Open spacemanspiff2007 opened 3 years ago
Would you be so kind and give me a hint how I can express obj in relations
with Q or filter?
That's not a simple query, you can query twice and merge in your code
Thank you for your reply.
I've written the corresponding query in SQL:
mymodel m
WHERE in (select mymodel_id from property_mymodel where property_id = 1)
AND in (select mymodel_id from property_mymodel where property_id = 2)
Imho it's not that complex since all logic is in the where clause and tortoise.orm should be able to build something like that programmatically. Do we need a new object that does relational filtering or a new function that does this e.g.
R('mymodel', [1, 2])
What do you think?
We need subquery
I've created the where clause with pypika. Can you point me in the direction how this can be integrated?
from pypika import Query, Tables, Criterion
mymodel, property, prop2model = Tables('mymodel', 'property', 'property_mymodel')
main_query = Query.from_(mymodel).select(
relation_queries = []
for i in (1, 2): # <-- IDs of the relation
q = Query.from_(prop2model).select(prop2model.mymodel_id).where(prop2model.property_id == i)
final_query = main_query.where(Criterion.all(relation_queries))
As a Workaround I've created a relationship filter base on @AlwxSin snippets! Thanks @AlwxSin for your help and contribution!
await CriterionQuerySet(MyModel).has_relations('properties', [1, 2])
from __future__ import annotations
from copy import copy
from typing import Iterable, Any, List, Type, Literal
from pypika import Criterion, Table, Query
from tortoise import Model
from tortoise.fields.relational import ManyToManyFieldInstance
from tortoise.queryset import QuerySet
class CriterionQuerySet(QuerySet):
__slots__ = QuerySet.__slots__ + ("_additional_and_criterions",)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._additional_and_criterions: List[Criterion] = []
def from_model(cls, model: Type[Model]) -> "CriterionQuerySet":
return cls(model)
def add_and_criterion(self, criterion: Criterion) -> None:
def _clone(self):
"""We need to copy all method because Tortoise use Specific class"""
# here can be queryset = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__)
queryset = CriterionQuerySet.__new__(CriterionQuerySet)
queryset.fields = self.fields
queryset.model = self.model
queryset.query = self.query
queryset.capabilities = self.capabilities
queryset._prefetch_map = copy(self._prefetch_map)
queryset._prefetch_queries = copy(self._prefetch_queries)
queryset._single = self._single
queryset._raise_does_not_exist = self._raise_does_not_exist
queryset._db = self._db
queryset._limit = self._limit
queryset._offset = self._offset
queryset._fields_for_select = self._fields_for_select
queryset._filter_kwargs = copy(self._filter_kwargs)
queryset._orderings = copy(self._orderings)
queryset._joined_tables = copy(self._joined_tables)
queryset._q_objects = copy(self._q_objects)
queryset._distinct = self._distinct
queryset._annotations = copy(self._annotations)
queryset._having = copy(self._having)
queryset._custom_filters = copy(self._custom_filters)
queryset._group_bys = copy(self._group_bys)
queryset._select_for_update = self._select_for_update
queryset._select_for_update_nowait = self._select_for_update_nowait
queryset._select_for_update_skip_locked = self._select_for_update_skip_locked
queryset._select_for_update_of = self._select_for_update_of
queryset._select_related = self._select_related
queryset._select_related_idx = self._select_related_idx
queryset._force_indexes = self._force_indexes
queryset._use_indexes = self._use_indexes
queryset._additional_and_criterions = self._additional_and_criterions
return queryset
def _make_query(self) -> None:
for criterion in self._additional_and_criterions:
self.query._wheres &= criterion
def _check_relations(self, field_name: str, pks: Iterable[Any], relation: Literal['isin', 'notin']):
meta = self.model._meta
pk_name = meta.pk_attr
base_table: Table = meta.basetable
# E.g. : base_table[pk_name].notin(q)
relation_fnc = getattr(base_table[pk_name], relation)
rel_field: ManyToManyFieldInstance = meta.fields_map[field_name]
except KeyError:
raise KeyError(f'Field {field_name} does not exist')
rel_table: Table = Table(rel_field.through)
fwd_key = rel_field.forward_key
model_key = rel_field.backward_key
for pk in pks:
if isinstance(pk, Model):
pk =
q = Query.from_(rel_table).select(rel_table[model_key]).where(rel_table[fwd_key] == pk)
def has_no_relations(self, field_name: str, pks: Iterable[Any]):
if not pks:
return self
self._check_relations(field_name, pks, 'notin')
return self
def has_relations(self, field_name: str, pks: Iterable[Any]):
if not pks:
return self
self._check_relations(field_name, pks, 'isin')
return self
Currently I am half way through a migration of a rather large project.
