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Proposed time-related words: {vensa}, {critu}; {ctaru}, {vanci} #9

Open noiseandbells opened 2 years ago

noiseandbells commented 2 years ago

The following words have been reviewed and approved by Dr. Holmes for submission here. Dr. Holmes and I both agree that each of these concepts deserve to have a root in their own right, rather than relying on compounds. -cau- and -vac- are proposed as djifoa for {ctaru} and {vanci}; each of these are free, and would allow the formation of many useful compounds.

Note: The case tags used for time words in the existing lexicon are inconsistent. For instance, {cimra} is B-C, while {dotra} is V-C. For this reason, I would propose that the standard case tags for these words should be B-F, as in {natli}: beu (parts) + foa (wholes).


PROPOSED: {vensa} GLOSS: "spring" DEFINITION: B is the spring season of year F DJIFOA: none ETYMOLOGY: Lojban {vensa}

PROPOSED: {critu} GLOSS: "autumn" DEFINITION: B is the autumn season of year F DJIFOA: none ETYMOLOGY: Lojban {critu}


PROPOSED: {ctaru} GLOSS: "afternoon" DEFINITION: B is the afternoon of day F DJIFOA: -cau- ETYMOLOGY: Generated using the Lojban root word generation algorithm from the following sources: [Mandarin: 下午 / English: afternoon / Spanish: tarde / Hindi: दोपहर / Russian: пополу́дни / Arabic: بَعْدَ الزَّوَال]

PROPOSED: {vanci} GLOSS: "evening" DEFINITION: B is the evening of day F DJIFOA: -vac- ETYMOLOGY: Lojban {vanci}

Randall-Holmes commented 2 years ago

an obvious remark is that this proposal does not involve getting rid of the complex predicates we already have for these concepts!