tork-a / rtmros_nextage

ROS-OpenRTM-based opensource robot controller software for dual-armed robot Nextage from Kawada Industries
27 stars 39 forks source link

Problem with launching NEXTAGE Open (The real robot, not the simulation) #348

Open Robotawi opened 7 years ago

Robotawi commented 7 years ago

I am using NEXTAGE Open robot. I have gone through all the beginner, and intermediate tutorials of rtmros_nextage I am able to control the simulated robot with Moveit IKFAST, and its commands. My Problem is that I still have a problem with running the real robot, not the simulated. I followed some closed issues like #266 and found that this I only need this command: roslaunch nextage_ros_bridge nextage_ros_bridge_real_hrpsys315.2.7-.launch However, it still doesn't work. It gives this output:

raessa@nxconsole:~$ roslaunch nextage_ros_bridge nextage_ros_bridge_real_hrpsys315.2.7-.launch
... logging to /home/raessa/.ros/log/c4be22a6-8360-11e7-a101-000bab892524/roslaunch-nxconsole-9087.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
started roslaunch server http://nxconsole:53294/
 * /HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge/publish_sensor_transforms: True
 * /collision_state/comp_name: CollisionDetector0
 * /controller_configuration: [{'group_name': '...
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/computers/contains: ['HD Temp', 'CPU ...
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/computers/path: Computers
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/computers/type: diagnostic_aggreg...
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/hrpsys/contains: ['hrpEC', 'Emerge...
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/hrpsys/path: Hrpsys
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/hrpsys/type: diagnostic_aggreg...
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/mode/contains: ['Operating Mode'...
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/mode/path: Mode
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/mode/type: diagnostic_aggreg...
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/motor/contains: ['Motor']
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/motor/path: Motor
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/motor/type: diagnostic_aggreg...
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/base_path: 
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/pub_rate: 1.0
 * /robot_description: <?xml version="1....
 * /rosdistro: indigo
 * /rosversion: 1.11.21
 * /rtmnameserver_port: 15005
 * /rtmnameserver_robotname: RobotHardware0

    CollisionDetectorComp (hrpsys/CollisionDetectorComp)
    DataLoggerServiceROSBridge (hrpsys_ros_bridge/DataLoggerServiceROSBridgeComp)
    ForwardKinematicsServiceROSBridge (hrpsys_ros_bridge/ForwardKinematicsServiceROSBridgeComp)
    HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge (hrpsys_ros_bridge/HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge)
    HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge (hrpsys_ros_bridge/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge)
    RobotHardwareServiceROSBridge (hrpsys_ros_bridge/RobotHardwareServiceROSBridgeComp)
    SequencePlayerServiceROSBridge (hrpsys_ros_bridge/SequencePlayerServiceROSBridgeComp)
    StateHolderServiceROSBridge (hrpsys_ros_bridge/StateHolderServiceROSBridgeComp)
    collision_state (hrpsys_ros_bridge/
    diagnostic_aggregator (diagnostic_aggregator/aggregator_node)
    hrpsys_profile (hrpsys_ros_bridge/
    hrpsys_py (hironx_ros_bridge/
    hrpsys_ros_diagnostics (hrpsys_ros_bridge/
    hrpsys_state_publisher (robot_state_publisher/state_publisher)
    rqt_hironxo (rqt_gui/rqt_gui)
    rtmlaunch_collision_detector (openrtm_tools/
    rtmlaunch_hrpsys_ros_bridge (openrtm_tools/
    sensor_ros_bridge_connect (hrpsys_ros_bridge/

WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtactivate
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtactivate
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtactivate
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtactivate
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtactivate
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtactivate
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtactivate
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtactivate
auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [9100]

setting /run_id to c4be22a6-8360-11e7-a101-000bab892524
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [9113]
started core service [/rosout]
process[hrpsys_py-2]: started with pid [9130]
process[HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge-3]: started with pid [9131]
process[HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge-4]: started with pid [9132]
process[hrpsys_state_publisher-5]: started with pid [9133]
process[hrpsys_ros_diagnostics-6]: started with pid [9138]
process[diagnostic_aggregator-7]: started with pid [9145]
process[hrpsys_profile-8]: started with pid [9167]
process[sensor_ros_bridge_connect-9]: started with pid [9175]
process[rtmlaunch_hrpsys_ros_bridge-10]: started with pid [9183]
process[SequencePlayerServiceROSBridge-11]: started with pid [9194]
process[DataLoggerServiceROSBridge-12]: started with pid [9213]
process[ForwardKinematicsServiceROSBridge-13]: started with pid [9242]
duplicated sensor Id is specified(id = 1, name = lhsensor)
Loading body customizer "/opt/ros/indigo/share/OpenHRP-3.1/customizer/" for springJoint
Loading body customizer "/opt/ros/indigo/share/OpenHRP-3.1/customizer/" for 
process[StateHolderServiceROSBridge-14]: started with pid [9265]
duplicated sensor Id is specified(id = 1, name = CAMERA_HEAD_R)
duplicated sensor Id is specified(id = 0, name = CAMERA_HEAD_L)
duplicated sensor Id is specified(id = 1, name = rhsensor)
duplicated sensor Id is specified(id = 1, name = lhsensor)
[ INFO] [1502983730.604103403]: [HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge] @Initilize name : HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge0 done
process[RobotHardwareServiceROSBridge-15]: started with pid [9291]
process[CollisionDetectorComp-16]: started with pid [9322]
process[rtmlaunch_collision_detector-17]: started with pid [9329]
process[collision_state-18]: started with pid [9341]
process[rqt_hironxo-19]: started with pid [9342]
[ERROR] [1502983730.786321452]: Target Node visual1/node_joint0_axis0 NOT found!!!