I've postponed the complex logic because I wanted to get a feel and some knowledge for tortoise-orm
However I can't finish the migration because the lack of relational querying but I'm hesitating to throw all my work away and use another python orm that supports it.
Is there any way that I can support you so tortoise-orm
will support subqueries?
Do you think it's realistic that tortoise-orm
will support it, soon (2-6 weeks)?
Hey @long2ice, many thanks for you quick addition of Subquery! I tried playing around with the dev branch but there still seems to be something missing/buggy.
If I test the first subquery it shows only Model1 instead of Model1 and Model2. If I add the second subquery it will show nothing at all instead of only Model 2
from tortoise import fields, run_async, Tortoise
from tortoise.expressions import Subquery
from tortoise.fields import ManyToManyRelation, ManyToManyField
from tortoise.models import Model
class MyModel(Model):
id = fields.IntField(pk=True)
name = fields.TextField()
properties: ManyToManyRelation["Property"]
class Property(Model):
id = fields.IntField(pk=True)
my_models: ManyToManyRelation["MyModel"] = ManyToManyField("models.MyModel", related_name='properties')
async def run():
# Generate the schema
await Tortoise.init({"connections": {"default_connection": {"engine": "tortoise.backends.sqlite", "credentials": {"file_path": ':memory:'},},}, "apps": {"models": {"models": ['__main__'], "default_connection": "default_connection"},},})
await Tortoise.generate_schemas()
m1 = await MyModel.create(id=1, name='Model1')
m2 = await MyModel.create(id=2, name='Model2')
p1 = await Property.create(id=1)
p2 = await Property.create(id=2)
await, p2)
print('Model1:', await # Ouput: Model1: [<Property: 1>]
print('Model2:', await # Ouput: Model2: [<Property: 1>, <Property: 2>]
sub1 = Subquery(MyModel.filter(properties__id=1).values("id"))
sub2 = Subquery(MyModel.filter(properties__id=2).values("id"))
query = MyModel.filter(pk__in=sub1)
query = query.filter(pk__in=sub2) # comment this line to check single subquery
print(await query.count()) # Output: 0
print(await query) # Output: []
Also the generated SQL looks strange:
"id" IN (SELECT "mymodel"."id" "id" FROM "mymodel" LEFT OUTER JOIN "property_mymodel" ON "mymodel"."id"="property_mymodel"."mymodel_id" LEFT OUTER JOIN "property" ON "property_mymodel"."property_id"="property"."id" WHERE "property"."id"=1)
"id" IN (SELECT "mymodel"."id" "id" FROM "mymodel" LEFT OUTER JOIN "property_mymodel" ON "mymodel"."id"="property_mymodel"."mymodel_id" LEFT OUTER JOIN "property" ON "property_mymodel"."property_id"="property"."id" WHERE "property"."id"=2)
The logic I am passing to the subquery is working fine:
print(await MyModel.filter(properties__id=1).values("id")) # Output: [{'id': 1}, {'id': 2}]
print(await MyModel.filter(properties__id=2).values("id")) # Output: [{'id': 2}]
What do you think about creating special filter functions for filtering relations?
