tortoise / tortoise-orm

Familiar asyncio ORM for python, built with relations in mind
Apache License 2.0
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Didn't see any example of How to use connect pool ? #290

Closed sunshineinwater closed 4 years ago

sunshineinwater commented 4 years ago

Didn't see any example of How to use connection pool ?

By the way, is it plan to support multi-connection of database , typically in Sanic project ?

sunshineinwater commented 4 years ago

add: asyncpg support connection pool , but I don't know how to config it in tortoise...

grigi commented 4 years ago

Hi @sunshineinwater Tortoise ORM uses connection pools automatically. Both MySQL and PostgreSQL has it enabled by default. e.g. for Postgres: We default to a pool starting at 1 then extending to 5 connections by default.

sunshineinwater commented 4 years ago

Can I change the default connections maxsize by config in Sanic ? like this:

                      'connections': {
                          # Dict format for connection
                          'default': {
                              'engine': 'tortoise.backends.asyncpg',
                              'credentials': {
                                  'host': 'localhost',
                                  'port': '5432',
                                  'user': 'postgres',
                                  'password': 'postgres',
                                  'database': 'zhangxuewei',
                              'maxsize': 100
                          # Using a DB_URL string
                          # 'default': 'postgres://postgres:qwerty123@localhost:5432/events'
                      'apps': {
                          'models': {
                              'models': ["model.tortoiseORM_Model"],
                              # If no default_connection specified, defaults to 'default'
                              'default_connection': 'default',
grigi commented 4 years ago

Pass the extra DB parameters under the credentials key.

sunshineinwater commented 4 years ago

Pass the extra DB parameters under the credentials key.

got it! THX a lot!

sunshineinwater commented 4 years ago

Pass the extra DB parameters under the credentials key.

by the way, as my test , set maxsize= 10 with Sanic workers = 5, it acutally generates 10*5 connections.

grigi commented 4 years ago

Yes, It would. multiple workers for sanic is multiple python processes behind a common connection handler. So each process would have its own instance of tortoise, etc...

sunshineinwater commented 4 years ago

Yes, It would. multiple workers for sanic is multiple python processes behind a common connection handler. So each process would have its own instance of tortoise, etc...

THX Author to provide such nice async ORM

grigi commented 4 years ago

My involvement in this was due to me looking for an asyncio ORM, and at that time there was nothing. That was only 1⅔ years ago... I think the first release Andrey did was about 2 years ago only.

sunshineinwater commented 4 years ago

My involvement in this was due to me looking for an asyncio ORM, and at that time there was nothing. That was only 1⅔ years ago... I think the first release Andrey did was about 2 years ago only.

I was writing async ORM demo not long ago, because the performance of current async ORM is not good... But, limit to my programming skill level, my own ORM's performance is worse than yours. It's very nice to find this ORM, it's so great. THX !

grigi commented 4 years ago

Thank you!

Yes, we spent a lot of effort in getting rid of some of the python-level inefficiencies. We came from a long way: And there is a lot of known inefficiencies, and we haven't even looked at how we perform with lots of relations. e.g. serialization of a deep structure.

If you want to help, or even want a feature, please do so :-)

sunshineinwater commented 4 years ago

thx for inviting.I'm glad I can do this, but I'm not familiar with it yet, I'm afraid it's hard to help

grigi commented 4 years ago

:+1: Some of the most helpful things is debugging an issue, or even pointing out something that could be better.

sunshineinwater commented 4 years ago

I actually did some performance experiments in Sanic + self ORM environment . Every time a new instance is created, there will be a 10% performance penalty, even just just call the @classmethod without instance it.

@app.route('/testdb', methods=["GET"])
async def test_orm(request):
    # Select * from * Where *

    # 5% off performance
    data = await query_first(request, [UserModel, "account_id='test'"])

    # 20% off performance
    # data = await UserModel.query(request).filter("account_id='test'").first()

    return response.json(data)
async def asyncpgQueryMethod(request, TableModel, statement) -> list:
    sql = """SELECT * FROM "%s" WHERE %s""" % (TableModel.__table_name__, statement)
    SQLSession = request["SQLSession"][TableModel.__bind_key__]
    data = await SQLSession.fetch(sql)
    # result to dict
    dataDictList = []
    for item in data:
        itemDict = dict(item)
    return dataDictList

async def query_first(request, queryParams):
    TableModel, statement = queryParams
    data = await asyncpgQueryMethod(request, TableModel, statement)
    if len(data) == 0:
        return None
        newTableModel = TableModel()
        return newTableModel

# 20% off performance
def query(TableModel, request):
    class __SelectWhere__:
        _TableModel_: pg.BaseModel

        def setParams(cls, _TableModel: pg.BaseModel, _request):
            cls._TableModel_ = _TableModel
            cls._request = _request
            return cls

        def filter(cls, statement: str):
            class __queryData__:
                __statement__: str
                __TableModel__: pg.BaseModel

                def setParams(cls, _statement: str, _TableModel_: pg.BaseModel, _request):
                    cls.__statement__ = _statement
                    cls.__TableModel__ = _TableModel_
                    cls.__request = _request
                    return cls

                async def first(cls):
                    data = await asyncpgQueryMethod()
                    if len(data) == 0:
                        return None
                        # newTableModel = self.__TableModel__()
                        # newTableModel.from_dict(data[0])
                        # return newTableModel
                        return data[0]

            return __queryData__.setParams(statement, cls._TableModel_, cls._request)

    return __SelectWhere__.setParams(TableModel, request)
grigi commented 4 years ago

Thank you for the performance example. We should extend our benchmark suite to cover things such as full serdes and complicated relational queries. Possibly look at using locust?

Also, the purpose of this issue has been resolved, so I'm going to close it now.