Open llnk opened 10 years ago
It seems I have found the right method to detect the object in a single frame. I wrote this code that calls "getObjBndBoxes()" method:
srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));
DataSetVOC voc2007("./VOC2007/");
printf("Dataset:`%s' with %d training and %d testing\n", _S(voc2007.wkDir), voc2007.trainNum, voc2007.testNum);
printf("%s Base = %g, W = %d, NSS = %d, perSz = %d\n", _S(resName), base, W, NSS, numPerSz);
Objectness objNess(voc2007, base, W, NSS);
ValStructVec<float, Vec4i> bboxes;
Mat query = imread("./VOC2007/JPEGImages/008038.jpg");
objNess.getObjBndBoxes(query, bboxes, 100);
for (int i = 0; i < bboxes.size(); i++){
Rect current(Point2i(bboxes[i][0], bboxes[i][1]), Point2i(bboxes[i][2], bboxes[i][3]));
rectangle(query, current, Scalar(255,0,0),3);
imshow("query", query);
The problem is that this method returns too many bounding boxes.. Is there anyway to select just the bounding box of the people and other important object?
I have uploaded the result of BING with all bounding boxes (manually limited to 50)
How can I select only the bounding boxes on the people?
Sorry to reply late. Thanks for providing a possible solution to this.
You might get just the bounding box of the people and other important object by applying a simple classifier on top of the boundingbox, e.g. frontal face classifier (already in OpenCV).
On Wed, Sep 17, 2014 at 7:04 PM, llnk wrote:
It seems I have found the right method to detect the object in a single frame. I wrote this code that calls "getObjBndBoxes()" method:
srand((unsigned int)time(NULL)); DataSetVOC voc2007("./VOC2007/"); voc2007.loadAnnotations(); //voc2007.loadDataGenericOverCls(); printf("Dataset:`%s' with %d training and %d testing\n", _S(voc2007.wkDir), voc2007.trainNum, voc2007.testNum); printf("%s Base = %g, W = %d, NSS = %d, perSz = %d\n", _S(resName), base, W, NSS, numPerSz); Objectness objNess(voc2007, base, W, NSS); ValStructVec<float, Vec4i> bboxes; Mat query = imread("./VOC2007/JPEGImages/008038.jpg"); objNess.trainObjectness(100); objNess.loadTrainedModel(); objNess.getObjBndBoxes(query, bboxes, 100); for (int i = 0; i < bboxes.size(); i++){ Rect current(Point2i(bboxes[i][0], bboxes[i][1]), Point2i(bboxes[i][2], bboxes[i][3])); rectangle(query, current, Scalar(255,0,0),3); imshow("query", query); waitKey(0); }
The problem is that this method returns too many bounding boxes.. Is there anyway to select just the bounding box of the people and other important object?
I have uploaded the result of BING with all bounding boxes
[image: bingresults]
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郑帅 Shuai Zheng (Kyle)
It seems that OpenCV 3.0 will include BING Objectness:
Until then, I wonder if it is availabe an already trained and ready-to-work BING function to get all bounding boxes inside a single frame (without having to download VOC dataset and perform the training)?