tork-a / rtmros_nextage

ROS-OpenRTM-based opensource robot controller software for dual-armed robot Nextage from Kawada Industries
27 stars 39 forks source link

roslaunch nextage_ros_bridge nextage_ros_bridge_real.launch nameserver:=nextage doesn't work #265

Closed shzargar closed 8 years ago

shzargar commented 8 years ago

Hi, I am a beginner, and start working with a nextage open robot. I had difficulty to connect to the robot (the same issues as in even with only eth0 connected.

I tried to make an update $sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade (as it is suggested in

After a difficult restart, I did the same thing and this time, I have this error in a loop:

 CORBA::SystemException raised by ModelLoader:
omniORB: ERROR -- the application attempted to invoke an operation
 on a nil reference.

I appreciate any help. Thanks

130s commented 8 years ago

A few things,

Without taking a deeper look, I assume you're using a NEXTAGE Open with hrpsys controller of version 315.1.x. For that version, you need to run rtm_ros bridge launch with MODEL_FILE argument.

roslaunch nextage_ros_bridge nextage_ros_bridge_real.launch MODEL_FILE:=/opt/jsk/etc/HIRONX/model/main.wrl

For the detail of this change, see the announcement

BTW, knowing it's very cumbersome to add such a convoluted argument, I proposed a new launch file that allows launch command without an argument

Above should solve your issue, but I respond to your other comments:

I had difficulty to connect to the robot (the same issues as in start-jsk/rtmros_hironx#33) even with only eth0 connected.

If you're still experiencing an issue regarding that, run the following commands on Ubuntu and post:

I tried to make an update $sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade (as it is suggested in

I updated the wiki to clarify that those commands update ONLY software on Ubuntu, which means that the lower level controller software doesn't get updated (hope this tutorial section helps) if that's what you expected.

shzargar commented 8 years ago

Thanks for your reply. First, when you are talking about hrpsys version of controller, do you mean QNX? Then, how can I make sure that is the version you mentioned?

I added the model to roslunch, I disconnected from internet to make sure that eth0 is the only connection (when I am connected to internet, the error is

[rtmlaunch] hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch did not work on both OpenRTM 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 ), and I got the below ([]    Failed to connect RobotHardware0.servoState to None([None])) and no hrpsys viewer on screen:

... logging to /home/nxouser/.ros/log/b0c2719a-9576-11e6-a674-000bab77d7ba/roslaunch-tork-desktop-11346.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://tork-desktop:45848/


 * /HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge/publish_sensor_transforms
 * /collision_state/comp_name
 * /controller_configuration
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/computers/contains
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/computers/path
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/computers/type
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/hrpsys/contains
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/hrpsys/path
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/hrpsys/type
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/mode/contains
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/mode/path
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/mode/type
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/motor/contains
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/motor/path
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/motor/type
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/base_path
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/pub_rate
 * /robot_description
 * /robot_pose_ekf/debug
 * /robot_pose_ekf/freq
 * /robot_pose_ekf/imu_used
 * /robot_pose_ekf/odom_used
 * /robot_pose_ekf/output_frame
 * /robot_pose_ekf/self_diagnose
 * /robot_pose_ekf/sensor_timeout
 * /robot_pose_ekf/vo_used
 * /rosdistro
 * /rosversion

    CollisionDetectorComp (hrpsys/CollisionDetectorComp)
    DataLoggerServiceROSBridge (hrpsys_ros_bridge/DataLoggerServiceROSBridgeComp)
    ForwardKinematicsServiceROSBridge (hrpsys_ros_bridge/ForwardKinematicsServiceROSBridgeComp)
    HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge (hrpsys_ros_bridge/HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge)
    HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge (hrpsys_ros_bridge/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge)
    RobotHardwareServiceROSBridge (hrpsys_ros_bridge/RobotHardwareServiceROSBridgeComp)
    SequencePlayerServiceROSBridge (hrpsys_ros_bridge/SequencePlayerServiceROSBridgeComp)
    StateHolderServiceROSBridge (hrpsys_ros_bridge/StateHolderServiceROSBridgeComp)
    base_footprint_rootlink (tf/static_transform_publisher)
    collision_state (hrpsys_ros_bridge/
    diagnostic_aggregator (diagnostic_aggregator/aggregator_node)
    hrpsys_profile (hrpsys_ros_bridge/
    hrpsys_py (hironx_ros_bridge/
    hrpsys_ros_diagnostics (hrpsys_ros_bridge/
    hrpsys_state_publisher (robot_state_publisher/state_publisher)
    robot_pose_ekf (robot_pose_ekf/robot_pose_ekf)
    rtmlaunch_collision_detector (openrtm_tools/
    rtmlaunch_hrpsys_ros_bridge (openrtm_tools/
    sensor_ros_bridge_connect (hrpsys_ros_bridge/

WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtactivate
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtactivate
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtactivate
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtactivate
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtactivate
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtactivate
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtactivate
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtactivate
auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [11360]

