tork-a / rtmros_nextage

ROS-OpenRTM-based opensource robot controller software for dual-armed robot Nextage from Kawada Industries
27 stars 39 forks source link

Running Ueye error #295

Closed shzargar closed 7 years ago

shzargar commented 7 years ago

roslaunch nextage_ros_bridge nextage_ueye_stereo.launch

gives me this error. It seems that I don't have this library /opt/ros/indigo/lib// . I don't know how to add it.

... logging to /home/shzargar/.ros/log/6e50918a-f3d0-11e6-a3d9-98e7f45b297c/roslaunch-Nxtag-5141.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://Nxtag:45590/


 * /rosdistro: indigo
 * /rosversion: 1.11.20
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/auto_exposure: False
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/auto_frame_rate: False
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/auto_gain: True
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/auto_white_balance: True
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/binning: 2
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/blue_gain: 16
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/camera_id: 1
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/camera_intrinsics_file: 
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/camera_name: right
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/camera_parameters_file: 
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/camera_topic: image_raw
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/color_mode: rgb8
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/exposure: 33
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/ext_trigger_mode: False
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/flash_delay: 30000
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/flash_duration: 1000
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/frame_rate: 30.0
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/gain_boost: False
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/green_gain: 1
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/image_height: 1200
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/image_left: -1
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/image_top: -1
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/image_width: 1600
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/master_gain: 0
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/pixel_clock: 24
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/red_gain: 0
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/sensor_scaling: 1.0
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/subsampling: 1
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/white_balance_blue_offset: 0
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/white_balance_red_offset: 0
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/auto_exposure: False
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/auto_frame_rate: False
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/auto_gain: True
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/auto_white_balance: True
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/binning: 2
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/blue_gain: 16
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/camera_id: 2
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/camera_intrinsics_file: 
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/camera_name: left
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/camera_parameters_file: 
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/camera_topic: image_raw
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/color_mode: rgb8
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/exposure: 33
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/ext_trigger_mode: False
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/flash_delay: 0
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/flash_duration: 1000
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/frame_rate: 30.0
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/gain_boost: False
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/green_gain: 1
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/image_height: 1200
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/image_left: -1
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/image_top: -1
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/image_width: 1600
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/master_gain: 0
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/pixel_clock: 24
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/red_gain: 0
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/sensor_scaling: 1.0
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/subsampling: 1
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/white_balance_blue_offset: 0
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/white_balance_red_offset: 0

    image_proc (image_proc/image_proc)
    image_proc (image_proc/image_proc)
    head_link_to_stereo_link (tf/static_transform_publisher)
    left_force_subscribe (rostopic/rostopic)
    nodelet_manager (nodelet/nodelet)
    right_force_subscribe (rostopic/rostopic)
    stereo_image_proc (stereo_image_proc/stereo_image_proc)
    stereo_link_to_stereo_frame (tf/static_transform_publisher)
    ueye_cam_nodelet_master (nodelet/nodelet)
    ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1 (nodelet/nodelet)

auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [5153]