[]  start
configuration ORB with nextage:15005
[]  waitForRTCManagerAndRoboHardware has renamed to waitForRTCManagerAndRoboHardware: Please update your code
;; Could not open /dev/console for writing.
open: Permission denied
[CollisionDetector0] onInitialize()
Loading body customizer "/opt/ros/indigo/share/OpenHRP-3.1/customizer/" for springJoint
Loading body customizer "/opt/ros/indigo/share/OpenHRP-3.1/customizer/" for 
the rosdep view is empty: call 'sudo rosdep init' and 'rosdep update'
the rosdep view is empty: call 'sudo rosdep init' and 'rosdep update'
[rtmlaunch] starting...  /opt/ros/indigo/share/hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
[rtmlaunch] RTCTREE_NAMESERVERS nextage:15005 nextage:15005 
[rtmlaunch] SIMULATOR_NAME RobotHardware0 
[Vclip] build finished, vcliip mesh of WAIST, 100 -> 100
[Vclip] build finished, vcliip mesh of CHEST_JOINT0, 229 -> 229
[Vclip] build finished, vcliip mesh of HEAD_JOINT0, 101 -> 101
[Vclip] build finished, vcliip mesh of HEAD_JOINT1, 299 -> 299
[Vclip] build finished, vcliip mesh of RARM_JOINT0, 62 -> 62
[Vclip] build finished, vcliip mesh of RARM_JOINT1, 174 -> 174
[Vclip] build finished, vcliip mesh of RARM_JOINT2, 76 -> 76
[Vclip] build finished, vcliip mesh of RARM_JOINT3, 96 -> 96
[Vclip] build finished, vcliip mesh of RARM_JOINT4, 124 -> 124
[Vclip] build finished, vcliip mesh of RARM_JOINT5, 86 -> 86
[Vclip] build finished, vcliip mesh of LARM_JOINT0, 62 -> 62
[Vclip] build finished, vcliip mesh of LARM_JOINT1, 174 -> 174
[Vclip] build finished, vcliip mesh of LARM_JOINT2, 76 -> 76
[Vclip] build finished, vcliip mesh of LARM_JOINT3, 96 -> 96
[Vclip] build finished, vcliip mesh of LARM_JOINT4, 124 -> 124
[Vclip] build finished, vcliip mesh of LARM_JOINT5, 86 -> 86
[CollisionDetector0] check collisions between RARM_JOINT2 and LARM_JOINT2
[CollisionDetector0] check collisions between RARM_JOINT3 and LARM_JOINT3
[CollisionDetector0] check collisions between RARM_JOINT4 and LARM_JOINT4
[CollisionDetector0] check collisions between RARM_JOINT5 and LARM_JOINT5
[ INFO] [1502983731.099676206]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge] @Initilize name : HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0
duplicated sensor Id is specified(id = 1, name = lhsensor)
Loading body customizer "/opt/ros/indigo/share/OpenHRP-3.1/customizer/" for springJoint
Loading body customizer "/opt/ros/indigo/share/OpenHRP-3.1/customizer/" for 
the rosdep view is empty: call 'sudo rosdep init' and 'rosdep update'
[rtmlaunch] starting...  /opt/ros/indigo/share/hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch/collision_detector.launch
[rtmlaunch] RTCTREE_NAMESERVERS nextage:15005 nextage:15005 
[rtmlaunch] SIMULATOR_NAME RobotHardware0 
duplicated sensor Id is specified(id = 1, name = CAMERA_HEAD_R)
duplicated sensor Id is specified(id = 0, name = CAMERA_HEAD_L)
duplicated sensor Id is specified(id = 1, name = rhsensor)
duplicated sensor Id is specified(id = 1, name = lhsensor)
[rtmlaunch] check connection/activation
configuration ORB with nextage:15005
[] waiting ModelLoader
[] start hrpsys
[] finding RTCManager and RobotHardware
[]  waitForRTCManagerAndRoboHardware has renamed to waitForRTCManagerAndRoboHardware: Please update your code
[HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge-3] process has died [pid 9131, exit code -11, cmd /opt/ros/indigo/lib/hrpsys_ros_bridge/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge -o corba.nameservers:nextage:15005 -o naming.formats:%n.rtc -o exec_cxt.periodic.type:PeriodicExecutionContext -o exec_cxt.periodic.rate:2000 -o logger.file_name:/tmp/rtc%p.log -o model:/opt/jsk/etc/HIRONX/model/main.wrl -o example.HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge.config_file: __name:=HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge __log:=/home/raessa/.ros/log/c4be22a6-8360-11e7-a101-000bab892524/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge-3.log].
log file: /home/raessa/.ros/log/c4be22a6-8360-11e7-a101-000bab892524/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge-3*.log
the rosdep view is empty: call 'sudo rosdep init' and 'rosdep update'
[rtmlaunch] check connection/activation
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rsangle   0 /30
configuration ORB with nextage:15005
[WARN] [WallTime: 1502983731.601114] CollisionDetector(CollisionDetector0) is not activated, waiting...
[] wait for RTCmanager : nextage
the rosdep view is empty: call 'sudo rosdep init' and 'rosdep update'
[] wait for RobotHardware0 : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x7f659db035f0> ( timeout 0 < 10)
[] findComps -> RobotHardware0 : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x7f659db035f0> isActive? = True 
[] simulation_mode : False
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc:qCurrent
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] collision_detector.launch did not work on both OpenRTM 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.0.0 Failed to make connection: Bad parameter 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.1.0 connect_ports() takes at most 3 arguments (6 given) 
[rtmlaunch]  This is very weird situation, Please check your network
[rtmlaunch] configuration with `ifconfig` on both robot and client side. 
[rtmlaunch]  Having multiple network interface sometimes causes problem, 
[rtmlaunch] please see FAQ site
[rtmlaunch]            Issue related to this
[rtmlaunch]            ~/.ros/log may contains usefully informations
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc:qRef
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] collision_detector.launch did not work on both OpenRTM 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.0.0 Failed to make connection: Bad parameter 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.1.0 connect_ports() takes at most 3 arguments (6 given) 
[rtmlaunch]  This is very weird situation, Please check your network
[rtmlaunch] configuration with `ifconfig` on both robot and client side. 
[rtmlaunch]  Having multiple network interface sometimes causes problem, 
[rtmlaunch] please see FAQ site
[rtmlaunch]            Issue related to this
[rtmlaunch]            ~/.ros/log may contains usefully informations
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc
[CollisionDetector0] onActivated(0)
[] wait for RTCmanager : None
[] wait for RobotHardware : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x7f9f26a1e878> ( timeout 0 < 10)
[] findComps -> RobotHardware0 : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x7f9f26a1e878> isActive? = True 
[INFO] [WallTime: 1502983732.279344] Connecting to RTM nameserver. host=localhost, port=15005, robotname=RobotHardware0
configuration ORB with localhost:15005
[ERROR] Connection Failed with the Nameserver (hostname=localhost port=15005).
Make sure the hostname is correct and the Nameserver is running.
[] simulation_mode : False
[]  Hrpsys controller version info: 
[]    ms =  <hrpsys.rtm.RTCmanager instance at 0x7f9f26a1e6c8>
