torrentsTime / embed

Embed Torrents Time in your site or project with a tiny piece of code
MIT License
335 stars 76 forks source link

is the source of the downloadable plugin somewhere? #3

Open fernandezpablo85 opened 8 years ago

fernandezpablo85 commented 8 years ago

I'm talking about these two:

screen shot 2016-02-04 at 2 10 22 pm

ghost commented 8 years ago

I agree with Fernandez and please can you provide a Linux version too? Why would I trust you? I don't want to install a black box on my computer. Moreover, I'd like to know whether your plugin relies on NPAPI as it's going to become unsupported by Firefox:

Why not using something like WebChimera to build a plugin-free solution?

@fernandezpablo85 Maybe we can try to do some reverse engineering on those native installers to understand a bit what they do. I can use xar or ark to open the pkg archive under Linux.

ghost commented 8 years ago

Ok it works with "7z x torrentsTime-download.pkg": Bom PackageInfo Payload Scripts [TOC].xml

[gouessej@localhost torrentsTime]$ more PackageInfo

<pkg-info format-version="2" identifier="com.torrentstime.plugin" version="" overwrite-permissions="false" install-location="/" auth="root">
<payload installKBytes="30425" numberOfFiles="6"/>
    <postinstall file="./postinstall"/>
G-Ray commented 8 years ago

I personally don't trust this plugin as long as it's not open source. All this is clearly to earn money with the vpn service operated by the same team themself : The vpn is really expensive BTW.

devlo commented 8 years ago


Exactly. It's mainly for profit project.

LubosD commented 8 years ago

At least on OS X, it installs an NaCl executable, which presumably talks to a helper process /Library/PrivilegedHelperTools/com.torrents-time.helper started by launchd.

Unfortunately, this helper process aborts under Darling on Linux after talking to and then doing some socket operations (opening and closing a socket several times). I did not investigate further.

Forceflow commented 8 years ago

Without open-sourcing the actual plugin, I see no point in trusting this project.

devlo commented 8 years ago


Ye, it's so obvious that it's for profit/harm that's why they do not open source it. Popcorn Time was something different, they open sourced it all. There is big hype around this plugin atm, after PirateBay implemented it, people forget that PirateBay is not managed by old crew, it's for profit site for a long time now. Now you can't be sure that this plugin will actually not install some malware, it's recognized as Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Generic, which means it downloads/installs something (malware?) without your consent.

ghost commented 8 years ago

@LubosD Thanks. It seems to talk to a server located in Netherlands in Amsterdam.

@devlo Which virus scanner do you use under Windows? Have you tested with Winclam (open source)?

devlo commented 8 years ago

@gouessej Kaspersky.

LubosD commented 8 years ago

The helper process now seems to run under Darling (I'll commit fixes later).

I don't know how to enable the NaCl (pexe) part though. So if somrone is eager to run proprietary binaries on Linux, there is probably a way :-D

Forceflow commented 8 years ago

@devlo, @gouessej : Some executable packers/obfuscators trigger generic trojan warnings in virus scanners (since why would a program obfuscate its inner workings/layout?) but that doesn't necessarily mean malware is involved. My point is, without the actual source, there's simply no way to know.

Another issue I see with source of plugin not being available is documented in #9

devlo commented 8 years ago


Not this one. No packer or obfuscator will generate code with network syscalls. You can pretty much get all what's going on from debugging it and looking at assembler code - that's how reverse engineering works.

Forceflow commented 8 years ago


Interesting, though something as simple as an update check would generate that as well, no?

Could you share a decompilation?

devlo commented 8 years ago


Yes, it can be false positive, that's why you see generic in Trojan-Downloader.Win32.Generic.

DoubleRainbow commented 8 years ago

Hey guys

Sorry for the late response, we are very busy.

I'm sorry, but I can't quite understand the concerns you've mentioned. There is nothing suspicious in our technology! It's straight forward, efficient and honest. Yes, Honest with a capital H.

It is a state of the art craftsmanship made to stream torrents from your browser and then to be able to convert them to a streamable format and play them with our video player. It has absolutely no other hidden aspects.

We'll be happy to answer any specific professional concern.

andrewmd5 commented 8 years ago

And they deleted my comment so yet again

devlo commented 8 years ago


It's really pathetic to delete comments that show bugs in your software... It shows what kind of people are developing this.

AlexDaniel commented 8 years ago

I'm sorry, but I can't quite understand the concerns you've mentioned.

This is very sad…

ghost commented 8 years ago

@DoubleRainbow If you're honest, why don't you simply release the source code of your plugin? It would show that you're transparent, that you have nothing to hide and it would help some developers to improve it too. Plugins are going to become unsupported in major web browsers (and yours still doesn't work under GNU Linux), why not accepting some help to move to a plugin-free solution?

devlo commented 8 years ago


It's obvious why it's closed source, because it's FOR PROFIT solution/plugin.

iadj commented 8 years ago

Their website mentions they want to implement advertising solutions inside the player. That's why it's closed source. I can't imagine a better way to get indicted by the govt.

iadj commented 8 years ago

@Codeusa Very good article. As described, there is absolutely no reason to use this application as long as it's not being improved upon by an open source community.