0444-+0000 Theora_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending an image stream encoded with the Theora codec. ii ros-hydro-timestamp-tools 1.6.8-0precise-20150328-0835-+0000 This package is currently for internal use only. Its API may change without warning in the future. This package is deprecated. ii ros-hydro-topic-tools 1.10.12-0precise-20150328-1041-+0000 Tools for directing, throttling, selecting, and otherwise messing with ROS topics at a meta level. None of the programs in this package actually know about the topics whose streams they are altering; instead, these tools deal with messages as generic binary blobs. This means they can be applied to any ROS topic. ii ros-hydro-trajectory-msgs 1.10.6-0precise-20150327-1920-+0000 This package defines messages for defining robot trajectories. These messages are also the building blocks of most of the control_msgs actions. ii ros-hydro-transmission-interface 0.7.3-0precise-20150329-0244-+0000 Transmission Interface. ii ros-hydro-turtle-actionlib 0.1.7-0precise-20150329-2032-+0000 turtle_actionlib demonstrates how to write an action server and client with the turtlesim. The shape_server provides and action interface for drawing regular polygons with the turtlesim. ii ros-hydro-turtle-tf 0.2.1-0precise-20150330-2347-+0000 turtle_tf demonstrates how to write a tf broadcaster and listener with the turtlesim. The tutle_tf_listener commands turtle2 to follow turtle1 around as you drive turtle1 using the keyboard. ii ros-hydro-turtle-tf2 0.2.1-0precise-20150329-2043-+0000 turtle_tf2 demonstrates how to write a tf2 broadcaster and listener with the turtlesim. The tutle_tf2_listener commands turtle2 to follow turtle1 around as you drive turtle1 using the keyboard. ii ros-hydro-turtlesim 0.4.3-0precise-20150328-0836-+0000 turtlesim is a tool made for teaching ROS and ROS packages. ii ros-hydro-ueye-cam 1.0.9-0precise-20150514-1804-+0000 A ROS nodelet and node that wraps the driver API for UEye cameras by IDS Imaging Development Systems GMBH. ii ros-hydro-urdf 1.10.21-0precise-20150328-1056-+0000 This package contains a C++ parser for the Unified Robot Description Format (URDF), which is an XML format for representing a robot model. The code API of the parser has been through our review process and will remain backwards compatible in future releases. ii ros-hydro-urdf-parser-plugin 1.10.21-0precise-20141231-2227-+0000 This package contains a C++ base class for URDF parsers. ii ros-hydro-urdf-tutorial 0.2.3-0precise-20150329-2059-+0000 This package contains a number of URDF tutorials. ii ros-hydro-urdfdom 0.2.10-3precise-20141231-2227-+0000 A library to access URDFs using the DOM model. ii ros-hydro-urdfdom-headers 0.2.3-1precise-20141231-2224-+0000 C++ Headers for URDF ii ros-hydro-urdfdom-py 0.2.9-10precise-20141231-2324-+0000 A library to access URDFs using the DOM model. ii ros-hydro-uuid-msgs 1.0.4-0precise-20150326-2151-+0000 ROS messages for universally unique identifiers. ii ros-hydro-velocity-controllers 0.7.3-0precise-20150329-0245-+0000 velocity_controllers ii ros-hydro-vision-opencv 1.10.18-0precise-20150328-1147-+0000 Packages for interfacing ROS with OpenCV, a library of programming functions for real time computer vision. ii ros-hydro-visualization-marker-tutorials 0.8.4-0precise-20150327-1933-+0000 The visulalization_marker_tutorials package ii ros-hydro-visualization-msgs 1.10.6-0precise-20150327-1929-+0000 visualization_msgs is a set of messages used by higher level packages, such as rviz, that deal in visualization-specific data. The main messages in visualization_msgs is visualization_msgs/Marker. The marker message is used to send visualization "markers" such as boxes, spheres, arrows, lines, etc. to a visualization environment such as rviz. See the rviz tutorial rviz tutorials for more information. ii ros-hydro-visualization-tutorials 0.8.4-0precise-20150518-1212-+0000 Metapackage referencing tutorials related to rviz and visualization. ii ros-hydro-voxel-grid 1.11.16-0precise-20150501-0906-+0000 voxel_grid provides an implementation of an efficient 3D voxel grid. The occupancy grid can support 3 different representations for the state of a cell: marked, free, or unknown. Due to the underlying implementation relying on bitwise and and or integer operations, the voxel grid only supports 16 different levels per voxel column. However, this limitation yields raytracing and cell marking performance in the grid comparable to standard 2D structures making it quite fast compared to most 3D structures. ii ros-hydro-warehouse-ros 0.8.8-0precise-20150328-1042-+0000 Persistent storage of ROS data using MongoDB ii ros-hydro-wiimote 1.9.10-0precise-20150327-1922-+0000 The wiimote package allows ROS nodes to communicate with a Nintendo Wiimote and its related peripherals, including the Nunchuk, Motion Plus, and (experimentally) the Classic. The package implements a ROS node that uses Bluetooth to communicate with the Wiimote device, obtaining accelerometer and gyro data, the state of LEDs, the IR camera, rumble (vibrator), buttons, joystick, and battery state. The node additionally enables ROS nodes to control the Wiimote's LEDs and vibration for feedback to the human Wiimote operator. LEDs and vibration may be switched on and off, or made to operate according to a timed pattern. ii ros-hydro-xacro 1.8.6-0precise-20150328-1151-+0000 Xacro (XML Macros) Xacro is an XML macro language. With xacro, you can construct shorter and more readable XML files by using macros that expand to larger XML expressions. ii ros-hydro-xmlrpcpp 1.10.12-0precise-20141231-2227-+0000 XmlRpc++ is a C++ implementation of the XML-RPC protocol. This version is heavily modified from the package available on SourceForge in order to support roscpp's threading model. As such, we are maintaining our own fork.

k-okada commented 8 years ago

please provide error message.

◉ Kei Okada

On Thu, Jul 9, 2015 at 3:09 PM, Hajime SAITO wrote:

I'm using a recently updated Ubuntu 12.04 with the latest ros-hydro packages and I seem to have lost the ability to run the simulation with

prompt> roslaunch nextage_ros_bridge nextage_ros_bridge_simulation.launch

Has this command changed? Please tell me what I'm doing wrong. The list of packages I have installed are as follows.