[]    ref =  <RTM._objref_Manager instance at 0x7f9f26a1e5f0>
[]    version  =  315.2.8
[]   bodyinfo URL = file:///opt/jsk/etc/HIRONX/model/main.wrl
[rqt_hironxo-19] process has died [pid 9342, exit code 1, cmd /opt/ros/indigo/lib/rqt_gui/rqt_gui --perspective-file /opt/ros/indigo/share/hironx_ros_bridge/resource/hironx_rqt_dashboard.perspective __name:=rqt_hironxo __log:=/home/raessa/.ros/log/c4be22a6-8360-11e7-a101-000bab892524/rqt_hironxo-19.log].
log file: /home/raessa/.ros/log/c4be22a6-8360-11e7-a101-000bab892524/rqt_hironxo-19*.log
[INFO] [WallTime: 1502983732.607737]   bodyinfo URL = file:///opt/jsk/etc/HIRONX/model/main.wrl
[] no hrpsys components found running. creating now
[]   eval : [self.seq, self.seq_svc, self.seq_version] = self.createComp("SequencePlayer","seq")
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rsangle   1 /30
RTC named "seq" already exists.
[] create Comp -> SequencePlayer : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x7f9f26a7d3f8> (315.2.8)
[] create CompSvc -> SequencePlayer Service : <OpenHRP._objref_SequencePlayerService instance at 0x7f9f25705170>
[]   eval : [, self.sh_svc, self.sh_version] = self.createComp("StateHolder","sh")
RTC named "sh" already exists.
[] create Comp -> StateHolder : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x7f9f257e3ea8> (315.2.8)
[] create CompSvc -> StateHolder Service : <OpenHRP._objref_StateHolderService instance at 0x7f9f25717c20>
[]   eval : [, self.fk_svc, self.fk_version] = self.createComp("ForwardKinematics","fk")
RTC named "fk" already exists.
[] create Comp -> ForwardKinematics : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x7f9f26a1ecf8> (315.2.8)
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[] create CompSvc -> ForwardKinematics Service : <OpenHRP._objref_ForwardKinematicsService instance at 0x7f9f25704200>
[]   eval : [self.ic, self.ic_svc, self.ic_version] = self.createComp("ImpedanceController","ic")
RTC named "ic" already exists.
[] create Comp -> ImpedanceController : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x7f9f256fde18> (315.2.8)
[] create CompSvc -> ImpedanceController Service : <OpenHRP._objref_ImpedanceControllerService instance at 0x7f9f25704d88>
[]   eval : [self.el, self.el_svc, self.el_version] = self.createComp("SoftErrorLimiter","el")
RTC named "el" already exists.
[] create Comp -> SoftErrorLimiter : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x7f9f257e3c20> (315.2.8)
[] create CompSvc -> SoftErrorLimiter Service : <OpenHRP._objref_SoftErrorLimiterService instance at 0x7f9f25730368>
[]   eval : [, self.sc_svc, self.sc_version] = self.createComp("ServoController","sc")
RTC named "sc" already exists.
[] create Comp -> ServoController : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x7f9f26a1ec20> (315.2.8)
[] create CompSvc -> ServoController Service : <OpenHRP._objref_ServoControllerService instance at 0x7f9f257116c8>
[]   eval : [self.log, self.log_svc, self.log_version] = self.createComp("DataLogger","log")
RTC named "log" already exists.
[] create Comp -> DataLogger : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x7f9f256fd8c0> (315.2.8)
[] create CompSvc -> DataLogger Service : <OpenHRP._objref_DataLoggerService instance at 0x7f9f257c0098>
[]   eval : [self.rmfo, self.rmfo_svc, self.rmfo_version] = self.createComp("RemoveForceSensorLinkOffset","rmfo")
[] Fail to createComps 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'ref'
[] connecting hrpsys components
[]      sh.qOut and ic.qRef are already connected
[]      ic.q and el.qRef are already connected
[]      el.q and RobotHardware0.qRef are already connected
[]      RobotHardware0.servoState and el.servoStateIn are already connected
[]      RobotHardware0.q and sh.currentQIn are already connected
[]      RobotHardware0.q and fk.q are already connected
[]      sh.qOut and fk.qRef are already connected
[]      seq.qRef and sh.qIn are already connected
[]      seq.tqRef and sh.tqIn are already connected
[]      seq.basePos and sh.basePosIn are already connected
[]      seq.baseRpy and sh.baseRpyIn are already connected
[]      seq.zmpRef and sh.zmpIn are already connected
[]      seq.optionalData and sh.optionalDataIn are already connected
[]      sh.basePosOut and seq.basePosInit are already connected
[]      sh.basePosOut and fk.basePosRef are already connected
[]      sh.baseRpyOut and seq.baseRpyInit are already connected
[]      sh.baseRpyOut and fk.baseRpyRef are already connected
[]      sh.qOut and seq.qInit are already connected
[]      sh.zmpOut and seq.zmpRefInit are already connected
[]    Failed to connect None to [None]([None])
[]    Failed to connect None to [None]([None])
[]    Failed to connect None to [None]([None])
[]    Failed to connect None to [None]([None])
[]    Failed to connect None to [None]([None])
[]    Failed to connect None to [None]([None])
[]      RobotHardware0.q and ic.qCurrent are already connected
[]      RobotHardware0.q and el.qCurrent are already connected
[] activating hrpsys components
[] Fail to find instance (['rmfo', 'RemoveForceSensorLinkOffset']) for getRTCInstanceList
seqis already serialized
shis already serialized
fkis already serialized
icis already serialized
elis already serialized
scis already serialized
logis already serialized
[] setup hrpsys logger
[]   setupLogger : q arleady exists in DataLogger
[]      RobotHardware0.q and log.RobotHardware0_q are already connected
[]   setupLogger : dq arleady exists in DataLogger
[]      RobotHardware0.dq and log.RobotHardware0_dq are already connected
[]   setupLogger : tau arleady exists in DataLogger
[]      RobotHardware0.tau and log.RobotHardware0_tau are already connected
[] sensor names for DataLogger
[]   setupLogger : qOut arleady exists in DataLogger
[]      sh.qOut and log.sh_qOut are already connected
[]   setupLogger : tqOut arleady exists in DataLogger
[]      sh.tqOut and log.sh_tqOut are already connected
[]   setupLogger : basePosOut arleady exists in DataLogger
[]      sh.basePosOut and log.sh_basePosOut are already connected
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rsangle   2 /30
[]   setupLogger : baseRpyOut arleady exists in DataLogger
[]      sh.baseRpyOut and log.sh_baseRpyOut are already connected
[]   setupLogger : zmpOut arleady exists in DataLogger
[]      sh.zmpOut and log.sh_zmpOut are already connected
[]   setupLogger : q arleady exists in DataLogger
[]      ic.q and log.ic_q are already connected
[]   setupLogger : q arleady exists in DataLogger
[]      el.q and log.el_q are already connected
[]   setupLogger : emergencySignal arleady exists in DataLogger
[]      RobotHardware0.emergencySignal and log.emergencySignal are already connected
[]   setupLogger : servoState arleady exists in DataLogger
[]      RobotHardware0.servoState and log.RobotHardware0_servoState are already connected
[] setup joint groups for hrpsys controller
[] initialized successfully
[ WARN] [1502983734.455113865]: COLLADA warning: The DOM was unable to create an element named copyright at line 10. Probably a schema violation.

