tortoise / tortoise-orm

Familiar asyncio ORM for python, built with relations in mind
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`Model.filter(column__filter={...})` on nested json value not working as excepted #1480

Open elder-frog opened 9 months ago

elder-frog commented 9 months ago

I hava a JSONField with column name config with some data like

id | config
1  | {"account": ["a", "b"]}
2  | {"account": ["b", "c"]}

I want to build a SQL as

FROM config_table
WHERE config -> 'account' @> '["a"]'

this code working well in raw sql, and when I use tortoise doing this in these code, tortoise generate wrong sql code

print(ConfigTable.filter(config__filter={"account__contains": ["a"]}).as_query())

# output:
# SELECT "id","config" FROM "config_table" WHERE "config"->'account'->>'contains'=1

I read some tortoise source code, in, seems not support query using contains in nested json?