ii python-rosdep 0.11.2-1 rosdep package manager abstrction tool for ROS ii python-rosdistro 0.4.2-1 A tool to work with rosdistro files ii ros-hydro-actionlib 1.10.3-0precise-20150329-2021-+0000 The actionlib stack provides a standardized interface for interfacing with preemptable tasks. Examples of this include moving the base to a target location, performing a laser scan and returning the resulting point cloud, detecting the handle of a door, etc. ii ros-hydro-actionlib-msgs 1.10.6-0precise-20150327-1850-+0000 actionlib_msgs defines the common messages to interact with an action server and an action client. For full documentation of the actionlib API see the actionlib package. ii ros-hydro-actionlib-tutorials 0.1.7-0precise-20150329-2025-+0000 The actionlib_tutorials package ii ros-hydro-amcl 1.11.16-0precise-20150501-0906-+0000 amcl is a probabilistic localization system for a robot moving in 2D. It implements the adaptive (or KLD-sampling) Monte Carlo localization approach (as described by Dieter Fox), which uses a particle filter to track the pose of a robot against a known map. This node is derived, with thanks, from Andrew Howard's excellent 'amcl' Player driver. ii ros-hydro-angles 1.9.9-0precise-20141231-2216-+0000 This package provides a set of simple math utilities to work with angles. The utilities cover simple things like normalizing an angle and conversion between degrees and radians. But even if you're trying to calculate things like the shortest angular distance between two joinst space positions of your robot, but the joint motion is constrained by joint limits, this package is what you need. The code in this packge is stable and well tested. There are no plans for major changes in the near future. ii ros-hydro-base-local-planner 1.11.16-0precise-20150501-0923-+0000 This package provides implementations of the Trajectory Rollout and Dynamic Window approaches to local robot navigation on a plane. Given a plan to follow and a costmap, the controller produces velocity commands to send to a mobile base. This package supports both holonomic and non-holonomic robots, any robot footprint that can be represented as a convex polygon or circle, and exposes its configuration as ROS parameters that can be set in a launch file. This package's ROS wrapper adheres to the BaseLocalPlanner interface specified in the nav_core package. ii ros-hydro-bfl 0.7.0-3precise-20141231-2216-+0000 This package contains a recent version of the Bayesian Filtering Library (BFL), distributed by the Orocos Project. For stability reasons, this package is currently locked to revision 31655 (April 19, 2010), but this revision will be updated on a regular basis to the latest available BFL trunk. This ROS package does not modify BFL in any way, it simply provides a convenient way to download and compile the library, because BFL is not available from an OS package manager. This ROS package compiles BFL with the Boost library for matrix operations and random number generation. ii ros-hydro-bond 1.7.16-0precise-20150327-1852-+0000 A bond allows two processes, A and B, to know when the other has terminated, either cleanly or by crashing. The bond remains connected until it is either broken explicitly or until a heartbeat times out. ii ros-hydro-bond-core 1.7.16-0precise-20150327-1902-+0000 A bond allows two processes, A and B, to know when the other has terminated, either cleanly or by crashing. The bond remains connected until it is either broken explicitly or until a heartbeat times out. ii ros-hydro-bondcpp 1.7.16-0precise-20150327-1858-+0000 C++ implementation of bond, a mechanism for checking when another process has terminated. ii ros-hydro-bondpy 1.7.16-0precise-20150327-1859-+0000 Python implementation of bond, a mechanism for checking when another process has terminated. ii ros-hydro-calibration-estimation 0.10.13-0precise-20150331-0024-+0000 Runs an optimization to estimate the a robot's kinematic parameters. This package is a generic rewrite of pr2_calibration_estimation. ii ros-hydro-calibration-launch 0.10.13-0precise-20150518-1128-+0000 This package contains a collection of launch files that can be helpful in configuring the calibration stack to run on your robot. ii ros-hydro-calibration-msgs 0.10.13-0precise-20150327-1938-+0000 This package defines messages for storing calibration samples to be used in full robot calibration procedures. This package is still unstable. Expect the messages to change. ii ros-hydro-camera-calibration 1.11.11-0precise-20150517-0844-+0000 camera_calibration allows easy calibration of monocular or stereo cameras using a checkerboard calibration target. ii ros-hydro-camera-calibration-parsers 1.11.5-0precise-20150514-1628-+0000 camera_calibration_parsers contains routines for reading and writing camera calibration parameters. ii ros-hydro-camera-info-manager 1.11.5-0precise-20150514-1646-+0000 This package provides a C++ interface for camera calibration information. It provides CameraInfo, and handles SetCameraInfo service requests, saving and restoring the camera calibration data. ii ros-hydro-carrot-planner 1.11.16-0precise-20150501-0930-+0000 This planner attempts to find a legal place to put a carrot for the robot to follow. It does this by moving back along the vector between the robot and the goal point. ii ros-hydro-catkin 0.5.90-0precise-20141231-1837-+0000 Low-level build system macros and infrastructure for ROS. ii ros-hydro-class-loader 0.2.5-0precise-20141231-2224-+0000 The class_loader package is a ROS-independent package for loading plugins during runtime and the foundation of the higher level ROS "pluginlib" library. class_loader utilizes the host operating system's runtime loader to open runtime libraries (e.g. .so/.dll files), introspect the library for exported plugin classes, and allows users to instantiate objects of said exported classes without the explicit declaration (i.e. header file) for those classes. ii ros-hydro-clear-costmap-recovery 1.11.16-0precise-20150501-0923-+0000 This package provides a recovery behavior for the navigation stack that attempts to clear space by reverting the costmaps used by the navigation stack to the static map outside of a given area. ii ros-hydro-cmake-modules 0.3.3-0precise-20141231-2220-+0000 A common repository for CMake Modules which are not distributed with CMake but are commonly used by ROS packages. ii ros-hydro-collada-parser 1.10.21-0precise-20150328-0822-+0000 This package contains a C++ parser for the Collada robot description format. The parser reads a Collada XML robot description, and creates a C++ URDF model. Although it is possible to directly use this parser when working with Collada robot descriptions, the preferred user API is found in the urdf package. ii ros-hydro-collada-urdf 1.10.21-0precise-20150501-0842-+0000 This package contains a tool to convert Unified Robot Description Format (URDF) documents into COLLAborative Design Activity (COLLADA) documents. Implements robot-specific COLLADA extensions as defined by ii ros-hydro-common-msgs 1.10.6-0precise-20150327-1947-+0000 common_msgs contains messages that are widely used by other ROS packages. These includes messages for actions (actionlib_msgs), diagnostics (diagnostic_msgs), geometric primitives (geometry_msgs), robot navigation (nav_msgs), and common sensors (sensor_msgs), such as laser range finders, cameras, point clouds. ii ros-hydro-common-tutorials 0.1.7-0precise-20150329-2050-+0000 Metapackage that contains common tutorials ii ros-hydro-compressed-depth-image-transport 1.8.21-0precise-20150515-0356-+0000 Compressed_depth_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending depth images (raw, floating-point) using PNG compression. ii ros-hydro-compressed-image-transport 1.8.21-0precise-20150515-0401-+0000 Compressed_image_transport provides a plugin to image_transport for transparently sending images encoded as JPEG or PNG. ii ros-hydro-console-bridge 0.2.4-1precise-20141231-2221-+0000 Lightweight tool for forwarding output from libraries to other logging systems. ii ros-hydro-control-msgs 1.2.0-1precise-20150327-1924-+0000 control_msgs contains base messages and actions useful for controlling robots. It provides representations for controller setpoints and joint and cartesian trajectories. ii ros-hydro-control-toolbox 1.10.4-2precise-20150330-2320-+0000 The control toolbox contains modules that are useful across all controllers. ii ros-hydro-controller-interface 0.7.3-0precise-20150328-0825-+0000 Interface base class for controllers ii ros-hydro-controller-manager 0.7.3-0precise-20150328-0831-+0000 The controller manager. ii ros-hydro-controller-manager-msgs 0.7.3-0precise-20150327-1905-+0000 Messages and services for the controller manager. ii ros-hydro-costmap-2d 1.11.16-0precise-20150501-0911-+0000 This package provides an implementation of a 2D costmap that takes in sensor data from the world, builds a 2D or 3D occupancy grid of the data (depending on whether a voxel based implementation