[ERROR] [1502983734.522832388]: Target Node visual1/node_joint0_axis0 NOT found!!!

[ WARN] [1502983734.525855119]: could not find binding for axis: kmodel1/jointsid1000/axis0, axis0

[ WARN] [1502983734.528231230]: could not find binding for axis: kmodel1/jointsid1000/axis0, axis0

[ WARN] [1502983734.596073955]: could not find openrave joint WAIST!

[ERROR] [1502983734.600483513]: Robot semantic description not found. Did you forget to define or remap '/robot_description_semantic'?
[ INFO] [1502983734.600691410]: Loading robot model 'HiroNX'...
[ INFO] [1502983734.600725838]: No root/virtual joint specified in SRDF. Assuming fixed joint
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rsangle   3 /30
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rsangle   4 /30
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rsangle   5 /30
[INFO] [WallTime: 1502983737.628102] check 0 collision status, 0.000000 Hz
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rsangle   6 /30
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rsangle   7 /30
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rsangle   8 /30
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rsangle   9 /30
[rtmlaunch] check connection/activation
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc:qCurrent
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] collision_detector.launch did not work on both OpenRTM 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.0.0 Failed to make connection: Bad parameter 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.1.0 connect_ports() takes at most 3 arguments (6 given) 
[rtmlaunch]  This is very weird situation, Please check your network
[rtmlaunch] configuration with `ifconfig` on both robot and client side. 
[rtmlaunch]  Having multiple network interface sometimes causes problem, 
[rtmlaunch] please see FAQ site
[rtmlaunch]            Issue related to this
[rtmlaunch]            ~/.ros/log may contains usefully informations
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc:qRef
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] collision_detector.launch did not work on both OpenRTM 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.0.0 Failed to make connection: Bad parameter 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.1.0 connect_ports() takes at most 3 arguments (6 given) 
[rtmlaunch]  This is very weird situation, Please check your network
[rtmlaunch] configuration with `ifconfig` on both robot and client side. 
[rtmlaunch]  Having multiple network interface sometimes causes problem, 
[rtmlaunch] please see FAQ site
[rtmlaunch]            Issue related to this
[rtmlaunch]            ~/.ros/log may contains usefully informations
[INFO] [WallTime: 1502983742.648457] check 0 collision status, 0.000000 Hz
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rsangle   10 /30
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rsangle   11 /30
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rsangle   12 /30
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rsangle   13 /30
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[INFO] [WallTime: 1502983747.668517] check 0 collision status, 0.000000 Hz
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rsangle   14 /30
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rsangle   15 /30
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rsangle   16 /30
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rsangle   17 /30
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rsangle   18 /30
[INFO] [WallTime: 1502983752.688100] check 0 collision status, 0.000000 Hz
[rtmlaunch] check connection/activation
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc:qCurrent
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] collision_detector.launch did not work on both OpenRTM 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.0.0 Failed to make connection: Bad parameter 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.1.0 connect_ports() takes at most 3 arguments (6 given) 
[rtmlaunch]  This is very weird situation, Please check your network
[rtmlaunch] configuration with `ifconfig` on both robot and client side. 
[rtmlaunch]  Having multiple network interface sometimes causes problem, 
[rtmlaunch] please see FAQ site
[rtmlaunch]            Issue related to this
[rtmlaunch]            ~/.ros/log may contains usefully informations
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc:qRef
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] collision_detector.launch did not work on both OpenRTM 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.0.0 Failed to make connection: Bad parameter 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.1.0 connect_ports() takes at most 3 arguments (6 given) 
[rtmlaunch]  This is very weird situation, Please check your network
[rtmlaunch] configuration with `ifconfig` on both robot and client side. 
[rtmlaunch]  Having multiple network interface sometimes causes problem, 
[rtmlaunch] please see FAQ site
[rtmlaunch]            Issue related to this
[rtmlaunch]            ~/.ros/log may contains usefully informations
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rsangle   19 /30
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rsangle   20 /30
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rsangle   21 /30
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rsangle   22 /30
[INFO] [WallTime: 1502983757.688157] check 0 collision status, 0.000000 Hz
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rsangle   23 /30
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rsangle   24 /30
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rsangle   25 /30
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rsangle   26 /30
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[INFO] [WallTime: 1502983762.688630] check 0 collision status, 0.000000 Hz
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rsangle   27 /30
[rtmlaunch] check connection/activation
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc:qCurrent
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] collision_detector.launch did not work on both OpenRTM 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.0.0 Failed to make connection: Bad parameter 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.1.0 connect_ports() takes at most 3 arguments (6 given) 
[rtmlaunch]  This is very weird situation, Please check your network
[rtmlaunch] configuration with `ifconfig` on both robot and client side. 
[rtmlaunch]  Having multiple network interface sometimes causes problem, 
[rtmlaunch] please see FAQ site
[rtmlaunch]            Issue related to this
[rtmlaunch]            ~/.ros/log may contains usefully informations
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc:qRef
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] collision_detector.launch did not work on both OpenRTM 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.0.0 Failed to make connection: Bad parameter 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.1.0 connect_ports() takes at most 3 arguments (6 given) 
[rtmlaunch]  This is very weird situation, Please check your network
[rtmlaunch] configuration with `ifconfig` on both robot and client side. 
[rtmlaunch]  Having multiple network interface sometimes causes problem, 
[rtmlaunch] please see FAQ site
[rtmlaunch]            Issue related to this
[rtmlaunch]            ~/.ros/log may contains usefully informations
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rsangle   28 /30
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rsangle   29 /30
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] [ERROR] Could not Connect ( /nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q , /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rsangle ):  No such object: /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rsangle 
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc   0 /30
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[INFO] [WallTime: 1502983767.708276] check 0 collision status, 0.000000 Hz
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc   1 /30
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc   2 /30
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc   3 /30
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc   4 /30
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc   5 /30
[INFO] [WallTime: 1502983772.728113] check 0 collision status, 0.000000 Hz
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc   6 /30
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] check connection/activation
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc:qCurrent
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] collision_detector.launch did not work on both OpenRTM 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.0.0 Failed to make connection: Bad parameter 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.1.0 connect_ports() takes at most 3 arguments (6 given) 
[rtmlaunch]  This is very weird situation, Please check your network
[rtmlaunch] configuration with `ifconfig` on both robot and client side. 
[rtmlaunch]  Having multiple network interface sometimes causes problem, 
[rtmlaunch] please see FAQ site
[rtmlaunch]            Issue related to this
[rtmlaunch]            ~/.ros/log may contains usefully informations
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc:qRef
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] collision_detector.launch did not work on both OpenRTM 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.0.0 Failed to make connection: Bad parameter 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.1.0 connect_ports() takes at most 3 arguments (6 given) 
[rtmlaunch]  This is very weird situation, Please check your network
[rtmlaunch] configuration with `ifconfig` on both robot and client side. 
[rtmlaunch]  Having multiple network interface sometimes causes problem, 
[rtmlaunch] please see FAQ site
[rtmlaunch]            Issue related to this
[rtmlaunch]            ~/.ros/log may contains usefully informations
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc   7 /30
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc   8 /30
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc   9 /30
[INFO] [WallTime: 1502983777.748006] check 0 collision status, 0.000000 Hz
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc   10 /30
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc   11 /30
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc   12 /30
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc   13 /30
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[INFO] [WallTime: 1502983782.748633] check 0 collision status, 0.000000 Hz
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc   14 /30
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc   15 /30
[rtmlaunch] check connection/activation
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc:qCurrent
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] collision_detector.launch did not work on both OpenRTM 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.0.0 Failed to make connection: Bad parameter 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.1.0 connect_ports() takes at most 3 arguments (6 given) 
[rtmlaunch]  This is very weird situation, Please check your network
[rtmlaunch] configuration with `ifconfig` on both robot and client side. 
[rtmlaunch]  Having multiple network interface sometimes causes problem, 
[rtmlaunch] please see FAQ site
[rtmlaunch]            Issue related to this
[rtmlaunch]            ~/.ros/log may contains usefully informations
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc:qRef
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] collision_detector.launch did not work on both OpenRTM 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.0.0 Failed to make connection: Bad parameter 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.1.0 connect_ports() takes at most 3 arguments (6 given) 
[rtmlaunch]  This is very weird situation, Please check your network
[rtmlaunch] configuration with `ifconfig` on both robot and client side. 
[rtmlaunch]  Having multiple network interface sometimes causes problem, 
[rtmlaunch] please see FAQ site
[rtmlaunch]            Issue related to this
[rtmlaunch]            ~/.ros/log may contains usefully informations
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc   16 /30
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc   17 /30
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc   18 /30
[INFO] [WallTime: 1502983787.768166] check 0 collision status, 0.000000 Hz
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc   19 /30
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc   20 /30
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc   21 /30
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc   22 /30
[INFO] [WallTime: 1502983792.768610] check 0 collision status, 0.000000 Hz
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc   23 /30
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc   24 /30
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] check connection/activation
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc   25 /30
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc:qCurrent
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] collision_detector.launch did not work on both OpenRTM 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.0.0 Failed to make connection: Bad parameter 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.1.0 connect_ports() takes at most 3 arguments (6 given) 
[rtmlaunch]  This is very weird situation, Please check your network
[rtmlaunch] configuration with `ifconfig` on both robot and client side. 
[rtmlaunch]  Having multiple network interface sometimes causes problem, 
[rtmlaunch] please see FAQ site
[rtmlaunch]            Issue related to this
[rtmlaunch]            ~/.ros/log may contains usefully informations
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc:qRef
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] collision_detector.launch did not work on both OpenRTM 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.0.0 Failed to make connection: Bad parameter 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.1.0 connect_ports() takes at most 3 arguments (6 given) 
[rtmlaunch]  This is very weird situation, Please check your network
[rtmlaunch] configuration with `ifconfig` on both robot and client side. 
[rtmlaunch]  Having multiple network interface sometimes causes problem, 
[rtmlaunch] please see FAQ site
[rtmlaunch]            Issue related to this
[rtmlaunch]            ~/.ros/log may contains usefully informations
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc   26 /30
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[INFO] [WallTime: 1502983797.787993] check 0 collision status, 0.000000 Hz
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc   27 /30
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc   28 /30
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc   29 /30
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Could not Activate ( nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc ) :  No such object: /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc 
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[INFO] [WallTime: 1502983802.807967] check 0 collision status, 0.000000 Hz
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] check connection/activation
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc:qCurrent
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] collision_detector.launch did not work on both OpenRTM 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.0.0 Failed to make connection: Bad parameter 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.1.0 connect_ports() takes at most 3 arguments (6 given) 
[rtmlaunch]  This is very weird situation, Please check your network
[rtmlaunch] configuration with `ifconfig` on both robot and client side. 
[rtmlaunch]  Having multiple network interface sometimes causes problem, 
[rtmlaunch] please see FAQ site
[rtmlaunch]            Issue related to this
[rtmlaunch]            ~/.ros/log may contains usefully informations
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc:qRef
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] collision_detector.launch did not work on both OpenRTM 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.0.0 Failed to make connection: Bad parameter 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.1.0 connect_ports() takes at most 3 arguments (6 given) 
[rtmlaunch]  This is very weird situation, Please check your network
[rtmlaunch] configuration with `ifconfig` on both robot and client side. 
[rtmlaunch]  Having multiple network interface sometimes causes problem, 
[rtmlaunch] please see FAQ site
[rtmlaunch]            Issue related to this
[rtmlaunch]            ~/.ros/log may contains usefully informations
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[INFO] [WallTime: 1502983807.808556] check 0 collision status, 0.000000 Hz
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[]   wait for  HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0  :  None
[rtmlaunch] check connection/activation

I would like to add that I am able to control the robot with RTM

k-okada commented 7 years ago
[] simulation_mode : False
[]  Hrpsys controller version info: 
[]    ms =  <hrpsys.rtm.RTCmanager instance at 0x7f9f26a1e6c8>
[]    ref =  <RTM._objref_Manager instance at 0x7f9f26a1e5f0>
[]    version  =  315.2.8
[]   bodyinfo URL = file:///opt

tells your robot has version 315.2.8, so try nextage_ros_bridge_real.launch ?

Robotawi commented 7 years ago

Thank you for your reply. With nextage_ros_bridge_real.launch I get this:

raessa@nxconsole:~$ roslaunch nextage_ros_bridge nextage_ros_bridge_real.launch
... logging to /home/raessa/.ros/log/712a9e36-842c-11e7-a371-000bab892524/roslaunch-nxconsole-4695.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take awhile.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.

started roslaunch server http://nxconsole:54624/


 * /HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge/publish_sensor_transforms: True
 * /collision_state/comp_name: CollisionDetector0
 * /controller_configuration: [{'group_name': '...
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/computers/contains: ['HD Temp', 'CPU ...
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/computers/path: Computers
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/computers/type: diagnostic_aggreg...
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/hrpsys/contains: ['hrpEC', 'Emerge...
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/hrpsys/path: Hrpsys
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/hrpsys/type: diagnostic_aggreg...
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/mode/contains: ['Operating Mode'...
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/mode/path: Mode
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/mode/type: diagnostic_aggreg...
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/motor/contains: ['Motor']
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/motor/path: Motor
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/analyzers/motor/type: diagnostic_aggreg...
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/base_path: 
 * /diagnostic_aggregator/pub_rate: 1.0
 * /robot_description: <?xml version="1....
 * /rosdistro: indigo
 * /rosversion: 1.11.21
 * /rtmnameserver_port: 15005
 * /rtmnameserver_robotname: RobotHardware0

