Closed michielbdejong closed 6 years ago
the list changed to:
# these will be created due to an import bug, see
rm src/points/G4iR5KH7WVw-2.json
rm src/points/G4iR5KH7WVw.json
rm src/points/T98obrJsjJA-2.json
rm src/points/legal-name-registration.json
rm src/points/pseudos-allowed.json
edit-tosdr-org::DATABASE=> select * from "points" where "oldId"='pseudos-allowed';
id | user_id | rank | title | source | status | analysis | rating | is_featured | created_at | updated_at | topic_id | service_id | quote | case_id | oldId | point_change
976 | 3 | 0 | Pseudonyms allowed | | declined | You do not have to provide your legal name (except for paid accounts for billing purposes) and you can use the service with a pseudonym. | 2 | f | 2018-01-16 15:28:12.118123 | 2018-03-05 09:19:53.273447 | 41 | 190 | | 215 | pseudos-allowed |
974 | 3 | 0 | Pseudonyms allowed | | approved | You do not have to provide your legal name (except for paid accounts for billing purposes) and you can use the service with a pseudonym. | 2 | f | 2018-01-16 15:28:12.058689 | 2018-01-16 15:28:12.058689 | 41 | 282 | | 215 | pseudos-allowed |
975 | 3 | 0 | Pseudonyms allowed | | approved | You do not have to provide your legal name (except for paid accounts for billing purposes) and you can use the service with a pseudonym. | 2 | f | 2018-01-16 15:28:12.085668 | 2018-01-16 15:28:12.085668 | 41 | 276 | | 215 | pseudos-allowed |
977 | 3 | 0 | Pseudonyms allowed | | approved | You do not have to provide your legal name (except for paid accounts for billing purposes) and you can use the service with a pseudonym. | 2 | f | 2018-01-16 15:28:12.160105 | 2018-01-16 15:28:12.160105 | 41 | 180 | | 215 | pseudos-allowed |
(4 rows)
edit-tosdr-org::DATABASE=> select "name","id" from services where "id" in (190, 282, 276, 180);
name | id
Steam | 180
Amazon | 190
500px | 282
SoundCloud | 276
(4 rows)
edit-tosdr-org::DATABASE=> update points set "oldId"='pseudos-allowed-steam' where "id"=977;
edit-tosdr-org::DATABASE=> update points set "oldId"='pseudos-allowed-soundcloud' where "id"=975;
edit-tosdr-org::DATABASE=> update points set "oldId"='pseudos-allowed-500px' where "id"=974;
edit-tosdr-org::DATABASE=> update points set "oldId"='pseudos-allowed-app-net' where "id"=976;
Same for legal-name-registration, and updated amazon-> and amazon->yahoo. Now:
edit-tosdr-org::DATABASE=> select "name","id" from services where "id" in (select distinct "service_id" from points where "oldId"='T98obrJsjJA-2');
name | id
phpBB | 169
RapidShare | 205
vBulletin | 215
Skype | 204
RuneScape | 199
Amazon | 190
Hypster | 283
eBuddy | 305
Wordfeud | 294
BearShare | 254
Zoosk | 266
Habbo | 292
Gravatar | 156
Evernote | 207
(14 rows)
id | service_id ------+------------ 1069 | 199 runescape 1061 | 204 skype 1062 | 266 zoosk 1063 | 305 ebuddy 1064 | 292 habbo 1065 | 207 evernote 1066 | 215 vbulletin 1067 | 205 rapidshare 1070 | 254 bearshare 1071 | 294 wordfeud 1073 | 169 phpbb 1068 | 156 ~gravatar~ <---- changing this one to world-of-warcraft, looks like import error. 1072 | 190 bit-ly 1074 | 190 videobb 1077 | 283 hypster 1075 | 190 wordpress-com 1076 | 190 olx 1078 | 190 xfire (18 rows)