is used), and inflates costs in a 2D costmap based on the occupancy grid and a user specified inflation radius. This package also provides support for map_server based initialization of a costmap, rolling window based costmaps, and parameter based subscription to and configuration of sensor topics. ii ros-hydro-cpp-common 0.4.4-0precise-20141231-2224-+0000 cpp_common contains C++ code for doing things that are not necessarily ROS related, but are useful for multiple packages. This includes things like the ROS_DEPRECATED and ROS_FORCE_INLINE macros, as well as code for getting backtraces. This package is a component of roscpp. ii ros-hydro-cv-bridge 1.10.18-0precise-20150327-1941-+0000 This contains CvBridge, which converts between ROS Image messages and OpenCV images. ii ros-hydro-depth-image-proc 1.11.11-0precise-20150517-0838-+0000 Contains nodelets for processing depth images such as those produced by OpenNI camera. Functions include creating disparity images and point clouds, as well as registering (reprojecting) a depth image into another camera frame. ii ros-hydro-diagnostic-aggregator 1.8.7-0precise-20150328-1042-+0000 diagnostic_aggregator ii ros-hydro-diagnostic-analysis 1.8.7-0precise-20150328-1100-+0000 The diagnostic_analysis package can convert a log of diagnostics data into a series of CSV files. Robot logs are recorded with rosbag, and can be processed offline using the scripts in this package. ii ros-hydro-diagnostic-common-diagnostics 1.8.7-0precise-20150331-0127-+0000 diagnostic_common_diagnostics ii ros-hydro-diagnostic-msgs 1.10.6-0precise-20150327-1904-+0000 This package holds the diagnostic messages which provide the standardized interface for the diagnostic and runtime monitoring systems in ROS. These messages are currently used by the diagnostics Stack, which provides libraries for simple ways to set and access the messages, as well as automated ways to process the diagnostic data. These messages are used for long term logging and will not be changed unless there is a very important reason. ii ros-hydro-diagnostic-updater 1.8.7-0precise-20150328-1041-+0000 diagnostic_updater contains tools for easily updating diagnostics. it is commonly used in device drivers to keep track of the status of output topics, device status, etc. ii ros-hydro-diagnostics 1.8.7-0precise-20150331-0223-+0000 diagnostics ii ros-hydro-diff-drive-controller 0.7.3-0precise-20150331-0131-+0000 Controller for a differential drive mobile base. ii ros-hydro-driver-base 1.6.8-0precise-20150330-1650-+0000 A framework for writing drivers that helps with runtime reconfiguration, diagnostics and self-test. This package is deprecated. ii ros-hydro-driver-common 1.6.8-0precise-20150330-1656-+0000 The driver_common stack contains classes and tools that are useful throughout the driver stacks. It currently contains: driver_base: A base class for sensors to provide a consistent state machine (retries, error handling, etc.) and interface timestamp_tools: Classes to help timestamp hardware events ii ros-hydro-dwa-local-planner 1.11.16-0precise-20150501-0931-+0000 This package provides an implementation of the Dynamic Window Approach to local robot navigation on a plane. Given a global plan to follow and a costmap, the local planner produces velocity commands to send to a mobile base. This package supports any robot who's footprint can be represented as a convex polygon or cicrle, and exposes its configuration as ROS parameters that can be set in a launch file. The parameters for this planner are also dynamically reconfigurable. This package's ROS wrapper adheres to the BaseLocalPlanner interface specified in the nav_core package. ii ros-hydro-dynamic-reconfigure 1.5.37-0precise-20150330-1626-+0000 This unary stack contains the dynamic_reconfigure package which provides a means to change node parameters at any time without having to restart the node. ii ros-hydro-effort-controllers 0.7.3-0precise-20150331-0142-+0000 effort_controllers ii ros-hydro-eigen-conversions 1.10.8-1precise-20150327-1905-+0000 Conversion functions between: - Eigen and KDL - Eigen and geometry_msgs. ii ros-hydro-eigen-stl-containers 0.1.4-0precise-20141231-2209-+0000 This package provides a set of typedef's that allow using Eigen datatypes in STL containers ii ros-hydro-ethercat-trigger-controllers 1.10.8-0precise-20150329-0517-+0000 Controllers to operate the digital output of the motor controller boards and the projector board. This package has not been reviewed and should be considered unstable. ii ros-hydro-executive-smach 1.3.1-0precise-20150329-2044-+0000 This metapackage depends on the SMACH library and ROS SMACH integration packages. ii ros-hydro-fake-localization 1.11.16-0precise-20150501-0855-+0000 A ROS node that simply forwards odometry information. ii ros-hydro-fcl 0.2.9-1precise-20141231-2310-+0000 FCL is a collision checking library ii ros-hydro-filters 1.7.4-2precise-20150328-1053-+0000 This library provides a standardized interface for processing data as a sequence of filters. This package contains a base class upon which to build specific implementations as well as an interface which dynamically loads filters based on runtime parameters. ii ros-hydro-force-torque-sensor-controller 0.7.3-0precise-20150328-0832-+0000 Controller to publish state of force-torque sensors ii ros-hydro-forward-command-controller 0.7.3-0precise-20150328-0828-+0000 forward_command_controller ii ros-hydro-gazebo-msgs 2.3.8-0precise-20150327-1930-+0000 Message and service data structures for interacting with Gazebo from ROS. ii ros-hydro-gazebo-plugins 2.3.8-0precise-20150515-0341-+0000 Robot-independent Gazebo plugins for sensors, motors and dynamic reconfigurable components. ii ros-hydro-gazebo-ros 2.3.8-0precise-20150515-2038-+0000 Provides ROS plugins that offer message and service publishers for interfacing with Gazebo through ROS. Formally simulator_gazebo/gazebo ii ros-hydro-gazebo-ros-control 2.3.8-0precise-20150518-1137-+0000 gazebo_ros_control ii ros-hydro-gazebo-ros-pkgs 2.3.8-0precise-20150515-2054-+0000 Interface for using ROS with the Gazebo simulator. ii ros-hydro-gencpp 0.4.17-0precise-20141231-2217-+0000 C++ ROS message and service generators. ii ros-hydro-genlisp 0.4.15-0precise-20150326-1140-+0000 Common-Lisp ROS message and service generators. ii ros-hydro-genmsg 0.4.26-0precise-20141231-2213-+0000 Standalone Python library for generating ROS message and service data structures for various languages. ii ros-hydro-genpy 0.4.17-0precise-20141231-2216-+0000 Python ROS message and service generators. ii ros-hydro-geographic-msgs 0.3.1-1precise-20150326-2155-+0000 ROS messages for Geographic Information Systems. ii ros-hydro-geometric-shapes 0.3.9-0precise-20150501-0746-+0000 This package contains generic definitions of geometric shapes and bodies. ii ros-hydro-geometry 1.10.8-1precise-20150331-0139-+0000 Geometry Library ii ros-hydro-geometry-experimental 0.4.12-0precise-20150330-0705-+0000 The second generation Transform Library in ros. This metapackage is deprecated, but is kept for backwards compatability. ii ros-hydro-geometry-msgs 1.10.6-0precise-20150326-2112-+0000 geometry_msgs provides messages for common geometric primitives such as points, vectors, and poses. These primitives are designed to provide a common data type and facilitate interoperability throughout the system. ii ros-hydro-geometry-tutorials 0.2.1-0precise-20150331-0239-+0000 Metapackage of geometry tutorials ROS. ii ros-hydro-global-planner 1.11.16-0precise-20150501-0932-+0000 A path planner library and node. ii ros-hydro-gmapping 1.3.5-0precise-20150331-0109-+0000 This package contains a ROS wrapper for OpenSlam's Gmapping. The gmapping package provides laser-based SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping), as a ROS node called slam_gmapping. Using slam_gmapping, you can create a 2-D occupancy grid map (like a building floorplan) from laser and pose data collected by a mobile robot. ii ros-hydro-gripper-action-controller 0.7.3-0precise-20150331-0022-+0000 The gripper_action_controller package ii ros-hydro-hardware-interface 0.7.3-0precise-20150328-0822-+0000 Hardware Interface base class. ii ros-hydro-hector-gazebo-plugins 0.3.6-0precise-20150518-1141-+0000 hector_gazebo_plugins provides gazebo plugins from Team Hector. Currently it contains a 6wd differential drive plugin, an IMU sensor plugin, an earth magnetic field sensor plugin, a GPS sensor plugin and a sonar ranger plugin. ii ros-hydro-hector-pose-estimation 0.2.0-1precise-20150331-0006-+0000 hector_pose_estimation provides the hector_pose_estimation node and the hector_pose_estimation nodelet. ii ros-hydro-hector-pose-estimation-core 0.2.0-1precise-20150330-2358-+0000 hector_pose_estimation_core is the core package of the hector_localization stack. It contains the Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) that estimates the 6DOF pose of the robot. hector_pose_estimation can be used either as a library, as a nodelet or as a standalone