torressa / cspy

A collection of algorithms for the (Resource) Constrained Shortest Path problem in Python / C++ / C#
MIT License
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Closed torressa closed 4 years ago

torressa commented 4 years ago


One question I have: how are constraints from real problems coded in cspy? I know cspy can be used in the vehicle routing problem with time windows (desaulniers2008tabu), but don't know how to code the time constraints in cspy.

Answer: Will be clear with a working example

stsievert commented 4 years ago

Here's the information I see in different examples:

I'd like to see an in-depth use, preferably with real data. With the graph, how would I specify the weights, REFs and max_res/min_res? What are the tradeoffs between algorithms?

torressa commented 4 years ago

I've included an example for some ongoing work using column generation. Unfortunately, I haven't managed to come up with a simpler example.

stsievert commented 4 years ago

I think the example previously in the paper ("Jane is part-time postwoman working ...") is a great example. I'd love to see that in the documentation.

And :+1: for adding the airport example!

torressa commented 4 years ago

Cool, thanks for the feedback!.. I thought the Jane the postwoman was a bit too simplistic. Will do that then :)

stsievert commented 4 years ago

I’m a fan of simple. It’ll lower the barrier to understanding the software.

I’m also a fan of the in-depth airport example. It helps readers who know the math and what they’re doing understand the software, and see some more advanced uses.

torressa commented 4 years ago

Closing for now.

torressa commented 4 years ago

Reopened, add simple example.

torressa commented 4 years ago

Added simple example that used to be in the paper as a jupyter notebook.

stsievert commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the simple example at That clears up a lot of the usage.

We have to transform the network for one compatible with cspy. To do this suppose we have two functions from jpath_preprocessing that perform all the changes required (for more details, see jpath)

This seems important enough that a description should be included in the example. It could be short, maybe only a sentence. I'd like for the user to better understand the requirements.

Maybe something like this?

We have to transform the network for one compatible with cspy, as per the Input requirements. The following code will convert a city map into a directed graph, rename the start/end nodes of Janes walk to be Source and Sink (names which cspy uses), and calculate the specifics of Jane's walk (figuring out travel time, adding buildings/sights, etc).

from networkx import DiGraph

# Transform M to comply...
G = DiGraph(M, directed=True, n_res=5)

# Relabel nodes the start/end nodes as source/sink
 G = jpath_preprocessing.relabel_source_sink(G, {"Source": "Ternatestraat", "Sink": "Delftweg"})

# Figure out details of Jane's walk
 G = jpath_preprocessing.add_cspy_edge_attributes(G)
torressa commented 4 years ago

Updated! Thanks for the suggestion :)