setting /run_id to 6e50918a-f3d0-11e6-a3d9-98e7f45b297c
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [5166]
started core service [/rosout]
process[nodelet_manager-2]: started with pid [5182]
process[ueye_cam_nodelet_master-3]: started with pid [5184]
process[ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1-4]: started with pid [5185]
process[left_force_subscribe-5]: started with pid [5186]
process[right_force_subscribe-6]: started with pid [5187]
process[right/image_proc-7]: started with pid [5194]
process[left/image_proc-8]: started with pid [5213]
process[stereo_image_proc-9]: started with pid [5214]
process[head_link_to_stereo_link-10]: started with pid [5217]
process[stereo_link_to_stereo_frame-11]: started with pid [5218]
[ INFO] [1487198721.762002716]: Initializing nodelet with 4 worker threads.
WARNING: topic [/left/camera_info] does not appear to be published yet
WARNING: topic [/right/camera_info] does not appear to be published yet
[ERROR] [1487198721.925323027]: Failed to load nodelet [/ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1] of type [ueye_cam/ueye_cam_nodelet] even after refreshing the cache: Failed to load library /opt/ros/indigo/lib// Make sure that you are calling the PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS macro in the library code, and that names are consistent between this macro and your XML. Error string: Could not load library (Poco exception = cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
[ERROR] [1487198721.925469816]: The error before refreshing the cache was: Failed to load library /opt/ros/indigo/lib// Make sure that you are calling the PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS macro in the library code, and that names are consistent between this macro and your XML. Error string: Could not load library (Poco exception = cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
[FATAL] [1487198721.925669610]: Failed to load nodelet '/ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1` of type `ueye_cam/ueye_cam_nodelet` to manager `nodelet_manager'
[ERROR] [1487198722.064550624]: Failed to load nodelet [/ueye_cam_nodelet_master] of type [ueye_cam/ueye_cam_nodelet] even after refreshing the cache: Failed to load library /opt/ros/indigo/lib// Make sure that you are calling the PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS macro in the library code, and that names are consistent between this macro and your XML. Error string: Could not load library (Poco exception = cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
[ERROR] [1487198722.064591290]: The error before refreshing the cache was: Failed to load library /opt/ros/indigo/lib// Make sure that you are calling the PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS macro in the library code, and that names are consistent between this macro and your XML. Error string: Could not load library (Poco exception = cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)
[FATAL] [1487198722.064691268]: Failed to load nodelet '/ueye_cam_nodelet_master` of type `ueye_cam/ueye_cam_nodelet` to manager `nodelet_manager'
[ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1-4] process has died [pid 5185, exit code 255, cmd /opt/ros/indigo/lib/nodelet/nodelet load ueye_cam/ueye_cam_nodelet nodelet_manager __name:=ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1 __log:=/home/shzargar/.ros/log/6e50918a-f3d0-11e6-a3d9-98e7f45b297c/ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1-4.log].
log file: /home/shzargar/.ros/log/6e50918a-f3d0-11e6-a3d9-98e7f45b297c/ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1-4*.log
[ueye_cam_nodelet_master-3] process has died [pid 5184, exit code 255, cmd /opt/ros/indigo/lib/nodelet/nodelet load ueye_cam/ueye_cam_nodelet nodelet_manager __name:=ueye_cam_nodelet_master __log:=/home/shzargar/.ros/log/6e50918a-f3d0-11e6-a3d9-98e7f45b297c/ueye_cam_nodelet_master-3.log].
log file: /home/shzargar/.ros/log/6e50918a-f3d0-11e6-a3d9-98e7f45b297c/ueye_cam_nodelet_master-3*.log
130s commented 7 years ago

Could you make sure that you're running the launch above on the Ubuntu computer that the cameras' cables are connected to?

Necessary dependency should be installed automatically (defined here) as long as the tutorial was followed as it is. You can manually install the missing library by apt-get install ros-indigo-ueye-cam as a quick workaround, if it's still missing.

shzargar commented 7 years ago

I've checked on the nextage computer, it seems one of the hand camera is not working. I will come back with the message.

My questions: is there any specification for cameras (resolution and ...)? Is there any way to communicate with cameras via ethernet, I mean not using the nextage computer.

130s commented 7 years ago

I'm not sure if I fully understand what you're asking but I think of 2 answers:

Using cameras you have, instead of the default Ueye cameras I added a subsection in the wiki page.

Using the default Ueye cameras

is there any specification for cameras (resolution and ...)?

The aforementioned driver package ueye_cam should take care of connections. For this I also added a few lines in the wiki.

Is there any way to communicate with cameras via ethernet, I mean not using the nextage computer.

To avoid confusion let's call UI Controller Box (Nextage's Ubuntu) as Comp-A and your computer (assuming another Ubuntu) as Comp-B.

