tortoise / tortoise-orm

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model.update_or_create KeyError #1583

Closed jiangying000 closed 3 months ago

jiangying000 commented 5 months ago

would cause KeyError for following code:

class Faqs(BaseModel):
    id = fields.UUIDField(pk=True)
    question = fields.TextField(null=True)

async def test_tortoise_update_or_create():
    # suppose entry exists
    faq = await Faqs.get(id="6aadafff-e0b9-497b-aeb2-65498a35b6f5")
    # modify question
    faq.question = "q111234"
    # assign new id = uuid.uuid4()
    # update_or_create, KeyError
    new_faq = await Faqs.update_or_create(, defaults=dict(faq))

ERROR like:

    async def get_or_create(
        cls: Type[MODEL],
        defaults: Optional[dict] = None,
        using_db: Optional[BaseDBAsyncClient] = None,
        **kwargs: Any,
    ) -> Tuple[MODEL, bool]:
        Fetches the object if exists (filtering on the provided parameters),
        else creates an instance with any unspecified parameters as default values.

        :param defaults: Default values to be added to a created instance if it can't be fetched.
        :param using_db: Specific DB connection to use instead of default bound
        :param kwargs: Query parameters.
        :raises IntegrityError: If create failed
        :raises TransactionManagementError: If transaction error
        if not defaults:
            defaults = {}
        db = using_db or cls._choose_db(True)
        async with in_transaction(connection_name=db.connection_name) as connection:
                return (
                    await cls.select_for_update()
            except DoesNotExist:
                    return (
>                       await cls.create(using_db=connection, **defaults, **kwargs),
E                   KeyError: 'id'

..\.venv\lib\site-packages\tortoise\ KeyError
waketzheng commented 5 months ago

I got different errors with the following code snippet:

import uuid

from tortoise import Tortoise, fields, run_async
from tortoise.models import Model

class Faqs(Model):
    id = fields.UUIDField(pk=True)
    question = fields.TextField(null=True)

async def run():
    await Tortoise.init(db_url="sqlite://:memory:", modules={"models": ["__main__"]})
    await Tortoise.generate_schemas()

    faq, _ = await Faqs.get_or_create(id="6aadafff-e0b9-497b-aeb2-65498a35b6f5")
    # modify question
    faq.question = "q111234"
    # assign new id = uuid.uuid4()
    # update_or_create, KeyError
    new_faq, created = await Faqs.update_or_create(, defaults=dict(faq))
    print(dict(new_faq), created)

if __name__ == "__main__":


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/wenping/github/tortoise-orm/tortoise/", line 1079, in get_or_create
    await cls.select_for_update().filter(**kwargs).using_db(connection).get(),
  File "/home/wenping/github/tortoise-orm/tortoise/", line 1074, in _execute
    raise DoesNotExist("Object does not exist")
tortoise.exceptions.DoesNotExist: Object does not exist

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/wenping/github/tortoise-orm/examples/fastapi/", line 27, in <module>
  File "/home/wenping/github/tortoise-orm/tortoise/", line 688, in run_async
  File "/usr/local/lib/python3.12/asyncio/", line 685, in run_until_complete
    return future.result()
  File "/home/wenping/github/tortoise-orm/examples/fastapi/", line 22, in run
    new_faq, created = await Faqs.update_or_create(, defaults=dict(faq))
  File "/home/wenping/github/tortoise-orm/tortoise/", line 1129, in update_or_create
    return await cls.get_or_create(defaults, db, **kwargs)
  File "/home/wenping/github/tortoise-orm/tortoise/", line 1084, in get_or_create
    return await cls.create(using_db=connection, **defaults, **kwargs), True
TypeError: tortoise.models.Model.create() got multiple values for keyword argument 'id'
waketzheng commented 5 months ago

After change the Python version to 3.10, got the KeyError:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/wenping/github/tortoise-orm/tortoise/", line 1079, in get_or_create
    await cls.select_for_update().filter(**kwargs).using_db(connection).get(),
  File "/home/wenping/github/tortoise-orm/tortoise/", line 1074, in _execute
    raise DoesNotExist("Object does not exist")
tortoise.exceptions.DoesNotExist: Object does not exist

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/wenping/github/tortoise-orm/examples/fastapi/", line 27, in <module>
  File "/home/wenping/github/tortoise-orm/tortoise/", line 688, in run_async
  File "/home/wenping/.pyenv/versions/3.10.2/lib/python3.10/asyncio/", line 641, in run_until_complete
    return future.result()
  File "/home/wenping/github/tortoise-orm/examples/fastapi/", line 22, in run
    new_faq, created = await Faqs.update_or_create(, defaults=dict(faq))
  File "/home/wenping/github/tortoise-orm/tortoise/", line 1129, in update_or_create
    return await cls.get_or_create(defaults, db, **kwargs)
  File "/home/wenping/github/tortoise-orm/tortoise/", line 1084, in get_or_create
    return await cls.create(using_db=connection, **defaults, **kwargs), True
KeyError: 'id'
waketzheng commented 4 months ago

For why it raises KeyError instead of TypeError with Python<3.12, see this:

waketzheng commented 3 months ago

@jiangying000 This issue can be closed as it fixed.