totalimmersion / com.somfy.tahoma

Somfy TaHoma app for Homey
GNU General Public License v3.0
10 stars 16 forks source link

Somfy Izymo Shutter Receiver io #82

Open albertomlor opened 4 years ago

albertomlor commented 4 years ago

I have some non smart roller shutter motors integrated into the tahoma box with the Somfy Izymo Shutter Receiver io micromodule. However, the homey tahoma app does not recognize those roller shutters with receiver module. Can someone integrate this?

Here is the code: { "creationTime":1587992362000, "lastUpdateTime":1587992362000, "label":"MODULE SHUTTER", "deviceURL":"", "shortcut":false, "controllableName":"io:MicroModuleRollerShutterSomfyIOComponent", "definition":{ "commands":[ { "commandName":"close", "nparams":0 }, { "commandName":"delayedStopIdentify", "nparams":1 }, { "commandName":"down", "nparams":0 }, { "commandName":"getName", "nparams":0 }, { "commandName":"identify", "nparams":0 }, { "commandName":"my", "nparams":0 }, { "commandName":"open", "nparams":0 }, { "commandName":"refreshMemorized1Position", "nparams":0 }, { "commandName":"setClosure", "nparams":1 }, { "commandName":"setDeployment", "nparams":1 }, { "commandName":"setMemorized1Position", "nparams":1 }, { "commandName":"setName", "nparams":1 }, { "commandName":"setPosition", "nparams":1 }, { "commandName":"setSecuredPosition", "nparams":1 }, { "commandName":"startIdentify", "nparams":0 }, { "commandName":"stop", "nparams":0 }, { "commandName":"stopIdentify", "nparams":0 }, { "commandName":"up", "nparams":0 }, { "commandName":"wink", "nparams":1 } ], "states":[ { "type":"ContinuousState", "qualifiedName":"core:ClosureState" }, { "type":"ContinuousState", "qualifiedName":"core:Memorized1PositionState" }, { "type":"DataState", "qualifiedName":"core:NameState" }, { "values":[ "closed", "open" ], "type":"DiscreteState", "qualifiedName":"core:OpenClosedState" }, { "type":"ContinuousState", "qualifiedName":"core:PriorityLockTimerState" }, { "type":"ContinuousState", "qualifiedName":"core:RSSILevelState" }, { "type":"ContinuousState", "qualifiedName":"core:SecuredPositionState" }, { "values":[ "available", "unavailable" ], "type":"DiscreteState", "qualifiedName":"core:StatusState" }, { "type":"DataState", "qualifiedName":"io:PairedMicroModuleWithLowBatteryState" }, { "values":[ "comfortLevel1", "comfortLevel2", "comfortLevel3", "comfortLevel4", "environmentProtection", "humanProtection", "userLevel1", "userLevel2" ], "type":"DiscreteState", "qualifiedName":"io:PriorityLockLevelState" }, { "values":[ "LSC", "SAAC", "SFC", "UPS", "externalGateway", "localUser", "myself", "rain", "security", "temperature", "timer", "user", "wind" ], "type":"DiscreteState", "qualifiedName":"io:PriorityLockOriginatorState" } ], "dataProperties":[ { "value":"500", "qualifiedName":"core:identifyInterval" } ], "widgetName":"PositionableRollerShutter", "uiClass":"RollerShutter", "qualifiedName":"io:MicroModuleRollerShutterSomfyIOComponent", "type":"ACTUATOR" }, "states":[ { "name":"core:NameState", "type":3, "value":"MODULE SHUTTER" }, { "name":"core:PriorityLockTimerState", "type":1, "value":0 }, { "name":"core:StatusState", "type":3, "value":"unavailable" }, { "name":"core:RSSILevelState", "type":2, "value":100.0 }, { "name":"core:ClosureState", "type":1, "value":50 }, { "name":"core:OpenClosedState", "type":3, "value":"open" } ], "attributes":[

greenwell72 commented 4 years ago

Hi, I also use these moudules cannot integrate them into Homey using this app. I would also really like the functionality to included.

jorisdebruin2 commented 4 months ago

Hello Is there any news on this topic I also want to be able to control them in HomeKit, thanks