Open sunshineatnoon opened 9 years ago
I second this question. Not to hijack, but I also cannot find any mention of "WinRecall.m", which is used in main.cpp
. It seems related to the issue of setting up all paths and downloading the required files.
@sunshineatnoon No, you do not need to download ImageNet unless you want to try BING on ImageNet. Otherwise, stick to VOC.
@phil0stine Sorry for the confusion. The answer is NO. In fact, WinRecall.m is generated from the BING program.
@sunshineatnoon , I have the following error similar to yours, do u know how to solve it?? Invalidate class name in /media/BING_Linux/Src/DataSetVOC.cpp:125 OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (Invalidate class name ) in loadBox, file /media/BING_Linux/Src/DataSetVOC.cpp, line 125 terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception' what(): /media/BING_Linux/Src/DataSetVOC.cpp:125: error: (-215) Invalidate class name in function loadBox
@sunshineatnoon @bittnt got the same problem. I'm trying to run for it exam. Any solutions? :\
This means the VOC files you are trying to read do not meet the requirement for the code. Check the DataSetVOC.cpp line 125, probably because you have extra space or invisible symbols in that txt file.
how do u run bing on a given image. not VOC dataset. Forexample: how od you get the 2D object proposals in bing on lena.png
@RyanCV Hi Ryan, did you find how to solve this problem? I have tried opencv2.4.13 and opencv3.2.0, both of them report this message to me. Thank you.
@bittnt @RyanCV @sfandi I encounter the same problem. Has anyone found a solution ?
I print the path to the VOC dataset /mnt1/logs/caffe/objpro/BINGpp/VOCdevkit/VOC2007/ImageSets/Main/train.txt
I also print trainNum and testNum
trainnum: 2501
testnum: 200
Yet the error: Invalidate class name in /mnt1/logs/caffe/objpro/Objectness/Src/DataSetVOC.cpp:131 OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (Invalidate class name ) in loadBox, file /mnt1/logs/caffe/objpro/Objectness/Src/DataSetVOC.cpp, line 131 terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception' what(): /mnt1/logs/caffe/objpro/Objectness/Src/DataSetVOC.cpp:131: error: (-215) Invalidate class name in function loadBox
Aborted (core dumped) Which txt are you talking about @bittnt when referring to extra space and invisible symbols ??
Check the encode type for the txt files.
Hi , Shuai Zheng @bittnt , thanks for your work. I do not understand what you said above "Check the encode type for the txt files.", I think i have a right path for VOC2007 and right format "yml" instead of "xml" , but i also get the same problem :
in /home/dorioliu/Documents/objectdetecion/BING/Objectness-master_linuxversion/Src/DataSetVOC.cpp:125 OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (Invalidate class name ) in loadBox, file /home/dorioliu/Documents/objectdetecion/BING/Objectness-master_linuxversion/Src/DataSetVOC.cpp, line 125 terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception' what(): /home/dorioliu/Documents/objectdetecion/BING/Objectness-master_linuxversion/Src/DataSetVOC.cpp:125: error: (-215) Invalidate class name in function loadBox
Hi, @RyanCV ,did you solve your problem ?
@dorioliu @ming-c @RyanCV Did you set up the database correctly? It should look like this: , you can also check the paths to the training and test files in the constructor of DataSetVOC. For some reason the function CmFile::loadStrList() did not work for me (I am using OpenSUSE) and I modified the code that the files are red correctly. And also check if you have a class.txt file next to train and test.txt. My download did not contain that, so I wrote one myself. Now the application is able to produce the training models.
@MaryAnnZ is right! I just comment the line "line.resize(sz - 1)" in function CmFile::loadStrList(). then it works.
I have successfully make the project, but I can't find how to run the code. I tried to run BING_linux, but I got this error:
I looked into yml.m, there are voc path and imagenet path, do I have to download imagenet too in order to run the code? Thanks!