totajuliusd / topr

topr is a collection of plotting functions for visualizing and exploring genetic association results. Association results from multiple phenotypes can be viewed simultaneously, over the entire genome (Manhattan plot) or in the more detailed regional view.
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Multiple line thresholds on one manhattan plot #53

Closed hlnicholls closed 7 months ago

hlnicholls commented 7 months ago

Hi, thank you again for your help with my previous issue (and sorry I'm back already with another question!)

Is it possible in the manhattan() function to have multiple dotted line threshold on one manhattan plot? E.g. on line for 5x10-8 and one for something like 1x10-5?

totajuliusd commented 7 months ago

Hi and please ask away - always happy to help if I can.

And yes, you can have as many lines as you like by doing for example:

manhattan(CD_UKBB, sign_thresh=c(1e-8,1e-10), sign_thresh_color=c("red","orange"))

hlnicholls commented 7 months ago

Thank you very much, this has worked! Thank you for all of your help.