setting /run_id to b0c2719a-9576-11e6-a674-000bab77d7ba
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [11373]
started core service [/rosout]
process[hrpsys_py-2]: started with pid [11385]
process[HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge-3]: started with pid [11386]
process[HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge-4]: started with pid [11415]
process[hrpsys_state_publisher-5]: started with pid [11432]
Loading body customizer "/opt/ros/hydro/share/OpenHRP-3.1/customizer/" for springJoint
process[hrpsys_ros_diagnostics-6]: started with pid [11447]
duplicated sensor Id is specified(id = 0, name = CAMERA_HEAD_R)
duplicated sensor Id is specified(id = 1, name = CAMERA_HEAD_L)
[ INFO] [1476824769.134047993]: [HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge] @Initilize name : HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge0 done
process[diagnostic_aggregator-7]: started with pid [11450]
process[hrpsys_profile-8]: started with pid [11467]
process[sensor_ros_bridge_connect-9]: started with pid [11478]
process[rtmlaunch_hrpsys_ros_bridge-10]: started with pid [11535]
process[SequencePlayerServiceROSBridge-11]: started with pid [11545]
process[DataLoggerServiceROSBridge-12]: started with pid [11572]
configuration ORB with nextage:15005
process[ForwardKinematicsServiceROSBridge-13]: started with pid [11584]
process[StateHolderServiceROSBridge-14]: started with pid [11608]
[]  start
configuration ORB with nextage:15005
process[RobotHardwareServiceROSBridge-15]: started with pid [11614]
process[robot_pose_ekf-16]: started with pid [11635]
[rtmlaunch] starting...  /opt/ros/hydro/share/hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
[ INFO] [1476824769.537195298]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge] @Initilize name : HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0
[rtmlaunch] RTCTREE_NAMESERVERS nextage:15005 nextage:15005
[rtmlaunch] SIMULATOR_NAME RobotHardware0
process[base_footprint_rootlink-17]: started with pid [11702]
Loading body customizer "/opt/ros/hydro/share/OpenHRP-3.1/customizer/" for springJoint
process[CollisionDetectorComp-18]: started with pid [11713]
duplicated sensor Id is specified(id = 0, name = CAMERA_HEAD_R)
duplicated sensor Id is specified(id = 1, name = CAMERA_HEAD_L)
[ INFO] [1476824769.626005735]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge] Loaded HiroNX
[ INFO] [1476824769.628519243]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge] @Initilize name : HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0 done
process[rtmlaunch_collision_detector-19]: started with pid [11719]
process[collision_state-20]: started with pid [11735]
;; Could not open /dev/console for writing.
open: Permission denied
[rtmlaunch] starting...  /opt/ros/hydro/share/hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch/collision_detector.launch
[rtmlaunch] RTCTREE_NAMESERVERS nextage:15005 nextage:15005
[rtmlaunch] SIMULATOR_NAME RobotHardware0
Loading body customizer "/opt/ros/hydro/share/OpenHRP-3.1/customizer/" for springJoint
[rtmlaunch] check connection/activation
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rsangle
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:tau
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rstorque
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
check collisions between RARM_JOINT2 and LARM_JOINT2
check collisions between RARM_JOINT3 and LARM_JOINT3
check collisions between RARM_JOINT4 and LARM_JOINT4
check collisions between RARM_JOINT5 and LARM_JOINT5
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/sh.rtc:StateHolderService   0 /30
[rtmlaunch] check connection/activation
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc:qCurrent   0 /30
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc:qCurrent
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
configuration ORB with nextage:15005
[WARN] [WallTime: 1476824770.216914] CollisionDetector(CollisionDetector0) is not activated, waiting...
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc:qRef
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc
[] wait for RTCmanager : None
[] wait for RobotHardware : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x47dae60> ( timeout 0 < 10)
[] findComps -> RobotHardware : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x47dae60> isActive? = False 
[] simulation_mode : False
[]  Hrpsys controller version info: 
[]    ms =  <hrpsys.rtm.RTCmanager instance at 0x47e21b8>
[]    ref =  <RTM._objref_Manager instance at 0x47e2050>
[]    version  =  315.1.8
[] wait for RTCmanager : nextage
;; Loading ImpedanceController < 315.1.9
[] waiting ModelLoader
[] start hrpsys
[] finding RTCManager and RobotHardware
[] wait for RobotHardware0 : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x30405a8> ( timeout 0 < 10)
[] findComps -> RobotHardware : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x30405a8> isActive? = False 
[] simulation_mode : False
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/sh.rtc:StateHolderService   1 /30
[INFO] [WallTime: 1476824771.229570]   bodyinfo URL = file:///opt/jsk/etc/HIRONX/model/main.wrl
[] wait for RTCmanager : None
[] wait for RobotHardware : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x47dae60> ( timeout 0 < 10)
[] findComps -> RobotHardware : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x47dae60> isActive? = False 
[] simulation_mode : False
[]   bodyinfo URL = file:///opt/jsk/etc/HIRONX/model/main.wrl
[] creating components
[]   eval : [self.seq, self.seq_svc, self.seq_version] = self.createComp("SequencePlayer","seq")
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x2ed0ef0>
[] create Comp -> SequencePlayer : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x47dacb0> (315.1.8)
[] create CompSvc -> SequencePlayer Service : <OpenHRP._objref_SequencePlayerService instance at 0x47e2248>
[]   eval : [, self.sh_svc, self.sh_version] = self.createComp("StateHolder","sh")
[] create Comp -> StateHolder : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x47e7320> (315.1.8)
[] create CompSvc -> StateHolder Service : <OpenHRP._objref_StateHolderService instance at 0x47f2320>
[]   eval : [, self.fk_svc, self.fk_version] = self.createComp("ForwardKinematics","fk")
[] create Comp -> ForwardKinematics : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x47e2758> (315.1.8)
[] create CompSvc -> ForwardKinematics Service : <OpenHRP._objref_ForwardKinematicsService instance at 0x47ee170>
[]   eval : [self.ic, self.ic_svc, self.ic_version] = self.createComp("ImpedanceController","ic")
[] create Comp -> ImpedanceController : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x47eae60> (315.1.8)
[] create CompSvc -> ImpedanceController Service : <OpenHRP._objref_ImpedanceControllerService instance at 0x47f0e60>
[]   eval : [self.el, self.el_svc, self.el_version] = self.createComp("SoftErrorLimiter","el")
[] create Comp -> SoftErrorLimiter : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x47ebb48> (315.1.8)
[] create CompSvc -> SoftErrorLimiter Service : <OpenHRP._objref_SoftErrorLimiterService instance at 0x47f08c0>
[]   eval : [, self.sc_svc, self.sc_version] = self.createComp("ServoController","sc")
[] create Comp -> ServoController : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x47ee248> (315.1.8)
[] create CompSvc -> ServoController Service : <OpenHRP._objref_ServoControllerService instance at 0x47f4488>
[]   eval : [self.log, self.log_svc, self.log_version] = self.createComp("DataLogger","log")
[] create Comp -> DataLogger : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x47e2560> (315.1.8)
[] create CompSvc -> DataLogger Service : <OpenHRP._objref_DataLoggerService instance at 0x47f4a70>
[]   eval : [self.rmfo, self.rmfo_svc, self.rmfo_version] = self.createComp("AbsoluteForceSensor","rmfo")
[] Fail to createComps 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'ref'
[] connecting components
[]    Connect sh.qOut - ic.qRef
[]    Connect ic.q - el.qRef
[]    Connect el.q - RobotHardware0.qRef
[]    Connect RobotHardware0.servoState - el.servoStateIn
[]    Connect RobotHardware0.q - sh.currentQIn
[]    Connect RobotHardware0.q - fk.q
[]    Connect sh.qOut - fk.qRef
[]    Connect seq.qRef - sh.qIn
[]    Connect seq.tqRef - sh.tqIn
[]    Connect seq.basePos - sh.basePosIn
[]    Connect seq.baseRpy - sh.baseRpyIn
[]    Connect seq.zmpRef - sh.zmpIn
[]    Connect sh.basePosOut - seq.basePosInit
[]    Connect sh.basePosOut - fk.basePosRef
[]    Connect sh.baseRpyOut - seq.baseRpyInit
[]    Connect sh.baseRpyOut - fk.baseRpyRef
[]    Connect sh.qOut - seq.qInit
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/sh.rtc:StateHolderService   2 /30
[]    Connect RobotHardware0.q - ic.qCurrent
[]    Connect RobotHardware0.q - el.qCurrent
[] activating components
[] Fail to find instance (['rmfo', 'AbsoluteForceSensor']) for getRTCInstanceList
[] setup logger
[]   setupLogger : record type = TimedDoubleSeq, name = q to RobotHardware0_q
[]    Connect RobotHardware0.q - log.RobotHardware0_q
[]   setupLogger : record type = TimedDoubleSeq, name = dq to RobotHardware0_dq
[]    Connect RobotHardware0.dq - log.RobotHardware0_dq
[]   setupLogger : record type = TimedDoubleSeq, name = tau to RobotHardware0_tau
[]    Connect RobotHardware0.tau - log.RobotHardware0_tau
[] sensor names for DataLogger
[]   setupLogger : record type = TimedDoubleSeq, name = qOut to sh_qOut
[]   wait for 'sh' :  <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x3022f38>
[]   bodyinfo URL = file:///opt/jsk/etc/HIRONX/model/main.wrl
[]    Connect sh.qOut - log.sh_qOut
[sensor_ros_bridge_connect-9] process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/nxouser/.ros/log/b0c2719a-9576-11e6-a674-000bab77d7ba/sensor_ros_bridge_connect-9*.log
[]   setupLogger : record type = TimedDoubleSeq, name = tqOut to sh_tqOut
[]    Connect sh.tqOut - log.sh_tqOut
[]   setupLogger : record type = TimedPoint3D, name = basePosOut to sh_basePosOut
[]    Connect sh.basePosOut - log.sh_basePosOut
[]   setupLogger : record type = TimedOrientation3D, name = baseRpyOut to sh_baseRpyOut
[]    Connect sh.baseRpyOut - log.sh_baseRpyOut
[]   setupLogger : record type = TimedPoint3D, name = zmpOut to sh_zmpOut
[]    Connect sh.zmpOut - log.sh_zmpOut
[]   setupLogger : record type = TimedDoubleSeq, name = q to ic_q
[]    Connect ic.q - log.ic_q
[]   setupLogger : emergencySignal arleady exists in DataLogger
[]    Connect RobotHardware0.emergencySignal - log.emergencySignal
[]   setupLogger : record type = TimedLongSeqSeq, name = servoState to RobotHardware0_servoState
[]    Failed to connect RobotHardware0.servoState to None([None])
[] setup joint groups