node. ii ros-hydro-hector-quadrotor 0.3.5-0precise-20150329-2128-+0000 hector_quadrotor contains packages related to modeling, control and simulation of quadrotor UAV systems ii ros-hydro-hector-quadrotor-controller 0.3.5-0precise-20150329-2123-+0000 hector_quadrotor_controller provides libraries and a node for quadrotor control using ros_control. ii ros-hydro-hector-quadrotor-controller-gazebo 0.3.5-0precise-20150519-0333-+0000 The hector_quadrotor_controller_gazebo package implements the ros_control RobotHWSim interface for the quadrotor controller in package hector_quadrotor_controller. ii ros-hydro-hector-quadrotor-description 0.3.5-0precise-20150329-2102-+0000 hector_quadrotor_description provides an URDF model of a quadrotor UAV. ii ros-hydro-hector-quadrotor-gazebo 0.3.5-0precise-20150519-0343-+0000 hector_quadrotor_gazebo provides a quadrotor model for the gazebo simulator. It can be commanded using geometry_msgs/Twist messages. ii ros-hydro-hector-quadrotor-gazebo-plugins 0.3.5-0precise-20150519-0337-+0000 hector_quadrotor_gazebo_plugins provides gazebo plugins for using quadrotors in gazebo. The hector_gazebo_ros_baro sensor plugin simulates an altimeter based on barometric pressure. hector_quadrotor_simple_controller is a simple controller allowing to command the quadrotor's velocity using a geometry_msgs/Twist message for teleoperation just by means of applying forces and torques to the model. ii ros-hydro-hector-quadrotor-model 0.3.5-0precise-20150329-2124-+0000 hector_quadrotor_model provides libraries that model several aspects of quadrotor dynamics. ii ros-hydro-hector-quadrotor-pose-estimation 0.3.5-0precise-20150331-0010-+0000 hector_quadrotor_pose_estimation provides a hector_pose_estimation node and nodelet specialized for hector_quadrotor. ii ros-hydro-hector-quadrotor-teleop 0.3.5-0precise-20150329-2118-+0000 hector_quadrotor_teleop enables quadrotor flying with a joystick by processing joy/Joy messages and translating them to geometry_msgs/Twist. ii ros-hydro-hector-sensors-description 0.3.2-0precise-20150329-0525-+0000 hector_sensors_description contains URDF xacro macros for sensors, so they are easily attachable to robot models and usable in gazebo. ii ros-hydro-hector-sensors-gazebo 0.3.6-0precise-20150519-0335-+0000 hector_sensors_gazebo depends on the necessary plugins for using the sensors from the hector_models repository. ii ros-hydro-hector-uav-msgs 0.3.5-0precise-20150329-2120-+0000 hector_uav_msgs is a message package that contains messages for UAV controller inputs and outputs and some sensor readings not covered by sensor_msgs. ii ros-hydro-hironx-calibration 1.0.31-0precise-20150519-0321-+0000 Launch and configuration files for calibrating hironx using the new generic 'calibration' stack. THIS FILE IS AUTOMATICALLY GENERATED BY: /home/k-okada/catkin_ws/ws_calibration/src/calibration/calibration_setup_helper/scripts/ /home/k-okada/ros/hydro/src/rtm-ros-robotics/rtmros_hironx/hironx_moveit_config/HiroNX.urdf --base-link CHEST_JOINT0_Link --arm-tip-link RARM_JOINT5_Link --head-tip-link HEAD_JOINT1_Link --arm-controller=rarm_controller/command --head-controller=head_controller/command --head-camera-frame camera_rgb_optical_frame --head-camera-joint head_to_kinect_joint ii ros-hydro-hironx-moveit-config 1.0.31-0precise-20150611-0142-+0000 An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the HiroNX with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework ii ros-hydro-hironx-ros-bridge 1.0.31-0precise-20150610-1245-+0000 ROS-OpenRTM interfacing package for the opensource version of Kawada's Hiro/NEXTAGE dual-arm robot. NOTE: This package is multi-license -- pay attention to file header in each file where license is declared. For Creative Commons nc 4.0 applied, see here. ii ros-hydro-hironx-tutorial 1.0.27-0precise-20150204-0535-+0000 Sample / demo / tutorial programs for Hiro and NEXTAGE OPEN (NXO) robot by Kawada Industries. All sample code that works on Hiro robot should work also on NEXTAGE OPEN. The opposite is, however, not always true (e.g. gripper operation is different in NXO). ii ros-hydro-household-objects-database-msgs 0.1.1-0precise-20150327-1927-+0000 The household_objects_database_msgs package ii ros-hydro-hrpsys 315.4.0-0precise-20150506-2301-+0000 An OpenRTM-aist-based robot controller. This package is the most tailored for humanoid (dual-arm and/or biped) robots for historical reason. hrpsys package does not only wraps but build and installs the code from its mainstream repository ( The package version number is synchronized to that of mainstream, based on this decision. Its semantics: MAJOR: Synchronized with OpenHRP3 MINOR: Indicate IDL compatibility (packages with different version numbers in this section are NOT compatible) PATCH: Packages with different version numbers in this section ARE compatible. API document is auto-generated on github. ii ros-hydro-hrpsys-ros-bridge 1.2.12-0precise-20150610-0426-+0000 hrpsys_ros_bridge package provides basic functionalities to bind hrpsys, a OpenRTM-based controller, and ROS. By using this package, you can write your ROS packages that communicate with your non-ROS robots that run on hrpsys. For communicating with the robots that run on OpenRTM without hrpsys, you can use openrtm_ros_bridge package. ii ros-hydro-hrpsys-tools 1.2.12-0precise-20150507-0215-+0000 The hrpsys_tools package ii ros-hydro-image-cb-detector 0.10.13-0precise-20150515-0331-+0000 Provide a node that extracts checkerboard corners from ROS images. This package is still experimental and unstable. Expect its APIs to change. ii ros-hydro-image-common 1.11.5-0precise-20150514-1701-+0000 Common code for working with images in ROS. ii ros-hydro-image-geometry 1.10.18-0precise-20150327-1942-+0000 image_geometry contains C++ and Python libraries for interpreting images geometrically. It interfaces the calibration parameters in sensor_msgs/CameraInfo messages with OpenCV functions such as image rectification, much as cv_bridge interfaces ROS sensor_msgs/Image with OpenCV data types. ii ros-hydro-image-pipeline 1.11.11-0precise-20150517-0915-+0000 image_pipeline fills the gap between getting raw images from a camera driver and higher-level vision processing. ii ros-hydro-image-proc 1.11.11-0precise-20150517-0856-+0000 Single image rectification and color processing. ii ros-hydro-image-rotate 1.11.11-0precise-20150517-0851-+0000 Contains a node that rotates an image stream in a way that minimizes the angle between a vector in some arbitrary frame and a vector in the camera frame. The frame of the outgoing image is published by the node. This node is intended to allow camera images to be visualized in an orientation that is more intuitive than the hardware-constrained orientation of the physical camera. This is particularly helpful, for example, to show images from the PR2's forearm cameras with a consistent up direction, despite the fact that the forearms need to rotate in arbitrary ways during manipulation. It is not recommended to use the output from this node for further computation, as it interpolates the source image, introduces black borders, and does not output a camera_info. ii ros-hydro-image-transport 1.11.5-0precise-20150514-1639-+0000 image_transport should always be used to subscribe to and publish images. It provides transparent support for transporting images in low-bandwidth compressed formats. Examples (provided by separate plugin packages) include JPEG/PNG compression and Theora streaming video. ii ros-hydro-image-transport-plugins 1.8.21-0precise-20150515-2040-+0000 A set of plugins for publishing and subscribing to sensor_msgs/Image topics in representations other than raw pixel data. For example, for viewing a stream of images off-robot, a video codec will give much lower bandwidth and latency. For low frame rate tranport of high-definition images, you might prefer sending them as JPEG or PNG-compressed form. ii ros-hydro-image-view 1.11.11-0precise-20150517-0906-+0000 A simple viewer for ROS image topics. Includes a specialized viewer for stereo + disparity images. ii ros-hydro-imu-sensor-controller 0.7.3-0precise-20150328-0831-+0000 Controller to publish state of IMU sensors ii ros-hydro-interactive-marker-tutorials 0.8.4-0precise-20150331-0033-+0000 The interactive_marker_tutorials package ii ros-hydro-interactive-markers 1.10.3-0precise-20150330-2342-+0000 3D interactive marker communication library for RViz and similar tools. ii ros-hydro-interval-intersection 0.10.13-0precise-20150329-2032-+0000 Tools for calculating the intersection of interval messages coming in on several topics. This package is experimental and unstable. Expect its APIs to change. ii ros-hydro-joint-state-controller 0.7.3-0precise-20150329-0246-+0000 Controller to publish joint state ii ros-hydro-joint-state-publisher 1.10.21-0precise-20150327-1936-+0000 This package contains a tool for setting and publishing joint state values for a given URDF. ii ros-hydro-joint-states-settler 0.10.13-0precise-20150329-2033-+0000 