I would like to inform and request that please add testing with multiple database, as in my case, my application is using two database but I can only intialize and generate schema for one at a time, if I again call initializer function previous database will be overidden.
Can you elaborate further? Do you want to test with databases of different brands (e.g. Postgres and mysql) or with two separate databases of the same brand (e.g. Postgres and Postgres)?
I would like to inform and request that please add testing with multiple database, as in my case, my application is using two database but I can only intialize and generate schema for one at a time, if I again call initializer function previous database will be overidden.
initializer(["tests.testmodels"], db_url=db_url, app_label="models")
The thing is even if I call above function multiple times with different models of different database, it is getting override.
Please let me know the solution if already there