I assume it's possible to disconnect the cameras cable from Comp-A and connect to Comp-B. I don't know how that is easy/hard. Either way I suggest to make sure you take enough note about the current setting so that you can plug them back in when you want to.

Or if you want to keep the current setting and just want to access the cameras' output from Comp-B, this is where the distributed network architecture of ROS comes very handy -- run the camera "node"s on Comp-A, then from Comp-B you can subscribe to the camera "topic"s. A bit more concretely:

  1. Comp-A; run roslaunch nextage_ros_bridge nextage_ueye_stereo.launch

  2. Comp-B; set your rosmaster toward Comp-A by e.g.:

    export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://%Comp-A's ip address%:11311
  3. Comp-B; Subscribe to the camera topics (e.g. rostopic list, or visualize on RViz etc. This depends on what you want to do.)

Step 1 above is NEXTAGE-specific but the rest is standard ROS way to subscribe the topics published on a remote host.

Lastly, FYI related to cameras, calibration using head-camera is being worked out.

534o commented 7 years ago
Could not load library (Poco exception = cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)

you have to get by manually install the ueye sdk from

shzargar commented 7 years ago

I tried to launch from Nextage's Ubuntu and I got this error.

... logging to /home/nxouser/.ros/log/088dccfc-f3d8-11e6-a72d-000bab77d7ba/roslaunch-tork-desktop-27088.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.Nextage's Ubuntu
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://tork-desktop:46928/


 * /rosdistro
 * /rosversion
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/auto_exposure
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/auto_frame_rate
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/auto_gain
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/auto_white_balance
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/binning
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/blue_gain
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/camera_id
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/camera_intrinsics_file
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/camera_name
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/camera_parameters_file
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/camera_topic
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/color_mode
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/exposure
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/ext_trigger_mode
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/flash_delay
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/flash_duration
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/frame_rate
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/gain_boost
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/green_gain
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/image_height
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/image_left
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/image_top
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/image_width
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/master_gain
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/pixel_clock
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/red_gain
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/sensor_scaling
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/subsampling
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/white_balance_blue_offset
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_master/white_balance_red_offset
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/auto_exposure
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/auto_frame_rate
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/auto_gain
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/auto_white_balance
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/binning
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/blue_gain
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/camera_id
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/camera_intrinsics_file
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/camera_name
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/camera_parameters_file
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/camera_topic
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/color_mode
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/exposure
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/ext_trigger_mode
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/flash_delay
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/flash_duration
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/frame_rate
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/gain_boost
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/green_gain
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/image_height
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/image_left
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/image_top
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/image_width
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/master_gain
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/pixel_clock
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/red_gain
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/sensor_scaling
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/subsampling
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/white_balance_blue_offset
 * /ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1/white_balance_red_offset

    image_proc (image_proc/image_proc)
    image_proc (image_proc/image_proc)
    head_link_to_stereo_link (tf/static_transform_publisher)
    left_force_subscribe (rostopic/rostopic)
    nodelet_manager (nodelet/nodelet)
    right_force_subscribe (rostopic/rostopic)
    stereo_image_proc (stereo_image_proc/stereo_image_proc)
    stereo_link_to_stereo_frame (tf/static_transform_publisher)
    ueye_cam_nodelet_master (nodelet/nodelet)
    ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1 (nodelet/nodelet)

auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [27102]