Provides a node that reports how long a subset of joints has been settled. That is, it calculates how long a set of joints has remained within a specified threshold. This package is experimental and unstable. Expect its APIs to change. ii ros-hydro-joint-trajectory-action 1.10.8-0precise-20150329-2044-+0000 The joint_trajectory_action is a node that exposes an action interface to a joint trajectory controller. ii ros-hydro-joy 1.9.10-0precise-20150328-1059-+0000 ROS driver for a generic Linux joystick. The joy package contains joy_node, a node that interfaces a generic Linux joystick to ROS. This node publishes a "Joy" message, which contains the current state of each one of the joystick's buttons and axes. ii ros-hydro-joystick-drivers 1.9.10-0precise-20150328-1144-+0000 This metapackage depends on packages for interfacing common joysticks and human input devices with ROS. ii ros-hydro-kdl-conversions 1.10.8-1precise-20150327-1915-+0000 Conversion functions between KDL and geometry_msgs types. ii ros-hydro-kdl-parser 1.10.21-0precise-20150328-1111-+0000 The Kinematics and Dynamics Library (KDL) defines a tree structure to represent the kinematic and dynamic parameters of a robot mechanism. kdl_parser provides tools to construct a KDL tree from an XML robot representation in URDF. ii ros-hydro-laser-assembler 1.7.3-0precise-20150425-1916-+0000 Provides nodes to assemble point clouds from either LaserScan or PointCloud messages ii ros-hydro-laser-cb-detector 0.10.13-0precise-20150515-2029-+0000 Extracts checkerboard corners from a dense laser snapshot. This package is experimental and unstable. Expect its APIs to change. ii ros-hydro-laser-filters 1.6.14-0precise-20150331-0036-+0000 Assorted filters designed to operate on 2D planar laser scanners, which use the sensor_msgs/LaserScan type. ii ros-hydro-laser-geometry 1.5.16-0precise-20150331-0028-+0000 This package contains a class for converting from a 2D laser scan as defined by sensor_msgs/LaserScan into a point cloud as defined by sensor_msgs/PointCloud or sensor_msgs/PointCloud2. In particular, it contains functionality to acco unt for the skew resulting from moving robots or tilting laser scanners. ii ros-hydro-laser-pipeline 1.6.1-1precise-20150425-1927-+0000 Meta-package of libraries for processing laser data, including converting laser data into 3D representations. ii ros-hydro-leap-motion 0.0.8-0precise-20150514-1809-+0000 ROS driver for the Leap Motion gesture sensor ii ros-hydro-libccd 1.4.0-1precise-20130417-1832-+0000 libccd is library for collision detection between two convex shapes. ii ros-hydro-librviz-tutorial 0.8.4-0precise-20150515-2201-+0000 Tutorial showing how to compile your own C++ program with RViz displays and features. ii ros-hydro-manipulation-msgs 0.2.0-0precise-20150327-1930-+0000 The manipulation_msgs package ii ros-hydro-map-msgs 0.0.2-0precise-20150328-1144-+0000 This package defines messages commonly used in mapping packages. ii ros-hydro-map-server 1.11.16-0precise-20150501-0902-+0000 map_server provides the map_server ROS Node, which offers map data as a ROS Service. It also provides the map_saver command-line utility, which allows dynamically generated maps to be saved to file. ii ros-hydro-media-export 0.1.0-0precise-20141231-1908-+0000 Placeholder package enabling generic export of media paths. ii ros-hydro-message-filters 1.10.12-0precise-20150328-1055-+0000 A set of message filters which take in messages and may output those messages at a later time, based on the conditions that filter needs met. ii ros-hydro-message-generation 0.2.10-0precise-20150326-1445-+0000 Package modeling the build-time dependencies for generating language bindings of messages. ii ros-hydro-message-runtime 0.4.12-0precise-20141231-2234-+0000 Package modeling the run-time dependencies for language bindings of messages. ii ros-hydro-message-to-tf 0.2.0-1precise-20150330-2359-+0000 message_to_tf translates pose information from different kind of common_msgs message types to tf. Currently the node supports nav_msgs/Odometry, geometry_msgs/PoseStamped and sensor_msgs/Imu messages as input. The resulting transform is divided into three subtransforms with intermediate frames for the footprint and the stabilized base frame (without roll and pitch). ii ros-hydro-mk 1.10.11-0precise-20150327-1801-+0000 A collection of .mk include files for building ROS architectural elements. Most package authors should use cmake .mk, which calls CMake for the build of the package. The other files in this package are intended for use in exotic situations that mostly arise when importing 3rdparty code. ii ros-hydro-mobile 1.0.2-0precise-20150517-1805-+0000 A metapackage to aggregate several packages. ii ros-hydro-monocam-settler 0.10.13-0precise-20150329-2035-+0000 Listens on a ImageFeatures topic, and waits for the data to settle. This package is experimental and unstable. Expect its APIs to change. ii ros-hydro-move-base 1.11.16-0precise-20150501-0940-+0000 The move_base package provides an implementation of an action (see the actionlib package) that, given a goal in the world, will attempt to reach it with a mobile base. The move_base node links together a global and local planner to accomplish its global navigation task. It supports any global planner adhering to the nav_core::BaseGlobalPlanner interface specified in the nav_core package and any local planner adhering to the nav_core::BaseLocalPlanner interface specified in the nav_core package. The move_base node also maintains two costmaps, one for the global planner, and one for a local planner (see the costmap_2d package) that are used to accomplish navigation tasks. ii ros-hydro-move-base-msgs 1.11.16-0precise-20150501-0858-+0000 Holds the action description and relevant messages for the move_base package ii ros-hydro-move-slow-and-clear 1.11.16-0precise-20150501-0924-+0000 move_slow_and_clear ii ros-hydro-moveit-commander 0.5.7-0precise-20150519-0355-+0000 Python interfaces to MoveIt ii ros-hydro-moveit-core 0.5.11-0precise-20150501-0842-+0000 Core libraries used by MoveIt! ii ros-hydro-moveit-fake-controller-manager 0.5.5-0precise-20150501-1013-+0000 A fake controller manager plugin for MoveIt. ii ros-hydro-moveit-full 0.5.0-0precise-20150519-1054-+0000 All MoveIt components and plugins ii ros-hydro-moveit-ikfast 3.1.0-0precise-20141231-2240-+0000 Generates a IKFast kinematics plugin for MoveIt using OpenRave generated cpp files. ii ros-hydro-moveit-msgs 0.5.3-0precise-20150327-1927-+0000 Messages, services and actions used by MoveIt ii ros-hydro-moveit-planners 0.5.6-0precise-20150519-0338-+0000 Metapacakge that installs all available planners for MoveIt ii ros-hydro-moveit-planners-ompl 0.5.6-0precise-20150518-1153-+0000 MoveIt interface to OMPL ii ros-hydro-moveit-plugins 0.5.5-0precise-20150501-1319-+0000 Metapackage for moveit plugins. ii ros-hydro-moveit-pr2 0.5.6-0precise-20150519-1038-+0000 All PR2-specific packages for MoveIt ii ros-hydro-moveit-ros 0.5.20-0precise-20150519-0416-+0000 Components of MoveIt that use ROS ii ros-hydro-moveit-ros-benchmarks 0.5.20-0precise-20150519-0343-+0000 MoveIt tools for benchmarking ii ros-hydro-moveit-ros-benchmarks-gui 0.5.20-0precise-20150519-0411-+0000 MoveIt GUI tools for benchmarking ii ros-hydro-moveit-ros-manipulation 0.5.20-0precise-20150519-0341-+0000 Components of MoveIt used for manipulation ii ros-hydro-moveit-ros-move-group 0.5.20-0precise-20150518-1156-+0000 The move_group node for MoveIt ii ros-hydro-moveit-ros-perception 0.5.20-0precise-20150515-0427-+0000 Components of MoveIt connecting to perception ii ros-hydro-moveit-ros-planning 0.5.20-0precise-20150515-2109-+0000 Planning components of MoveIt that use ROS ii ros-hydro-moveit-ros-planning-interface 0.5.20-0precise-20150519-0348-+0000 Components of MoveIt that offer simpler interfaces to planning and execution ii ros-hydro-moveit-ros-robot-interaction 0.5.20-0precise-20150518-1157-+0000 Components of MoveIt that offer interaction via interactive markers ii ros-hydro-moveit-ros-visualization 0.5.20-0precise-20150519-0355-+0000 Components of MoveIt that offer visualization ii ros-hydro-moveit-ros-warehouse 0.5.20-0precise-20150518-1158-+0000 Components of MoveIt connecting to MongoDB ii ros-hydro-moveit-setup-assistant 0.5.8-0precise-20150519-1044-+0000 Generates a configuration package that makes it easy to use MoveIt! ii ros-hydro-moveit-simple-controller-manager 0.5.5-0precise-20150501-1006-+0000 A generic, simple controller manager plugin for MoveIt ii ros-hydro-nav-core 1.11.16-0precise-20150501-0918-+0000 This package provides common interfaces for navigation specific robot actions. Currently, this package provides the BaseGlobalPlanner, BaseLocalPlanner, and RecoveryBehavior interfaces, which can be used to build actions that can easily swap their planner, local controller, or recovery behavior for new versions adhering to the same interface. ii ros-hydro-nav-msgs 1.10.6-0precise-20150327-1855-+0000 nav_msgs defines the common messages used to interact with the navigation stack. ii ros-hydro-navfn 1.11.16-0precise-20150501-0925-+0000 navfn provides a fast interpolated navigation function that can be used to create plans for a mobile base. The planner assumes a circular robot and operates on a costmap to find a minimum cost plan from a start point to an end point in a grid. The navigation function is computed with Dijkstra's algorithm, but support for an A* heuristic may also be added in the near future. navfn also provides a ROS wrapper for the navfn planner that adheres to the nav_core::BaseGlobalPlanner interface specified in nav_core. ii ros-hydro-navigation 1.11.16-0precise-20150501-0944-+0000 A 2D navigation stack that takes in information from odometry, sensor streams, and a goal pose and outputs safe velocity commands that are sent to a mobile base. ii ros-hydro-nextage-description 0.6.2-0precise-20150512-1647-+0000 As a part of rtmros_nextage package that is a ROS interface for Nextage dual-armed robot from Kawada Robotics Inc, this package provides its 3D model that can be used in simulation and MoveIt!