[] initialized successfully
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/sh.rtc:StateHolderService   3 /30
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/StateHolderServiceROSBridge.rtc:StateHolderService
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/sh.rtc:StateHolderService
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/sh.rtc:baseTformOut
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:baseTform
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/sh.rtc:qOut
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:mcangle
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:SequencePlayerService
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/seq.rtc:SequencePlayerService
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge0.rtc:SequencePlayerService
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/seq.rtc:SequencePlayerService
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/DataLoggerServiceROSBridge.rtc:DataLoggerService
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/log.rtc:DataLoggerService
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/SequencePlayerServiceROSBridge.rtc:SequencePlayerService
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/seq.rtc:SequencePlayerService
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/ForwardKinematicsServiceROSBridge.rtc:ForwardKinematicsService
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/fk.rtc:ForwardKinematicsService
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/RobotHardwareServiceROSBridge.rtc:RobotHardwareService
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:RobotHardwareService
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:servoState
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:servoState
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge0.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/DataLoggerServiceROSBridge.rtc
[ INFO] [1476824774.039572623]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 0[Hz] (exec 1 Hz, dropped 0)
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/SequencePlayerServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/ForwardKinematicsServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/StateHolderServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/RobotHardwareServiceROSBridge.rtc
[ INFO] [1476824774.048170489]: ADD_GROUP: larm (/larm_controller)
[ INFO] [1476824774.160378475]: ADD_GROUP: rarm (/rarm_controller)
[ INFO] [1476824774.233318959]: ADD_GROUP: head (/head_controller)
[ INFO] [1476824774.233405254]:     JOINT: HEAD_JOINT0 HEAD_JOINT1
[ INFO] [1476824774.271654111]: ADD_GROUP: torso (/torso_controller)
[ INFO] [1476824774.271859475]:     JOINT: CHEST_JOINT0
[ INFO] [1476824774.323909521]: ADD_GROUP: larm_torso (/larm_torso_controller)
[ INFO] [1476824774.364852844]: ADD_GROUP: rarm_torso (/rarm_torso_controller)
[INFO] [WallTime: 1476824774.527234] Joint names; Torso: ['CHEST_JOINT0']
    Head: ['HEAD_JOINT0', 'HEAD_JOINT1']
[WARN] [WallTime: 1476824774.530853] Moveit is not started yet, if you want to use MoveIt!
Make sure you've launched MoveGroup (e.g. by launching moveit_planning_execution.launch)
[hrpsys_py-2] process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/nxouser/.ros/log/b0c2719a-9576-11e6-a674-000bab77d7ba/hrpsys_py-2*.log
[ INFO] [1476824775.044014728]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 208[Hz] (exec 1749 Hz, dropped 208)
[ INFO] [1476824776.048724692]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1737 Hz, dropped 201)
[INFO] [WallTime: 1476824776.248698] check 4 collision status, 0.799795 Hz
[ INFO] [1476824777.053497932]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1743 Hz, dropped 201)
[ INFO] [1476824778.058277031]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1740 Hz, dropped 201)
[ INFO] [1476824779.063591642]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1741 Hz, dropped 201)
[ INFO] [1476824780.068055408]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1737 Hz, dropped 201)
[rtmlaunch] check connection/activation
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc
[ INFO] [1476824781.069052087]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 200[Hz] (exec 1734 Hz, dropped 200)
[INFO] [WallTime: 1476824781.268620] check 4 collision status, 0.796813 Hz
[ INFO] [1476824782.073848676]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1741 Hz, dropped 201)
[ INFO] [1476824783.078945785]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1742 Hz, dropped 201)
[rtmlaunch] check connection/activation
[ INFO] [1476824784.083757910]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1744 Hz, dropped 201)
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge0.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/DataLoggerServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/SequencePlayerServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/ForwardKinematicsServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/StateHolderServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/RobotHardwareServiceROSBridge.rtc
[ INFO] [1476824785.088249224]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1743 Hz, dropped 201)
[ INFO] [1476824786.093265120]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1744 Hz, dropped 201)
[INFO] [WallTime: 1476824786.288721] check 4 collision status, 0.796805 Hz
[ INFO] [1476824787.098380731]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1739 Hz, dropped 201)
[ INFO] [1476824788.098879911]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 200[Hz] (exec 1731 Hz, dropped 200)
[ INFO] [1476824789.103754245]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1740 Hz, dropped 201)
[ INFO] [1476824790.108983895]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1745 Hz, dropped 201)
[rtmlaunch] check connection/activation
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc
[ INFO] [1476824791.113496508]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1739 Hz, dropped 201)
[INFO] [WallTime: 1476824791.308102] check 4 collision status, 0.796839 Hz
[ INFO] [1476824792.118600803]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1742 Hz, dropped 201)
[ INFO] [1476824793.123710656]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1745 Hz, dropped 201)
[ INFO] [1476824794.124569928]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 200[Hz] (exec 1742 Hz, dropped 200)
[rtmlaunch] check connection/activation
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge0.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/DataLoggerServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/SequencePlayerServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/ForwardKinematicsServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/StateHolderServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/RobotHardwareServiceROSBridge.rtc
[ INFO] [1476824795.129227085]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1744 Hz, dropped 201)
[ INFO] [1476824796.134140560]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1742 Hz, dropped 201)
[INFO] [WallTime: 1476824796.308775] check 4 collision status, 0.799982 Hz
[ INFO] [1476824797.138597173]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1742 Hz, dropped 201)
[ INFO] [1476824798.143778812]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1742 Hz, dropped 201)
[ INFO] [1476824799.143955106]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 200[Hz] (exec 1738 Hz, dropped 200)
[ INFO] [1476824800.148623028]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1740 Hz, dropped 201)
[rtmlaunch] check connection/activation
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc
[ INFO] [1476824801.149350691]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 200[Hz] (exec 1733 Hz, dropped 200)
[INFO] [WallTime: 1476824801.308654] check 4 collision status, 0.799996 Hz
[ INFO] [1476824802.154066754]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1742 Hz, dropped 201)
[ INFO] [1476824803.159146943]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1739 Hz, dropped 201)
[ INFO] [1476824804.164048666]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1738 Hz, dropped 201)
[rtmlaunch] check connection/activation
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge0.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/DataLoggerServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/SequencePlayerServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/ForwardKinematicsServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/StateHolderServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/RobotHardwareServiceROSBridge.rtc
[ INFO] [1476824805.168838249]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1746 Hz, dropped 201)
[ INFO] [1476824806.173552372]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1742 Hz, dropped 201)
[INFO] [WallTime: 1476824806.308671] check 4 collision status, 0.799994 Hz
[ INFO] [1476824807.174747450]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 200[Hz] (exec 1732 Hz, dropped 200)
[ INFO] [1476824808.174982304]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 200[Hz] (exec 1730 Hz, dropped 200)
[ INFO] [1476824809.178992246]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1738 Hz, dropped 201)
[ INFO] [1476824810.184462877]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1743 Hz, dropped 201)
[rtmlaunch] check connection/activation
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc
[ INFO] [1476824811.188800105]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1744 Hz, dropped 201)
[INFO] [WallTime: 1476824811.328667] check 4 collision status, 0.796819 Hz
[ INFO] [1476824812.193931854]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1741 Hz, dropped 201)
[ INFO] [1476824813.198907226]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1741 Hz, dropped 201)
[ INFO] [1476824814.199438445]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 200[Hz] (exec 1733 Hz, dropped 200)
[rtmlaunch] check connection/activation
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge0.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/DataLoggerServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/SequencePlayerServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/ForwardKinematicsServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/StateHolderServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/RobotHardwareServiceROSBridge.rtc
[ INFO] [1476824815.204833101]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1741 Hz, dropped 201)
[ INFO] [1476824816.209097671]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1742 Hz, dropped 201)