    CollisionDetectorComp (hrpsys/CollisionDetectorComp)
    DataLoggerServiceROSBridge (hrpsys_ros_bridge/DataLoggerServiceROSBridgeComp)
    ForwardKinematicsServiceROSBridge (hrpsys_ros_bridge/ForwardKinematicsServiceROSBridgeComp)
    HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge (hrpsys_ros_bridge/HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge)
    HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge (hrpsys_ros_bridge/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge)
    RobotHardwareServiceROSBridge (hrpsys_ros_bridge/RobotHardwareServiceROSBridgeComp)
    SequencePlayerServiceROSBridge (hrpsys_ros_bridge/SequencePlayerServiceROSBridgeComp)
    StateHolderServiceROSBridge (hrpsys_ros_bridge/StateHolderServiceROSBridgeComp)
    collision_state (hrpsys_ros_bridge/
    diagnostic_aggregator (diagnostic_aggregator/aggregator_node)
    hrpsys_profile (hrpsys_ros_bridge/
    hrpsys_py (hironx_ros_bridge/
    hrpsys_ros_diagnostics (hrpsys_ros_bridge/
    hrpsys_state_publisher (robot_state_publisher/state_publisher)
    rqt_hironxo (rqt_gui/rqt_gui)
    rtmlaunch_collision_detector (openrtm_tools/
    rtmlaunch_hrpsys_ros_bridge (openrtm_tools/
    sensor_ros_bridge_connect (hrpsys_ros_bridge/

WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtactivate
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtactivate
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtactivate
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtactivate
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtactivate
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtactivate
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtactivate
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtconnect
WARNING: unrecognized tag rtactivate
auto-starting new master
process[master]: started with pid [4707]

setting /run_id to 712a9e36-842c-11e7-a371-000bab892524
process[rosout-1]: started with pid [4720]
started core service [/rosout]
process[hrpsys_py-2]: started with pid [4737]
process[HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge-3]: started with pid [4738]
process[HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge-4]: started with pid [4739]
process[hrpsys_state_publisher-5]: started with pid [4740]
process[hrpsys_ros_diagnostics-6]: started with pid [4753]
process[diagnostic_aggregator-7]: started with pid [4763]
process[hrpsys_profile-8]: started with pid [4789]
process[sensor_ros_bridge_connect-9]: started with pid [4798]
process[rtmlaunch_hrpsys_ros_bridge-10]: started with pid [4802]
process[SequencePlayerServiceROSBridge-11]: started with pid [4829]
process[DataLoggerServiceROSBridge-12]: started with pid [4840]
Loading body customizer "/opt/ros/indigo/share/OpenHRP-3.1/customizer/" for springJoint
Loading body customizer "/opt/ros/indigo/share/OpenHRP-3.1/customizer/" for 
process[ForwardKinematicsServiceROSBridge-13]: started with pid [4855]
process[StateHolderServiceROSBridge-14]: started with pid [4865]
process[RobotHardwareServiceROSBridge-15]: started with pid [4895]
duplicated sensor Id is specified(id = 0, name = CAMERA_HEAD_R)
duplicated sensor Id is specified(id = 1, name = CAMERA_HEAD_L)
[ INFO] [1503071207.785827430]: [HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge] @Initilize name : HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge0 done
process[CollisionDetectorComp-16]: started with pid [4918]
process[rtmlaunch_collision_detector-17]: started with pid [4924]
process[collision_state-18]: started with pid [4945]
process[rqt_hironxo-19]: started with pid [4956]
;; Could not open /dev/console for writing.
open: Permission denied
[CollisionDetector0] onInitialize()
[]  start
configuration ORB with nextage:15005
[]  waitForRTCManagerAndRoboHardware has renamed to waitForRTCManagerAndRoboHardware: Please update your code
[ERROR] [1503071207.989630671]: Target Node visual1/node_joint0_axis0 NOT found!!!

