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[#1635]Add model name in DoesNotExist and MultipleObjectsReturned message #1637

Closed BraveEggTart closed 3 weeks ago

BraveEggTart commented 3 weeks ago


Add the field to the DoesNotExist and MultipleObjectsReturned exception message to obtain clearer prompts when calling the model. get() method.

Motivation and Context

When I use the Model.get() method and a DoesNotExist exception occurs because there is no corresponding record in the database, the provided error message is often not specific enough for me to quickly identify which Model is involved. The message "Object does not exist" is too generic.


How Has This Been Tested?

I executed the make test command and passed all tests related to the get() method, such as the test_get method in

testing environment: python: 3.10.6

There's something I need to say. I checked the code about DoesNotExist and MultipleObjectsReturned, and noticed that in the _getbypk method of, DoesNotExist was processed and returned cls._meta.full_name, Is this a place that needs to be modified synchronously?

    async def _getbypk(cls: Type[MODEL], key: Any) -> MODEL:
            return await cls.get(pk=key)
        except (DoesNotExist, ValueError):
            raise KeyError(f"{cls._meta.full_name} has no object {repr(key)}")


abondar commented 3 weeks ago


Sorry for confusion - just merged which did basically the same few hours before Still hope your problem is resolved by merged change, I will release it as 0.21.4 a little bit later