tork-a / rtmros_nextage

ROS-OpenRTM-based opensource robot controller software for dual-armed robot Nextage from Kawada Industries
27 stars 39 forks source link

Create device status checker #38

Open 130s opened 10 years ago

130s commented 10 years ago

From @k-okada

pr2-systemcheck that PR2 has would be nice.


 pr2admin@pr2c2:/dev/sensors$ sudo pr2-systemcheck 
 Running local scripts
 Running scripts for c1
  * Testing ssh connection to c1...                 OK
  * Running 'all/'...               OK
  * Running 'all/'...                OK
  * Running 'all/'...                   OK
  * Running 'all/'...             OK
  * Running 'all/'...                   OK
  * Running 'all/'...               OK
  * Running 'all/'...             OK
  * Running 'all/'...             OK
  * Running 'all/'...     OK
  * Running 'c1/'...                    OK
  * Running 'c1/'...                OK
  * Running 'c1/'...                 OK
  * Running 'c1/'...               OK
  * Running 'c1/'...                 OK
  * Running 'c1/'...                OK
  * Running 'c1/'...                  OK
  * Running 'c1/'...                 OK
 Running scripts for c2
  * Testing ssh connection to c2...                 OK
  * Running 'all/'...               OK

In my personal experience while setting a new robot, multi-core mode wasn't activated while it is required, and I didn't find it until someone who's familiar checked it. Hopefully that kind of oversight can be avoided with automated checking protocol like above.

Small clarification: how is it different from system diagnostics that's I think already implemented in hrpsys_ros_bridge?

k-okada commented 10 years ago

Small clarification: how is it different from system diagnostics that's I think already implemented in hrpsys_ros_bridge?

diagnostics of hrpsys_ros_bridge requires that ROS is running, but, if something wrong, ROS is usually fail to start.

k-okada commented 10 years ago

pidin info will show the number of CPUs

$ pidin info CPU:X86 Release:6.5.0 FreeMem:836Mb/1023Mb BootTime:Nov 27 12:05:41 UTC 2013 Processes: 34, Threads: 94 Processor1: 131758 Intel 686 F6M15S2 1968MHz FPU