Loading body customizer "/opt/ros/indigo/share/OpenHRP-3.1/customizer/" for springJoint
Loading body customizer "/opt/ros/indigo/share/OpenHRP-3.1/customizer/" for 
[Vclip] build finished, vcliip mesh of WAIST, 100 -> 100
[Vclip] build finished, vcliip mesh of CHEST_JOINT0, 229 -> 229
[Vclip] build finished, vcliip mesh of HEAD_JOINT0, 101 -> 101
[Vclip] build finished, vcliip mesh of HEAD_JOINT1, 299 -> 299
[Vclip] build finished, vcliip mesh of RARM_JOINT0, 62 -> 62
[Vclip] build finished, vcliip mesh of RARM_JOINT1, 174 -> 174
[Vclip] build finished, vcliip mesh of RARM_JOINT2, 76 -> 76
[Vclip] build finished, vcliip mesh of RARM_JOINT3, 96 -> 96
[Vclip] build finished, vcliip mesh of RARM_JOINT4, 124 -> 124
[Vclip] build finished, vcliip mesh of RARM_JOINT5, 86 -> 86
[Vclip] build finished, vcliip mesh of LARM_JOINT0, 62 -> 62
[Vclip] build finished, vcliip mesh of LARM_JOINT1, 174 -> 174
[Vclip] build finished, vcliip mesh of LARM_JOINT2, 76 -> 76
[Vclip] build finished, vcliip mesh of LARM_JOINT3, 96 -> 96
[Vclip] build finished, vcliip mesh of LARM_JOINT4, 124 -> 124
[Vclip] build finished, vcliip mesh of LARM_JOINT5, 86 -> 86
[CollisionDetector0] check collisions between RARM_JOINT2 and LARM_JOINT2
[CollisionDetector0] check collisions between RARM_JOINT3 and LARM_JOINT3
[CollisionDetector0] check collisions between RARM_JOINT4 and LARM_JOINT4
[CollisionDetector0] check collisions between RARM_JOINT5 and LARM_JOINT5
the rosdep view is empty: call 'sudo rosdep init' and 'rosdep update'
the rosdep view is empty: call 'sudo rosdep init' and 'rosdep update'
[rtmlaunch] starting...  /opt/ros/indigo/share/hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch/hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch
[ INFO] [1503071208.202695392]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge] @Initilize name : HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0
[rtmlaunch] RTCTREE_NAMESERVERS nextage:15005 nextage:15005 
[rtmlaunch] SIMULATOR_NAME RobotHardware0 
Loading body customizer "/opt/ros/indigo/share/OpenHRP-3.1/customizer/" for springJoint
Loading body customizer "/opt/ros/indigo/share/OpenHRP-3.1/customizer/" for 
the rosdep view is empty: call 'sudo rosdep init' and 'rosdep update'
duplicated sensor Id is specified(id = 0, name = CAMERA_HEAD_R)
duplicated sensor Id is specified(id = 1, name = CAMERA_HEAD_L)
[ INFO] [1503071208.316638923]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge] Loaded HiroNX
[rtmlaunch] starting...  /opt/ros/indigo/share/hrpsys_ros_bridge/launch/collision_detector.launch
[rtmlaunch] RTCTREE_NAMESERVERS nextage:15005 nextage:15005 
[rtmlaunch] SIMULATOR_NAME RobotHardware0 
[ INFO] [1503071208.319596605]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge] @Initilize name : HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0 done
[rtmlaunch] check connection/activation
configuration ORB with nextage:15005
[] waiting ModelLoader
[] start hrpsys
[] finding RTCManager and RobotHardware
[]  waitForRTCManagerAndRoboHardware has renamed to waitForRTCManagerAndRoboHardware: Please update your code
the rosdep view is empty: call 'sudo rosdep init' and 'rosdep update'
[rtmlaunch] check connection/activation
[rtmlaunch] Wait for  /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rsangle   0 /30
configuration ORB with nextage:15005
[WARN] [WallTime: 1503071208.679807] CollisionDetector(CollisionDetector0) is not activated, waiting...
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc:qCurrent
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[] wait for RTCmanager : nextage
[rtmlaunch] collision_detector.launch did not work on both OpenRTM 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.0.0 Failed to make connection: Bad parameter 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.1.0 connect_ports() takes at most 3 arguments (6 given) 
[rtmlaunch]  This is very weird situation, Please check your network
[rtmlaunch] configuration with `ifconfig` on both robot and client side. 
[rtmlaunch]  Having multiple network interface sometimes causes problem, 
[rtmlaunch] please see FAQ site
[rtmlaunch]            Issue related to this
[rtmlaunch]            ~/.ros/log may contains usefully informations
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc:qRef
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] collision_detector.launch did not work on both OpenRTM 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.0.0 Failed to make connection: Bad parameter 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.1.0 connect_ports() takes at most 3 arguments (6 given) 
[rtmlaunch]  This is very weird situation, Please check your network
[rtmlaunch] configuration with `ifconfig` on both robot and client side. 
[rtmlaunch]  Having multiple network interface sometimes causes problem, 
[rtmlaunch] please see FAQ site
[rtmlaunch]            Issue related to this
[rtmlaunch]            ~/.ros/log may contains usefully informations
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc
[CollisionDetector0] onActivated(0)
[] wait for RobotHardware0 : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x7fcf935575f0> ( timeout 0 < 10)
[] findComps -> RobotHardware0 : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x7fcf935575f0> isActive? = True 
[] simulation_mode : False
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rsangle
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch did not work on both OpenRTM 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.0.0 Failed to make connection: Bad parameter 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.1.0 connect_ports() takes at most 3 arguments (6 given) 
[rtmlaunch]  This is very weird situation, Please check your network
[rtmlaunch] configuration with `ifconfig` on both robot and client side. 
[rtmlaunch]  Having multiple network interface sometimes causes problem, 
[rtmlaunch] please see FAQ site
[rtmlaunch]            Issue related to this
[rtmlaunch]            ~/.ros/log may contains usefully informations
[]   bodyinfo URL = file:///opt/jsk/etc/NEXTAGE/model/main.wrl
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:tau
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rstorque
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch did not work on both OpenRTM 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.0.0 Failed to make connection: Bad parameter 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.1.0 connect_ports() takes at most 3 arguments (6 given) 
[rtmlaunch]  This is very weird situation, Please check your network
[rtmlaunch] configuration with `ifconfig` on both robot and client side. 
[rtmlaunch]  Having multiple network interface sometimes causes problem, 
[rtmlaunch] please see FAQ site
[rtmlaunch]            Issue related to this
[rtmlaunch]            ~/.ros/log may contains usefully informations
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/StateHolderServiceROSBridge.rtc:StateHolderService
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/sh.rtc:StateHolderService
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/sh.rtc:baseTformOut
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:baseTform
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch did not work on both OpenRTM 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.0.0 Failed to make connection: Bad parameter 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.1.0 connect_ports() takes at most 3 arguments (6 given) 
[rtmlaunch]  This is very weird situation, Please check your network
[rtmlaunch] configuration with `ifconfig` on both robot and client side. 
[rtmlaunch]  Having multiple network interface sometimes causes problem, 
[rtmlaunch] please see FAQ site
[rtmlaunch]            Issue related to this
[rtmlaunch]            ~/.ros/log may contains usefully informations
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/sh.rtc:qOut
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:mcangle
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch did not work on both OpenRTM 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.0.0 Failed to make connection: Bad parameter 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.1.0 connect_ports() takes at most 3 arguments (6 given) 
[rtmlaunch]  This is very weird situation, Please check your network
[rtmlaunch] configuration with `ifconfig` on both robot and client side. 
[rtmlaunch]  Having multiple network interface sometimes causes problem, 
[rtmlaunch] please see FAQ site
[rtmlaunch]            Issue related to this
[rtmlaunch]            ~/.ros/log may contains usefully informations
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:SequencePlayerService
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/seq.rtc:SequencePlayerService
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge0.rtc:SequencePlayerService
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/seq.rtc:SequencePlayerService
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/DataLoggerServiceROSBridge.rtc:DataLoggerService
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/log.rtc:DataLoggerService
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/SequencePlayerServiceROSBridge.rtc:SequencePlayerService
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/seq.rtc:SequencePlayerService
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[sensor_ros_bridge_connect-9] process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/raessa/.ros/log/712a9e36-842c-11e7-a371-000bab892524/sensor_ros_bridge_connect-9*.log