-based motion planning tasks. ii ros-hydro-nextage-moveit-config 0.6.2-0precise-20150611-0547-+0000 An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the NextageOpen with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework. ii ros-hydro-nextage-ros-bridge 0.6.2-0precise-20150611-0143-+0000 The nextage_ros_bridge package is a main ROS interface for developers and users of Nextage dual-armed robot from Kawada Robotics Inc. Developers can build their own application that takes control over Nextage via this package. Interface for both ROS and OpenRTM is provided. ii ros-hydro-nodelet 1.8.6-0precise-20150329-0243-+0000 The nodelet package is designed to provide a way to run multiple algorithms in the same process with zero copy transport between algorithms. This package provides both the nodelet base class needed for implementing a nodelet, as well as the NodeletLoader class used for instantiating nodelets. ii ros-hydro-nodelet-core 1.8.6-0precise-20150330-1643-+0000 Nodelet Core Metapackage ii ros-hydro-nodelet-topic-tools 1.8.6-0precise-20150330-1639-+0000 This package contains common nodelet tools such as a mux, demux and throttle. ii ros-hydro-nodelet-tutorial-math 0.1.7-0precise-20150329-0250-+0000 Package for Nodelet tutorial. ii ros-hydro-object-recognition-msgs 0.4.1-0precise-20150327-1924-+0000 Object_recognition_msgs contains the ROS message and the actionlib definition used in object_recognition_core ii ros-hydro-octomap 1.6.8-0precise-20141231-2306-+0000 The OctoMap library implements a 3D occupancy grid mapping approach, providing data structures and mapping algorithms in C++. The map implementation is based on an octree. See for details. ii ros-hydro-octomap-msgs 0.3.1-2precise-20150327-1916-+0000 This package provides messages and serializations / conversion for the OctoMap library. ii ros-hydro-ompl 0.13.0002516-0precise-20130806-1107-+0000 OMPL is a free sampling-based motion planning library. ii ros-hydro-opencv2 2.4.9-2precise-20141231-1923-+0000 OpenCV ii ros-hydro-openhrp3 3.1.8-0precise-20150422-1213-+0000 This package does not only wrap OpenHRP3 but actually provides the built artifact from the code from its mainstream repository. Being ROS-agnostic by itself, you can also use this via ROS together with the packages in rtmros_common that bridge between two framework. OpenHRP3 (Open Architecture Human-centered Robotics Platform version 3) is an integrated software platform for robot simulations and software developments. It allows the users to inspect an original robot model and control program by dynamics simulation. In addition, OpenHRP3 provides various software components and calculation libraries that can be used for robotics related software developments (excerpts from here). The package version number is synchronized to that of mainstream, based on this decision. ii ros-hydro-openni2-camera 0.1.4-0precise-20150515-0513-+0000 Drivers for the Asus Xtion and Primesense Devices. For using a kinect with ROS, try the freenect stack ii ros-hydro-openni2-launch 0.1.4-0precise-20150517-1002-+0000 Launch files to start the openni2_camera drivers using rgbd_launch. ii ros-hydro-openrtm-aist 1.1.0-13precise-20150213-1339-+0000 This package represents OpenRTM-aist that's built within ROS eco system. Although being ROS-agnostic by itself, you can use this via ROS together with the packages in rtmros_common that bridge between two framework. OpenRTM-aist is an RT-Middleware-baseed, component-oriented software platform to robotics development that is made and maintained in AIST (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology) in Japan (excerpts from here) Its development is happening at The repository listed below is where the development of its ROS wrapper happening. ii ros-hydro-openrtm-aist-python 1.1.0-11precise-20150223-0443-+0000 Python binding of OpenRTM-AIST (see openrtm_aist for further information). OpenRTM-aist is an RT-Middleware-baseed, component-oriented software platform to robotics development that is made and maintained in AIST (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology) in Japan (excerpts from here) ii ros-hydro-openrtm-tools 1.2.12-0precise-20150427-0624-+0000 The openrtm_tools package ii ros-hydro-openslam-gmapping 0.1.0-2precise-20141231-2155-+0000 ROS-ified version of gmapping SLAM. Forked from ii ros-hydro-orocos-kdl 1.3.0-0precise-20141231-2306-+0000 This package contains a recent version of the Kinematics and Dynamics Library (KDL), distributed by the Orocos Project. ii ros-hydro-pcl-conversions 0.1.6-0precise-20150327-1947-+0000 Provides conversions from PCL data types and ROS message types ii ros-hydro-pcl-msgs 0.1.0-0precise-20150327-1942-+0000 Package containing PCL (Point Cloud Library)-related ROS messages. ii ros-hydro-pcl-ros 1.1.11-0precise-20150330-2344-+0000 PCL (Point Cloud Library) ROS interface stack. PCL-ROS is the preferred bridge for 3D applications involving n-D Point Clouds and 3D geometry processing in ROS. ii ros-hydro-perception 1.0.2-0precise-20150517-1527-+0000 A metapackage to aggregate several packages. ii ros-hydro-perception-pcl 1.1.11-0precise-20150517-1524-+0000 PCL (Point Cloud Library) ROS interface stack. PCL-ROS is the preferred bridge for 3D applications involving n-D Point Clouds and 3D geometry processing in ROS. ii ros-hydro-pluginlib 1.9.24-0precise-20150328-0810-+0000 The pluginlib package provides tools for writing and dynamically loading plugins using the ROS build infrastructure. To work, these tools require plugin providers to register their plugins in the package.xml of their package. ii ros-hydro-pluginlib-tutorials 0.1.7-0precise-20150328-0825-+0000 The pluginlib_tutorials package ii ros-hydro-pointcloud-to-laserscan 1.1.11-0precise-20150517-1202-+0000 Converts a 3D Point Cloud into a 2D laser scan. This is useful for making devices like the Kinect appear like a laser scanner for 2D-based algorithms (e.g. laser-based SLAM). ii ros-hydro-polled-camera 1.11.5-0precise-20150514-1657-+0000 polled_camera contains a service and C++ helper classes for implementing a polled camera driver node and requesting images from it. The package is currently for internal use as the API is still under development. ii ros-hydro-position-controllers 0.7.3-0precise-20150329-0245-+0000 position_controllers ii ros-hydro-pr2-calibration-controllers 1.10.8-0precise-20150331-0024-+0000 The pr2_calibration_controllers package contains the controllers used to bring all the joints in the PR2 to a calibrated state. ii ros-hydro-pr2-controller-interface 1.8.12-0precise-20150328-1122-+0000 This package specifies the interface to a realtime controller. A controller that implements this interface can be executed by the controller manager in the real time control loop. The package basically contains the C++ controller base class that all controllers need to inherit from. ii ros-hydro-pr2-controller-manager 1.8.12-0precise-20150329-1941-+0000 The controller manager (CM) package provides the infrastructure to run controllers in a hard realtime loop. ii ros-hydro-pr2-controllers 1.10.8-0precise-20150331-0142-+0000 Contains the controllers that run in realtime on the PR2 and supporting packages. ii ros-hydro-pr2-controllers-msgs 1.10.8-0precise-20150327-1925-+0000 Messages, services, and actions used in the pr2_controllers stack. ii ros-hydro-pr2-description 1.11.4-0precise-20150329-0527-+0000 This package contains the description (mechanical, kinematic, visual, etc.) of the PR2 robot. The files in this package are parsed and used by a variety of other components. Most users will not interact directly with this package. ii ros-hydro-pr2-gripper-action 1.10.8-0precise-20150331-0024-+0000 The pr2_gripper_action provides an action interface for using the gripper. Users can specify what position to move to (while limiting the force) and the action will report success when the position is