[INFO] [WallTime: 1476824816.348647] check 4 collision status, 0.796813 Hz
[ INFO] [1476824817.213981763]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1743 Hz, dropped 201)
[ INFO] [1476824818.214189143]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 200[Hz] (exec 1733 Hz, dropped 200)
[ INFO] [1476824819.219167006]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1741 Hz, dropped 201)
[ INFO] [1476824820.219901440]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 200[Hz] (exec 1735 Hz, dropped 200)
[rtmlaunch] check connection/activation
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc
[ INFO] [1476824821.224731336]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1739 Hz, dropped 201)
[INFO] [WallTime: 1476824821.368651] check 4 collision status, 0.796814 Hz
[ INFO] [1476824822.229154938]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1741 Hz, dropped 201)
[ INFO] [1476824823.229796753]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 200[Hz] (exec 1735 Hz, dropped 200)
[ INFO] [1476824824.234197472]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1742 Hz, dropped 201)
[rtmlaunch] check connection/activation
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge0.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/DataLoggerServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/SequencePlayerServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/ForwardKinematicsServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/StateHolderServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/RobotHardwareServiceROSBridge.rtc
[ INFO] [1476824825.238790281]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1742 Hz, dropped 201)
[ INFO] [1476824826.244286101]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1745 Hz, dropped 201)
[INFO] [WallTime: 1476824826.388785] check 4 collision status, 0.796810 Hz
[ INFO] [1476824827.244928150]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 200[Hz] (exec 1730 Hz, dropped 200)
[ INFO] [1476824828.249438168]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1741 Hz, dropped 201)
[ INFO] [1476824829.254727250]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1746 Hz, dropped 201)
[ INFO] [1476824830.259517575]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1744 Hz, dropped 201)
[rtmlaunch] check connection/activation
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc
[ INFO] [1476824831.264264479]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1739 Hz, dropped 201)
[INFO] [WallTime: 1476824831.408607] check 4 collision status, 0.796816 Hz
[ INFO] [1476824832.268835978]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1738 Hz, dropped 201)
[ INFO] [1476824833.269937234]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 200[Hz] (exec 1737 Hz, dropped 200)
[ INFO] [1476824834.274677258]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1741 Hz, dropped 201)
[rtmlaunch] check connection/activation
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge0.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/DataLoggerServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/SequencePlayerServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/ForwardKinematicsServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/StateHolderServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/RobotHardwareServiceROSBridge.rtc
[ INFO] [1476824835.279517187]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1740 Hz, dropped 201)
[ INFO] [1476824836.284637149]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1740 Hz, dropped 201)
[INFO] [WallTime: 1476824836.428603] check 4 collision status, 0.796813 Hz
[ INFO] [1476824837.284901651]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 200[Hz] (exec 1731 Hz, dropped 200)
[ INFO] [1476824838.289287887]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1741 Hz, dropped 201)
[ INFO] [1476824839.294061985]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1741 Hz, dropped 201)
[ INFO] [1476824840.294857870]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 200[Hz] (exec 1736 Hz, dropped 200)
[rtmlaunch] check connection/activation
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc
[ INFO] [1476824841.300052880]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1745 Hz, dropped 201)
[INFO] [WallTime: 1476824841.428642] check 4 collision status, 0.799996 Hz
[ INFO] [1476824842.304789616]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1741 Hz, dropped 201)
[ INFO] [1476824843.305187101]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 200[Hz] (exec 1734 Hz, dropped 200)
[ INFO] [1476824844.309447250]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1742 Hz, dropped 201)
[rtmlaunch] check connection/activation
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge0.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/DataLoggerServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/SequencePlayerServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/ForwardKinematicsServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/StateHolderServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/RobotHardwareServiceROSBridge.rtc
[ INFO] [1476824845.314160808]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1744 Hz, dropped 201)
[ INFO] [1476824846.315579718]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 200[Hz] (exec 1731 Hz, dropped 200)
[INFO] [WallTime: 1476824846.428625] check 4 collision status, 0.799999 Hz
[ INFO] [1476824847.319831243]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1740 Hz, dropped 201)
[ INFO] [1476824848.320044852]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 200[Hz] (exec 1734 Hz, dropped 200)
[ INFO] [1476824849.325102931]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1739 Hz, dropped 201)
[ INFO] [1476824850.330065764]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1744 Hz, dropped 201)
[rtmlaunch] check connection/activation
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc
[ INFO] [1476824851.334465622]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1741 Hz, dropped 201)
[INFO] [WallTime: 1476824851.448584] check 4 collision status, 0.796819 Hz
[ INFO] [1476824852.339457512]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1741 Hz, dropped 201)
[ INFO] [1476824853.340294743]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 200[Hz] (exec 1733 Hz, dropped 200)
[ INFO] [1476824854.345281597]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1742 Hz, dropped 201)
[rtmlaunch] check connection/activation
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge0.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/DataLoggerServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/SequencePlayerServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/ForwardKinematicsServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/StateHolderServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/RobotHardwareServiceROSBridge.rtc
[ INFO] [1476824855.349980561]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1739 Hz, dropped 201)
[ INFO] [1476824856.355181509]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1740 Hz, dropped 201)
[INFO] [WallTime: 1476824856.448614] check 4 collision status, 0.799994 Hz
[ INFO] [1476824857.359714755]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1742 Hz, dropped 201)
[ INFO] [1476824858.364695089]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1743 Hz, dropped 201)
[ INFO] [1476824859.365913460]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 200[Hz] (exec 1735 Hz, dropped 200)
[rtmlaunch] check connection/activation
[ INFO] [1476824860.370127544]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1738 Hz, dropped 201)
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc
[ INFO] [1476824861.375198953]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1739 Hz, dropped 201)
[INFO] [WallTime: 1476824861.468578] check 4 collision status, 0.796821 Hz
roslaunch nextage_ros_bridge nextage_ros_bridge_real.launch MODEL_FILE:=/opt/jsk/etc/HIRONX/model/main.wrl[ INFO] [1476824862.380107256]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1745 Hz, dropped 201)
[ INFO] [1476824863.385315481]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1745 Hz, dropped 201)
[ INFO] [1476824864.390010515]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1743 Hz, dropped 201)
[rtmlaunch] check connection/activation
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge0.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/DataLoggerServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/SequencePlayerServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/ForwardKinematicsServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/StateHolderServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/RobotHardwareServiceROSBridge.rtc
[ INFO] [1476824865.394873208]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1739 Hz, dropped 201)
[ INFO] [1476824866.395589278]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 200[Hz] (exec 1735 Hz, dropped 200)
[INFO] [WallTime: 1476824866.468630] check 4 collision status, 0.799995 Hz
[ INFO] [1476824867.400687349]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1743 Hz, dropped 201)
[ INFO] [1476824868.405497670]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1740 Hz, dropped 201)
[ INFO] [1476824869.410499093]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1742 Hz, dropped 201)
[rtmlaunch] check connection/activation
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc
[ INFO] [1476824870.415007496]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1740 Hz, dropped 201)
[ INFO] [1476824871.420138538]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1744 Hz, dropped 201)
[INFO] [WallTime: 1476824871.488599] check 4 collision status, 0.796813 Hz
[ INFO] [1476824872.420773352]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 200[Hz] (exec 1736 Hz, dropped 200)
[ INFO] [1476824873.426102326]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1743 Hz, dropped 201)
[ INFO] [1476824874.430518020]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is working at 201[Hz] (exec 1743 Hz, dropped 201)
[rtmlaunch] check connection/activation
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge0.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/DataLoggerServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/SequencePlayerServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/ForwardKinematicsServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/StateHolderServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/RobotHardwareServiceROSBridge.rtc
shzargar commented 8 years ago

