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👍👎 A new web app to rate services
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Thoughts about scalability #925

Closed michielbdejong closed 3 years ago

michielbdejong commented 4 years ago

How can we do 10 or 100 times more reviews than we do now?

See also for brainstorm about how to scale the tosback part of it.

michielbdejong commented 4 years ago

Maybe also automate that reviewers become curators, for instance if they have had 10 points approved by existing curators. If a spammer or hater were to slip through the net, we could manually downgrade them as well as the person who approved their bad points, or invent other loops for people to jump through if we feel it's necessary. Another option is to allow curators to explicitly vouch for others.

JustinBack commented 3 years ago

10 points seems a little low as its easy to get 10 points approved on the site in like 30 minutes to 1 hour? There should be more factors such as but not limited to:

Maybe let a bot post users who have reached that limit in a hidden staff thread on the forums that the user is ready to review. (Discourse does this as well to speak of with the trust levels)