reached or failure when the gripper cannot move any longer. ii ros-hydro-pr2-hardware-interface 1.8.12-0precise-20150327-1912-+0000 This package contains the C++ interfaces to the PR2 hardware components that are controlled over EtherCAT. This includes the motors and encoders needed to control the PR2 mechanism, as well as components like the pressure sensors in the fingertips, camera triggers, etc... All of the hardware components in this interface are directly available to the controllers inside the hard realtime control loop. ii ros-hydro-pr2-head-action 1.10.8-0precise-20150331-0016-+0000 The PR2 head action is a node that provides an action interface for pointing the head of the PR2. It passes trajectory goals to the controller, and reports success when they have finished executing. ii ros-hydro-pr2-mechanism-controllers 1.10.8-0precise-20150331-0019-+0000 The pr2_mechanism_controllers package contains realtime controllers that are meant for specific mechanisms of the PR2. ii ros-hydro-pr2-mechanism-diagnostics 1.8.12-0precise-20150328-1121-+0000 The pr2_mechanism_diagnostics node subscribes to mechanism_statistics and publishes diagnostics data for joints and controllers on /diagnostics. ii ros-hydro-pr2-mechanism-model 1.8.12-0precise-20150328-1116-+0000 This package contains the robot model that is used by the realtime controllers inside controller manager. This robot model focuses on controlling the robot mechanism in a realtime control loop, and therefore it only contains the components of a robot that are relevant in realtime: the robot joints (with encoders, transmisisons and actuators) and the kinematic/dynamic model of the robot. The pr2_mechanism_model package is well tested and is released with a stable API. ii ros-hydro-pr2-mechanism-msgs 1.8.0-0precise-20150327-1902-+0000 This package defines services that are used to communicate with the realtime control loop. It also defines messages that represent the state of the realtime controllers, the joints and the actuators. ii ros-hydro-pr2-moveit-config 0.5.6-0precise-20150519-0338-+0000 An automatically generated package with all the configuration and launch files for using the pr2 with the MoveIt Motion Planning Framework ii ros-hydro-pr2-moveit-plugins 0.5.6-0precise-20150501-1006-+0000 PR2 specific plugins for MoveIt ii ros-hydro-pr2-moveit-tutorials 0.5.6-0precise-20150519-1031-+0000 The pr2_moveit_tutorials package ii ros-hydro-pr2-msgs 1.11.4-0precise-20150327-1916-+0000 Messages for representing PR2 state, such as battery information and the PR2 fingertip sensors. ii ros-hydro-ps3joy 1.9.10-0precise-20150327-1926-+0000 Playstation 3 SIXAXIS or DUAL SHOCK 3 joystick driver. Driver for the Sony PlayStation 3 SIXAXIS or DUAL SHOCK 3 joysticks. In its current state, this driver is not compatible with the use of other Bluetooth HID devices. The driver listens for a connection on the HID ports, starts the joystick streaming data, and passes the data to the Linux uinput device so that it shows up as a normal joystick. ii ros-hydro-python-orocos-kdl 1.3.0-0precise-20141231-2310-+0000 This package contains the python bindings PyKDL for the Kinematics and Dynamics Library (KDL), distributed by the Orocos Project. ii ros-hydro-python-qt-binding 0.2.16-0precise-20150505-0547-+0000 This stack provides Python bindings for Qt. There are two providers: pyside and pyqt. PySide is released under the LGPL. PyQt is released under the GPL. Both the bindings and tools to build bindings are included from each available provider. For PySide, it is called "Shiboken". For PyQt, this is called "SIP". Also provided is adapter code to make the user's Python code independent of which binding provider was actually used which makes it very easy to switch between these. ii ros-hydro-qt-dotgraph 0.2.28-0precise-20150609-1938-+0000 qt_dotgraph provides helpers to work with dot graphs. ii ros-hydro-qt-gui 0.2.28-0precise-20150609-1927-+0000 qt_gui provides the infrastructure for an integrated graphical user interface based on Qt. It is extensible with Python- and C++-based plugins (implemented in separate packages) which can contribute arbitrary widgets. It requires either PyQt or PySide bindings. ii ros-hydro-qt-gui-app 0.2.28-0precise-20150609-1930-+0000 qt_gui_app provides the main to start an instance of the integrated graphical user interface provided by qt_gui. ii ros-hydro-qt-gui-core 0.2.28-0precise-20150609-2006-+0000 Integration of the ROS package system and ROS-specific plugins for a Qt-based GUI. ii ros-hydro-qt-gui-cpp 0.2.28-0precise-20150609-1949-+0000 qt_gui_cpp provides the foundation for C++-bindings for qt_gui and creates bindings for every generator available. At least one specific binding must be available in order to use C++-plugins. ii ros-hydro-qt-gui-py-common 0.2.28-0precise-20150609-2002-+0000 qt_gui_py_common provides common functionality for GUI plugins written in Python. ii ros-hydro-random-numbers 0.2.0-0precise-20141231-2149-+0000 This library contains wrappers for generating floating point values, integers, quaternions using boost libraries. The constructor of the wrapper is guaranteed to be thread safe and initialize its random number generator to a random seed. Seeds are obtained using a separate and different random number generator. ii ros-hydro-realtime-tools 1.8.3-1precise-20150328-0828-+0000 This package contains a set of tools that can be used from a hard realtime thread, without breaking the realtime behavior. The tools currently only provides the realtime publisher, which makes it possible to publish messages to a ROS topic from a realtime thread. We plan to add a basic implementation of a realtime buffer, to make it possible to get data from a (non-realtime) topic callback into the realtime loop. Once the lockfree buffer is created, the realtime publisher will start using it, which will result in major API changes for the realtime publisher (removal of all lock methods). ii ros-hydro-resource-retriever 1.10.21-0precise-20150329-0241-+0000 This package retrieves data from url-format files such as http://, ftp://, package:// file://, etc., and loads the data into memory. The package:// url for ros packages is translated into a local file:// url. The resourse retriever was initially designed to load mesh files into memory, but it can be used for any type of data. The resource retriever is based on the the libcurl library. ii ros-hydro-rgbd-launch 2.0.1-0precise-20150517-0959-+0000 Launch files to open an RGBD device and load all nodelets to convert raw depth/RGB/IR streams to depth images, disparity images, and (registered) point clouds. ii ros-hydro-robot 1.0.2-0precise-20150501-1315-+0000 A metapackage to aggregate several packages. ii ros-hydro-robot-mechanism-controllers 1.10.8-0precise-20150331-0014-+0000 Generic Mechanism Controller Library ii ros-hydro-robot-model 1.10.21-0precise-20150501-0954-+0000 robot_model contains packages for modeling various aspects of robot information, specified in the Xml Robot Description Format (URDF). The core package of this stack is urdf, which parses URDF files, and constructs an object model (C++) of the robot. ii ros-hydro-robot-pose-ekf 1.11.16-0precise-20150501-0905-+0000 The Robot Pose EKF package is used to estimate the 3D pose of a robot, based on (partial) pose measurements coming from different sources. It uses an extended Kalman filter with a 6D model (3D position and 3D orientation) to combine measurements from wheel odometry, IMU sensor and visual odometry. The basic idea is to offer loosely coupled integration with different sensors, where sensor signals are received as ROS messages. ii ros-hydro-robot-state-publisher 1.9.12-0precise-20150331-0032-+0000 This package allows you to publish the state of a robot to tf. Once the state gets published, it is available to all components in the system that also use tf. The package takes the joint angles of the robot as input and publishes the 3D poses of the robot links, using a kinematic tree model of the robot. The package can both be used as a library and as a ROS node. This package has been well tested and the code is stable. No major changes are planned in the near future ii ros-hydro-ros 1.10.11-0precise-20150327-1813-+0000 ROS packaging system ii ros-hydro-ros-base 1.0.2-0precise-20150424-1859-+0000 A metapackage to aggregate several packages. ii ros-hydro-ros-comm 1.10.12-0precise-20150424-1814-+0000 ROS communications-related packages, including core client libraries (roscpp, rospy) and graph introspection tools (rostopic, rosnode, rosservice, rosparam). ii ros-hydro-ros-tutorials 0.4.3-0precise-20150328-1055-+0000 ros_tutorials contains packages that demonstrate various features of ROS, as well as support packages which help demonstrate those features. ii ros-hydro-rosbag 1.10.12-0precise-20150328-1055-+0000 This is a set of tools for recording from and playing back to ROS topics. It is intended to be high performance and avoids deserialization and reserialization of the