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/ForwardKinematicsServiceROSBridge.rtc:ForwardKinematicsService
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/fk.rtc:ForwardKinematicsService
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/RobotHardwareServiceROSBridge.rtc:RobotHardwareService
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:RobotHardwareService
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:servoState
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:servoState
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch did not work on both OpenRTM 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.0.0 Failed to make connection: Bad parameter 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.1.0 connect_ports() takes at most 3 arguments (6 given) 
[rtmlaunch]  This is very weird situation, Please check your network
[rtmlaunch] configuration with `ifconfig` on both robot and client side. 
[rtmlaunch]  Having multiple network interface sometimes causes problem, 
[rtmlaunch] please see FAQ site
[rtmlaunch]            Issue related to this
[rtmlaunch]            ~/.ros/log may contains usefully informations
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/HrpsysJointTrajectoryBridge0.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/DataLoggerServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/SequencePlayerServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/ForwardKinematicsServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/StateHolderServiceROSBridge.rtc
[rtmlaunch] Activate <- Inactive /nextage:15005/RobotHardwareServiceROSBridge.rtc
[ INFO] [1503071209.169721372]: ADD_GROUP: larm (/larm_controller)
[ INFO] [1503071209.234559739]: ADD_GROUP: rarm (/rarm_controller)
[ INFO] [1503071209.265914748]: ADD_GROUP: head (/head_controller)
[ INFO] [1503071209.265942035]:     JOINT: HEAD_JOINT0 HEAD_JOINT1
[ INFO] [1503071209.289705233]: ADD_GROUP: torso (/torso_controller)
[ INFO] [1503071209.289729313]:     JOINT: CHEST_JOINT0
[ INFO] [1503071209.314330651]: ADD_GROUP: larm_torso (/larm_torso_controller)
[ INFO] [1503071209.339195354]: ADD_GROUP: rarm_torso (/rarm_torso_controller)
[] wait for RTCmanager : None
[] wait for RobotHardware : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x7fee8f820950> ( timeout 0 < 10)
[] findComps -> RobotHardware0 : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x7fee8f820950> isActive? = True 
[] simulation_mode : False
[]  Hrpsys controller version info: 
[]    ms =  <hrpsys.rtm.RTCmanager instance at 0x7fee8f8207a0>
[]    ref =  <RTM._objref_Manager instance at 0x7fee8f8206c8>
[]    version  =  315.2.8
the rosdep view is empty: call 'sudo rosdep init' and 'rosdep update'
[]   bodyinfo URL = file:///opt/jsk/etc/NEXTAGE/model/main.wrl
[INFO] [WallTime: 1503071209.685043]   bodyinfo URL = file:///opt/jsk/etc/NEXTAGE/model/main.wrl
[] no hrpsys components found running. creating now
[]   eval : [self.seq, self.seq_svc, self.seq_version] = self.createComp("SequencePlayer","seq")
RTC named "seq" already exists.
[] create Comp -> SequencePlayer : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x7fee8f8804d0> (315.2.8)
[] create CompSvc -> SequencePlayer Service : <OpenHRP._objref_SequencePlayerService instance at 0x7fee8e58b440>
[]   eval : [, self.sh_svc, self.sh_version] = self.createComp("StateHolder","sh")
RTC named "sh" already exists.
[] create Comp -> StateHolder : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x7fee8e59aea8> (315.2.8)
[] create CompSvc -> StateHolder Service : <OpenHRP._objref_StateHolderService instance at 0x7fee8e583a28>
[]   eval : [, self.fk_svc, self.fk_version] = self.createComp("ForwardKinematics","fk")
RTC named "fk" already exists.
[] create Comp -> ForwardKinematics : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x7fee8f820cb0> (315.2.8)
[] create CompSvc -> ForwardKinematics Service : <OpenHRP._objref_ForwardKinematicsService instance at 0x7fee8e591320>
[]   eval : [self.ic, self.ic_svc, self.ic_version] = self.createComp("ImpedanceController","ic")
RTC named "ic" already exists.
[] create Comp -> ImpedanceController : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x7fee8e59a758> (315.2.8)
[] create CompSvc -> ImpedanceController Service : <OpenHRP._objref_ImpedanceControllerService instance at 0x7fee8e590908>
[]   eval : [self.el, self.el_svc, self.el_version] = self.createComp("SoftErrorLimiter","el")
RTC named "el" already exists.
[] create Comp -> SoftErrorLimiter : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x7fee8e5a2cb0> (315.2.8)
[] create CompSvc -> SoftErrorLimiter Service : <OpenHRP._objref_SoftErrorLimiterService instance at 0x7fee8e590560>
[]   eval : [, self.sc_svc, self.sc_version] = self.createComp("ServoController","sc")
RTC named "sc" already exists.
[] create Comp -> ServoController : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x7fee8e5966c8> (315.2.8)
[] create CompSvc -> ServoController Service : <OpenHRP._objref_ServoControllerService instance at 0x7fee8e5a2e18>
[]   eval : [self.log, self.log_svc, self.log_version] = self.createComp("DataLogger","log")
RTC named "log" already exists.
[] create Comp -> DataLogger : <hrpsys.rtm.RTcomponent instance at 0x7fee8e59a8c0> (315.2.8)
[] create CompSvc -> DataLogger Service : <OpenHRP._objref_DataLoggerService instance at 0x7fee8e57b710>
[]   eval : [self.rmfo, self.rmfo_svc, self.rmfo_version] = self.createComp("RemoveForceSensorLinkOffset","rmfo")
[] Fail to createComps 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'ref'
[] connecting hrpsys components
[]      sh.qOut and ic.qRef are already connected
[]      ic.q and el.qRef are already connected
[]      el.q and RobotHardware0.qRef are already connected
[]      RobotHardware0.servoState and el.servoStateIn are already connected
[]      RobotHardware0.q and sh.currentQIn are already connected
[]      RobotHardware0.q and fk.q are already connected
[]      sh.qOut and fk.qRef are already connected
[]      seq.qRef and sh.qIn are already connected
[]      seq.tqRef and sh.tqIn are already connected
[INFO] [WallTime: 1503071210.110204] Connecting to RTM nameserver. host=localhost, port=15005, robotname=RobotHardware0
configuration ORB with localhost:15005
[]      seq.basePos and sh.basePosIn are already connected
[ERROR] Connection Failed with the Nameserver (hostname=localhost port=15005).
Make sure the hostname is correct and the Nameserver is running.
[]      seq.baseRpy and sh.baseRpyIn are already connected
[]      seq.zmpRef and sh.zmpIn are already connected
[]      seq.optionalData and sh.optionalDataIn are already connected
[]      sh.basePosOut and seq.basePosInit are already connected
[]      sh.basePosOut and fk.basePosRef are already connected
[]      sh.baseRpyOut and seq.baseRpyInit are already connected
[]      sh.baseRpyOut and fk.baseRpyRef are already connected
[]      sh.qOut and seq.qInit are already connected
[]      sh.zmpOut and seq.zmpRefInit are already connected
[]      RobotHardware0.q and ic.qCurrent are already connected
[]      RobotHardware0.q and el.qCurrent are already connected
[] activating hrpsys components
[] Fail to find instance (['rmfo', 'RemoveForceSensorLinkOffset']) for getRTCInstanceList
seqis already serialized
shis already serialized
fkis already serialized
icis already serialized
elis already serialized
scis already serialized
logis already serialized
[] setup hrpsys logger
[]   setupLogger : q arleady exists in DataLogger
[]      RobotHardware0.q and log.RobotHardware0_q are already connected
[]   setupLogger : dq arleady exists in DataLogger
[]      RobotHardware0.dq and log.RobotHardware0_dq are already connected
[rqt_hironxo-19] process has died [pid 4956, exit code 1, cmd /opt/ros/indigo/lib/rqt_gui/rqt_gui --perspective-file /opt/ros/indigo/share/hironx_ros_bridge/resource/hironx_rqt_dashboard.perspective __name:=rqt_hironxo __log:=/home/raessa/.ros/log/712a9e36-842c-11e7-a371-000bab892524/rqt_hironxo-19.log].
log file: /home/raessa/.ros/log/712a9e36-842c-11e7-a371-000bab892524/rqt_hironxo-19*.log
[]   setupLogger : tau arleady exists in DataLogger
[]      RobotHardware0.tau and log.RobotHardware0_tau are already connected
[] sensor names for DataLogger
[]   setupLogger : qOut arleady exists in DataLogger
[]      sh.qOut and log.sh_qOut are already connected
[]   setupLogger : tqOut arleady exists in DataLogger
[]      sh.tqOut and log.sh_tqOut are already connected
[]   setupLogger : basePosOut arleady exists in DataLogger
[]      sh.basePosOut and log.sh_basePosOut are already connected
[]   setupLogger : baseRpyOut arleady exists in DataLogger
[]      sh.baseRpyOut and log.sh_baseRpyOut are already connected
[]   setupLogger : zmpOut arleady exists in DataLogger
[]      sh.zmpOut and log.sh_zmpOut are already connected
[]   setupLogger : q arleady exists in DataLogger
[]      ic.q and log.ic_q are already connected
[]   setupLogger : q arleady exists in DataLogger
[]      el.q and log.el_q are already connected
[]   setupLogger : emergencySignal arleady exists in DataLogger
[]      RobotHardware0.emergencySignal and log.emergencySignal are already connected
[]   setupLogger : servoState arleady exists in DataLogger
[]      RobotHardware0.servoState and log.RobotHardware0_servoState are already connected
[] setup joint groups for hrpsys controller
[] initialized successfully
[ WARN] [1503071211.015369305]: COLLADA warning: The DOM was unable to create an element named copyright at line 10. Probably a schema violation.

