tortoise / aerich

A database migrations tool for TortoiseORM, ready to production.
Apache License 2.0
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New migration file on migrate for Indexes defined on a Model. #258

Open alexf-bond opened 1 year ago

alexf-bond commented 1 year ago

Steps to reproduce:

My suspicion is that by not providing a name to the index and relying on Tortoise to generate a random one, the code in migrate is always detecting them as new.

Tested this theory by giving the index a name and still got thet same result. New migration was created again for the same index first with a DROP INDEX and then a CREATE INDEX

Maybe the index hash in the json snapshot for the model isn't unique each time you run migrate?

DROP INDEX "ix_test_uuid";
CREATE  INDEX "ix_test_uuid" ON "indexed_model" ("uuid");
name = "aerich"
version = "0.6.2"

name = "tortoise-orm"
version = "0.19.0"
VladOsiichuk commented 1 year ago

Any updates on this?

alexf-bond commented 1 year ago

Kinda wanna bump this too, I got all my indexes commented out after the initial migration as a work around. It'd be nice to atleast understand if it's a known issue / compromise with the initial implementation.

fullonic commented 11 months ago

@alexf-bond @VladOsiichuk could you try and give some feedback? thanks

alexf-bond commented 11 months ago

@fullonic pulled down the branch and added back in my indexes and successfully migrated and upgraded. Upon running migrate again a new file was still generated with a subset of the indexes being dropped and recreated. Also it looks like the indexes being dropped didn't actually exist causing the second upgrade to fail:

tortoise.exceptions.OperationalError: index "idx_accounting__brand_i_e03648" does not exist

Not sure if the hashing / hash detection is working perfectly with these changes. Happy to share the list of indexes / table structure we're using if it'll help debug.

Also is there any possiblity of back porting this to 0.6.2? We haven't upgraded to the new .py version of migrations files just yet.

FelipeBarrosCruz commented 1 month ago

Does anyone have solution for this? Seems like a great database effort to recreate all indexes all times when do a migration.

alexf-bond commented 1 month ago

Thanks for bumping this @FelipeBarrosCruz. I ended up just running migrate with the indexes defined and then just commenting them out with a link to the issue. I tried digging through the code to see why hashes aren't generated correctly with them a while back but maybe i'll revisit again soon :/