../src/points/G4iR5KH7WVw-2-apple.json 584 ../src/points/G4iR5KH7WVw-2-at-t.json -> 590 ../src/points/G4iR5KH7WVw-2-comcast.json 586 ../src/points/G4iR5KH7WVw-2-delicious.json 587 ../src/points/G4iR5KH7WVw-2-duckduckgo.json 558 ../src/points/G4iR5KH7WVw-2-facebook.json 589 ../src/points/G4iR5KH7WVw-2-identi-ca.json -> 592 ../src/points/G4iR5KH7WVw-2-linkedin.json 591 ../src/points/G4iR5KH7WVw-2-microsoft.json -> 595 ../src/points/G4iR5KH7WVw-2-myspace.json 593 ../src/points/G4iR5KH7WVw-2-openstreetmap.json 594 ../src/points/G4iR5KH7WVw-2-seenthis.json -> 597 ../src/points/G4iR5KH7WVw-2-skype.json 596 ../src/points/G4iR5KH7WVw-2-sonic-net.json -> 598 ../src/points/G4iR5KH7WVw-2-verizon.json -> 600 ../src/points/G4iR5KH7WVw-2-wikipedia.json 599 ../src/points/G4iR5KH7WVw-2-wordpress-com.json -> 601 ../src/points/G4iR5KH7WVw-2-yahoo.json -> 585
edit-tosdr-org::DATABASE=> update points set "oldId"='G4iR5KH7WVw-2-duckduckgo' where "id"=588; UPDATE 1 edit-tosdr-org::DATABASE=> update points set "oldId"='G4iR5KH7WVw-2-comcast' where "id"=586; UPDATE 1 edit-tosdr-org::DATABASE=> update points set "oldId"='G4iR5KH7WVw-2-apple' where "id"=584; UPDATE 1 edit-tosdr-org::DATABASE=> update points set "oldId"='G4iR5KH7WVw-2-skype' where "id"=596; UPDATE 1 edit-tosdr-org::DATABASE=> update points set "oldId"='G4iR5KH7WVw-2-myspace' where "id"=593; UPDATE 1 edit-tosdr-org::DATABASE=> update points set "oldId"='G4iR5KH7WVw-2-linkedin' where "id"=591; UPDATE 1 edit-tosdr-org::DATABASE=> update points set "oldId"='G4iR5KH7WVw-2-facebook' where "id"=589; UPDATE 1 edit-tosdr-org::DATABASE=> update points set "oldId"='G4iR5KH7WVw-2-openstreetmap' where "id"=594; UPDATE 1 edit-tosdr-org::DATABASE=> update points set "oldId"='G4iR5KH7WVw-2-wikipedia' where "id"=599; UPDATE 1 edit-tosdr-org::DATABASE=> update points set "oldId"='G4iR5KH7WVw-2-delicious' where "id"=587; UPDATE 1 edit-tosdr-org::DATABASE=> update points set "oldId"='G4iR5KH7WVw-2-at-t', "service_id=181 where "id"=590; edit-tosdr-org::DATABASE"> edit-tosdr-org::DATABASE"> ^C edit-tosdr-org::DATABASE=> update points set "oldId"='G4iR5KH7WVw-2-at-t', "service_id"=181 where "id"=590; UPDATE 1 edit-tosdr-org::DATABASE=> update points set "oldId"='G4iR5KH7WVw-2-identi-ca', "service_id"=174 where "id"=592; UPDATE 1 edit-tosdr-org::DATABASE=> update points set "oldId"='G4iR5KH7WVw-2-microsoft', "service_id"=244 where "id"=595; UPDATE 1 edit-tosdr-org::DATABASE=> update points set "oldId"='G4iR5KH7WVw-2-seenthis', "service_id"=330 where "id"=597; UPDATE 1 edit-tosdr-org::DATABASE=> update points set "oldId"='G4iR5KH7WVw-2-sonic-net, "service_id"=286 where "id"=598; edit-tosdr-org::DATABASE'> ^C edit-tosdr-org::DATABASE=> update points set "oldId"='G4iR5KH7WVw-2-sonic-net", "service_id"=286 where "id"=598; edit-tosdr-org::DATABASE'> ^C edit-tosdr-org::DATABASE=> update points set "oldId"='G4iR5KH7WVw-2-sonic-net', "service_id"=286 where "id"=598; UPDATE 1 edit-tosdr-org::DATABASE=> update points set "oldId"='G4iR5KH7WVw-2-verizon', "service_id"=416 where "id"=600; UPDATE 1 edit-tosdr-org::DATABASE=> update points set "oldId"='G4iR5KH7WVw-2-wordpress-com', "service_id"=173 where "id"=601; UPDATE 1 edit-tosdr-org::DATABASE=> update points set "oldId"='G4iR5KH7WVw-2-yahoo', "service_id"=309 where "id"=585; UPDATE 1 edit-tosdr-org::DATABASE=>