messages. ii ros-hydro-rosbag-migration-rule 1.0.0-0precise-20141231-2204-+0000 This empty package allows to export rosbag migration rule files without depending on rosbag. ii ros-hydro-rosbag-storage 1.10.12-0precise-20141231-2234-+0000 This is a set of tools for recording from and playing back ROS message without relying on the ROS client library. ii ros-hydro-rosbash 1.10.11-0precise-20141231-2316-+0000 Assorted shell commands for using ros with bash. ii ros-hydro-rosboost-cfg 1.10.11-0precise-20141231-2316-+0000 Contains scripts used by the rosboost-cfg tool for determining cflags/lflags/etc. of boost on your system ii ros-hydro-rosbuild 1.10.11-0precise-20150326-2050-+0000 rosbuild contains scripts for managing the CMake-based build system for ROS. ii ros-hydro-rosclean 1.10.11-0precise-20141231-2316-+0000 rosclean: cleanup filesystem resources (e.g. log files). ii ros-hydro-rosconsole 1.10.12-0precise-20150327-1802-+0000 ROS console output library. ii ros-hydro-rosconsole-bridge 0.3.4-0precise-20150328-0810-+0000 rosconsole_bridge is a package used in conjunction with console_bridge and rosconsole for connecting console_bridge-based logging to rosconsole-based logging. ii ros-hydro-roscpp 1.10.12-0precise-20150327-1811-+0000 roscpp is a C++ implementation of ROS. It provides a client library that enables C++ programmers to quickly interface with ROS Topics, Services, and Parameters. roscpp is the most widely used ROS client library and is designed to be the high-performance library for ROS. ii ros-hydro-roscpp-serialization 0.4.4-0precise-20141231-2232-+0000 roscpp_serialization contains the code for serialization as described in MessagesSerializationAndAdaptingTypes. This package is a component of roscpp. ii ros-hydro-roscpp-traits 0.4.4-0precise-20141231-2229-+0000 roscpp_traits contains the message traits code as described in MessagesTraits. This package is a component of roscpp. ii ros-hydro-roscpp-tutorials 0.4.3-0precise-20150328-0828-+0000 This package attempts to show the features of ROS step-by-step, including using messages, servers, parameters, etc. ii ros-hydro-roscreate 1.10.11-0precise-20141231-2203-+0000 roscreate contains a tool that assists in the creation of ROS filesystem resources. It provides: roscreate-pkg, which creates a new package directory, including the appropriate build and manifest files. ii ros-hydro-rosdoc-lite 0.2.5-0precise-20150228-2252-+0000 This ROS package wraps documentation tools like doxygen, sphinx, and epydoc, making it convenient to generate ROS package documentation. It also generates online documentation for the ROS wiki. ii ros-hydro-rosgraph 1.10.12-0precise-20141231-2211-+0000 rosgraph contains the rosgraph command-line tool, which prints information about the ROS Computation Graph. It also provides an internal library that can be used by graphical tools. ii ros-hydro-rosgraph-msgs 1.10.12-0precise-20150326-2133-+0000 Messages relating to the ROS Computation Graph. These are generally considered to be low-level messages that end users do not interact with. ii ros-hydro-roslang 1.10.11-0precise-20141231-2219-+0000 roslang is a common package that all ROS client libraries depend on. This is mainly used to find client libraries (via 'rospack depends-on1 roslang'). ii ros-hydro-roslaunch 1.10.12-0precise-20150327-1953-+0000 roslaunch is a tool for easily launching multiple ROS nodes locally and remotely via SSH, as well as setting parameters on the Parameter Server. It includes options to automatically respawn processes that have already died. roslaunch takes in one or more XML configuration files (with the .launch extension) that specify the parameters to set and nodes to launch, as well as the machines that they should be run on. ii ros-hydro-roslib 1.10.11-0precise-20141231-2215-+0000 Base dependencies and support libraries for ROS. roslib contains many of the common data structures and tools that are shared across ROS client library implementations. ii ros-hydro-roslisp 1.9.18-0precise-20150424-1751-+0000 Lisp client library for ROS, the Robot Operating System. ii ros-hydro-rosmake 1.10.11-0precise-20141231-2214-+0000 rosmake is a ros dependency aware build tool which can be used to build all dependencies in the correct order. ii ros-hydro-rosmaster 1.10.12-0precise-20141231-2215-+0000 ROS Master implementation. ii ros-hydro-rosmsg 1.10.12-0precise-20150329-2056-+0000 rosmsg contains two command-line tools: rosmsg and rossrv. rosmsg is a command-line tool for displaying information about ROS Message types. rossrv is a command-line tool for displaying information about ROS Service types. ii ros-hydro-rosnode 1.10.12-0precise-20150329-0453-+0000 rosnode is a command-line tool for displaying debug information about ROS Nodes, including publications, subscriptions and connections. It also contains an experimental library for retrieving node information. This library is intended for internal use only. ii ros-hydro-rosout 1.10.12-0precise-20150327-1949-+0000 System-wide logging mechanism for messages sent to the /rosout topic. ii ros-hydro-rospack 2.1.25-0precise-20141231-2212-+0000 ROS Package Tool ii ros-hydro-rosparam 1.10.12-0precise-20141231-2213-+0000 rosparam contains the rosparam command-line tool for getting and setting ROS Parameters on the Parameter Server using YAML-encoded files. It also contains an experimental library for using YAML with the Parameter Server. This library is intended for internal use only. rosparam can be invoked within a roslaunch file. ii ros-hydro-rospy 1.10.12-0precise-20150327-1850-+0000 rospy is a pure Python client library for ROS. The rospy client API enables Python programmers to quickly interface with ROS Topics, Services, and Parameters. The design of rospy favors implementation speed (i.e. developer time) over runtime performance so that algorithms can be quickly prototyped and tested within ROS. It is also ideal for non-critical-path code, such as configuration and initialization code. Many of the ROS tools are written in rospy to take advantage of the type introspection capabilities. Many of the ROS tools, such as rostopic and rosservice, are built on top of rospy. ii ros-hydro-rospy-tutorials 0.4.3-0precise-20150328-1040-+0000 This package attempts to show the features of ROS python API step-by-step, including using messages, servers, parameters, etc. These tutorials are compatible with the nodes in roscpp_tutorial. ii ros-hydro-rosserial-arduino 0.5.6-0precise-20150330-2334-+0000 Libraries and examples for ROSserial usage on Arduino/AVR Platforms. ii ros-hydro-rosserial-client 0.5.6-0precise-20150330-2329-+0000 Generalized client side source for rosserial. ii ros-hydro-rosserial-leonardo-cmake 0.1.3-0precise-20150331-0841-+0000 CMake scripts for building Arduino Leonardo (atmega32u4) Firmwares ii ros-hydro-rosserial-msgs 0.5.6-0precise-20150326-2051-+0000 Messages for automatic topic configuration using rosserial. ii ros-hydro-rosservice 1.10.12-0precise-20150330-0703-+0000 rosservice contains the rosservice command-line tool for listing and querying ROS Services. It also contains a Python library for retrieving information about Services and dynamically invoking them. The Python library is experimental and is for internal-use only. ii ros-hydro-rostest 1.10.12-0precise-20150328-1035-+0000 Integration test suite based on roslaunch that is compatible with xUnit frameworks. ii ros-hydro-rostime 0.4.4-0precise-20141231-2227-+0000 Time and Duration implementations for C++ libraries, including roscpp. ii ros-hydro-rostopic 1.10.12-0precise-20150328-1115-+0000 rostopic contains the rostopic command-line tool for displaying debug information about ROS Topics, including publishers, subscribers, publishing rate, and ROS Messages. It also contains an experimental Python library for getting information about and interacting with topics dynamically. This library is for internal-use onl

130s commented 8 years ago

For simulation you have to use rtmlaunch, not roslaunch. Please make sure you go through the tutorial for simulation.

emijah commented 8 years ago

The thing is, rtmlaunch doesn't seem to exist. When I type rtmlaunch on the command line, I get

bash: /opt/ros/hydro/share/hrpsys_ros_bridge/scripts/rtmlaunch: No such file or directory

When I look in the directory,

$ ls /opt/ros/hydro/share/hrpsys_ros_bridge/scripts/                hrpsys_dashboard    diagnostics.yaml

So it seems like it doesn't exist. Or is it located somewhere else now...? A quick search shows,

$ find /opt/ros/hydro/ -name 'rtmlaunch'

A look in my .bashrc file shows that I have

alias rtmlaunch='`rospack find hrpsys_ros_bridge`/scripts/rtmlaunch'

After deleting this and another alias for rtmtest, I can run

$ rtmlaunch nextage_ros_bridge nextage_ros_bridge_simulation.launch

and can confirm it now works. I think the aliases need to be removed from the tutorial. How about you?

130s commented 8 years ago

Thank you for the catch. I updated the wiki.

emijah commented 8 years ago

Thank you