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[Documentation]: Azure Cognitive Search page headers shown in sidebar #32

Open torvalds-dev opened 7 months ago

torvalds-dev commented 7 months ago

Documentation Issue Description

Documentation Issue Description

The Azure Cognitive Search page headers appear in the sidebar (see attached). The same seems to be true for a couple of other Vector Store doc pages.

Documentation Link

torvalds-dev commented 7 months ago is analyzing the ticket

torvalds-dev[bot] commented 7 months ago is analyzing the ticket

torvalds-dev commented 7 months ago

The issue here is that the headers of the Azure Cognitive Search page are appearing in the sidebar of the documentation. This is likely due to the way the documentation is structured or the way the documentation generation tool (in this case, ReadTheDocs) is interpreting the structure.

Here's a plan to address this issue:

  1. First, we need to understand the structure of the documentation. The documentation is likely written in a markup language like Markdown or reStructuredText, and then converted into HTML by ReadTheDocs. The file that corresponds to the Azure Cognitive Search page is likely named something like CognitiveSearchIndexDemo.rst or

  2. Once we have identified the file, we need to examine its structure. The headers that are appearing in the sidebar are likely marked up as top-level headers in the file. In Markdown, this would be a line that starts with a single #, and in reStructuredText, this would be a line that is underlined with = characters.

  3. To fix the issue, we need to adjust the level of the headers. If a header is not meant to appear in the sidebar, it should not be a top-level header. In Markdown, we can make a header a second-level header by starting the line with ## instead of #, and in reStructuredText, we can use - characters for underlining instead of = characters.

  4. After adjusting the header levels, we need to regenerate the documentation and check if the issue is resolved. If not, we may need to adjust the header levels further, or there may be an issue with the way ReadTheDocs is configured to generate the documentation.

Relevant files to this issue are:

  1. CognitiveSearchIndexDemo.rst or - This is the file that corresponds to the Azure Cognitive Search page in the documentation. The issue is likely with the way this file is structured.

  2. - This is the configuration file for Sphinx, the tool that ReadTheDocs uses to generate the documentation. If adjusting the header levels does not resolve the issue, there may be a configuration option in this file that needs to be changed.

  3. index.rst or - This is the main file for the documentation. If the issue is not with the CognitiveSearchIndexDemo file or the file, there may be an issue with the way the main file is structured or the way it includes the CognitiveSearchIndexDemo file.

  4. - This is the Python file that contains the code for the Azure Cognitive Search vector store. The documentation for this code is likely included in the CognitiveSearchIndexDemo file, so this file may be relevant to the issue.