edit-tosdr-org::DATABASE=> select "id", "service_id" from "points" where "oldId"='G4iR5KH7WVw';
id | service_id
813 | 230
812 | 217
811 | 190
808 | 270
809 | 278
810 | 251
807 | 190
814 | 267
815 | 195
(9 rows)
edit-tosdr-org::DATABASE=> select "name","id" from services where "id" in (select distinct "service_id" from points where "oldId"='G4iR5KH7WVw');
name | id
twitter | 195
PayPal | 230
Amazon | 190
Dropbox | 270
Foursquare | 251
Flattr | 278
SpiderOak | 267
Google | 217
(8 rows)
edit-tosdr-org::DATABASE=> update points set "oldId"='G4iR5KH7WVw-twitter' where "id"=815;
edit-tosdr-org::DATABASE=> update points set "oldId"='G4iR5KH7WVw-paypal' where "id"=813;
edit-tosdr-org::DATABASE=> update points set "oldId"='G4iR5KH7WVw-dropbox' where "id"=808;
edit-tosdr-org::DATABASE=> update points set "oldId"='G4iR5KH7WVw-foursquare' where "id"=810;
edit-tosdr-org::DATABASE=> update points set "oldId"='G4iR5KH7WVw-flattr' where "id"=809;
edit-tosdr-org::DATABASE=> update points set "oldId"='G4iR5KH7WVw-spideroak' where "id"=814;
edit-tosdr-org::DATABASE=> update points set "oldId"='G4iR5KH7WVw-google' where "id"=812;
edit-tosdr-org::DATABASE=> update points set "oldId"='G4iR5KH7WVw-joindiaspora-com', "service_id"=231 where "id"=811;
edit-tosdr-org::DATABASE=> update points set "oldId"='G4iR5KH7WVw-loopt', "service_id"=437 where "id"=807;
update points set "oldId"='T98obrJsjJA-2-world-of-warcraft', "service_id"=397 where "id"=1068;
update points set "oldId"='T98obrJsjJA-2-wordpress-com', "service_id"=173 where "id"=1075;
update points set "oldId"='T98obrJsjJA-2-xfire', "service_id"=343 where "id"=1078;
update points set "oldId"='T98obrJsjJA-2-videobb', "service_id"=342 where "id"=1074;
update points set "oldId"='T98obrJsjJA-2-olx', "service_id"=341 where "id"=1076;
update points set "oldId"='T98obrJsjJA-2-bit-ly', "service_id"=224 where "id"=1072;
update points set "oldId"='T98obrJsjJA-2-hypster' where "id"=1077;
update points set "oldId"='T98obrJsjJA-2-phpbb' where "id"=1073;
update points set "oldId"='T98obrJsjJA-2-wordfeud' where "id"=1071;
update points set "oldId"='T98obrJsjJA-2-bearshare' where "id"=1070;
update points set "oldId"='T98obrJsjJA-2-rapidshare' where "id"=1067;
update points set "oldId"='T98obrJsjJA-2-vbulletin' where "id"=1066;
update points set "oldId"='T98obrJsjJA-2-evernote' where "id"=1065;
update points set "oldId"='T98obrJsjJA-2-habbo' where "id"=1064;
update points set "oldId"='T98obrJsjJA-2-ebuddy' where "id"=1063;
update points set "oldId"='T98obrJsjJA-2-zoosk' where "id"=1062;
update points set "oldId"='T98obrJsjJA-2-skype' where "id"=1061;
update points set "oldId"='T98obrJsjJA-2-runescape' where "id"=1069;
the export instructions contain:
This is the ticket for fixing that :)