tostercx / GTAO_Booster_PoC

Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License
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PC only? #9

Open broseph17 opened 3 years ago

broseph17 commented 3 years ago

Does this fix work only for PC? I have a console and idk if I can use this.

PDDStudio commented 3 years ago

You have to inject a .dll into your Steam version of the game, so yeah you can't use this on console

czkwg8 commented 3 years ago

You cant hook the program on console so the answer is yes

1337-537h commented 3 years ago

I have the rockstar launcher not via steam. Can i use this? Is it safe or the message for modified files will show up? (I dont want second time to get ban).

HallOfSame commented 3 years ago

2 has a link for a rockstar launcher version.

As to if it's safe, no guarantee. It seems unlikely you get banned for this over the kinds of things people do with mods but you never know.