with internet connection:

nxouser@tork-desktop:~$ ifconfig
eth0      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:0b:ab:77:d7:ba  
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::20b:abff:fe77:d7ba/64 Scope:Link
          RX packets:2304559 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:1917187 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 
          RX bytes:1504775577 (1.5 GB)  TX bytes:204202742 (204.2 MB)
          Interrupt:20 Memory:df200000-df220000 

eth1      Link encap:Ethernet  HWaddr 00:0b:ab:77:d7:bb  
          inet addr:  Bcast:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: fe80::20b:abff:fe77:d7bb/64 Scope:Link
          RX packets:55529 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:19946 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:1000 
          RX bytes:67111001 (67.1 MB)  TX bytes:2272562 (2.2 MB)

lo        Link encap:Local Loopback  
          inet addr:  Mask:
          inet6 addr: ::1/128 Scope:Host
          UP LOOPBACK RUNNING  MTU:65536  Metric:1
          RX packets:3766531 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
          TX packets:3766531 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0
          collisions:0 txqueuelen:0 
          RX bytes:1037333117 (1.0 GB)  TX bytes:1037333117 (1.0 GB)

nxouser@tork-desktop:~$ netstat -r
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags   MSS Window  irtt Iface
default         UG        0 0          0 eth1    *      U         0 0          0 eth1
link-local      *          U         0 0          0 eth0   *        U         0 0          0 eth0
130s commented 8 years ago

In your where you disconnect the cable to the internet, I don't see the issue you originally raised, which is good.

In where you probably connect internet cable as well, what did you get when you ran roslaunch? Network config seems fine to me but not entirely sure. Make sure you can ping -- if it can't, you need to resolve a basic network issue first.

shzargar commented 8 years ago
roslaunch nextage_ros_bridge nextage_ros_bridge_real.launch MODEL_FILE:=/opt/jsk/etc/HIRONX/model/main.wrl

This command is working, even though is giving some error messages.

I bug, since in Hydro before update, when I run this command (without model) hrpsys viewer was launching. With this command, even with errors and the fact that hrpsys viewer doesn't show up, we can go ahead and run moveit, then python to move the robot with python commands.

130s commented 8 years ago

Glad that things got moving forward for you!

I've been under impression that the tutorials might have confused you about how to launch ROS process by nextage_ros_bridge*.launch files.