[ERROR] [1503071211.083500422]: Target Node visual1/node_joint0_axis0 NOT found!!!

[ WARN] [1503071211.086618446]: could not find binding for axis: kmodel1/jointsid1000/axis0, axis0

[ WARN] [1503071211.089102249]: could not find binding for axis: kmodel1/jointsid1000/axis0, axis0

[ WARN] [1503071211.162003315]: could not find openrave joint WAIST!

[ERROR] [1503071211.166474022]: Robot semantic description not found. Did you forget to define or remap '/robot_description_semantic'?
[ INFO] [1503071211.166649101]: Loading robot model 'HiroNX'...
[ INFO] [1503071211.166673776]: No root/virtual joint specified in SRDF. Assuming fixed joint
[INFO] [WallTime: 1503071211.702233] Joint names; Torso: ['CHEST_JOINT0']
    Head: ['HEAD_JOINT0', 'HEAD_JOINT1']
[WARN] [WallTime: 1503071211.703295] Moveit is not started yet, if you want to use MoveIt!
Make sure you've launched MoveGroup (e.g. by launching moveit_planning_execution.launch)
[hrpsys_py-2] process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/raessa/.ros/log/712a9e36-842c-11e7-a371-000bab892524/hrpsys_py-2*.log
[ WARN] [1503071213.317291826]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is not executed last 5[sec]
[INFO] [WallTime: 1503071214.701473] check 0 collision status, 0.000000 Hz
[ WARN] [1503071218.317513667]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is not executed last 5[sec]
[rtmlaunch] check connection/activation
[rtmlaunch] check connection/activation
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc:qCurrent
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] collision_detector.launch did not work on both OpenRTM 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.0.0 Failed to make connection: Bad parameter 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.1.0 connect_ports() takes at most 3 arguments (6 given) 
[rtmlaunch]  This is very weird situation, Please check your network
[rtmlaunch] configuration with `ifconfig` on both robot and client side. 
[rtmlaunch]  Having multiple network interface sometimes causes problem, 
[rtmlaunch] please see FAQ site
[rtmlaunch]            Issue related to this
[rtmlaunch]            ~/.ros/log may contains usefully informations
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc:qRef
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] collision_detector.launch did not work on both OpenRTM 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.0.0 Failed to make connection: Bad parameter 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.1.0 connect_ports() takes at most 3 arguments (6 given) 
[rtmlaunch]  This is very weird situation, Please check your network
[rtmlaunch] configuration with `ifconfig` on both robot and client side. 
[rtmlaunch]  Having multiple network interface sometimes causes problem, 
[rtmlaunch] please see FAQ site
[rtmlaunch]            Issue related to this
[rtmlaunch]            ~/.ros/log may contains usefully informations
[INFO] [WallTime: 1503071219.720976] check 0 collision status, 0.000000 Hz
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rsangle
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch did not work on both OpenRTM 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.0.0 Failed to make connection: Bad parameter 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.1.0 connect_ports() takes at most 3 arguments (6 given) 
[rtmlaunch]  This is very weird situation, Please check your network
[rtmlaunch] configuration with `ifconfig` on both robot and client side. 
[rtmlaunch]  Having multiple network interface sometimes causes problem, 
[rtmlaunch] please see FAQ site
[rtmlaunch]            Issue related to this
[rtmlaunch]            ~/.ros/log may contains usefully informations
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:tau
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rstorque
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch did not work on both OpenRTM 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.0.0 Failed to make connection: Bad parameter 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.1.0 connect_ports() takes at most 3 arguments (6 given) 
[rtmlaunch]  This is very weird situation, Please check your network
[rtmlaunch] configuration with `ifconfig` on both robot and client side. 
[rtmlaunch]  Having multiple network interface sometimes causes problem, 
[rtmlaunch] please see FAQ site
[rtmlaunch]            Issue related to this
[rtmlaunch]            ~/.ros/log may contains usefully informations
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/sh.rtc:baseTformOut
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:baseTform
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch did not work on both OpenRTM 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.0.0 Failed to make connection: Bad parameter 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.1.0 connect_ports() takes at most 3 arguments (6 given) 
[rtmlaunch]  This is very weird situation, Please check your network
[rtmlaunch] configuration with `ifconfig` on both robot and client side. 
[rtmlaunch]  Having multiple network interface sometimes causes problem, 
[rtmlaunch] please see FAQ site
[rtmlaunch]            Issue related to this
[rtmlaunch]            ~/.ros/log may contains usefully informations
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/sh.rtc:qOut
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:mcangle
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch did not work on both OpenRTM 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.0.0 Failed to make connection: Bad parameter 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.1.0 connect_ports() takes at most 3 arguments (6 given) 
[rtmlaunch]  This is very weird situation, Please check your network
[rtmlaunch] configuration with `ifconfig` on both robot and client side. 
[rtmlaunch]  Having multiple network interface sometimes causes problem, 
[rtmlaunch] please see FAQ site
[rtmlaunch]            Issue related to this
[rtmlaunch]            ~/.ros/log may contains usefully informations
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:servoState
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:servoState
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch did not work on both OpenRTM 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.0.0 Failed to make connection: Bad parameter 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.1.0 connect_ports() takes at most 3 arguments (6 given) 
[rtmlaunch]  This is very weird situation, Please check your network
[rtmlaunch] configuration with `ifconfig` on both robot and client side. 
[rtmlaunch]  Having multiple network interface sometimes causes problem, 
[rtmlaunch] please see FAQ site
[rtmlaunch]            Issue related to this
[rtmlaunch]            ~/.ros/log may contains usefully informations
[ WARN] [1503071223.318284906]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is not executed last 5[sec]
[INFO] [WallTime: 1503071224.721407] check 0 collision status, 0.000000 Hz
[ WARN] [1503071228.318764480]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is not executed last 5[sec]
[INFO] [WallTime: 1503071229.741330] check 0 collision status, 0.000000 Hz
[rtmlaunch] check connection/activation
[rtmlaunch] check connection/activation
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc:qCurrent
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] collision_detector.launch did not work on both OpenRTM 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.0.0 Failed to make connection: Bad parameter 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.1.0 connect_ports() takes at most 3 arguments (6 given) 
[rtmlaunch]  This is very weird situation, Please check your network
[rtmlaunch] configuration with `ifconfig` on both robot and client side. 
[rtmlaunch]  Having multiple network interface sometimes causes problem, 
[rtmlaunch] please see FAQ site
[rtmlaunch]            Issue related to this
[rtmlaunch]            ~/.ros/log may contains usefully informations
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/CollisionDetector0.rtc:qRef
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] collision_detector.launch did not work on both OpenRTM 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.0.0 Failed to make connection: Bad parameter 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.1.0 connect_ports() takes at most 3 arguments (6 given) 
[rtmlaunch]  This is very weird situation, Please check your network
[rtmlaunch] configuration with `ifconfig` on both robot and client side. 
[rtmlaunch]  Having multiple network interface sometimes causes problem, 
[rtmlaunch] please see FAQ site
[rtmlaunch]            Issue related to this
[rtmlaunch]            ~/.ros/log may contains usefully informations
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:q
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rsangle
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch did not work on both OpenRTM 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.0.0 Failed to make connection: Bad parameter 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.1.0 connect_ports() takes at most 3 arguments (6 given) 
[rtmlaunch]  This is very weird situation, Please check your network
[rtmlaunch] configuration with `ifconfig` on both robot and client side. 
[rtmlaunch]  Having multiple network interface sometimes causes problem, 
[rtmlaunch] please see FAQ site
[rtmlaunch]            Issue related to this
[rtmlaunch]            ~/.ros/log may contains usefully informations
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:tau
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:rstorque
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch did not work on both OpenRTM 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.0.0 Failed to make connection: Bad parameter 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.1.0 connect_ports() takes at most 3 arguments (6 given) 
[rtmlaunch]  This is very weird situation, Please check your network
[rtmlaunch] configuration with `ifconfig` on both robot and client side. 
[rtmlaunch]  Having multiple network interface sometimes causes problem, 
[rtmlaunch] please see FAQ site
[rtmlaunch]            Issue related to this
[rtmlaunch]            ~/.ros/log may contains usefully informations
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/sh.rtc:baseTformOut
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:baseTform
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch did not work on both OpenRTM 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.0.0 Failed to make connection: Bad parameter 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.1.0 connect_ports() takes at most 3 arguments (6 given) 
[rtmlaunch]  This is very weird situation, Please check your network
[rtmlaunch] configuration with `ifconfig` on both robot and client side. 
[rtmlaunch]  Having multiple network interface sometimes causes problem, 
[rtmlaunch] please see FAQ site
[rtmlaunch]            Issue related to this
[rtmlaunch]            ~/.ros/log may contains usefully informations
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/sh.rtc:qOut
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:mcangle
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch did not work on both OpenRTM 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.0.0 Failed to make connection: Bad parameter 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.1.0 connect_ports() takes at most 3 arguments (6 given) 
[rtmlaunch]  This is very weird situation, Please check your network
[rtmlaunch] configuration with `ifconfig` on both robot and client side. 
[rtmlaunch]  Having multiple network interface sometimes causes problem, 
[rtmlaunch] please see FAQ site
[rtmlaunch]            Issue related to this
[rtmlaunch]            ~/.ros/log may contains usefully informations
[rtmlaunch] Connected from nextage:15005/RobotHardware0.rtc:servoState
[rtmlaunch]             to nextage:15005/HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0.rtc:servoState
[rtmlaunch]           with {'id': '', 'properties': {'dataport.publisher.push_policy': 'all', 'dataport.subscription_type': 'new'}, 'name': None, 'verbose': False}
[rtmlaunch] hrpsys_ros_bridge.launch did not work on both OpenRTM 1.0.0 and 1.1.0 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.0.0 Failed to make connection: Bad parameter 
[rtmlaunch]    OpenRTM 1.1.0 connect_ports() takes at most 3 arguments (6 given) 
[rtmlaunch]  This is very weird situation, Please check your network
[rtmlaunch] configuration with `ifconfig` on both robot and client side. 
[rtmlaunch]  Having multiple network interface sometimes causes problem, 
[rtmlaunch] please see FAQ site
[rtmlaunch]            Issue related to this
[rtmlaunch]            ~/.ros/log may contains usefully informations
[ WARN] [1503071233.319023167]: [HrpsysSeqStateROSBridge0] @onExecutece 0 is not executed last 5[sec]
k-okada commented 7 years ago

please check your network connection, if you have two ether port, connect robot to eth0

[rtmlaunch]  This is very weird situation, Please check your network
[rtmlaunch] configuration with `ifconfig` on both robot and client side. 
[rtmlaunch]  Having multiple network interface sometimes causes problem, 
Robotawi commented 7 years ago

Thank you for your reply. The problem is still, and here are the details. I traced this LAN port which connects NEXTAGE OPEN to the LAN and found that there are two LAN ports in the interface computer as shown here. The shown is the default connection, in this case, I can ping nextage host and it is responding but the previously mentioned relaunch commands are not working.

roslaunch nextage_ros_bridge nextage_ros_bridge_real.launch
roslaunch nextage_ros_bridge nextage_ros_bridge_real_hrpsys315.2.7-.launch

When I changed the connector position, I totally lost the LAN connection with NEXTAGE as shown here. Now, even ping doesn't work. Any suggestions?

Thank you

k-okada commented 7 years ago

use ifconfig on ubuntu machine to see current configuration

longjie commented 7 years ago

In my memory, NXO has a small ethernet hub in the component. Can you see it ? And with the factory default, the controllerbox(QNX) and PC(ROS) is on the same private network, don't remember). I think the ehternet port on the backside is also connected to this private (static) network.

I remember we have to be careful to change the network, when we need to log on to the ROS PC from your remote machine. With the factory setting, it should work just fine. I don't know how your network is configured now. So, as the next step, you should check your configuration with ifconfig as @k-okada memtionned.

And don't change the connection while the network setting is unknown. It just mess them up.