Additionally to the need to filter for
I had to filter for Models that do have no relation at all. I've updated the implementation to the following:
from __future__ import annotations
from copy import copy
from typing import Any, Iterable, List, Literal, Type
from pypika import Criterion, Query, Table
from tortoise import Model
from tortoise.fields.relational import ManyToManyFieldInstance
from tortoise.queryset import QuerySet
class CriterionQuerySet(QuerySet):
__slots__ = QuerySet.__slots__ + ("_additional_and_criterions",)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._additional_and_criterions: List[Criterion] = []
def from_model(cls, model: Type[Model]) -> "CriterionQuerySet":
return cls(model)
def add_and_criterion(self, criterion: Criterion) -> None:
def _clone(self):
"""We need to copy all method because Tortoise use Specific class"""
# here can be queryset = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__)
queryset = CriterionQuerySet.__new__(CriterionQuerySet)
queryset.fields = self.fields
queryset.model = self.model
queryset.query = self.query
queryset.capabilities = self.capabilities
queryset._prefetch_map = copy(self._prefetch_map)
queryset._prefetch_queries = copy(self._prefetch_queries)
queryset._single = self._single
queryset._raise_does_not_exist = self._raise_does_not_exist
queryset._db = self._db
queryset._limit = self._limit
queryset._offset = self._offset
queryset._fields_for_select = self._fields_for_select
queryset._filter_kwargs = copy(self._filter_kwargs)
queryset._orderings = copy(self._orderings)
queryset._joined_tables = copy(self._joined_tables)
queryset._q_objects = copy(self._q_objects)
queryset._distinct = self._distinct
queryset._annotations = copy(self._annotations)
queryset._having = copy(self._having)
queryset._custom_filters = copy(self._custom_filters)
queryset._group_bys = copy(self._group_bys)
queryset._select_for_update = self._select_for_update
queryset._select_for_update_nowait = self._select_for_update_nowait
queryset._select_for_update_skip_locked = self._select_for_update_skip_locked
queryset._select_for_update_of = self._select_for_update_of
queryset._select_related = self._select_related
queryset._select_related_idx = self._select_related_idx
queryset._force_indexes = self._force_indexes
queryset._use_indexes = self._use_indexes
queryset._additional_and_criterions = self._additional_and_criterions
return queryset
def _make_query(self) -> None:
for criterion in self._additional_and_criterions:
self.query._wheres &= criterion
def _check_relations(self, field_name: str, pks: Iterable[Any], relation: Literal['isin', 'notin']):
meta = self.model._meta
pk_name = meta.pk_attr
base_table: Table = meta.basetable
# Dies enthält dann: base_table[pk_name].notin(q)
relation_fnc = getattr(base_table[pk_name], relation)
rel_field: ManyToManyFieldInstance = meta.fields_map[field_name]
except KeyError:
raise KeyError(f'Field {field_name} does not exist')
rel_table: Table = Table(rel_field.through)
fwd_key = rel_field.forward_key
model_key = rel_field.backward_key
for pk in pks:
if isinstance(pk, Model):
pk =
q = Query.from_(rel_table).select(rel_table[model_key]).where(rel_table[fwd_key] == pk)
def has_no_relations_with(self, field_name: str, pks: Iterable[Any]):
if not pks:
return self
self._check_relations(field_name, pks, 'notin')
return self
def has_relations_with(self, field_name: str, pks: Iterable[Any]):
if not pks:
return self
self._check_relations(field_name, pks, 'isin')
return self
def has_no_relations(self, field_name: str):
meta = self.model._meta
pk_name = meta.pk_attr
base_table: Table = meta.basetable
rel_field: ManyToManyFieldInstance = meta.fields_map[field_name]
except KeyError:
raise KeyError(f'Field {field_name} does not exist')
rel_table: Table = Table(rel_field.through)
model_key = rel_field.backward_key
q = base_table[pk_name].notin(Query.from_(rel_table).select(rel_table[model_key]).distinct())
return self
I think it would be really nice an intuitive if these options for filtering relations would be exposed through the ManyToManyField
and through the ManyToManyRelation
What do you think?