At this moment some error messages are expected to appear and negligible. That's not ideal, so if you're concerned please feel free to ask about it.

shzargar commented 8 years ago


Thanks for your comment, actually, I think that I have always used roslaunch for real robot. The fact is that using roslaunch for the real robot, I see the rtmlaunch error, which I learned to ignore it and go forward to launch moveit.

Thanks, Amir

From: Isaac I.Y. Saito [] Sent: Saturday, November 05, 2016 5:10 AM To: tork-a/rtmros_nextage Cc: Hajzargarbashi, Seyedhossein; Author Subject: Re: [tork-a/rtmros_nextage] roslaunch nextage_ros_bridge nextage_ros_bridge_real.launch nameserver:=nextage doesn't work (#265)

Glad that things got moving forward for you!

I've been under impression that the tutorials might have confused you about how to launch ROS process by nextage_ros_bridge*.launch files.

At this moment some error messages are expected to appear.

— You are receiving this because you authored the thread. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or mute the thread

130s commented 8 years ago

I see.

If possible, could you share the full output of the roslaunch command where you see rtmlaunch included (I don't have an access to real robot now)? I saw you posted that I can't tell clearly if it comes from real or simulated robot. If you can confirm that is from real, that's fine.

shzargar commented 8 years ago

As you can see that is roslaunch, but if you search "[rtmlaunch] [ERROR]" and "[rtmlaunch] Could not Activate" you will see the rtmlaunch errors

shzargar@Nxtag:~$  roslaunch nextage_ros_bridge nextage_ros_bridge_real.launch MODEL_FILE:=/opt/jsk/etc/HIRONX/model/main.wrl
... logging to /home/shzargar/.ros/log/da402964-a5f6-11e6-874e-98e7f45b297c/roslaunch-Nxtag-7083.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://localhost:33178/


 * /HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge/publish_sensor_transforms: True
 * /collision_state/comp_name: CollisionDetector0
 * /controller_configuration: [{'group_name': '...
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/computers/contains: ['HD Temp', 'CPU ...
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/computers/path: Computers
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/computers/type: diagnostic_aggreg...
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/hrpsys/contains: ['hrpEC', 'Emerge...
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/hrpsys/path: Hrpsys
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/hrpsys/type: diagnostic_aggreg...
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/mode/contains: ['Operating Mode'...
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/mode/path: Mode
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/mode/type: diagnostic_aggreg...
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/motor/contains: ['Motor']
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/motor/path: Motor
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/motor/type: diagnostic_aggreg...
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/base_path: 
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/pub_rate: 1.0
 * /robot_description: <?xml version="1....
 * /rosdistro: indigo
 * /rosversion: 1.11.20
 * /rtmnameserver_port: 15005
 * /rtmnameserver_robotname: RobotHardware0

    CollisionDetectorComp (hrpsys/CollisionDetectorComp)
    DataLoggerServiceROSBridge (hrpsys_ros_bridge/DataLoggerServiceROSBridgeComp)
    ForwardKinematicsServiceROSBridge (hrpsys_ros_bridge/ForwardKinematicsServiceROSBridgeComp)
    HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge (hrpsys_ros_bridge/HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge)
    HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge (hrpsys_ros_bridge/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge)
    RobotHardwareServiceROSBridge (hrpsys_ros_bridge/RobotHardwareServiceROSBridgeComp)
    SequencePlayerServiceROSBridge (hrpsys_ros_bridge/SequencePlayerServiceROSBridgeComp)
    StateHolderServiceROSBridge (hrpsys_ros_bridge/StateHolderServiceROSBridgeComp)
    collision_state (hrpsys_ros_bridge/
    diagnostic_aggregator (diagnostic_aggregator/aggregator_node)
    hrpsys_profile (hrpsys_ros_bridge/
    hrpsys_py (hironx_ros_bridge/
    hrpsys_ros_diagnostics (hrpsys_ros_bridge/
    hrpsys_state_publisher (robot_state_publisher/state_publisher)
    rqt_hironxo (rqt_gui/rqt_gui)
    rtmlaunch_collision_detector (openrtm_tools/
    rtmlaunch_hrpsys_ros_bridge (openrtm_tools/
    sensor_ros_bridge_connect (hrpsys_ros_bridge/

WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtactivate
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtactivate
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtactivate
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtactivate
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtactivate
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtactivate
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtactivate
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtactivate
auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [7095]

setting /run_id to da402964-a5f6-11e6-874e-98e7f45b297c
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [7108]
started core service [/rosout]
process[hrpsys_py-2]: started with pid [7125]
process[HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge-3]: started with pid [7126]
process[HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge-4]: started with pid [7127]
process[hrpsys_state_publisher-5]: started with pid [7132]
process[hrpsys_ros_diagnostics-6]: started with pid [7164]
process[diagnostic_aggregator-7]: started with pid [7177]
process[hrpsys_profile-8]: started with pid [7194]
process[sensor_ros_bridge_connect-9]: started with pid [7195]
process[rtmlaunch_hrpsys_ros_bridge-10]: started with pid [7206]
Loading body customizer "/opt/ros/indigo/share/OpenHRP-3.1/customizer/" for springJoint
process[SequencePlayerServiceROSBridge-11]: started with pid [7213]
duplicated sensor Id is specified(id = 0, name = CAMERA_HEAD_R)
duplicated sensor Id is specified(id = 1, name = CAMERA_HEAD_L)
[ INFO] [1478639033.149990894]: [HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge] @Initilize name : HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge0 done
process[DataLoggerServiceROSBridge-12]: started with pid [7216]
process[ForwardKinematicsServiceROSBridge-13]: started with pid [7235]
process[StateHolderServiceROSBridge-14]: started with pid [7256]
process[RobotHardwareServiceROSBridge-15]: started with pid [7268]
process[CollisionDetectorComp-16]: started with pid [7294]
process[rtmlaunch_collision_detector-17]: started with pid [7306]
process[collision_state-18]: started with pid [7307]
process[rqt_hironxo-19]: started with pid [7317]
;; Could not open /dev/console for writing.
open: Permission denied
[CollisionDetector0] onInitialize()
ModelLoaderException : /opt/jsk/etc/NEXTAGE/model/main.wrl cannot be found.
[CollisionDetector0] failed to load model[file:///opt/jsk/etc/NEXTAGE/model/main.wrl]
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'CORBA::BAD_PARAM'
[ INFO] [1478639033.705154238]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge] @Initilize name : HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0
Loading body customizer "/opt/ros/indigo/share/OpenHRP-3.1/customizer/" for springJoint
duplicated sensor Id is specified(id = 0, name = CAMERA_HEAD_R)
duplicated sensor Id is specified(id = 1, name = CAMERA_HEAD_L)
[ INFO] [1478639033.795903092]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge] Loaded HiroNX
[ INFO] [1478639033.798633639]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge] @Initilize name : HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0 done
[ERROR] [1478639033.961677229]: Target Node visual1/node_joint0_axis0 NOT found!!!

