Closed maxi-89 closed 2 months ago
im trying to create a job with an schedule. `# "org" ensures this Service is used with the correct Serverless Framework Access Key. org: sanit
app: ssl-etl-glue
service: ssl-etl-glue-job useDotenv: true
provider: name: aws region: us-east-1 stackTags: product: datateam env: dev created-date: 2024-09-04 team: data customer-impact: false terraform: false
package: exclude:
Glue: bucketDeploy: ${env:s3_bucket} createBucket: true createBucketConfig: ACL: private LocationConstraint: us-east-1 jobs:
but it doesnt run
Hola @maxi-89 , llevo tiempo sin utilizar Glue ni AWS es por eso que este plugin puede estar algo desactualizado, si necesitas que te ayude con algo, puedes contactarme por Discord mi id es: t0ry4s
im trying to create a job with an schedule. `# "org" ensures this Service is used with the correct Serverless Framework Access Key. org: sanit
"app" enables Serverless Framework Dashboard features and sharing them with other Services.
app: ssl-etl-glue
"service" is the name of this project. This will also be added to your AWS resource names.
service: ssl-etl-glue-job useDotenv: true
provider: name: aws region: us-east-1 stackTags: product: datateam env: dev created-date: 2024-09-04 team: data customer-impact: false terraform: false
package: exclude:
Glue: bucketDeploy: ${env:s3_bucket} createBucket: true createBucketConfig: ACL: private LocationConstraint: us-east-1 jobs:
but it doesnt run