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Backwards compatibility with yarn 1.x.x #722

Open saul-atomrigs opened 1 month ago

saul-atomrigs commented 1 month ago



I forked, cloned and ran yarn in the root workspace but I got this error:

Captura de pantalla 2024-10-17 a las 2 41 42 p  m


It turns out, yarn 1.x.x still requires to have "private": true field in the root package.json ( Indeed, I added it and successfully installed the dependencies.

Captura de pantalla 2024-10-17 a las 2 44 39 p  m


Can I open a pull request with this change? If there's another way, please let me know!

bang9 commented 1 month ago

This repository is using yarn@4.2.2.

Would you like to enable corepack and try again?

saul-atomrigs commented 1 month ago

Hello @bang9 , corepack enable works too, so we have at least two possible solutions! 3 observations to note:

I'm open to add these changes