[rtmlaunch] starting...  /opt/ros/indigo/share/hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
[rtmlaunch] RTCTREE_NAMESERVERS nextage:15005 nextage:15005 
[rtmlaunch] SIMULATOR_NAME RobotHardware0 
[rtmlaunch] check connection/activation
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   0 /30
[]  start
configuration ORB with nextage:15005
[]  waitForRTCManagerAndRoboHardware has renamed to waitForRTCManagerAndRoboHardware: Please update your code
[rtmlaunch] starting...  /opt/ros/indigo/share/hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch/collision_detector.launch
[rtmlaunch] RTCTREE_NAMESERVERS nextage:15005 nextage:15005 
[rtmlaunch] SIMULATOR_NAME RobotHardware0 
[rtmlaunch] check connection/activation
[CollisionDetectorComp-16] process has died [pid 7294, exit code -6, cmd /opt/ros/indigo/lib/hrpsys/CollisionDetectorComp -o corba.nameservers:nextage:15005 -o naming.formats:%n.rtc -o exec_cxt.periodic.type:PeriodicExecutionContext -o exec_cxt.periodic.rate:2000 -o logger.file_name:/tmp/collision_detector%p.log -o example.CollisionDetector.config_file:/opt/ros/indigo/share/nextage_ros_bridge/conf/realrobot_fixedpath.conf __name:=CollisionDetectorComp __log:=/home/shzargar/.ros/log/da402964-a5f6-11e6-874e-98e7f45b297c/CollisionDetectorComp-16.log].
log file: /home/shzargar/.ros/log/da402964-a5f6-11e6-874e-98e7f45b297c/CollisionDetectorComp-16*.log
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   0 /30
configuration ORB with nextage:15005
[] waiting ModelLoader
[] start hrpsys
[] finding RTCManager and RobotHardware
[]  waitForRTCManagerAndRoboHardware has renamed to waitForRTCManagerAndRoboHardware: Please update your code
configuration ORB with nextage:15005
[WARN] [WallTime: 1478639034.508176] Could not found CollisionDetector(CollisionDetector0), waiting...
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   1 /30
[] wait for RTCmanager : nextage
[] wait for RobotHardware0 : None ( timeout 0 < 10)
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   1 /30
[] wait for RTCmanager : None
[WARN] [WallTime: 1478639035.510631] Could not found CollisionDetector(CollisionDetector0), waiting...
[] wait for RobotHardware : None ( timeout 0 < 10)
[INFO] [WallTime: 1478639035.973261] Connecting to RTM nameserver. host=localhost, port=15005, robotname=RobotHardware0
configuration ORB with localhost:15005
[ERROR] Connection Failed with the Nameserver (hostname=localhost port=15005).
Make sure the hostname is correct and the Nameserver is running.
[] wait for RobotHardware0 : None ( timeout 1 < 10)
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   2 /30
[rqt_hironxo-19] process has died [pid 7317, exit code 1, cmd /opt/ros/indigo/lib/rqt_gui/rqt_gui --perspective-file /opt/ros/indigo/share/hironx_ros_bridge/resource/hironx_rqt_dashboard.perspective __name:=rqt_hironxo __log:=/home/shzargar/.ros/log/da402964-a5f6-11e6-874e-98e7f45b297c/rqt_hironxo-19.log].
log file: /home/shzargar/.ros/log/da402964-a5f6-11e6-874e-98e7f45b297c/rqt_hironxo-19*.log
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   2 /30
[WARN] [WallTime: 1478639036.515424] Could not found CollisionDetector(CollisionDetector0), waiting...
[] wait for RobotHardware : None ( timeout 1 < 10)
[] wait for RobotHardware0 : None ( timeout 2 < 10)
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   3 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   3 /30
[WARN] [WallTime: 1478639037.521056] Could not found CollisionDetector(CollisionDetector0), waiting...
[] wait for RobotHardware : None ( timeout 2 < 10)
[] wait for RobotHardware0 : None ( timeout 3 < 10)
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   4 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   4 /30
[WARN] [WallTime: 1478639038.527292] Could not found CollisionDetector(CollisionDetector0), waiting...
[] wait for RobotHardware : None ( timeout 3 < 10)
[] wait for RobotHardware0 : None ( timeout 4 < 10)
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   5 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   5 /30
[WARN] [WallTime: 1478639039.530573] Could not found CollisionDetector(CollisionDetector0), waiting...
[] wait for RobotHardware : None ( timeout 4 < 10)
[] wait for RobotHardware0 : None ( timeout 5 < 10)
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   6 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   6 /30
[WARN] [WallTime: 1478639040.537051] Could not found CollisionDetector(CollisionDetector0), waiting...
[] wait for RobotHardware : None ( timeout 5 < 10)
[] wait for RobotHardware0 : None ( timeout 6 < 10)
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   7 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   7 /30
[] wait for RobotHardware : None ( timeout 6 < 10)
[WARN] [WallTime: 1478639041.545049] Could not found CollisionDetector(CollisionDetector0), waiting...
[] wait for RobotHardware0 : None ( timeout 7 < 10)
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   8 /30
[] wait for RobotHardware : None ( timeout 7 < 10)
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   8 /30
[WARN] [WallTime: 1478639042.552159] Could not found CollisionDetector(CollisionDetector0), waiting...
[] wait for RobotHardware0 : None ( timeout 8 < 10)
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   9 /30
[] wait for RobotHardware : None ( timeout 8 < 10)
[WARN] [WallTime: 1478639043.559325] Could not found CollisionDetector(CollisionDetector0), waiting...
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   9 /30
[] wait for RobotHardware0 : None ( timeout 9 < 10)
[] Could not find RobotHardware0
[] Candidates are .... []
[] Exitting.... RobotHardware0
[sensor_ros_bridge_connect-9] process has died [pid 7195, exit code 1, cmd /opt/ros/indigo/share/hrpsys_ros_bridge/scripts/ /opt/jsk/etc/HIRONX/model/main.wrl RobotHardware0 HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0 nextage new all 50.0 -ORBInitRef NameService=corbaloc:iiop:nextage:15005/NameService __name:=sensor_ros_bridge_connect __log:=/home/shzargar/.ros/log/da402964-a5f6-11e6-874e-98e7f45b297c/sensor_ros_bridge_connect-9.log].
log file: /home/shzargar/.ros/log/da402964-a5f6-11e6-874e-98e7f45b297c/sensor_ros_bridge_connect-9*.log
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   10 /30
[] wait for RobotHardware : None ( timeout 9 < 10)
[] Could not find RobotHardware
[] Candidates are .... []
[] Exitting.... RobotHardware
[ERROR] [WallTime: 1478639044.560852] Could not found CollisionDetector, exiting...
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   10 /30
[hrpsys_py-2] process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/shzargar/.ros/log/da402964-a5f6-11e6-874e-98e7f45b297c/hrpsys_py-2*.log
[collision_state-18] process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/shzargar/.ros/log/da402964-a5f6-11e6-874e-98e7f45b297c/collision_state-18*.log
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   11 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   11 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   12 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   12 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   13 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   13 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   14 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   14 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   15 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   15 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   16 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   16 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   17 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   17 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   18 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   18 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   19 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   19 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   20 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   20 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   21 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   21 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   22 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   22 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   23 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   23 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   24 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   24 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   25 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   25 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   26 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   26 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   27 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   27 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   28 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   28 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   29 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   29 /30
[rtmlaunch] [ERROR] Could not Connect ( /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q , /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rsangle ):  No such object: /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q 
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc
[ WARN] [1478639065.060412523]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is not executed last 5[sec]
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge0.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/DataLoggerServiceROSBridge.rtc
[ INFO] [1478639065.070535283]: ADD_GROUP: larm (/larm_controller)
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/SequencePlayerServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/ForwardKinematicsServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/StateHolderServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/RobotHardwareServiceROSBridge.rtc
omniORB: ERROR -- the application attempted to invoke an operation
 on a nil reference.
[HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge] addJointGroup(larm), CORBA::SystemException INV_OBJREF
[rtmlaunch] [ERROR] Could not Connect ( /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q , /nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc:qCurrent ):  No such object: /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q 
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc   0 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc   1 /30
[ INFO] [1478639066.267293647]: ADD_GROUP: rarm (/rarm_controller)
omniORB: ERROR -- the application attempted to invoke an operation
 on a nil reference.
[HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge] addJointGroup(rarm), CORBA::SystemException INV_OBJREF
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc   2 /30
[ INFO] [1478639067.415521205]: ADD_GROUP: head (/head_controller)
[ INFO] [1478639067.415763949]:     JOINT: HEAD_JOINT0 HEAD_JOINT1
omniORB: ERROR -- the application attempted to invoke an operation
 on a nil reference.
[HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge] addJointGroup(head), CORBA::SystemException INV_OBJREF
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc   3 /30
[ INFO] [1478639068.542912171]: ADD_GROUP: torso (/torso_controller)
[ INFO] [1478639068.543056791]:     JOINT: CHEST_JOINT0
omniORB: ERROR -- the application attempted to invoke an operation
 on a nil reference.
[HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge] addJointGroup(torso), CORBA::SystemException INV_OBJREF
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc   4 /30
[ INFO] [1478639069.666546501]: ADD_GROUP: larm_torso (/larm_torso_controller)
omniORB: ERROR -- the application attempted to invoke an operation
 on a nil reference.
[HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge] addJointGroup(larm_torso), CORBA::SystemException INV_OBJREF
[ WARN] [1478639070.060709926]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is not executed last 5[sec]
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc   5 /30
[ INFO] [1478639070.790148300]: ADD_GROUP: rarm_torso (/rarm_torso_controller)
omniORB: ERROR -- the application attempted to invoke an operation
 on a nil reference.
[HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge] addJointGroup(rarm_torso), CORBA::SystemException INV_OBJREF
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc   6 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc   7 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc   8 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc   9 /30
[ WARN] [1478639075.061107760]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is not executed last 5[sec]
[rtmlaunch] check connection/activation
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   0 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc   10 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   1 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc   11 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   2 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc   12 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   3 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc   13 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   4 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc   14 /30
[ WARN] [1478639080.061654108]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is not executed last 5[sec]
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   5 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc   15 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   6 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc   16 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   7 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc   17 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   8 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc   18 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   9 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc   19 /30
[ WARN] [1478639085.062527193]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is not executed last 5[sec]
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   10 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc   20 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   11 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc   21 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   12 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc   22 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   13 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc   23 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   14 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc   24 /30
[ WARN] [1478639090.062876340]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is not executed last 5[sec]
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   15 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc   25 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   16 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc   26 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   17 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc   27 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   18 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc   28 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   19 /30
[ WARN] [1478639095.063385768]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is not executed last 5[sec]
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc   29 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   20 /30
[rtmlaunch] Could not Activate ( nextage:15005/$(arg COLLISIONDETECTOR_INSTANCE_NAME).rtc ) :  No such object: /nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc 
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   21 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   22 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   23 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   24 /30
[ WARN] [1478639100.063868904]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is not executed last 5[sec]
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   25 /30
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q   26 /30
130s commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the detail. Seems like I was wrong about rtmlaunch. I've updated the comment to tell that the string rtmlaunch can be printed even when you're working with real robots (although I think users will never have to explicitly run the command rtmlaunch).