Current implementation
from __future__ import annotations
from copy import copy
from typing import Any, Iterable, List, Literal, Type
from pypika import Criterion, Query, Table
from tortoise import Model
from tortoise.fields.relational import ManyToManyFieldInstance
from tortoise.queryset import QuerySet
class CriterionQuerySet(QuerySet):
__slots__ = QuerySet.__slots__ + ("_additional_and_criterions",)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self._additional_and_criterions: List[Criterion] = []
def from_model(cls, model: Type[Model]) -> "CriterionQuerySet":
return cls(model)
def add_and_criterion(self, criterion: Criterion) -> None:
def _clone(self):
"""We need to copy all method because Tortoise use Specific class"""
# here can be queryset = self.__class__.__new__(self.__class__)
queryset = CriterionQuerySet.__new__(CriterionQuerySet)
queryset.fields = self.fields
queryset.model = self.model
queryset.query = self.query
queryset.capabilities = self.capabilities
queryset._prefetch_map = copy(self._prefetch_map)
queryset._prefetch_queries = copy(self._prefetch_queries)
queryset._single = self._single
queryset._raise_does_not_exist = self._raise_does_not_exist
queryset._db = self._db
queryset._limit = self._limit
queryset._offset = self._offset
queryset._fields_for_select = self._fields_for_select
queryset._filter_kwargs = copy(self._filter_kwargs)
queryset._orderings = copy(self._orderings)
queryset._joined_tables = copy(self._joined_tables)
queryset._q_objects = copy(self._q_objects)
queryset._distinct = self._distinct
queryset._annotations = copy(self._annotations)
queryset._having = copy(self._having)
queryset._custom_filters = copy(self._custom_filters)
queryset._group_bys = copy(self._group_bys)
queryset._select_for_update = self._select_for_update
queryset._select_for_update_nowait = self._select_for_update_nowait
queryset._select_for_update_skip_locked = self._select_for_update_skip_locked
queryset._select_for_update_of = self._select_for_update_of
queryset._select_related = self._select_related
queryset._select_related_idx = self._select_related_idx
queryset._force_indexes = self._force_indexes
queryset._use_indexes = self._use_indexes
queryset._additional_and_criterions = self._additional_and_criterions
return queryset
def _make_query(self) -> None:
for criterion in self._additional_and_criterions:
self.query._wheres &= criterion
def _check_relations(self, field_name: str, pks: Iterable[Any],
relation: Literal['isin', 'notin'], match: Literal['all', 'any'] = 'all'):
meta = self.model._meta
pk_name = meta.pk_attr
base_table: Table = meta.basetable
# Dies enthält dann: base_table[pk_name].notin(q)
relation_fnc = getattr(base_table[pk_name], relation)
rel_field: ManyToManyFieldInstance = meta.fields_map[field_name]
except KeyError:
raise KeyError(f'Field {field_name} does not exist')
rel_table: Table = Table(rel_field.through)
fwd_key = rel_field.forward_key
model_key = rel_field.backward_key
if match == 'all':
for pk in pks:
if isinstance(pk, Model):
pk =
q = Query.from_(rel_table).select(rel_table[model_key]).where(rel_table[fwd_key] == pk)
# match any
_pks = []
for pk in pks:
if isinstance(pk, Model):
pk =
q = Query.from_(rel_table).select(rel_table[model_key]).where(rel_table[fwd_key].isin(_pks))
def has_no_relations_with(self, field_name: str, pks: Iterable[Any]):
if not pks:
return self
self._check_relations(field_name, pks, 'notin')
return self
def has_no_relations_with_any(self, field_name: str, pks: Iterable[Any]):
if not pks:
return self
self._check_relations(field_name, pks, 'notin', 'any')
return self
def has_relations_with(self, field_name: str, pks: Iterable[Any]):
if not pks:
return self
self._check_relations(field_name, pks, 'isin')
return self
def has_relations_with_any(self, field_name: str, pks: Iterable[Any]):
if not pks:
return self
self._check_relations(field_name, pks, 'isin', 'any')
return self
def has_no_relations(self, field_name: str):
meta = self.model._meta
pk_name = meta.pk_attr
base_table: Table = meta.basetable
rel_field: ManyToManyFieldInstance = meta.fields_map[field_name]
except KeyError:
raise KeyError(f'Field {field_name} does not exist')
rel_table: Table = Table(rel_field.through)
model_key = rel_field.backward_key
q = base_table[pk_name].notin(Query.from_(rel_table).select(rel_table[model_key]).distinct())
return self
@long2ice The interface now is like this and I think it's quite nice.
query = CriterionQuerySet(MyModel)
query.has_no_relations_with('field_name', iterable[Model or pk])
query.has_no_relations_with_any('field_name', iterable[Model or pk])
query.has_relations_with('field_name', iterable[Model or pk])
query.has_relations_with_any('field_name', iterable[Model or pk])
Would you be interested in a pull request?
I am trying to find an model that has all relations from the filter query. It can have more relations, but it can't have less. Unfortunately it seems the Q relations do not work here. How would I express
id in m2m_relation