Open NicolaCovallero opened 9 years ago
Thanks for reporting this error. From your error message, It seems to be the error of opencv 3.0. Could you provide more detail information, e.g. ubuntu linux? gcc version? opencv version?
Current code was tested under ubuntu 14.04 and opencv 2.4.
Please let me know if you make any progress. Otherwise, I can try to reproduce your error later.
Hi, thanks for reply.
Your are right. The problem is due to the OpenCV 3. I uninstalled it today (working on another project), and now that you answered me I tried to compile the Objectness code and it compiled correctly. So the problem was definetively opencv 3.
I was not able to figure it out from that error message.
It seems to be something to do with the image encoding libraries. Any error messages have you got?
On opencv 3.x, add "opencv_imgcodecs" into last line of CMakeLists.txt, just before "EXTERNAL_LIBS"(the order doesn't matter).
It works, thanks @rockrush . But how to solve the following problem: OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (matRead(_modelName + ".xP", xP1f) && matRead(_modelName + ".xN", xN1f)) in trainStageI, file /media/BING_Linux/Src/Objectness.cpp, line 555 terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception' what(): /media/BING_Linux/Src/Objectness.cpp:555: error: (-215) matRead(_modelName + ".xP", xP1f) && matRead(_modelName + ".xN", xN1f) in function trainStageI
I download the OpenCV readable of VOC 2007 annotation could be download from: However, after unzip this file, it said wrong compress method. Have you ever met this problem?
@RyanCV @rockrush I also have this problem, how to solve the following problem: OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (matRead(_modelName + ".xP", xP1f) && matRead(_modelName + ".xN", xN1f)) in trainStageI, file /media/BING_Linux/Src/Objectness.cpp, line 555 terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception' what(): /media/BING_Linux/Src/Objectness.cpp:555: error: (-215) matRead(_modelName + ".xP", xP1f) && matRead(_modelName + ".xN", xN1f) in function trainStageI
Thank you very much for your help!
I have problems compiling the source codes. When I run cmake I have no errors. But when I do "make" I got this error:
/usr/bin/ld: CMakeFiles/BING_linux.dir/CmShow.cpp.o: undefined reference to symbol '_ZN2cv7imwriteERKNS_6StringERKNS_11_InputArrayERKSt6vectorIiSaIiEE' /usr/local/lib/ error adding symbols: DSO missing from command line
I found several post with other problems related to DSO missing, but none was helpful for me. Do you know how manage with this?