k-okada commented 8 years ago

The problem is wen can not find model files in QNX

ModelLoaderException : /opt/jsk/etc/NEXTAGE/model/main.wrl cannot be found.

and seems

roslaunch nextage_ros_bridge nextage_ros_bridge_real.launch MODEL_FILE:=/opt/jsk/etc/HIRONX/model/main.wrl

is not working correctly, please check if we have same launch file

$ roscat nextage_ros_bridge nextage_ros_bridge_real.launch 
  <arg name="COLLADA_FILE" default="$(find nextage_description)/models/main.dae" /> 
  <arg name="CONF_FILE_COLLISIONDETECT" default="$(find nextage_ros_bridge)/conf/realrobot_fixedpath.conf" />
  <arg name="corbaport" default="15005" />
  <arg name="MODEL_FILE" default="/opt/jsk/etc/NEXTAGE/model/main.wrl" /> <!-- This shouldn't be changed unless you know what you're doing; this is the location of vrml file internal to the robot (on QNX OS). -->
  <arg name="nameserver" default="nextage" /> <!-- Host name of the QNX. -->
  <arg name="USE_SERVOCONTROLLER" default="false" />

  <env name="RTCTREE_NAMESERVERS" value="$(arg nameserver):$(arg corbaport)" />

  <include file="$(find hironx_ros_bridge)/launch/hironx_ros_bridge_real.launch" >
    <arg name="COLLADA_FILE" value="$(arg COLLADA_FILE)" /> 
    <arg name="corbaport" value="$(arg corbaport)" />
    <arg name="MODEL_FILE" value="$(arg MODEL_FILE)" />
    <arg name="nameserver" value="$(arg nameserver)" />
    <arg name="USE_SERVOCONTROLLER" value="$(arg USE_SERVOCONTROLLER)" />