setting /run_id to 088dccfc-f3d8-11e6-a72d-000bab77d7ba
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [27115]
started core service [/rosout]
process[nodelet_manager-2]: started with pid [27127]
process[ueye_cam_nodelet_master-3]: started with pid [27128]
[ INFO] [1487201986.709250746]: Initializing nodelet with 8 worker threads.
process[ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1-4]: started with pid [27167]
process[left_force_subscribe-5]: started with pid [27181]
process[right_force_subscribe-6]: started with pid [27210]
process[right/image_proc-7]: started with pid [27255]
WARNING: topic [/left/camera_info] does not appear to be published yet
process[left/image_proc-8]: started with pid [27286]
process[stereo_image_proc-9]: started with pid [27297]
process[head_link_to_stereo_link-10]: started with pid [27339]
process[stereo_link_to_stereo_frame-11]: started with pid [27360]
subscribed to [/right/camera_info]
[ WARN] [1487201987.983302374]: Could not load [right]'s sensor parameters file /home/nxouser/.ros/camera_conf/right.ini (IS_FILE_WRITE_OPEN_ERROR)
[ WARN] [1487201988.055877124]: [right] does not support internal image scaling
[ INFO] [1487201988.123811903]: UEye camera [right] initialized on topic /right/image_raw
Width:          1600
Height:         1200
Left Pos.:      -1
Top Pos.:       -1
Color Mode:     rgb8
Subsampling:        1
Binning:        2
Sensor Scaling:     1
Auto Gain:      1
Master Gain:        0
Red Gain:       0
Green Gain:     1
Blue Gain:      16
Gain Boost:     0
Auto Exposure:      0
Exposure (ms):      33.0081
Auto White Balance: 1
WB Red Offset:      0
WB Blue Offset:     0
Flash Delay (us):   30000
Flash Duration (us):    1000
Ext Trigger Mode:   0
Auto Frame Rate:    0
Frame Rate (Hz):    29.6665
Pixel Clock (MHz):  24
Mirror Image Upside Down:   0
Mirror Image Left Right:    0

[ERROR] [1487201988.125173399]: Could not start free-run live video mode for [right] (IS_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE)
[ERROR] [1487201988.125205025]: Shutting down driver nodelet for [right]
[FATAL] [1487201988.318650451]: Service call failed!
[ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1-4] process has died [pid 27167, exit code 255, cmd /opt/ros/hydro/lib/nodelet/nodelet load ueye_cam/ueye_cam_nodelet nodelet_manager __name:=ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1 __log:=/home/nxouser/.ros/log/088dccfc-f3d8-11e6-a72d-000bab77d7ba/ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1-4.log].
log file: /home/nxouser/.ros/log/088dccfc-f3d8-11e6-a72d-000bab77d7ba/ueye_cam_nodelet_slave1-4*.log
[nodelet_manager-2] process has died [pid 27127, exit code -11, cmd /opt/ros/hydro/lib/nodelet/nodelet manager __name:=nodelet_manager __log:=/home/nxouser/.ros/log/088dccfc-f3d8-11e6-a72d-000bab77d7ba/nodelet_manager-2.log].
log file: /home/nxouser/.ros/log/088dccfc-f3d8-11e6-a72d-000bab77d7ba/nodelet_manager-2*.log
[ueye_cam_nodelet_master-3] process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/nxouser/.ros/log/088dccfc-f3d8-11e6-a72d-000bab77d7ba/ueye_cam_nodelet_master-3*.log
shzargar commented 7 years ago

As well my question about camera specification is about to know what type of camera is used for our nextage robot and what is its specification (like is it a color camera, resolution and frequency ...).

130s commented 7 years ago

[ERROR] [1487201988.125173399]: Could not start free-run live video mode for [right] (IS_INVALID_BUFFER_SIZE)

This error is likely solved with a version of camera driver software that was released awhile ago (the issue ticket and release was done afterward).

You might want to tell us the version of camera driver software on the computer you used. As of today the latest available is 1.0.15. For instance I get the following.

dpkg -p ros-indigo-ueye-cam | grep Ver
Version: 1.0.15-0trusty-20170130-044337-0800
$ rosversion ueye_cam
130s commented 7 years ago

As well my question about camera specification is about to know what type of camera is used for our nextage robot and what is its specification (like is it a color camera, resolution and frequency ...).

For the cameras bundled on the robot when it was shipped, the best resource I was able to find online is Honestly I don't have much more info than that website provides, other than that the camera is called Ueye and made by IDS. Its software driver package is

@emijah @youtalk may be able to address your concern better.

130s commented 7 years ago

Closing due to inactivity. If there's anything to add please reopen or just add comments.