tostercx / GTAO_Booster_PoC

Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
2.84k stars 180 forks source link

My issues are open #24

Closed QuickNET-Tech closed 3 years ago

QuickNET-Tech commented 3 years ago

Not sure how else to get ahold of you tostercx, so I'll just say it here I guess. My issues being closed wasn't your fault. Being a bit of a GitHub newb I forgot to open them on the fork. They're open now, thanks for bringing it to my attention. :D

tostercx commented 3 years ago

Ohh, my bad! Have my day job to do among other things and had no idea where to send everyone so I dumped them on you without asking. Assumed the worst ^^;

Gonna correct the readme.